I Fake That Smile! ( Complete...

By khassal

1.2M 24.3K 1.9K

.This story is very emotional, Sheena has gone through hell and still is. She is only 18 years old and she is... More

I Fake That Smile!
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen (Dedicated to all my fans and readers)
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty (A BIG Thank you to all of you for voting!!)
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Quick note
Preview of the Sequel (I FAKED THAT SMILE)
Here are a few stories of mine if your looking for something to read :)
Chapter Two (I Faked That Smile)
This is not a chapter!

Chapter Thirty-Six

17.7K 356 43
By khassal

Well everyone there is one more chapter before I start on the sequel, so please don’t be disappointed, as I am going to continue to write the sequel as I am editing :)

Loads of <3 and appreciation Mel xx


Chapter Thirty-Six

The next morning I had woken up to my head pounding. I felt as if I hadn’t slept at all. I glance over to see Damon, but he was no longer in bed.  Feeling a sharp pain shoot through my head, I yelped while gripping hold of my head with my hands. It felt as if my head was going to explode. Damon came barging in the room, “Sheena” he called out, I opened my eyes to see Damon, but the brightness of the room had me shutting them again just as quick. “Damon, my head” I said, “Have you a head ache?” he asked concerned. “Damon it feels like my head is going to explode,” I replied truthfully.

 Damon left go of me hand, and then just as I started to panic, I heard Damon going through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. “Here Sheena, take these they will help ease the pain.” he said, as he handed me some tablets and a glass of water. As I opened my eyes up, I was pleased to see that Damon had closed the curtains, blocking out the bright light. “Thank you” I said as I lay back down onto my pillow. “Sheena, it sounds like you have a migraine,” He told me. “Well I really don’t care what it is I just want it to go away.” I told him a little too harshly. “I’m sorry Damon” I apologized, feeling guilty. “Hey its fine, just try and get some sleep. It’s probably caused by everything that happened last night.” He looked so spaced out as he told me, that I was starting to worry. “Damon,” He turned to face me, “Are you alright? You look kind of spaced out” I asked. “I’m fine, I was just thinking” he replied with a small smile. I closed my eyes, as I was beginning to feel sleepy, It must have been the tablets, I thought to myself. I felt Damon kiss me on the lips, just before I fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Being woke up by a loud bang; I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. Thank god, my headache is gone, I thought to myself as I went through the house checking to see where the banging had come from. “Damon” I called out, “Sheena I’m down here” he shouted from the basement. I started to walk down the stairs when I heard another voice, “Hey Damon who’s here with you” I shouted as I continued down the stairs. Waiting for his reply, I heard someone tell him to

“Say something.” ”No one” he replied sounding worried. I stopped on the spot knowing something was wrong, I needed to get back upstairs without letting on I knew some thing was wrong. “Damon I’m just going to get a drink and something to eat do you want anything?” I asked trying to make myself sound normal. Before he had a chance to answer, I ran back up the stairs locking the door behind me, quickly pressing speed dial for Lee. After the second ring, he answered. “Lee get here quickly Damon’s in trouble,” I whisper yelled down the phone. “Are you ok?” he asked, “Yes, I’m fine but some one has Damon down in the basement,” I told him panicking. “I’m on my way, just hide some where safe,” he shouted, before hanging up. I scanned around to find somewhere to hide; seeing the back door opened, I made a run for it.

 I didn’t know where I was running too, and truthfully, I didn’t care as long as I was away from here. Knowing that Lee would be here soon to rescue Damon, I kept running. My bad feeling was back with vengeance making me panic even more then already was. Running through the woods behind our house, I could feel the twigs and wild torn bushes scratching against my skin. I stopped to check to see if anyone was chasing behind me and seeing no one in sight, I leaned up against a tree. Pulling my phone out I checked to see if I had signal, I sighed with relief as I saw I had.  Leaning against the tree while waiting for Lee or Damon to call me, as It must have been at least an hour now since I left the house and I still hadn’t heard anything. My head was spinning as I tried to think of whom it could be, but the only person that kept coming to mind, was my mother.

About another hour had past with nothing, no call, no Damon or Lee. It was starting to get so cold and I couldn’t stop thinking that what if it was my mother and she had killed them. Therefore, I decided to walk back towards the house, it was starting to get dark and every tree I passed looked the same. I tried to remember the path I had taken here, but I was so freaked out, that I didn’t even know where I was running too know mind what path I took, I thought to myself. I kept walking in a straight line through the trees, as I thought there has to be an end to the woods somewhere, doesn’t there.

