One Despicable Guy by Friendl...

By eleighjah

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When Megumi turned 16, she was officially at marriage age, which forced her to have wedding interviews in fav... More

Chapter 1: The Wedding Interview
Chapter 2: Life at the Institute
Chapter 3: Obento!
Chapter 4: Brotherly Love
Chapter 5: Annoying Friends
Chapter 6: One Despicable Family
Chapter 7: Yahiro's Troubled Mind
Chapter 8: A Dream in Common
Chapter 9: A Day with the In Laws
Chapter 10: Promises
Chapter 12: New Found Feelings
Chapter 13: For my Loved One
Chapter 14: Merry S. A. Christmas
Chapter 15: Megumi's Determination
Chapter 16: Lady in Red
Chapter 17: A Wife's Concern
Chapter 18: Walking Side by Side
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 1
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 2
Chapter 20: Deadline
Special Chapter 1: Our Special Days
Special Chapter 2: The New S.A

Chapter 11: Together we Stand

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By eleighjah

"I have to admit, Yahiro, that you truly are a financial genius." Kei told Yahiro as both stared out of the windows of the elevator and faced the city, Yahiro just nodded proudly and rubbing the head of Megumi, as usual by his side and pulling him into a strong hug. The girl couldn't be any happier now that her life as an idol had forced Yahiro to spend all the time he had with her. "When you bought the Ushikubo's company, I admit I was a little worried, there was no time to start a new company, investing yes, but controlling a company would have taken a lot of time away from us, but thanks to the recent helping hand, the empire we had both created is now half as powerful as the one of your father, and it all happened in just a month, I'm impressed, and you know that's something hard to do... standing against your father now seems to be a possibility, but we already ran out of options for investments."

"You think so?" Yahiro added with an evil grin. "The Coupe Shuzzette chains of hotels, the Tusji Sport Corporation, the Ushikubo Manufacturing, the Takishima Group, all of them being corporations working side by side with the Yamamoto Entertainment Corporation, there is something all this corporations share in common, in case you hadn't noticed it." Yahiro smiled once again, and Kei just nodded at what Yahiro was saying. "Before Megumi changed my mind, I was more worried about controlling people instead of looking for their aid. I of course was wrong. Trusting others to help me on my mission is what is giving me the tools to face my father and help Megumi's dreams be possible. I have Megumi to thanks for this."

"As usual, you are underestimating your own abilities... after all, helping others is what convinced the others of you having a real change of heart. Ryuu and Finn now trust you entirely, and you have the help of Sakura and Jun, I of course was always by your side, but everything else is your doing and yours alone." But Yahiro moved his head in negation. He then directed his stare toward the young Megumi still hugging him. "Of course, we have Megumi to thanks for your change."

"Whatever, I won't be able to enjoy it until I defeat my father... the helping hand is always welcomed thought, now I have more free time to spend with Megumi-chan. Or did you really think I was being nice because of a change of heart?" He lied, pretending to be his former self. Kei just smiled not believing in his words. "I am the kind of person who likes controlling others, and the empire I have created is the living proof of it." The elevator finally stopped at the last floor, the doors were then opened and revealed Yahiro's office. The place was full with the life of his friends giving Yahiro's usual lonely life a new meaning. "Only I probably did a miscalculation... just as with Megumi, I have had a change of heart." Kei nodded, both then stared at what they had created.

One Despicable Guy.

Chapter Eleven: Together we Stand.

October 23, 259 days to deadline

"Good evening! Sakura Ushikubo speaking! Directive head of Yamamoto's Manufacturing Industry!" The girl spoke cheerfully at her sitting spot at Yahiro's sofa, the one in which Yahiro used to spend his lonely nights at the mansion he owed. She had a laptop at her legs and earphones to communicate with the many business people she was currently having a meeting with. "Yes, the Ushikubo Manufacturing Group is under a new administration and we are looking for new suppliers! If you are interested please wait in the line, I have another call, I apologize in advantage!" She said while typing at her keyboard and receiving a new call. "Sakura Ushikubo Speaking! Ah! Mr. Yamaha, a pleasure to speak to you again! But I'm afraid you were communicated to the wrong department, please wait in the line, I will communicate you with the company's life event manager, I apologize in advantage!" She said while working on her laptop once again. "Jun-kun, honey! Mr. Yamaha speaking, can you take the call please?"

"Just a moment, I'm in the middle of a business meeting too Sakura-chan." Jun smiled to the girl next to him while he also worked at his laptop. "So we have a deal Mr. Utawa, we will rent our stadium at the northern district of Hikaridaoka for your events, we await your payment, and remember, here in the Yamamoto Entertaining Corporation, it's all about entertainment!" Jun said while closing the deal. "I'm free now." Sakura nodded. She then redirected the call to Jun. "Sorry for the delay, Yamamoto Jun speaking, Life Event Manager, what may I do for you Mr. Yamaha?" He asked while typing on his computer. "Let's see... we currently have 7 stadiums ready at Nagawa if you are interested, I'm currently sending a map to you... it arrived? That's great! Please name the name of the stadium you wish your event to be held at Mr. Yamaha." Jun then nodded several times and smiled. "Then we have a deal Mr. Yamaha. Are you interested in our airlines services for your event?" Jun waited. "Thanks for your preference, I will now communicate you to the Yamamoto Airlines, please wait in the line... Sakura, please connect the communication." The girl nodded.

