Endings and Beginnings

donmaryfan tarafından

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As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 81

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donmaryfan tarafından

Don and Meryl were sitting in the kitchen with Jane and Brad eating dinner as the babies were sleeping in the room they were all staying in down the hallway. The flight was uneventful and now they were at the lake house. While the babies were sleeping, and Brad and Jane were busy, Meryl told Don where things were knowing that he didn't remember. Don smiled at his parents. "Thanks for letting us stay here, Mom and Dad. I know it will make things easier on Meryl."

"And on Don." Meryl pointed out with a smile. "We appreciate the help; I know the babies can be a little bit of a handful."

Brad laughed at his daughter-in-law. "They're wonderful."

"They are really good babies." Jane said.

Don nodded as he winked at his wife. "They really are great babies; much easier than our others were."

"Maybe we're just seasoned pros." Meryl laughed as she heard Mags crying. "On the other hand, maybe they're proving us wrong."

Don grabbed his crutches as he gently pushed his wife back down. "You sit and eat; I'll go check on them and will let you know if Daddy won't cut it."

"I don't mind, babe." Meryl said; worried about him. "You can visit with your parents."

Don kissed her lips as he shook his head. "I like taking care of them."

"Don." Jane laughed as she saw her son walk out of the kitchen and started to go in the wrong kitchen. "Not that way. It's like you've never been here before. You can navigate the New York subway system but you can't find your way through your parents' house? That's sad."

Meryl's heart sunk when she saw the look on his face. "Darl?"

"Go to the left, baby; and it's the third room on the right. I'll be right there." Meryl knew why he was confused; he didn't remember coming there those times before and he had brain swelling still. Things had gone so well with her mother-in-law and then this. "Jane! I can't believe how you spoke to him!"

Jane looked at Brad. "What did I do?"

"We talked about this." Brad was frustrated as well. "He doesn't remember this house."

Meryl shook her head as she got up. "He still has confusion. He has BRAIN TRAUMA, Jane. He is trying SO HARD to regain his memories; and when he doesn't he beats himself up. He has guilt of not remembering the last 10 months and the first weeks of the babies' lives; so when he tries to take care of them you make him feel like shit. We are just so damn lucky he is still with us."

"Meryl." Jane choked as she turned to Brad once Meryl walked out. "I thought things were better with her."

Brad couldn't blame Meryl for reacting like she did. "They are; but she is Don's biggest protector, and I'm thankful for that."

"Me too." Jane acknowledged. "I forgot that he didn't remember."

Brad nodded. "I know, dear; but think about where they are coming from. Meryl is 4 weeks postpartum with twins. She's had heart episodes. She has pulled her husband from a fiery crash; a crash that was caused by his ex-wife, his half-brother and her rapist. All while she is healing; Don is also healing from brain trauma and a severely maimed leg. They are here to try and protect their family from the forces that have tried to tear it apart for over 30 years. They're understandably under lots of pressure and stress."

"I should go talk to them." Jane said. "I don't want us to go backwards."

Brad gently pulled her to sit back down. "I think we need to give them some time."


Meryl's heart broke when she saw the down look on her husband's face as he sat on the edge of the bed and moved the bassinet back and forth. She smiled that he was able to get the babies back to sleep. "Don Man?"

"Well, I'm sure an idiot." Don shook his head. "How embarrassing to get lost in my parents house with my wife watching me like I'm some old man who can't find his way home."

Hearing those words and seeing the embarrassment in his eyes was more than Meryl could take. She quickly sat down next to him and pressed her forehead against his. "She had NO right to talk to you in that way. My God, Don; you are recovering from brain trauma. You still have swelling; and you are trying so damn hard to remember. You didn't need her to make you feel like shit. Sometimes I honestly don't know what is wrong with her."

"We had just walked in there from here, Mer." Don whispered. "I couldn't find my way back."

Meryl shook her head. "She barely gave you the opportunity to correct yourself. It's not like you're some senile old man, Don."

"Yeah." Don leaned his chin on the babies' bassinet. "I just want to stay in here with the babies for a bit."

Meryl knew she needed a minute or she was going to break down in front of her husband; and she knew he didn't need that at the moment. "Of course, sweetheart. I'm going to use the restroom; but I'll be in there if you need me."

"Thanks, Darl." Don flashed her a weak smile. "Hey, Mer?"

Meryl turned back as she was trying desperately not to let the tears that threatened to fall escape her eyes. "Yeah, Don Man?"

"I love you." Don choked as she pressed her forehead against his. "Very much."

Meryl crushed her lips to his. "I love you, baby; more than anything. I'll be right back."

"Take your time; we're fine." Don told her; the last thing he wanted was for his wife to think that he needed a babysitter. "I've got these two." Don watched as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. He then looked back at his two youngest children. "Daddy is going to get back to being himself, guys; I promise you."


