The Borgia's- Natalia Borgia

By TashaAmy1803

18.1K 387 5

Whether by blood or marriage I am now a Borgia. My Life has come far from being rescued by my angel and betro... More

Natalia Borgia - Chapter Two
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Three
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Four
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Five
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Six
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Seven
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Eight
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Nine
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Ten
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Eleven
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Twelve
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Thirteen
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Fourteen
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Fifteen
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Sixteen
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Seventeen
Natalia Borgia - Chapter Eighteen - The End

Natalia Borgia - Chapter One

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By TashaAmy1803



It was in a split second of arriving and seeing the pope choking on his spiked drink with a dead taster on the floor before we all flitted into action. Giulia cleared the food table and Vanozza covered the dead body. A physician was summoned and Cesare helped move his father onto the now cleared table.

"Make way, make way, Make way" the physician arrived

"Cantarella. What can you do?" I gasped and looked at Lucrezia who nodded. This we could help with. I was more experienced that her but she has only began reading books that I read in my spare time. She grabbed a jug and dampened the fire while I collected the charcoal.

"Nothing. His soul is already departing this world"

"His soul does not depart until I give it leave!" Cesare stated annoyed

"There is nothing, no remedy, no antidote there is nothing to cure such a case ." I shook my head grinding up the coal

"No, there is. There is something." I said

"Charcoal. But we have only ever read of it, never seen it done." Lucrezia  added

"I need water, water" I looked at Vanozza

"I'll open his mouth" Lucrezia went to do what she said while  Vanozza poured water into the dish i had. I  stumbled toward the dying pope.

"Get this down" I scooped some up and put it in his mouth. "Lucrezia, Help me" I handed her the dish. Together we forced it down. I then looked at the physician

"We must force it down until he can bare no more. And if he vomits, force more. You understand me?"

"This is witchcraft." he shook his head and Lucrezia grabbed a knife  holding it to him.

"This is physic!"

"Get to it!" I ordered

"Do what she says. Every detail." Cesare states "And if soul departs, I shall ensure it does not do so alone. Lucrezia stepped to one side with her mother while I continued

"Get it down" the Physician slowly forces a tube down his throat with a funnel and an made more charcoal mixture. Vanozza comforted her daughter while i did my everything to help save the pope. Soon the physician pulled the tube out and I sighed.

"There is nothing I know more to do" I stood back

"Well we cannot leave him here. Come" Vice Chancellor Sforza  said and ordered that His Holiness be carried to his chambers .

"Natalia" Lucrezia turned me around. "Thank you, thank you for trying" she hugged me.

"You helped. I did not read those books on my own."

"But still"

"I will not take credit. He is my betrothed father and my daughters grandfather. I may not be married to a Borgia but I think of him and you all a family to me. It would not be right if i stood by and did nothing." Vanozza and Giulia also hugged me and we watched and followed as the Holy Father was taken to his chambers. Lucrezia held is hand and he was moved.

Once we reached his chambers he was made comfortable and the four of us women all stood in a group.

"The life has not left him yet, Eminence" I looked back and was shocked to see the first man in the room was that of Cardinal Della Rovere . He bowed his head as if to pray. I stood next to Vanozza.

"You do know that upon Cesare's return he will try to kill him." I whispered "We all know he is behind this."

"Then we must stop him from doing so."  I did not need to wait long for Cesare to return. I looked up.

"Cesare" Vanozza and I stood his eyes did not meet us, But Cardinal Della Rovere.

"You!" he took out his blade.

"Cesare, your blade, put down your blade" Vanozza attempted to stop him which she did. I place my hands delicately on his arms which still held his blade up.

"Cesare. This disturbance may tip the balance." he looked down at me vengeance and anger still in his eyes. I decided it would be best if he wasn't here at the moment and I took him out of the room. He soon got the idea and was string out not letting go of my hand.

"Cesare, please! Now think!" Vanozza called as she followed us with Lucrezia. I stopped and pulled him back.

"Of what" he asked his mother.

"Of what happens next. Of what becomes of us if he dies. You, Natalia, Me , Lucrezia. Do you think we have made friends here? Do you think we can turn to our allies? Where are these allies, Cesare? Who are our friends? I am not pope, neither are you. If we do not have him what becomes of us?"

"Will he die?" he asked me

"It hangs in the balance" I answered

"Then we must wait to see which way the balance falls. Meanwhile look to me for your safety" He took me away and I was greeted by a crying Amara.

"She is restless" My nurse maid stated and Cesare took her while I washed my hands.

"Thank you, we will take her for the evening" she curtsied and left.

"Cesare" he turned to look at me

"I forgot to thank you for what you did this evening"

"It was not a chore to do so" I sat him down. "My love if what I and Lucrezia done works this is still the beginning. This attempt could be the start of things."

"What do you mean"

"I am the unspoken Borgia. With all of you this family has made many enemies, this could be just the start"

"If that is so, then I will handle it. But for now you will rest."

"We will both rest." I countered "I may not be your wife yet but am as good as. I will not sleep if you do not do the same. You need your strength, for what may yet come." We settle down Amara and changed for bed and some needed sleep.


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