Loved Ones Return(Discontinue...

By PercabethHinny

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What happens when Albus Severus Potter messes with his father's potion in progress? A group of people that ha... More

Loved Ones Return(Marauders and Co Return Revamp!)
Troublesome Children
Questions and Discovering the Truth
"Quality" Family Time
Press Conferences. Hogwarts. Dumb Friends.
Suspicious Activity
Story Decisions.
My Decision

Heartbreak and Sadness

5.5K 127 160
By PercabethHinny

I'm sure you saw the question coming, but who is your favorite Disney VILLAIN?

Also, I blame the entirety of this chapter on Supernatural. This story has become my outlet.


"Shut up Fay. It's not that big of a deal." Victoire said, trying to keep her friend quiet.

"Yeah, it kinda is. This is something Teddy needs to know, you can't keep this from him!" Faith argued

"Look, it wasn't even me! Paul just came up to me after Transfiguration and kissed me! I didn't exactly ask him to."

"It doesn't matter. You need to tell him. Don't make me go all "trust is the key to healthy relationships" on you." Fay said, crossing her arms.

"No. Teddy will just try to hex him, and it's just going to cause more problems. If it happens again, you can hex the guy, but for now, I see no reason to let Teddy get all worked up over nothing."

"Look, Vic, if you don't, I will."

"I really hate you sometimes. You know that?"

"Yup. I do. Now go." Fay said, pointing to the door that led to the Common Room and towards the library, "You'll thank me later!" Fay called after her, which made Victoire spin around and flip her off.


Teddy was sitting down in the Library with Reid, discussing their transfiguration homework,

"Can you believe one of the Marauders gave us homework on the first day?" Reid complained

"I think my Aunt has influenced him too much. According to Uncle Sirius, he used to invent reasons not to do homework rather than actually doing it."

"Sounds like a real riot. Now, help me with this question." Reid said,

"How did you get an 'E' in Transfiguration?"

"Because I'm awesome and McGonagall loved me. It's too bad she retired last year."

"Yeah, though, I'm sure McGonagall would've given us even more homework." Reid shrugged and looked up,

"Hey Ted, your girlfriend is here." Teddy looked up at where Victoire was walking in the door. From one look, Teddy could tell she was nervous about something, so he hopped up and walked over to her,

"What's wrong?" Teddy asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Can we talk in private? Please?" Teddy frowned, but nodded and they walked out of the Library and through the school until they reached an isolated courtyard. It was pretty out of the way, so no one ever made the journey out there unless they needed to be alone.

"What's going on Vic? Are you ok? What happened?"

"Look, I need you to not freak out, ok?" Victoire said, grabbing his arm, and Teddy's eyes widened,

"What's going on?"

"IwaswalkingoutofTransfigurationwhenPaulSocheckskissedme!" It came out really quickly, and Teddy couldn't understand her, so she had to repeat it.

"I had just finished Transfiguration class when some one pulled on my shoulder and turned me around. It was Paul Sochecks, and before I could react, he kissed me." Teddy's hair turned violent red and he tried to get up but Victoire held him down. "No Teddy. It was stupid, and he deserves it. But the only thing you hexing him will do is get you in trouble and he's gonna get away with just a couple hex stings."

"That's not the point, he can't just go around kissing other people's girlfriends!"

"Hey, you were the one that insisted we keep it private and not tell anyone, he probably didn't know, not even Dom knows, and I tell her everything. The only reason Fay, Graham, and Reid know is because they walked in on us."

"It doesn't matter! Even if we weren't public, he can't just go around kissing girls because he wants to." Teddy said, his hair was slowly getting longer and even more red as this continued.

"Teddy. Calm. Down. Now. This is why I didn't want to tell you!" Teddy whirled to face her,

"What? Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd over react! You always do!" Victoire said, by this time, both of them were standing up and in each others faces, "You know what, fine. Go ahead and hex him, see if I care. Just leave me out of it." she whirled around and ran back into the castle, holding back tears.

Teddy tried to call out, but his voice wouldn't come out, and he couldn't do anything but sinking back onto the bench, his hair reverting back to his short, mousy brown hair he normally had around school. His head fell into his hands and he was alone in the courtyard.


Back in the Ravenclaw Tower, Victoire was in her dorm, crying her eyes out with Faith next to her on the bed, trying to sooth her.

"It's ok Vic, every couple gets into fights, you'll make up eventually."

"No, Fay, it wasn't like that! You should've seen it, it was awful. You know how when he get really angry, he can't control his hair?" Fay nodded, "You should have seen his hair, it was long, and bright, vivid red, like, more red than when Abernathy hexed Reid. It was bad."