"That Yamaha person is truly interested in our company, I'm glad! And having this much responsibility is kinda fun, especially when working so close to Jun-kun!" Sakura added with a playful tone of voice. Jun just sweat dropped. "Finn, Mr. Yamaha in the line, he is interested in our airline services! I hope you are ready to take the call! There he goes!" She added playfully.

"Just a second! I'm still trying to figure out how all these works!" Finn said while staring at her laptop and at the many maps with air routes around the business table she was working at. Luckily for her, Ryuu was there to help her out of her predicament and typed at her laptop, enlacing her with the client. "Good morning! Finn Coupe Shuzzette at your services! We at the Yamamoto Entertainment, airlines agency, are always glad to be of service! Mr. Yamaha, I heard you are interested in our company, our airlines are a new addition to the company, I'm glad for your preference!" Ryuu then moved his hand close to his throat as telling Finn to remain in silence, the girl sweat dropped. "Wah! I'm sorry Mr. Yamaha! I'm still new at this! If you want I can communicate you with someone else... ah... eh? You don't care? You are having a good time working with us? That's so nice of you to say!" She said while cleaning her tears away. "But returning to business, Mr. Yamaha... I'm sending our airline's information project to you... well... I will once I understand how this works..."

"Take a rest, Finn, I will handle this." Finn nodded sadly and took her headphones off. She then handled them to Ryuu. "Mr. Yamaha, I'm sorry for the sudden interruption, Tsuji Ryuu, head of the Tsuji Sport Entertainment Company and Director of marketing for the Yamamoto Group speaking, I'm sending detailed airlines information projects to you." He then stared at Finn with a smile. The girl breathed out in defeat but smiled back. "Thank you Mr. Yamaha, we will start the preparations... shall we take on the marketing of your event as well?" Ryuu listened to his client and then smiled. "No, everything is fine, you no longer have to wait in the line, as I mentioned earlier I'm the marketing director... yes, naturally, our extra services have a special price, it all is part of the same company Mr. Yamaha, I will send a report of activities and services to your mail, if there is something else I can help you with please be so kind to ask..." Ryuu smiled and then sealed the deal. "It was a pleasure to do business with you Mr. Yamaha." He then cut the transmission. "Finn, just relax, you already know how to do this. You just worry too much."

"I know, and I'm sorry! I'm not used to this technological stuff! I felt safer as Yahiro's secretary!" Ryuu sweat dropped when hearing that last. He then stared at the door where Yahiro, Megumi, and Kei where witnessing it all, Finn noticed the stare and then turned to see the just arriving group, she flinched and then made various reverences. "Mr. Yamamoto! What a surprise!"

"Don't give me that Mr. Yamamoto crap. When will you ever understand I'm no longer retiring the investment I made on your country's technologies? I already recovered that investment anyway. So, who has the financial report so far?" And no one replied. They all just stared at him. Megumi then pulled his suit and pointed at the picture of Yahiro's mother at his desk. "Just what I needed, speak to the devil's advocate, what a pain... and why did you place this picture at my desk? It isn't Halloween yet!" But Megumi stared at him with disbelief, Akemi and Yahiro were supposed to be in good terms already, but Yahiro still refused to socialize with his mother entirely. "You speak to her, I need to talk to your mother and see how the sponsoring is going."

"Eh?" She replied half scared. Everyone then returned to their usual activities and doing business, Megumi just stared at the phone and tried to dial Akemi's number, and upon doing it so, she waited at the other side of the line.

"What the hell do you want, stupid son? Can't you see I'm busy?" Megumi flinched and fell down, after all, the loud speaker was active. Yahiro just bit his lips in annoyance and sat at his chair while getting his computer ready. "Speak now stupid son! I have more important business at hand, what do you want?"

"...Eh...?" At the other side of the line Akemi remained in silence, Megumi just gulped hard and continued. "...Yahiro-kun... wishes to know about... the financial situation... please..." She said while sweat dropping.

"Aaaaah! Megumi-chan!" Akemi yelled, forcing Megumi to complain and fall down once again by the sudden reaction. "Megumi, you sweat and beautiful creature, but of course, tell that lazy and good for nothing son of mine that I will be sending a report tonight! And tell him to move his butt from that stupid chair and to get back to work! That lazy good for nothing should be investing instead of resting!"

"Who are you calling a good for nothing, witch? For many years it was you the one with her butt at the sofa while I did all the hard work! The less you can do now is taking on my responsibilities and do the financial report yourself you witch!" Yahiro yelled while taking the phone off of Megumi's hands. "Accursed monster! Get back to work before I fire you!"

"Shut up stupid son! Doing the financial report isn't easy you brat! I work day and night to do these damn daily reports! And what do I get? A cursed yelling from my stupid son who does nothing but complain all the time!" Akemi yelled back, Yahiro was then surrounded by his usual dark aura and could feel that his phone was also surrounded by it. Megumi just sweat dropped, after all this time, both mother and son couldn't get along well. "At least thank me for covering you so you can concentrate more in my sweet Megumi-chan!"