Meryl finally made it to the privacy of the bathroom; she felt that if she kept what she was feeling inside any longer she would explode. Her heart absolutely broke when she saw the look on Don's face at the way his mother spoke to him; she couldn't help but think that's how he was treated by Jane and James so often growing up and things were supposed to be different now. It was a new home. He had basically new parents. Then this happened. She shook her head at how of course he was confused; and his mother practically shamed him for his brain trauma. She quickly turned on the faucet so he wouldn't hear her. She sat on the toilet, buried her head in her hands, and sobbed as her heart broke. She sobbed when she thought about what was done to him. She sobbed when she thought about how badly he wanted to remember. She sobbed for the broken little boy that still lived inside of him. She mostly sobbed because he was everything to her and her children; and all she wanted was for him to be okay. She just wanted him. She just needed him. She pulled herself together, splashed some water on her face and hoped her husband didn't know what she was really doing behind the closed door.


Meryl took a deep breath as she walked out into their bedroom they were staying in at his parents' house and saw that he was still watching over their babies. "Are they still asleep, babe?"

"Just like babies." Don said making his typical joke; his smile faded when he looked up and saw his wife's face. She had been crying. She couldn't hide it from him; not after being married for so long. "Darl? What is it?"

Meryl shook her head. "What is what?"

"You're upset." Don said reaching out his hand to her. "You've been crying; don't tell me you haven't. Talk to me, Darl."

Meryl started crying all over again at the concern she heard in her husband's voice as he pulled her to sit down next to him on the bed. "I hated your mother talking to you like that; I am so angry, Don."

"Baby." Don sighed. "This isn't anything for you to get upset about. I'm used to it from my family; I can't expect things to just change over night because Brad is now part of the family."

Meryl shook her head at him. "That's what I mean; you shouldn't be USED to it. I saw the look on your face, Don Man; and I imagined you experiencing that as a little boy. She talked to you like you were some fumbling old man. My god, you are recovering from brain trauma. She made you feel small; and that is NOT okay with me. I let her know that, too."

"You did?" Don asked; not sure why he was surprised. This was his wife after all.

Meryl nodded as he wiped away her tears. "Of course I did; it absolutely broke my heart. I never want you to be treated like that. You are working so damn hard at remembering; then she does this shit. You still have brain swelling. You deserve love and understanding; and NOT ridicule."

"I get that from you, sweetheart." Don assured her. "There is no doubt in my mind why I am doing so well, and I have remembered as much as I have; and it has everything to do with you."

Meryl smiled weakly at him. "I hope so. I'm sorry I lost it like that; it's just when someone fucks with you..."

"Don't apologize; I feel the same about you." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "My mom will always be my mom; maybe we should stay at the hotel. You need to avoid stress and being around..."

Meryl took a deep breath as she ran her fingers through his hair. "We have made such progress; I don't want to go backwards. I also don't want to do that to your dad. As long as you're comfortable staying here."

"As long as I'm with you and our babies then I am." Don then decided to reveal something to her. "Baby, I don't want to be too much for you; but I still do get confused. Things get kind of jumbled. So I am going to get confused..."

Meryl pressed her finger to his lips. "You will NEVER be too much for me. Of course they still get jumbled; you still have brain swelling and confusion is a part of that. I will give you a tour down here later; and if you get confused PLEASE ask me. The last thing I want is you embarrassed to talk to me or anything. I don't think you're stupid or an idiot like you said earlier; I think you are trying so damn hard to get your brain back to where it was, and I couldn't be prouder or love you more than I do."

"Thank you, Darl." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "I love you, too."

Just as Don was about to say something his mother appeared in the door. "Don, Meryl; can I talk to you?"

"Yeah." Meryl said somewhat tightly as she felt her husband rub her leg.

Jane nodded as she looked at her son. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry for what I said and how it came out. I meant it as teasing; though I know that is not how it sounded, and I am so incredibly sorry for that. You've been here several times; and I forgot about your amnesia."

"Thanks, Mom." Don nodded. "It is just a reality that Meryl and I live with every single day."

Meryl laced her fingers through his. "Because of his brain trauma and swelling he still gets confused; and everything in his brain is a jumbled up mess. He is trying so damn hard. Our job as his family is to love and support and encourage him. We so appreciate your help, Jane; but this road is a long one."

"I of course understand." Jane jumped in. "You're right; he needs all that. Don, we're your family. I know you haven't always received that kind of love and understanding from this family; but it's a different time and you will. Anything we can do to make all this easier on you; and we will do it."

Don accepted his mother's kiss to his cheek. "Thanks Mom, we appreciate it. As long as I've got my wife and these babies then I'm good."

"We all know that." Jane smiled softly at Meryl. "Meryl, thank you for always protecting and looking after my son; and for making sure he has the best care. I appreciate what you said to me back in the kitchen."

Meryl knew she wasn't exactly easy on her mother-in-law; so she was somewhat to hear that from her. "Anything for him."

"Your father is heating up your food." Jane said. "If you would like to finish your meal."

Meryl smiled at her mother-in-law. "We'll be in there in a minute; thanks, Jane."

