Beyond Words

By Misha2719

217K 9.7K 690

"Mr Aaliyan Usman, do you agree Kiran Hammad as your wife" The qari asked. "Yes!" I replied closing my eye'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Important Notice
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 25

4.4K 272 49
By Misha2719

Aaliyan's POV

'Where did she go? she was right here....' 

I need to find her, this Asmara is getting on my nerves and i'm sure Kiran felt it, of course she would...I'm her husband after all...she's has the all and only right on me and i on her.

My foots come to a halt when i saw Zaroon in the kitchen.

'What the hell is he doing here?'

I entered the kitchen and Kiran turned towards me though i ignored her and went to grab some water.

"Zaroon what are you doing here?" 

"Ahh bhai, nothing bhabi was alone so i thought...oh bhabi i'll help with that." I turned around and saw him very close to Kiran almost touching her while grabbing a carrot from the basket.

I ignored what i saw and left the kitchen.

I know i was being a coward but i trust her....there is nothing like that.

And this so called game will come to an end tonight.

I can't bare this distance from her.

I barely talked to her from the past few days.

"hey.." I turned around and saw Asmara coming towards me.

Not again!

"Come with me lets have a walk in the garden" she said and without listening my reply took me along.

This girl!!!!

 Mrs Usman's POV

'What the hell is happening in my house!'

What is their problem!

why are they acting is if they are strangers or something.

Something is wrong and i know the origin.

Its Asmara causing these issues here!

I need to talk to Kiran about this.

I saw Kiran working in the kitchen and asked her to come to my room along.

"Sit down honey" I said as i saw Kiran entering my room.

"You wanted to talk to me"

"Yes honey, what's wrong?" 

"ahh noth...thing" 

"I'm your mom honey"

As soon as i said tears trickled down her eyes and she put her head in my lap.

"Mom...i don't want to see this all." 

"What dear?"

"The closeness of Asmara!" 

"I am feeling that too honey...and i don't like it at all, but she's been outside almost her entire's just that"

"Yeah...if she lives outside the country...that means she can take anyone's husband huh?" Kiran said with tears falling down her eyes.

I knew what she was thinking.

"Trust Aaliyan! He's your husband and he's all yours you know that...that's all i'll say and just be patient...i know my son, he doesn't like this too" 

I know Kiran will understand.

"I trust him mom!" She said and hugged me.

Stay strong my baby!

At Night

"Let's go out for ice-cream Aaliyan!" Asmara shouted out of nowhere.

"At this hour?" Mrs Usman said.

Kiran looked at Asmara with anger.

"Yes Aunty....come on its not a big deal and Aaliyan will be with me! let's go Aaliyan."

"Okay" Aaliyan replied and Kiran saw him with disbelief.

"Ahh...Kiran you can go too" Mrs Usman said.

"No mom thank you but i have some work to finish...excuse me" Kiran said and left the living area.

Aaliyan saw her leaving.

He knew what she was feeling but he wanted to have a one to one talk with Asmara so that she remains in control...that was the only reason why he didn't invite Kiran along or else he wouldn't have even thought about leaving her at home.

Kiran went inside her room and cried while hugging the pillow.

She was feeling shattered and broken.

She never thought Aaliyan would do this to her.


Aaliyan's POV

"Listen Asmara....i'm warning to stop what you're doing okay!" 

"What the hell are you talking about Aaliyan."

"I know we are friends but never ever think about more. I'm Kiran's husband and she's my wife. You have no right to do what you're doing and one more thing...get this clear in your head that I love Kiran only and will always love one can take her place and neither someone can take me from her so it's better to behave or else it'll be worst the next time!" 

Asmara looked at me with tears in her eyes but i don't care this is the truth and i don't care what she feels or even thinks about me.

With that i stepped out of the car and entered the house.

I entered the room and my heartache after what i saw.

Kiran was laying on the bed with dried tears in her eyes.

I'm sorry Kiran this wasn't what i wanted.

I went near her and wiped the traces of tears from her eyes.

She slept while crying and God know's for how long she cried.

It's all my fault but now this wont happen i promise Kiran.

I changed into my night dress and went to sleep.

I hugged Kiran and drifted into sleep promising this won't happen again.

Kiran's POV

I woke up but to see myself covered in strong muscular arms.

A smile formed on my lips as soon as I saw Aaliyan's calm face.

He was sleeping while hugging me.

This wasn't what i expected but this was a perfect morning.

I careful went out of his grip and changed.

I entered the kitchen and to my surprise Zaroon was already there.

Third Person's POV

"Oh Good morning" He said.

"Morning" Kiran said and went to make breakfast.

She was uncomfortable in Zaroon's gaze.

Zaroon tried coming near Kiran but before anything else she almost shouted.

"Zaroon leave the kitchen right now!"

Aaliyan came downstairs when he heard Kiran's voice from the kitchen and went towards the kitchen.

"Oh come on, You're husband can go out with my sister, hangout with her, and you're being 'oh so religious'! Let Aaliyan do what he's doing and let me do what i want!" Zaroon said and with that grabbed Kiran from her waist. 

Aaliyan clenched his fist but before he could enter the kitchen Kiran slapped Zaroon.

"No one is allowed to touch me except my husband!" Kiran shouted with tears in her eyes.

"You'll pay for this!" Zaroon said.

"You'll pay for this!" Aaliyan shouted from behind and pushed Zaroon on the floor.

"Bhaii!" Zaroon looked with shock.

"You idiot! How dare you! Get lost!" He said and slapped Zaroon.

He grabbed Kiran's hand and took her to their room.

He locked the doors and kissed Kiran on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, It's my fault, I shouldn't have done this. But I wanted you to express your feelings, your love to me my life! Forgive me! There's nothing between me and Asmara! although she needs to know some manners! i took her out and cleared her that i love my wife only and no one can take her place...please trust me Kiran!"

"I trust you!" Kiran said.

Aaliyan smiled.

"I love you!" He said and went forward to give a peck on her lips but before anything they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Aaliyan clenched his fist in anger and keeping his eyes on Kiran's blushing face asked who it was and was left fuming in rage when he heard it was Asmara.

"She needs to know her true place!" Aaliyan muttered under his breath.


Heyy as promised :)

Although i was unable to write big chaps but here's a lil part....

i can never forget you guys due to which i was forced to update todayy....

Will update asap next time (i have my exams) :( 

soo yeah till then....enjoy this and i promise a longggg update the next time PROMISE :)

hope you enjoy this part...

Do vote and comment and  feel free to send me any cover or edits for email id you can personal msg me :)


Allah Hafiz


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