Leave Me Alone { n.s. }

By coffeestainss

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Nathan Sykes. He's just your average student at White Chapel High, right? Wrong! Thing is, he's a bloodsuckin... More

Chapter 1 - The New Guy
Chapter 2 - Detention
Chapter 3 - I'm Max, By The Way
Chapter 4 - Friendship Is In Order
Chapter 5 - Anything Is Possible
Chapter 6 - What Are You Doing Here?
Chapter 7 - You Don't Even Know Him
Chapter 8 - Carnival
Chapter 9 - Different
Chapter 10 - The Incident
Chapter 11 - Matchmakers
Chapter 12 - Surprise
Chapter 13 - Soulmate?
Chapter 14 - Sick Day
Chapter 15 - Lovely
Chapter 16 - Winter Dance
Chapter 17 - Can I Trust You?
Chapter 18 - Will You...
Chapter 19 - Demons In My Head
Chapter 20 - Siva The Diva
Chapter 21 - Two Nathans?
Chapter 22 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 23 - Is He Hiding Something?
Chapter 24 - I Have Something To Tell You
Chapter 25 - I Am a Vampire
Chapter 26 - Panic Attack
Chapter 27 - Blood For The First Time
Chapter 28 - Selfish
Chapter 29 - Nothing To Me
Chapter 30 - Resist
Chapter 32 - Control
Chapter 33 - Something Isn't Right
Chapter 34 - He's Back

Chapter 31 - Arguments

484 27 3
By coffeestainss

Skye's POV

The knock on the front door was what woke me up.

I opened my eyes and I looked under the cover. Nathan and I were completely naked! He, was actually passed out to my right in a slumber.

The knock on the door wouldn't subside. It actually got louder. 

I made myself look decent and put some clothes on so I could go downstairs. I threw on a random shirt and some leggings. It was all I could find on short notice.

When I did open the door, I nearly fainted when I saw who it was.


"Siva." I said with a straight face once I composed myself on the inside.

"Skye, please let me come in." He said. He actually looked like he'd been crying. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy.

"Have you been crying?" I asked.

"No," He sniffled. I could tell that he was lying. It was evident on his face.

"Well, come in, I guess." I shrugged. I stepped aside to let him in. What was I doing?

I sat down on the couch and he sat beside me.

For a moment, silence engulfed us. I kept thinking about how Nathan could come down at any moment and see Siva and probably go ballistic. I only prayed that he wouldn't come down and would just stay asleep.

I realized that it was dark outside. It was almost eight. How long had we been sleeping?

"Why are you here?" I said, breaking the silence and taking myself out of my thoughts.

"We need to talk about some things." Siva said;

"What's there to talk about anymore?" I sighed.

"I need to apologize."

"For the umpteenth time for something you aren't even really sorry about? I'd save my breath Seev." I scoffed.

"Just listen," He pleaded.

I stared at him, waiting for his explanation. I looked up the stairs, wondering if Nathan was awake yet. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking up there along with me.

"Nothing," I muttered, "Just...hurry."

For a second, he looked like he wanted to question me, but kept his mouth shut about it anyway.

"I'm sorry for not caring about your feelings. I should have taken yours into consideration and I didn't in the least bit."

"Why didn't you?"

"I don't even really know," He chuckled lightly, "Jealousy maybe."

"Jealousy." I repeated it. 

"I lost sight of what mattered."

For a moment, I just looked at him. He looked like he was actually sorry for once. 

"But, I'm not sorry for what I said about Nathan." 

I did a double-take. For a second, I was actually shocked. He said bluntly that he wasn't sorry about what he said about Nathan.

"You're not sorry?"

He shook his head. "I meant everything that I said about him, to." 

My expression hardened. "Really."

"Yeah," He nodded.

"You know," I chuckled, "You could have just lied and said that you didn't."

"I can't lie to you."

"But you can talk bad about someone I love to my face and behind my back." 

"I am only sorry about not caring for your feelings like I should have. I'm not sorry about much else." He said.