"What did you say, witch?" He said while yelling at the phone, but he then noticed Megumi was staring at him with teary eyes and forced him to swallow his annoyance. "Fine!" He yelled, he then took a deep breath and relaxed. "I really do appreciate what you are doing for me, mother..." He admitted, Megumi smiled, everyone at the room just stared at Yahiro while giggling, he just directed demonical glares to them all.

"Kyaaaaa! My stupid son admitted it! And I recorded it! This will be a great tone for my phone! So I can hear you appreciating my work all the time stupid son!" And Yahiro then bit his lips in annoyance and felt like throwing the phone out of the window. "Hey! Stupid son..." She began, and Yahiro cursed her between lips. "Don't forget mother loves you. Now move your butt and get to work, we need to work hard if we want to defeat your father."

"I get it! Quit bothering me already. And don't say those kinds of things so openly. Remember I said one step at a time." He said now more calmly, and before his mother could complain, he turned the phone off and threw it to the sofa. "Witch."

"Aww! Yahiro is embarrassed! Isn't he cute when he is embarrassed?" Yelled Sakura while staring at him. Yahiro then stared at her with hatred, and the girl flinched. "Ah! Sorry, sorry! I'm working, I'm working! Damn you Yahiro! Sometimes I wish you were nice to me as you are to Megumi!" Yahiro then felt many veins popping at his forehead and then ignored them all, he then stared out of the window and breathed out in defeat.

"...Yahiro is having fun... isn't he...?" Megumi began. The teen rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement, Megumi then smiled. "...I'm glad..." She said while sitting down at the chair next to Yahiro's desk and blushing happily.

"Yahiro, so far the investing and business relationships with our sponsors and clients are at optimal levels, but we still have to find more monetary resources, and the important businesses are harder to find than ever." Yahiro nodded at Kei's words, all he wanted was to have some rest, his brain couldn't possibly work 24 hours and seven days a week as Kei's one could. "...Why not including Tadashi and Akira in your plans for once?"

"Eh?" Yahiro complained. Megumi blinked twice at such reaction. "Tsk! What the hell are you saying? There is no way I'm working together with that buffoon, Tadashi. He will only force me to lose important money! I care little about his business and abilities, for me he can go out on an exploration and get lost in the woods."

"...That's not a bad idea..." Everyone flinched. Megumi had spoken out as if she actually believed in her own words. Even Kei and Yahiro were surprised. "...It would be as a business relationship vacation... so Yahiro can get to know Tadashi and Akira enough as to trust them and start working together with them... right?" Yahiro blinked twice, Megumi just smiled in her usual way. "Just Yahiro, Akira, Tadashi and myself!"

"Definitively no! I have no time to waste! There is a lot of work to be done and little time to do it! I have no time to be wasting around those two!" Yahiro complained. Megumi just smiled with her usual blush forever drawn in her face, something that forced Yahiro to blush as well, turn around, and ignore the situation.

"Yahiro." Kei began, and Yahiro flinched. Every time Kei used that tone of voice with him it only meant bad things would happen. "Never forget, that Megumi is also part of this team to defeat your father... if there is someone who can help you fulfill that dream you both have... that is Megumi... I will do some reservations, I will also mail Tadashi and Akira, I'm sure they will be pleased."

"Kei! You can also come with us an invite Hikari!" And Kei flinched. He then allowed his phone to fall. "Hikari-chan deserves to spend some time with Kei as well! Both hadn't enjoyed a moment of rest ever since our trip to Hawaii. I think Kei is being cold hearted by not caring enough about Hikari-chan, the girl he is now promised to." Everyone flinched when hearing that last, even Yahiro was surprised to hear that information. He spun his chair and stared at Kei with an evil smile on his lips. "...Yahiro...?"

"Promised to Hikari-chan, eh?" Kei faced Yahiro with determination, although a drop of sweat was evident in his face. "Oh, I think I understand the situation way better now... yeah... that's very Kei-like... fascinating, and she hadn't replied yet?"

"Yahiro, I'm warning you, don't plot anything against Hikari. You really don't want our rivalry to return after working together for so long. Think about what you are doing." Kei said with a determined voice, Yahiro just laughed silently and spun around to see the city.

"You know Megumi-chan, I think I'm really going to enjoy this plan of yours. I have this feeling it's going to be a... revealing trip..." Megumi blinked twice not understanding what was going on, Yahiro just kept holding his laughter, Kei ignored it all and made the reservation. After all, why arguing with Yahiro at the moment.


"Taaadaaashiii! When you told me we were going out on a hot springs vacation you never mentioned anything like this!" Akira complained and yelled at Tadashi with annoyance as she pointed at the two persons she hated the most now traveling with them on top of a ship toward Osaka, the closest place to their destination, the famous Shirahama Osen, one of the three most famous hot springs in all Japan. "I can't complain about Megumi and Hikari, Tadashi, but why in the world did Yahiro and Kei had to come as well?" She demanded for answers with evil intentions, Tadashi just sweat dropped and backed off in fear.

"Well, that's because Yahiro was the one inviting me! So if you think about it we are the ones tagging along, not them!" Tadashi admitted with a smile, Akira blushed in hatred and then grabbed her boyfriend by the neck and began strangling him. "Aght! Akira! It hurts, it... hurts..." He said while losing his breath.