Fay sighed again and continued rubbing Victoire's back.


Dom and Roxy were sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, Dom was giving Roxy advice with classes when the portrait hole slammed open then shut quickly and then Teddy stormed in, his hair was a rainbow of colors, mostly red.

"I wonder what got up his butt." Dom said and Roxy shrugged,

"No idea. He's usually never grumpy."

"I hope it doesn't have anything to do with Vic."

"What do you mean?" Roxy asked, confused, and Dominque snorted,

"They've been together since last year. They don't know that I know, but if you know Vic as well as I do, you notice things, like when your sister is in love and who she is around when she acts all lovesick. It adds up, ya know?" Roxy laughed, then paused,

"You don't think it does have something to do with Vic, do you?"

"No idea, but if it does, I'm gonna kill him. No one breaks my sisters heart and gets away with it." Dom said, putting her feet on the coffee table in front of them and putting her hands behind her head.

"I hope for his sake that Vic is in Ravenclaw Tower reading a book or planning a Library trip with Faith." Dom chuckled,

"Yeah, that'd be good for everyone. Teddy stays alive, I don't get detention, and everyone else continues on like normal."


It wasn't until the next day at breakfast that Dom knew something was up. She looked up and down the Ravenclaw table, she saw Lucy, but no Victoire.

"Hey, Molly, have you seen Victoire?" Dom asked, leaning across the table.

"No, but Lucy said she was crying earlier. No idea what it was about though." Dom narrowed her eyes at Teddy, who seemed to be threatening Reid with a knife across the table.

"I'm gonna kill him."

"Who?" Molly asked, confused. Dom shook her head,

"No one. It's not a big deal." Molly raised an eyebrow, but shrugged,

"Whatever." And turned back to her breakfast.


After breakfast, Dom ran up to the Ravenclaw Tower, it was a pain, but she could occasionally guess the riddle and get into the tower. She used the eagle knocker, and it opened it's mouth,

"I have two arms, but fingers I have none. I've got two feet, but I cannot run. I carry well, but I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?" Dom groaned, she had absolutely no idea.

"This is why I'm not in Ravenclaw." She groaned and walked away to look for Lucy. The kid was definitely her fathers kid when it came to her brain. She finally found her in the library, "Should've figured." Lucy looked up from the parchment in front of her,

"Hey Dom, what's up?"

"I need to get into the Ravenclaw Common Room."

"If this is about Vic, don't bother. She won't open the door for anyone, not even Faith. I suggested distracting herself with homework, or a book, but it didn't seem to work." Lucy said as she pulled her wild red hair into a neat bun.

"My god you are your fathers kid. But I'm her sister and I will bust down her door if I have to. So please, can you help me out?" Lucy shrugged,

"Ok, just let me dry this real quick." She pulled out her wand and muttered a spell, making the ink dry completely. She got up and led Dom to the Ravenclaw Tower, where she knocked on the door and the Eagle repeated it's riddle,

"I have two arms, but fingers I have none. I've got two feet, but I cannot run. I carry well, but I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?" Lucy rolled her eyes as if this was the easiest thing in the world,

"A wheelbarrow." The door swung open, revealing the Ravenclaw Common Room, which was now had comfortable reading chairs to read in, it made the Common Room seem more homey.

"Thanks Lucy!" Dominique ran up the stairs towards the fourth year girls dormitories and pound on the door, "Vic, let me in, or I will break down this door!" After a moment, the door opened,

"Please works too. What do you want?"

"To know what the heck happened between you and Teddy!" Victoire sighed,

"How long have you known?"

"Since April. Don't worry though, I only know because I know you, you weren't obvious."

"Yeah, I know. That's part of the problem. Some kid kissed me and when I told Teddy he flipped and I was trying to get him to calm down and I said we hadn't really been obvious and he probably didn't know we were dating, but Teddy wouldn't let it go." Dom sighed,

"Well Teddy is a bloody arse and he doesn't deserve you. Besides, you're only fourteen, you have plenty of time to date. Show Teddy that your stronger than him and you don't need him." She said, keeping her voice firm, and Vic sniffed,

"I'm supposed to be the smart and more mature sister, what happened?" Dom laughed,

"You needed me so I had to step up. Don't get used to it though." Victoire chuckled, then realized something,

"Family dinners just got ten times more awkward." Dominique laughed loudly and Vic quickly followed, until a fifth year walked in and told them to shut up because she was studying, they laughed again, but more quietly,

"I gotta go, but let me know if you need me, I guess I can be the big sister a few more times." Victoire smiled and gave Dom a hug,

"Thanks Dom, now go before Flitwick finds you."