"Well, if you're not sorry about what you said, why don't you tell me what you said about me to my face?" I heard a voice.

I looked up and there Nathan was, at the foot of the steps with a smirk on his face and his hair messed up.

I looked at him, then at Siva.

"You didn't tell me he was here," Siva looked at me.

"That's because he was sleeping." I glared at Nathan.

"Is that why you told me to hurry?"

I ignored his question, and hoped he'd just drop it.

"How long have you been standing there?" Siva turned towards Nathan.

"Oh, the whole time actually. I heard pretty much everything you said."


"Yeah. And now that i'm here, why don't you say whatever you said behind my back to me right now?" He came over to Siva and got in his face.

"Nathan, don't." I said and tried to grab his arm.

"No, no. Let him say what he has to say. I'm sure it's so right."

I could tell that Siva was getting annoyed quickly. The look on his face gave it away.

"What's the matter? Afraid?" Nathan smirked. He knew he was intimidating Siva. He was getting to him - and he was enjoying it.  

"Of you? Please." Siva scoffed.

"Then tell me what you've said behind my back since you're such a good judge of character." 

"Fine. Wanna know what I said? I said that you were no good. That you were a bastard, and that you stole Skye from me as a friend. She's changed completely because of you," Siva looked him up and down.

Nathan laughed. "You honestly think it's because of me? Let's recall for a minute, Siva. Who was the one being so overprotective of her? Who was the one who just couldn't keep their mouth shut about someone who you don't even know all that well? Who was the one who called me such bad names? And who was the one who didn't care about Skye's feelings? Who, Siva? Who?"

This was shocking to both Siva and me. Everything Nathan just said, Siva is wrong of doing. He knew it. 

Siva looked baffled. "You told him I did those things!?" He turned on me.

"I only told him because he was there for me! What was I supposed to do?!"

"Um, not tell him! Try that! Because what goes on between you and me is none of his business!"

"Maybe so, but she told me anyway." Nathan interjected.

"Nevertheless, I'm not clueless about anything! You stole my best friend from me and you're no good for her! It doesn't take rocket science!" He yelled.

"That's your problem, Siva." Nathan chuckled. "You don't listen, and you don't care."

"Oh, I don't care?"

"No! Not about anyone! Only yourself. You don't care about me, and you don't care about Skye."

That seemed to be it for Siva, because he grabbed Nathan and held him against the wall.

"Shut up!" Siva yelled in his face.

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little truth?"

I marched over to them and tried to break them apart. 

"Both of you, quit fighting right now!" I exclaimed, speaking for the first time in a while.

Neither one of them seemed to hear me, so I ripped Siva off of Nathan.

I was furious with the both of them. Siva was once again being a dick, and I was seeing a side of Nathan that I hadn't seen before. I didn't like it at all.

I looked at Nathan and his eyes were changed. Only him and I noticed it, though.

This is what he gets. I heard Nathan's voice.

Stop terrorizing him right now.

I wouldn't call it terrorizing...

"Is that all you said about me? Or are you going to enlighten me with even more bullshit?"

Now that's terrorizing.

"I'd kill you right now," Siva muttered.

"Oh sure. You're bluffing. And what good would that do you? Skye would never let you anyway." 

I was beginning to get extremely pissed. Not just at Siva, either. Nathan to.

"Okay just stop!!" I screamed.

That's when everything froze. Siva and Nathan both turned to me in astonishment.

My eyes were probably changed by now as well. But I could care less.

"Stop antagonizing each other." I said through gritted teeth.

"Each other? Who's the one being pent up against the wall right now?" Nathan said, meaning himself. I was actually starting to hate his attitude. At first, I chould deal with it, but now he's just taunting the shit out of Siva.

"Don't act all innocent. You sized me up." Siva snarled and tightened his grip on Nathan's neck.

Siva wasn't even being a dick until Nathan came down the stairs. He was completely fine.

Nathan looked at me and his expression softened. I think my anger was starting to show on my face. And he could tell that some of it was directed towards him.