"I have this feeling this is going to be a hell of a month... Megumi surely can be annoying sometimes. It's obvious she plotted this plan to fix everything between me and Akira." Yahiro mentioned. "That girl, I already told her I no longer care." He mentioned while staring at Megumi and Hikari playing around the water of the poll and wearing the same swimsuits they bought for the girls during their stay in Hawaii, which was something that wouldn't allow Kei to concentrate in working either. "Oi! Quit ignoring me, there is no way we will be able to work during this month, let's leave everything to Sakura and my mother, they will handle it."

"Sadly enough, I need to admit it is true. Spending a month in a hot spring's hotel with Hikari, there is no way I can concentrate anymore... but you better don't be planning anything, Yahiro, you surely don't want me as your enemy again." Yahiro bit his lips and rested at his chair while staring at the sky, Kei did the same. "Is it really all over? Between you and Akira I mean. Even if you try to deny it, the truth is you still have feelings for Akira, despite loving Megumi now. The proof of it being you recently admitted your love for Megumi despite being married to her."

"Curses! I knew having your personal bodyguard tagging along with us was going to be troublesome." Yahiro said while noticing Aoi and his many agents all around the ship and making sure none of the tourist also traveling to Osaka were planning on interrupting Megumi's way of life. "But let's forget about that subject. So what if I still have feelings for Akira? The truth is that will never happen, and between Megumi and Akira, I will always chose Megumi."

"Hearing you say that is something surprising, Yahiro. For you to admit that to me it means that it's nothing but the truth." Kei smiled, Yahiro rolled his eyes and faced away. "However, you do know why Megumi is doing all this, don't you?" Yahiro finally faced him. "I'm surprised you don't know... since it was the deal you and her made... if you were to admit your feelings for her, and tell her that you loved her, the marriage would be official."

"Stupid, it's already official, I'm a Yamamoto already! I have been for the past months. Everything you are saying now makes no sense at all." But Kei kept staring at him with his usual smile. Yahiro was annoyed by that last, but ended giving up. "What's on your mind?"

"Not in my mind, but in Megumi's one. You are a Yamamoto, that's true, but only by name. You registered at a civilian court, and for a girl that has little to no meaning. The truth being told is you lost your bet to her just recently, Yahiro, and Megumi is making sure everything is ready for you and her to give the next step. And that step is nothing but a real wedding ceremony, with all her friends and loved ones witnessing it." Yahiro flinched, Kei nodded. "Just as you grew to be more open minded and caring as Megumi is, the truth is you also affected her, since now Megumi's mind works in a different way, she had been plotting a lot lately without you noticing it... fixing the relationship with your mother, allowing you to erase the promise you had with Sakura, and now helping you fix everything between you and Akira... all this to help you be ready for the day you and her will meet at the altar."

"...You know... all this looks like just something I would plan... just thinking about it annoys me... curses... that girl, I knew she was planning this, I just failed to notice her reasons..." Kei nodded and then rested himself at his chair as he stared at the two girls still splashing one another while Akira kept yelling at Tadashi instead of enjoying it all. "She does have some girly ways of planning stuff... she watches too much cartoons, why else would she chose a hot springs for doing this?"

"Megumi is still Megumi. Don't forget her innocence is one that can't be erased." And Yahiro was glad to know that. After all his efforts of teasing the girl into thinking odd things about Yahiro's true interests, the girl had remained as pure as always. Joking around with her like that was something he still enjoyed, just not anything he was really willing to do to her. He just enjoyed exploiting her innocent nature, and that forced a smile on his lips. "That smile now drawn on your face, it's really creepy."

"Shut up!" Kei smiled, Yahiro rolled his eyes once again but returned the smile. "I'm just planning something... but it isn't ruining Megumi's plan, the whole contrary, I'm planning on enjoying this and playing the oblivious. Let's see what is what Megumi had planned so far." Kei nodded. Both then relaxed, ready to enjoy a whole month of avoiding work.


"Betrayed by my prodigy son, betrayed by my supposed wife, and now, my son fails to get the money I was waiting for... Chitose... you got any idea of how much you have failed me? If it weren't because you are now the only Saiga left, I would have stripped you of the last name you have." Chitose cried while sitting at the chair Saku Saiga forced everyone entering his office to sit at, Chitose's world had crumbled ever since Megumi arrived to Yahiro's life, and his heart was broken in half after being rejected by the girl he had a crush on, the girl who picked Yahiro instead of him and that was now promised to Jun Yamamoto. "Give me a reason of why should I trust you again... when a month is left for the promised day in which you are supposed to return the money I gave to you."

"Father! I ask for your forgiveness! I tried the easy way out. You already punished me for that. I beg of you. I still have exactly one month to get the money I owe you, just give me more time, please! I promise to get the money!" Saku then slammed his fist at the desk. The fancy looking desk broke by the impact. Chitose flinched and widened his eyes. "Father!"

"Silence!" Chitose gulped and nodded. Saku Saiga then stood up and walked around his room and toward the chair Chitose was at, he then walked around it as a shark around its prey, forcing fear inside of his son's body. "Yahiro never failed me, not even once, that of course was because I had taught him everything he knows. Chitose, you should be pleased, while I worked your brother to hell you were the one enjoying the easy life of the luxurious. But now, we both have lost what we once had. I lost the son who I was proud of, the next successor of the Saiga family gone forever. You lost your mother, who always took care of you, that woman who despite knowing you were born a boy gave you the same love she would as if you were born a girl. But what happened then? She forgot about you because of greed. She went to your brother's side, all because she thinks he will eventually beat me in this game. Tell me, Chitose, now that you and I are the only ones left, do you think I will sit and wait to see my son trying to overwhelm my empire?"