"Ok, but if I don't see you at lunch I'm going to come back." She warned and Vic rolled her eyes and walked with her sister down to the Common Room,

"See ya Dom." Victoire turned around, and after a quick scan of the book shelf, grabbed a rather lengthy novel and settled into a cushy chair.


"Who the hell do you think you are?" Dom asked, storming up to Teddy that night in the Common Room,

"What are you talking about?" Dom slammed her hands on the table,

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why didn't you listen to her? You know she was right."

"Oh, so she told you then?"

"About what an idiot you are? Yeah. About you being together, no. I'm more observant then you would think."

"I never said you weren't. Now, are you gonna hex more or not? Because I want to get this over with." Dom had her hand on her wand before she paused,

"You know what? No, I'm not." Dom got in Teddy's face, her voice low, "I'm gonna let you stew, and worry over when and how I'm going to hex you. I hope you learned know how to sleep with one eye open." With that, she left Teddy staring after her, hair a shock of white.

"Well, crap."


"You're scared of a second year?" Graham said, making fun of his friend.

"A second year who spent way too much time with her Aunt when she was younger. Even Uncle Bill is scared of Aunt Ginny's bat bogey. Dom may only be a second year, but she's picked up enough tricks from her to scare a seventh year." Teddy defended himself. Then, he felt a tap on his shoulder, he jumped a mile high, and when he turned around, Vic was standing there,

"Little jumpy are we? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, it wasn't my idea. Dom acted on her own accord, though I can't say I disagree with her actions." She started to walk away, then turned around again, "Oh, and I would be extra careful, I hear she's been teaching Molly some tricks." Teddy paled, and then Paul Sochecks walked up,

"Hey Victoire, I'm sorry about the other day, I wanted to ask you to go to Hogsmeade, but I got a little over excited."

"So you full on kiss me instead?" Victoire asked, eyebrow raised. Paul rubbed the back of his neck,

"Yeah, I don't know what came over me." Victoire laughed, and gave him a kiss on the cheek,

"I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you Paul." Paul smiled and Vic waved good bye to Teddy and Graham and walked back across the grounds, where she bumped into Remus,

"Hi Professor Lupin." Remus smiled at them, but Vic knew that smile, it was forced, and the look in his eyes was confused. Oh god. Teddy told them? She shook her head and continued walking up to the castle, whatever. It didn't matter any more.

She was halfway to the Ravenclaw Tower with Paul when she passed James,who looked at them and wiggled his eyebrows, Vic  sighed, and rolled her eyes. He was honestly the most immature teacher ever to teach at Hogwarts, but he was probably the most talented in his subject as well.


"Hey, Teddy, can I talk to you?" Remus asked as he walked up to the boys sitting by the lake. Teddy looked confused, "It's about you in my class." Teddy looked even more confused, but told Graham to wait a minute and followed his father to the Whomping Willow.

"What's wrong? It's three days into the school year."

"What happened?"

"I don't-"

"Don't Teddy. You know what I'm talking about. Now, what happened?" Remus crossed his arms and Teddy groaned, this was worse than Harry grilling him.

"We got into an argument and she over reacted. That guy she was walking with kissed her that first day and when she told me I wanted to hex him and she said it was no big deal." Teddy told him, and Remus rubbed his brow,

"One thing you need to learn about women, is that they are always right, no matter how wrong they are. The only way you will ever be right is if you make her think what you say is what she actually thinks."

"So I've been told." Remus frowned, he guessed Harry had told him as much, but he still wished he had been the first to give advice, "Look, Dad, these kind of fights happen. It's not like Victorie and I were a big thing anyway. It was probably gonna happen eventually."

"You're missing the point. If you are just going to sit back and let the relationship fall apart, then go ahead, but if you are going to do that, then don't try to pin the blame on someone else."


"No Teddy, I'm not asking you to go apologize or ask for her back, but you need to understand for next time, if there is one, that you can't give up at the first sign of a fight." Teddy sighed,

"Alright, fine. Thanks I guess." Teddy gave a half smile and turned to walk away,

"Teddy, I don't mean to be hard on you, but it hasn't exactly been a joyride me me either."

"Yeah, I know. See ya." Teddy walked back to Graham, feeling a little better.


I've realized this is becoming more of a next Gen fic, but I'm working on it, so bear with me.

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