I couldn't stand the two of them right now.

I stormed out of the house and walked away from it. I just needed to blow off some steam and breathe.


Nathan's POV

"Good going, Siva. You made her run away, again." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself." He said angrily, "She's mad at you to." 

He released his grip on me and I sat down on the couch.

"Who's she more mad at?" I smirked.

"My money's actually on you." He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

I chuckled and tried to talk to Skye using our mind link. Now that I think about it, she did look mad at me.

I just couldn't help it. Taunting Siva and making fun of him, making him mad, for some reason felt good. And after all he did and said? Who can blame me? Skye can, I guess. That was her best friend.


What the hell is wrong with you!

Whoa. Just calm down. 

Calm down? Calm down?!

Where did you go?

I went to calm myself down from you guys. 

I wanted to make sure you didn't run off halfway across the city again.

Chill out. I'm fine. Just a few city blocks over. And you never answered my question.

What was the question?

What the hell is wrong with you!?

I was only having a little fun. It's fun to fuck with humans.

You were antagonizing the hell out of him and it was making him really angry. Frankly, your cocky attitude wasn't sitting right with me either.

To you, I apologize. But I'm not apologizing to him.

I never said you had to.

I sighed and looked up at Siva. He still had the look of anger on his face. I couldn't help but snicker.

"What the hell is so fucking funny!" He exclaimed.

"You," I said.

"That's it," He muttered.

He marched over to me and threw a punch! He went straight for my face and got me in the nose. The pain only lasted for a few seconds. Although I think he broke it.

I chuckled as I felt my nose. I shot up and punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground. He grabbed me by the legs and pulled me to the ground.

He threw me down and kicked me repeatedly in the ribs and in the shoulder.

I got up and pushed him by his shoulders into the kitchen. He landed into counter behind him. We could hear silverware move and clatter.

Then, without warning, I elbowed him in the back and kicked him in the chest.

It gave me enough time to regain my own breath from the blow he gave me to the ribs before he came back up.

He went for another punch to the face and this time, got me in the lip! That actually hurt and I knew it would leave a mark. 

Now I was through with the games.

Just as I was about to go for the eye, I heard the front door open. I looked up and saw Skye, with a shocked expression. 

"Boys!" She ran using her speed and broke us apart. She threw me to one end of the couch and threw Siva to the other end. I landed on my shoulder and cried out in pain - that was the shoulder he kept kicking.

"Now explain to me right now why you both have bad bruises and scratches on your bodies?!" She exclaimed.

"Go ahead, Siva." I spat. "Tell her."

"Somebody better explain to me!" She exclaimed.

"He," Siva pointed at me once he sat up, "He wouldn't stop making fun of me. So I threw a punch."

"You idiot." She muttered and rolled her eyes. It wasn't clear as to who she said that to, but I had a feeling it was towards me.

"So you both basically tried to murder each other while I was gone." She said.

"He tried to murder me. I think I can call myself the innocent one in this." I smirked.

You can't call yourself a damn thing. I heard her voice in my head. I was taken aback a little. She sounded so angry.

Alright, Nathan. You may have gone a little too far. I thought to myself.

He's not the only one with bruises on his fucking body. Remember that. I thought, to her. I sounded just as mad. I was mad at Siva for doing what he did and saying the things he said, and this is the way I get my revenge. By fucking with him.

"I don't even know what to do with the two of you." She sighed.

"I'm going home." Siva said and stood. I smirked at his cowardice. I could practically feel his emotions radiating off of him.

It didn't seem like anything Skye was going to say would make him stay - after the ordeal that's happened today, he probably has more hate for me way more than he walked in here with.

So she just let him go.

"We'll talk later. When he isn't around." Siva said as she showed him out. He turned back and cut one more glare at me before disappearing out of the door. 

Once Skye closed the door, all was silent.

"I can barely look at you right now."

"Why. Because I told the truth?" I scoffed.

"No! Because you practically antagonized him! You kept taunting him!"