"...No... of course not... we, the Saigas, always are victorious..." Saku nodded, Chitose just lowered his face. "But what can I do? I don't have the financial mind of my brother, or the creepy controlling side he has, Yahiro was always the favorite son of father!"

"I won't deny it. He was my favorite son. Obedient, successful, intimidating, powerful. Just like I was when I was young... only he was polluted, by a girl, Megumi Yamamoto. Chitose, the Yamamoto name is the name of the enemy, an empire that is rising as we speak, and its shadow is slowly overwhelming that which I have created... I want that money, I don't care about what ways you use to get it... you have one month to give me 20 million dollars." Chitose's eyes then widened. The money he was supposed to give to his father had increased greatly, and he only had a month to get it. "You won't complain, you won't look back... you will do it... or else..." Chitose gulped, and Saku faced him. "You will wish you were never born a Saiga."

"I understand... I will definitively get the money I need..." Saku then smiled. Reflected in Chitose's face was the same look Yahiro used to give to his father when he was being plotted to be the successor of the Saiga Empire. Saku could now be sure of something: no matter the ways, Chitose had no choice but get the money. "20 million in a month, 5 million in my power, 5 investments, one million each, 30 days, 5 business chains... it is possible..." He smiled, Saku smiled as well. "20 million dollars... it's easy... I know how to do it... and the best part is, my brother did about the same thing but failed... I will definitively defeat my brother."

"That's what I wanted to hear, now leave, you have no time to waste, I expect results as soon as possible, and never forget: you now are the future of the Saiga Company." Chitose smiled with a demonical grin drawn on his face, one far different than Yahiro's one, more similar to Saku's one, and once he was gone, Saku laughed. "That's it, Chitose. There is a great difference between you and Yahiro... you both fear me, you both are financial geniuses... but only Yahiro, is a weak business men. He controls others, yes, but there is always an equal benefit. The living proof is the Ushikubo. Even after taking control of the whole company, the Ushikubo still remain as powerful as ever, all because Yahiro is afraid of taking full control and ruining someone's life. You, Chitose, don't care about that. Your only objective is defeating your brother."


"Then we have a deal! The Yamamoto Entertainment Corporation will invest in your company and chains of hotels. We will also invest a few millions in the excavation of artificial hot springs, but I hope you understand that this second investment means I will own a good part of your company." Yahiro smiled evilly, and the woman now doing business with him just sweat dropped. "Why that face of yours? I have no interest in buying the whole thing, only the part I need to become the major actionist. I'm too lazy as to take full control anywa. Which reminds me, by signing this contract you are also agreeing on our airlines being the ones sponsoring your trips. We also expect a benefit of 30% of the earnings you get from the new clients we get for you. Wherever you see it, we both win, what do you say?" The woman nodded and then signed the papers. "A pleasure working with you. We expect to work together once again in the near future." The woman nodded and stood up silently. She then returned to her usual activities.

"You know, you have a peculiar way of doing business." Kei began. He was sitting next to Yahiro at the reception of the hotel they had arrived at. "Instead of taking full control, you just become the top actionist. I have always wondered about your reasons, I know you are a financial genius but doing a bigger investment would be better than buying the 51% of the actions." But Yahiro moved his head in negation and then smiled while putting away the many contracts he had just signed.

"I mentioned it earlier, I'm lazy, and taking full control means a lot of work. Owning half of the company is much better. That way, I can relax and allow money to arrive to my account instead of working all the time. I sacrifice a bigger earning, but I'm not greedy, I just like the easy life. Far different from you who is always working." Yahiro pointed out, and Kei had to admit he had a point. Owning half of the company meant Yahiro didn't have full responsibility, only half. "Financial genius, Kei, you can beat me in everything else, just not in finances."

"Don't count me out of it yet. The only reason you can claim to be a financial genius is because you have me doing your investing monitoring. More than a financial genius you are a business genius." Yahiro felt a vein popping on his forehead. "You are also bad on keeping relationships, or haven't you noticed, while doing business, Megumi had been staring at you and waiting for the moment in which you stop working? You need to stop doing business everywhere you go."

"You always have to have the last word, don't you? If I want to do business everywhere I go, then that's my problem." And Kei faced him with interest, Yahiro just flinched. "Fine! I got it! I got it! This is the last investment I do this month, but we are wasting a great opportunity. Many business people come to these hot springs." But Yahiro then noticed the teary stare Megumi directed to him at the distance, and so he blushed and swallowed all his pride. "You win, I'm out of business." Megumi then smiled at the distance as if understanding what Yahiro was saying. "How annoying, but I did say I was going to pretend to be oblivious of her plan. The less I can do is enjoy it. Now, let's go, the girls are waiting for us." Kei nodded, both then walked toward the group. "No more business for the both of us during these vacations."

"Thanks!" Megumi yelled, Yahiro and Kei both covered their ears in annoyance and Yahiro was then tackled down by Megumi's flying body. Kei, Tadashi and Hikari all laughed, Akira just faced away in annoyance not enjoying her trip because of sharing her girls with the couple of monsters. "...Let's have fun..." She whispered, Yahiro blushed, but then he pushed her away rudely.