"Thanks, Mom." Don said as he watched his mother walk out. "You're something else, Mrs. Gummer; thank you."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "Anything for my Don Man. We'll leave the babies in here for now. Ready?"

"I'm ready." Don winked at her as she helped him up. "You better lead the way."


The rest of the night went better for the Gummers; Don even learned his way around the first floor of his parents' lake home. Don went in to their bedroom after spending some time with his dad and frowned that his wife wasn't in the bedroom with the babies. He then smiled as he hobbled towards the bathroom with his crutches and saw her applying her nightly moisturizer. She still LITERALLY took his breath away she was so beautiful. He couldn't get over how thin and toned she was; especially for just having had twins. The way she stood up for him and protected him made him want her all night. He hobbled in to the bathroom, sat his crutches to the side and hopped up on the counter next to her; startling her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You never do." Meryl flirted with her husband. "That was quite a trick, handsome; be careful."

Don reached out his hand to her. "I wanted to be close to you."

"Is that so?" Meryl felt her heart beat faster; she couldn't get over how much she still loved and adored him, especially when he said things like that to her and looked at her the way he was. "You okay?"

Don nodded as he ran his fingers under her bra and tank top straps causing goosebumps to appear on her arms. "When is the last time we have really been alone?"

"I can't remember." Meryl moaned as his thumb rubbed her nipple through her bra and tank top. "Babies?"

Don pulled Meryl closer to him by her waist as he traced his lips across her collar bone. "Asleep."

"Parents?" Meryl breathed as she felt his big and warm hands stroked her rib cage under her top.

Don lifted her shirt from her body. "Asleep. Don't you want to be alone with me, Mrs. Gummer?"

"More than...you know." Meryl breathed as he licked between her breasts. "Don."

Don smiled as she lifted his shirt off his body; and then cupped her head in her hands. "I can't get over how damn much I love you. I was head over heels in love with you 34 years ago; but that is just a fraction of the love I feel for you now. You are a part of me; you are who I am."

"Oh Don, I feel the same way." Meryl moaned as she pressed her forehead to his and her hand snuck into his pajama pants. "I love you so damn much; you are my home, Don Man."

Don attached his lips to hers as she began working him into a frenzy. "No...more...talk." Don and Meryl's tongues battled each other like they hadn't for quite some time. The temperature in the bathroom was getting hotter and hotter as Meryl rubbed against her husband; being very careful not to put any of her weight on his injured leg. As Don's mouth made love to his wife's, his hands snuck behind her and ridded her of her bra. As soon as he could, his lips began to mate with her nipples."

"Don't...suck, baby." Meryl moaned. "Milk." Meryl sighed when he switched his ministrations to kissing and licking instead of sucking. She smiled into their raw and passionate kisses as she felt his strong chest. "You're so fucking gorgeous. Touch me, baby; please."

Don trailed his fingers down her nipples to her rib cage to her abdomen and stopped; pulling away suddenly. "SHIT!"

"What?" Meryl asked breathlessly as she looked at her husband with wide eyes. "What happened? Are you hurting?"

Don shook his head as he removed her hand from his pants and kissed her palm. "Baby, we can't; you haven't been cleared."

"Please, Don." Meryl whispered as she pressed her forehead against his. "I know how much you want this; just as much as I do."

Don tenderly kissed her lips as he stroked her cheek. "More than anything; but I want you safe and healthy more. I would NEVER EVER forgive myself if I hurt you."

"You wouldn't; NEVER." Meryl tried to move his hand back to her breasts. "If it feels different I'll tell you; and I won't hurt you."

Don sighed as he reached for her bra and put it back on her; kissing the swell of each breast as he did. "I know you wouldn't, baby; I have almost lost you too many times." He choked as he stroked her cheek. "You are everything to me; I can't hurt you. I'm sorry, I know I started this. I just needed to be close to you. Between my parents and the hospital; I have missed time alone with you."

"Me too, baby." Meryl knew he was right; they couldn't do anything. No matter how much she wanted him. "Plus we have the babies."

Don shook his head as she put his shirt back on him. "It's not that. It's just that my parents have always been around; or there were the hospitals and nurses in the hospital. I miss the time alone we had with the babies before my parents showed up; as wonderful as their help has been."

"Maybe we can be more intentional about alone time." Meryl proposed as he put his tank top back on her. "I'm glad to know that at 63 years of age I can still make you lose control like that."

Don rested her hands on the swell of her ass as he pulled her even closer to him. "You have no idea, hot stuff. I've called in love with you all over again tonight; and needed to show you."

"I love when you do that; and I love you more than ever." Meryl assured him. "Things will get back to normal, baby."

Don couldn't help but laugh at his wife. "When have our lives ever be normal?"

"Never." Meryl laughed. "But we will have each other and our family; what else matters?"

Don shook his head. "Absolutely nothing. How would you like to crawl in bed with your husband?"

"All I've wanted all day." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips as she handed him his crutches. "Let's go, handsome."


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