Summer Lovers

By xMandeeMariex

400 8 8

Katelyn doesn't believe that love is realistic and thinks that it never lasts. Her best friend Charlotte beli... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Summer Lovers

163 3 1
By xMandeeMariex

A/N: i have no idea how but the entire ending of the first chapter of the story got completely erased. I'm going to create a better ending later on but it was erased in the middle of a sentence and I just had to put something together quickly. Sorry!

Picture of Katelyn on the side --->>

Chapter 1

I had always thought that being in love was overrated... Not to mention unrealistic. Of course my best friend Charlotte thought the exact opposite. "It's true love, Katelyn! We're meant to be!" she said to me.

I rolled my eyes. I had never met Jason before but I knew that, as always, Charlotte was exaggerating. "That's what you said about your last two boyfriends, Char," I said impatiently. "Besides, you're going to be away on vacation in Europe all summer, are you sure you and Jason will be able to survive as a long distance couple?"

"True love lasts 'till death do us part," Charlotte quoted dreamily. "Besides, like you said, it's only for the summer. I'm sure that once I tell Jason, he'll be totally fine with waiting to see me until I get back." I gave her a doubtful look as I started flipping through my magazine.

"Don't give me that look, Kate!" Charlotte said sternly. "Jason is a true gentleman and is not going to break up with me or jump some other girl over the summer just because I'm not around." I just nodded absentmindedly, thumbing through the pages of Seventeen. I could practically see the steam coming out of Charlotte's ears, but she dropped it and moved on to (what she thought was) a much more interesting topic.

"So speaking of boyfriends, we need to find a guy special enough to go out with you! What's your type? Blonde, skinny, jock, nerdy, tall, short..." Charlotte continued to rattle off a bunch of descriptions but I tuned her out. Then, I let out a piercing shriek.

Dripping down my legs was now a gooey purple liquid, and towering over me was Charlotte with a satisfied smirk on her face, holding her now-empty smoothie cup in front of me. "Maybe next time you'll actually listen when I try to help you find true love," she said self-satisfied, tossing her honey-blonde hair over her shoulder.

I wanted to laugh, but I knew that would only encourage her. "I'm going to KILL you!" I shrieked, causing other people in the picnic area of "Snazzy Smoothie" to glare at us. Charlotte just laughed.

"Try and catch me!" she retorted, knowing that she was a much faster runner than I was. Not to mention the fact that I still had smoothie dripping down my shorts and quickly making its way down to my feet. Of course, I couldn't let that stop me, I had to teach my dear friend a lesson.

We raced around the parking lot of the Snazzy Smoothie, laughing and screeching like little kids. My face was turning bright red as I continued racing down the parking lot to catch up with Charlotte.

"I'm going to catch you!" I shouted childishly, spreading my smoothie covered arms out as if to give her a huge hug. I was so focused on Charlotte though, that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and suddenly bumped into somebody, with a loud, "UMPH!"

My eyes widened and my cheeks burned. The boy looked around seventeen, my age, and shook his head. He smiled after the initial shock of me crashing into him. "Well, I think you caught me," he said with a joking grin. I gasped quietly and stuttered. Not only had I ran into a boy, I had run into a cute boy!

"Omigosh! I am so soooo sorry! I mean- I didn't- uhh.... I'm sorry," I finished lamely. The boy smiled.

"Hey, no problem," he said. "I wish cute girls like you would run into me more often." I blushed. As I opened my mouth to say something hopefully more cute, Charlotte raced over and gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.

I stared, astonished. Char wasnt the kind of girl to usually just run up to random, granted HOT, strangers and just kiss them, and besides she had a boyfriend. I gave her a questioning look.

"Why are your clothes all sticky, boo-bearr?" She asked the boy and he rolled his eyes at the nickname.then she turned to me. "Oh! Katey-kinz, this is JASON!" My mouth fell open as Charlotte continued to giggle and flirt with him and he payed her little attention.

"It was nice seeing you Baby but I've got to take Katey home and get her cleaned up. She's soooooo messy," she tittered as if I was a child that didn't know better. I glared at her and felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I realized Jason was staring at me with intense blue eyes.

Charlotte raced off to the car and shouted for me to follow her but my feet felt glued to the ground. "I'll see you around hopefully?" Jason asked, seeming much more focused on me than he had on Charlotte.

"Umm." My mouth was dry and my brain wasn't working, which I blamed on the impossibly hot June weather.

"We'll, I've got to go. Work," he gestured toward the smoothie place directly behind us. "And I've gotta get cleaned up." I blushed again. Charlotte let out a long, never ending honk of the horn, signaling for me to hurry up and my body started to remember how to move.

"Bye, Katey-kinz," he said, winking at me and I felt him give me a final once-over before turning to go.

My heart was racing and all i was thinking as I walked back to the Charlotte's car was Oh shit.

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