"You better stop tackling me down like this." He said while standing up and keeping his hand pushing Megumi away. "Not in front of Kei." He joked. And Kei felt many veins popping at his forehead and Akira's jaw dropped. "When we are alone, you can do anything you want." He said while placing his hand at her chin and grapping his fingers around her face, forcing both Kei and Akira to flinch. "Until then, please wait for me." She blushed madly and nodded several times.

"Quit seducing my sweat Megumi-chan! I'm not allowing you to place your dirty claws in her! I don't care if you two are married! There is no way I'm going to lose my Megumi-chan to someone like you!" Akira yelled and then pulled Megumi into a hug. "That also goes for Hikari-chan you stupid Kei!" She said while pulling Hikari as well, she hugged them both hard. "I will keep them both save from you two monsters! That's why the girls will all sleep at the same room. You boys stay in your room!" She said while slamming her hand at the counter, where the lady in charge yelled in surprise. "Two rooms! One for girls, and the other one for the boys at the other side of the hotel! As far from us as possible!"

"Now there, Akira-san! You can separate us all you want, you can't change the fact that after my last investment, I own half of the hotel. In other words, half of the rooms around here are open to me, you can't possibly stay close to Megumi all the time, I could hide with her somewhere at this hotel without you even noticing it." Yahiro joked, Akira flinched.

"You think you are so smart, don't you? Then allow me to do something different for these vacations, just you wait and see!" Akira yelled hard, and Yahiro just ginned evilly. An hour later, everyone was dressed in their hot springs outfit and at the girl's room, where Akira was plotting a way to keep the boys and the girls away from one another. Hikari, Tadashi and Megumi were all worried, Kei and Yahiro just kept emotionless stares. "You two won't ruin my vacations. That's why I have planned something to keep you all from ruining it." Akira then ran to Hikari and Megumi, she took Megumi's right hand and Hikari's left one, and then chained both of their hands with handcuffs. "Megumi and Hikari will be together all the time! That way none of you monsters will be able to have a moment with them separately!" She then laughed evilly.

"I hope she understands that even if she does that I can break the handcuffs easily." Kei told Yahiro while the girl laughed hysterically. "She says she doesn't want us to ruin the vacations. And it is she the one doing it."

"I'm not so sure, this surely makes things more interesting." Yahiro said while staring at Megumi, who could barely believe what Akira was doing, she then directed an annoyed stare to Akira. "You know, Kei. I'm starting to think Megumi is now more like me than I would like to admit. I can see what she is going to do now."

"You two! Quit your complains! Now give me your hands since you two will spend the whole month together! Monster with monster!" Yahiro then smiled and offered his left hand to Akira, Kei offered the right one. "So you cooperate? That's better!" She said while placing the handcuff at Yahiro's hand. Megumi then rushed to Akira's side, took the other part of the handcuff and chained Akira to Yahiro, "What the...!"

"...You suffer too..." Megumi said with a vein popping at her forehead. And Akira's jaw dropped. Hikari, who was now at the floor thanks to Megumi's rough movement, also shared a similar expression. "If Hikari and I can't be with Kei and Yahiro... then you can't be with Tadashi either." Akira blinked twice not believing this side of Megumi, Yahiro just grinned evilly. "I apologize for this." Megumi made a reverence. And Kei, now more used to Megumi's voice, nodded and offered his right hand to her. And Megumi then took the remaining handcuff from Akira and placed it a Kei's hand, she then placed the other one at Tadashi's left hand.

"But Megumi-chan! This wasn't part of the plan all along! Let me fix this... where are the keys...?" Akira said while looking for the keys all around her bathing clothes, only she hadn't noticed Yahiro had stolen them. "Yahiro! Give those to me!"

"Eh? Don't wanna." He said with a smirk. He then threw the keys to Megumi, who caught them before they fell. "Wanna play dirty? Then we will play your way!" Yahiro added with a smile. "So, how about we go take a bath at the hot springs, Akira-san!" She flinched. Megumi also felt a little annoyed by Yahiro's words. "Now there, Megumi-chan, if I hadn't touched you so far, you think I would touch Akira? Think again. There are special mixed hot springs, only they are crowded with kids!" Yahiro added, Megumi smiled. "Now, let's go, Akira-san!"

"I hate you, Yahiro!" The teen was of course hurt by Akira's words, but his face reflected different emotions as everyone made their way to the hot springs. Moments later, everyone had gone separated ways, with Megumi and Hikari enjoying the girl's hot springs and playing around the hot water happily, Tadashi and Kei also leaving for the men hot springs, and sadly, ruining the mood for both of them since Tadashi and Kei had almost nothing in common. And also, Tadashi couldn't go exploring as he had wanted to do the whole day. And finally, Akira and Yahiro were forced to share a hot springs with many kids splashing all around the place and with their parents taking care of them. Both were unable to take off their coats for obvious reasons and were currently bathing side by side in silence. "This is... such an annoying situation."

"I don't see why. We are relaxing at the hot springs and enjoying the time, just the way we would do with everyone else. Only because of your selfishness we ended together." Akira then faced Yahiro with hatred, the teen just smiled. "You deserve it for being this untrusting."