"Well, newsflash, he wasn't exactly being the nicest of people on his side either!" I exclaimed.

I looked at myself and the bruises Siva managed to leave on my body. I had a busted lip, somehow managed to have a black eye, a broken nose although it didn't hurt, and a bruised shoulder.

"What is wrong with you?" She looked at me.

"What's wrong with me?! With me?! Do I need to remind you that he threw the first punch?! I simply defended myself!"

"He threw the first punch after you kept making a fool of him! And do I need to remind you that you're stronger than him? You could kill him with a snap of the neck." She said.

"Well he's gone, isn't he." I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks to you." She said and sped up the stairs.

Skye's POV

I ran into my room and slammed the door.

What has gotten into him?

It's like his whole personality changed as soon as he saw Siva! And I can be the first to say that I hated it!

He was acting so mean, I actually felt sorry for Siva. I knew Siva was wrong, but Nathan was even more wrong for doing that.

I heard my bedroom door being knocked on, lightly.

"Skye?" I heard Nathan's voice behind it.

"What." I said from my bed.

"Please let me in," He said.

"Why should I?"

"Well," He paused for a moment, "Because you love me?"

I decided to play with him. "That's debatable."

His side of the door went silent and I knew I'd hit a nerve.

"I'm only kidding," I called, "Get your ass in here."

My door slowly opened and he came in with a half-smile on his face.

"Sit." I gestured to the bed.

He seemed confused but still sat down. 

I told him to sit because he did look a little bruised up. His lip was busted and he had scratches on his neck and his shoulder looked bad to.

I went to grab a rag and rubbing alcohol to clean him up.

"Shirt off." I ordered, so his shirt wouldn't smell of alcohol when I was done. He took it off and I cleaned up the scratches on his neck.

He hissed at the pain. "Man up, dammit. You're a vampire." I muttered as I wiped them. 

"I may be a vampire, but that shit still hurts like hell." He said.

After I got done with the scratches, I tended to his lip next. "Poke out your lip." 

He did so and I wiped the dried blood off of it. After that, he only had injuries that you could feel, not see. 

"You know, you could have just licked the dried blood off of my lip." He smirked at me as I walked back to the bathroom.

"I don't think you're in the position to make sexual remarks." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow through the mirror.

"I'm sorry for what I did down there." He stood up and came over to me.

"You were a dick." I said.

"I honestly don't know what came over me. I just snapped. Without all the anger." He shrugged.

"Is that how you wanted to get your revenge?"

"Revenge. Yeah. A way to put it." He said and winked.

"You just love fucking with humans, don't you."

"I consider it a guilty pleasure." He agreed.

"You should probably go home," I said as I stepped out of the bathroom, "We have school tomorrow."

He nodded and kissed me goodbye before leaving.

When he left, all was quiet. I cleaned up downstairs before trudging up to my room.

I heard my mum come in and go into her room as I was getting my clothes together for the day tomorrow.

I realized that I should have been eternally grateful that she didn't walk in on Siva and Nathan fighting.

I grabbed my phone and composed a message to Alex.

Me - Siva and Nathan fought

Alex - They did what?

Me - They fought. It was ugly

Alex - How did this happen?

Me - Well, Siva came to my house to explain himself...

Alex - And?

Me - Then Nathan came down the stairs and they fought..first it was just words. Then it turned into fist fighting

Alex - Are they alright?

Me - They're both fine, but i'm a bit upset with Nathan

Alex - Why's that

Me - You should have seen the way he was being towards Siva. I swear it made me feel sympathetic towards him

Alex - Tell me more tomorrow at lunch.

I sighed and put my phone down. I didn't know how to feel.

I was angry with Siva for once again calling Nathan everything that he did, but now I'm angry with Nathan.

He was really mean to Siva. Meaner than I thought. Just because he's mad, doesn't make it okay for him to act so mean and heartless.

I'm more mad at Siva than Nathan is, and Nathan went ballistic today.

I can only pray that tomorrow will be some sort of normal.


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