 As I continued to walk, I couldn’t believe how far I had ran from the house, as I had been walking for what felt like hours now and there still was no sign of the woods ending. The sun had now set and it was getting so much colder, that even my body was starting to shake. I pulled out my phone, as I needed to call someone, anyone as now I was totally lost and it was dark, so dark that I couldn’t even see much in front of me anymore. The battery on my phone bleeped low battery, “Damn, can this day get any worse, scratch that can my life gat any worse, I asked myself. Pressing the call button, I hoped and prayed that Lee would answer, as he was the last person I had called. It just kept ringing, a bad feeling flushed through my body sending cold shivers down my spine. I hung up and tried again, this time I could hear Lee shouting down the phone.” Sheena is that you? Where are you? We can’t f…”then my phone went dead cutting us off. I threw my phone at the tree making it shatter in to pieces feeling totally lost and frustrated I began to scream. All the emotions I had been holding in all day came out in that scream, well if nobody heard that then I am well and truly done for, I told myself.

Seeing a small flicker of a light up ahead, I started to run. I kept tripping up as I couldn’t see anything in front of me, but I could still see that small flicker of light. “Sheena you have to keep going” I kept repeating to myself, as I just wanted to lie down, as fear flowed through my body. I kept running, but it was as if I wasn’t getting any nearer it was as if I hadn’t even moved since the first time I spotted it. I looked up to the sky but all I could see was the tree tops there was know view of the sky at all. My heart sped up as I glanced back in the direction of the light; I felt a gush of wind brush by the right side of my body. I spun around to see what it was but there was nothing there. The bad feelings I usually get when something is about to go wrong, was nothing towards the way I was feeling right now. I was petrified, I was out in the woods alone and still in my pyjamas and Damon could still be in trouble.  I began to scream out for help hoping to god that someone out there would hear me. After screaming for god knows how long, I felt totally exhausted. I sat down on the cold damp ground, pulling my knees into my chest and wrapping my arms around them, I finally gave up. Feeling so cold and mentally drained, I started to rock my body forward and back. I felt my eyes closing as sleep finally started to take over.

I could see the light; it was so bright like this morning in my bedroom. “Hello Sheena” I heard someone saying I looked around trying to search for whom ever it was calling me, “Over here hunny” I kept searching everywhere but I couldn’t see anyone. “Where are you? Better still who are you?” I asked, to what felt like no one. “Ah well you see I can’t tell you that, like I could never tell you a lot of things, but I will tell you this. Someone is after you and you need to get away from here as you can.” All I could see was darkness and the odd movement of the trees, but there was a little flicker of light like the one, I had seen earlier. I don’t understand, I was feeling so confused, I did the only thing I could think of. “Well if you answer me then I might think about it,” I said sternly, as I was now starting to get angry at who ever this was. As it’s because of them that I am out here now, I ranted to myself in frustration. “Well I can’t tell you, but let me tell you this; if you stay here you will die and so will Damon.”  Hearing Damon’s name felt like a knife had just stabbed me through my heart. I started to cry as I sat there. ”Why are you doing this to me? What have I done that's been so bad for you to want to kill Damon and me?” I shouted out as I broke down. I sat there cradling myself as I left my tears flow. I heard no more talking it was like whom ever it was had vanished.

I must have fallen asleep because as I woke up the sun was now shinning. Thinking back to last night, I went over everything that I was told, in my head. If I was to go back home, then there would be a chance that Damon would be killed and if I don’t then he would live. However, then Damon would be worrying about me, not knowing what to do or where to go, I just sat there curled into a ball. “Oh please, if there is a god out there any where, then please just give me a break; I can’t take much more of this!” I prayed to whatever god is out there listening.

After thinking for what felt like hours on end on what to do, I decided to continue on finding a way out of here. If I end up back home then It was meant to be, and if not then I will be back to being alone living on the streets again. Deep in my heat I hoped that I would end up back at home but my head was hoping I wouldn’t as that could be putting Damon’s and my life in danger. No because whoever said that they where coming after me they didn’t mention Damon, well they did but the way they said it was if I went home they would kill him. I was beginning to get so wound up by all the thinking I was doing that I didn’t realise I had come to a road. I carefully took in my surroundings, as after all we haven’t been living here that long so I was still new to the place. Noticing a sign further up the road, I started to head in that direction. As I got nearer to the sign I read it, I stood  there frozen, “this isn’t how it was meant to turn out, this is not meant to happen, not now!” I screamed out.

Thank you all so much for your votes and comments! I’m so lucky to have all of your support :)

<3 Mel

I hoped you all enjoyed!

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