"That's it! I'm leaving! I won't share a hot spring with you!" Akira yelled and went out of the water ignoring the chill of the wind. Yahiro just pushed her back inside by pulling her chain. "What's your problem?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He began. Akira just stared at him with hatred. "After so long... I stop interfering in your life... and now it is you the one messing with mine... it took me a lot of effort, but I moved on... but now that I have, your whole attention is placed toward me... Akira, can't you see the obvious...? You are acting just as I used to do..." The girl then bit her lips in annoyance. She then crossed her arms and faced away.

"You are a horrible person, nothing you do will change that! I don't care if you helped me in the past, I don't care if Megumi loves you. A person like you can't be trusted, no matter how much Megumi thinks she loves you! That's something I'm never allowing! Not after you pushed my precious friend away from me!" Yahiro's smile then faded. He just stared at nowhere and rested his head at the improvised pillow he made out of his towel. "You will always be a despicable person... even if Megumi can't see it..."

"Oh, but Megumi can see it perfectly... only that unlike you, she always believed my actions had a secret meaning." Akira then faced Yahiro with interest despite her annoyance. "...How about we make a deal...? I want to bury the hatchet, forget all that had happened... in return... I will tell you the truth about Sayo." Akira's eyes then widened. Yahiro just kept his stare toward nowhere. "...I never... meant you any harm... that's why I never told you..."

"Yahiro, I don't believe there is anything you can say to change my mind. And believe me when I tell you, I have no interest in burying the hatchet, not for you." Yahiro directed his stare to Akira, but never stopped facing the night sky. "You ruined our relationship when you pushed Sayo away from me."

"You really think so?" Akira nodded. "Relationship... eh...? Then that means you actually felt something for me as well." Akira then blushed madly, but managed to turn around in annoyance. "I don't care anymore... I no longer feel anything for you. Even this sudden revelation means nothing to me. But for Megumi, I need to bury the hatchet. I'm willing to do it. The question is... are you...?"

"...For Megumi only... never for you..." Yahiro nodded and closed his eyes. Akira just faced him with determination and hatred. "Why...? That's all I want to know... why did you betray my trust on you...? Why did you push Sayo away from me... jealously?"

"I guess it was that in some way... but I initially took my distance... it's not my fault I discovered some horrible things later on..." Akira remained in silence, Yahiro just smiled. "I guess Kei kept the promise he made to me and never told you the truth... Sayo... that girl only befriended you for money." Akira's eyes widened, Yahiro just relaxed. "When I found out... I told myself that I had rather have you hating me, than ever allowing that girl to be your friend and use you as the selfish girl she was... it was the first and only moment in which I took advantage of the power I had to control anyone the way I did... the first time I made business as my father does... threatening her, and telling her to move away... forcing her family away from you... so she would no longer take advantage of you."

"You are lying... Sayo was my best friend... my only real friend... she was always with me, she always played with me, you are lying! There is no way that can be truth! There is no way someone would fake a friendship for money!" Yahiro said nothing. He just kept his usual emotionless stare at the sky. "How can you lie to me like this? What did I do to deserve this?"

"...Lie...? I don't lie... Sakura wouldn't like it... I just joke around... and... do you believe I would joke about something like that...? Remember what you forced me to promise? You said, that until you came looking for me, I should never see you ever again... that was my punishment for keeping that girl away from you... and I never tried to explain myself... it was perhaps the hardest thing I ever did... and you still believe I lied to you? Keep telling yourself that until you end up believing it..." Akira then bit her lips in annoyance, Yahiro just ignored her. "90-81-3175-8376." He said. Akira then stared at him with curiosity. "Sayo's phone number... call her if you dare."

"...Sayo's...?" Yahiro nodded, Akira just kept staring at him with disbelief and with her eyes about to break into tears. She then stood up once again, ignoring the chilling sensation of the wind and pulling Yahiro's chain with her and rudely out of the water. "This changes nothing."

"It will only make everything worse. But for Megumi, there are some sacrifices I no longer care doing... hate me all you want, just stop interfering in my relationship with her." Akira never replied. She just walked toward the main hall and in search of a phone. She found one close to the recreation area, where she noticed Hikari and Kei were sharing a game of table tennis as the result of one of Hikari's challenges, which pulled Megumi and Tadashi toward a really uncomfortable situation as they tried to keep up to their chained partners. "That looks like fun! Haven't played table tennis in a while. Don't you envy them, Akira? How they are able to have fun while we just try to stab one another with hate-full comments?"

"...I'm going to call Sayo, now..." She said while taking the phone up and dialing the number. "It's been so long, I wonder if she remembers me. Sayo, my dear friend... my precious girl..." She said with watering eyes as she finished dialing the number and waiting at the other side of the line. Yahiro just faced away, he didn't want to see the look on Akira's face and began concentrating in Megumi, the reason behind all his effort to earn Akira's favor. "Sayo!" She yelled happily, and at the table tennis section, Hikari finally lost the point and Kei interrupted the game, after hearing that name. Kei's interest flew away from having fun with Hikari and was centered in Akira and Yahiro, both by the phone at the hall next to the gaming section. "Is it really...? This is such a bad joke from destiny for it being you the one answering the phone! Sayo! Do you know who this is? It's me, Akira!" Tears rolled down Akira's eyes as she heard the voice of the girl at the other side of the line. Kei just allowed his small racket to fall and walked toward the couple while pulling Tadashi with him.

"Yahiro... don't tell me you really did what I feared so much..." Yahiro nodded. Everyone else just stared at Kei with confusion evident in their faces. "Why? Going so far to do something like this, do you know what it means?"

"Kei... shut up..." Yahiro said with a low tone of voice. "Akira is speaking by phone... be more respectful and give her some privacy..." Kei was about to complain, when he noticed the hurt-full look at Yahiro's eyes. A look that soon disappeared once Megumi took his hand while pulling Hikari with her. "...You little plan plotter... this is what you wanted. For me to bury the hatched... only to bury some things... others need to be dug out of the ground..."

"Yes! It's been so long! Sayo, I'm so glad you remember me! I have missed you as you have no idea! What's been of your life? How is everything?" Akira's eyes then widened, Yahiro then directed his look toward her, Kei did the same. "...Yes... everything is fine with me... my parents airlines are winning more and more territories, but Sayo, let's not talk about business, all I want to know is if you..." Akira then waited and listened to Sayo's voice. She then lowered her face with each passing second. "Well, it's not like I own the company, I'm just the daughter of the owners after all. Say, Sayo, how about I go visit you to your place anytime soon!" She added with happiness, only it was all erased shortly after. "Why my place?" She asked, then waited. And once again spoke back. "I don't care about luxury, Sayo... you are a precious friend of mine. Even if your family is of average level, it changes nothing about how I feel about you..." Akira's hand was then closed into a fist. "Why are you being this insistent?" She waited. Kei and Yahiro both lowered their faces. "No, Sayo, I don't want you to come to my place." The voice at the other side of the line then sounded louder, loud enough for everyone to hear it. "...So... I was wrong all along... the reason of you being my friend... wasn't because of me... it was because of my money..." The voice at the other side calmed down abruptly. "You can't fix it anymore, Sayo. Quit using fake words toward me... I already know the real you... good bye, Sayo..." And so, Akira hanged the phone. "...You never lied to me..."

"More like I never told you the truth." Yahiro added calmly. "Sayo only wanted your money... she was the kind of person I always hated... so I pushed her away from you. So she wouldn't hurt you. After all, a forced friendship is a fake one... isn't it... Kei?" The teen nodded. "Back then, Kei and I weren't friends... but we both agreed on helping Sayo away from you... I would take all the blame of course, it was my plan, not his... he only promised to keep the secret in exchange of my friendship... a fair deal."

"Then it means Kei also knew it all along... and you didn't tell me...?" Akira faced Kei. The teen just gave her an emotionless stare. "You two... are really monsters... even worse than what I ever thought..." Both just remained in silence. "...But..." Akira began. "...You two made a great sacrifice for me... both of you... but even bigger was the sacrifice Yahiro made..." She stared at him with teary eyes. Yahiro just faced away. "...You sacrificed our relationship... our friendship... Akemi told me she wanted me to be the next Saiga in the family... and I accepted..."

"And I couldn't be happier... but you were always my mother's tool for her to win my love as a son... I don't play that way. So I never accepted the wedding interview with your family... Kei was the one opening my eyes to that possibility... the possibility of me also finding someone who could change me... plotting against Sayo... was perhaps the proof I needed... I wanted to see if you could forgive me for being a despicable person... and even now you haven't..." Yahiro said while staring at Megumi. "So far... only Megumi had accepted me as I am... a despicable person... she always did what you couldn't... and that was believing in me... that's why I kept you as my enemy... until Megumi asked me unwillingly to bury the hatchet."

"Stupid!" Akira cried hard. Tadashi wanted to go to her side and comfort her. Only Kei pulled his chain to stop him. "For many years I hated you... for many years I hated Kei... and you two were only trying to protect me? Are you telling me all this hatred I felt... you two swallowed it only for me to find happiness elsewhere? You two... are monsters..." She cried. But then she pulled Yahiro's chain and forced him into a hug. She then moved her free hand to reach Kei and also pulled him into a hug. "This was my world... only Yahiro, Kei and myself... and it was all lost because of my selfishness... stupid! You two are so stupid! Why didn't you ever tell me? All this hatred... all this pain I felt... and you two always loved me so much to suffer because of me... I forgive you two..." Yahiro's eyes widened, so did Kei's ones. Tadashi, Megumi and Hikari, all of them being pulled close to the trio, exchanged looks but smiled. They then felt their hands being pulled as both Kei and Yahiro pulled Akira into a hug.

"...They have finally buried the hatchet..." Megumi said while taking the keys from out of her robe and releasing everyone. She then waited until the very moment when the trio broke the hug and launched herself to Yahiro, pulling him into one of her hugs. "Are you... having fun...?" She asked. Yahiro smiled. "I'm glad!" She then stared at Akira and saw how she continued sobbing at Tadashi's clothes. "Everything is fine now."

"Almost." Admitted Yahiro. He then stared at Tadashi and smiled. "...There is still on person... who I need to get along with..." And Megumi nodded. She then buried her face against Yahiro's chest and began rubbing her face there and forcing Yahiro to smile. "Megumi... I owe it all to you..." He said while rubbing her hair. "You stupid girl who never stopped believing in me."

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