Demons (NaLu) (Under Editing)

By Infinite_Dawn

51.8K 1.5K 324

"Look into my eyes it's where my DEMONS's where my DEMONS hide, don't get too close it's DARK insid... More

Life Changing
The Moment of Truth
Love and Hate
First of Things
Learning Each Other's Past
Dying For You (Not a Chapter) (NaLu)
Waiting Outside the Lines
Going Under
Discussion Time
Listening Harder
What Now
Surprise (Not a Chapter) (Jerza)
Just Can't Walk Away
Why Is This Happening?
β™₯β™₯Author's Note!!!β™₯β™₯
Something's Happen For Reason
You and I (Not A Chapter) (GaLe)
Things Can Change
Anything Could Happen
A Side Unknown
Need This
Realities Witness (Not a Chapter) (Gruvia)
Proludge: Prom Night
Prom Night Part 1
Prom Night: Part 2
Author's Note! IMPORTANT!!!!!
Prom Night: Part 3
Little Talks
~Authors NOTE~
Thank You for Your Words of Wisdom
Graduation Day
The Proposal
Updates and New Stories!
A/N BIRTHDAY!!! & New Ideas

Planning and Unexpected

980 37 7
By Infinite_Dawn


I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry about the not updating...things have happened. Anyway two new characters!!! Obviously...oh Rogue will be acting the same and a little OC but not as much as Yukino...she will definitely be OC b/c I think it'll go good with the story but she's not goin be mean like Lisanna...she really was OC. So here's Anything Can Happen!


Nobody's P.O.V.

"His cute and mysterious."

"Wow I wonder if he has a girlfriend already?"

"Look how pretty she is!"

"Such a sweet face for a 17 year old girl."

The light blue hair girl and black hair boy with a bang covering his eye. Walked fast and calmly. "Yukino...I hope you know that this school is different from yours." The black head guy said.

"...I know...but I came here for one reason and one reason only...Sting-kun." She said blushing and smiling.

"Yea but-"

She cut Rogue off. "Rogue it'll be I was his childhood crush after all." She bragged. Rogue looked at her and then sighed.

You really have changed Yukino...where's the Yukino that we knew. Rogue thought to himself.

A.P. Latin 4-

"Ok class it seems that we have 2 news students." The teacher said happily clapping his hands together.

"So here they are." The door opened and Yukino and Rogue appeared.

"Y-Yuik-" Sting began to say but Lucy cut him off.

"No?" It was almost like being starstruck.

"Sting..." Lucy said to Sting who just kept staring at Yukino.

Sting had finally noticed Yukino beauty but only saw Lucy. "Rogue..." Lucy said and Sting had left his trance.

"So these are your new classmates...please give them your full attention when they are speaking." The teacher said.

"Well...I'm Rogue came from Sabertooth Highschool...and that guy right there Sting Eucliffe..." Rogue pointed to Sting and everybody looked at Sting.

"Is my younger stepbrother...we are complete opposites and get different girls in different ways." He said with a smirk.

"What?" Lucy mumbled looking in the corner of her eye at Sting.

And gasped and mumbles flooded the room...even the teacher started gasping. What are you saying Rogue!!?? Are you trying to get Lucy to hate me!!?? Sting yelled in panick in his head.

"Ok class calm down!!!" The teacher yelled causing the roars to die down slowly.

"Wow...what a way to show your character." The teacher muttered but Rogue heard it because he had good hearing.

He glared at the teacher but the teacher ignored it. "Well go...I guess I'll go ahead a sit you." The teacher went to his desk and picked up a clipboard.

"...o...k. Rogue you'll be sitting next to...Natsu Dragneel."

Natsu? Lucy turned her head and saw in the back Natsu staring outside.

I...didn't even know he was in my could I miss that. Lucy stared at him a little long and caught the corner of his eye.

She started to turn away slowly, once she did that she slid down in her chair. Sting sighed.

"This is gonna be long day." He said shaking his head.

"Yeaaa..." Lucy replied groaning.


Sting and Lucy were walking in the lunchroom and to the regular lunch table they sat at with their friends. Levy Gajeel Jellal Erza Juvia and Gray were already there.

"Hey guys!" Lucy sung.

"Hey Lucy." The girls sung.

"Hey have you seen Lisanna and Natsu?" Lucy asked suddenly and started sitting down.

"Juvia don't know." She shrugged.

"Sting-kun~" Someone sung behind them.

They turned their heads towards the voice. There running and waving towards them was Yukino Aguria.

"Hey Yukino." Lucy and Sting said.

"Look!" Yukino shouted showing them a paper.

Senior Prom

Time: 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Where: Peaguas Hall

When: May 25th, 2015

Hope to see you there and your last year at Fairy Tail High. Go Fairies!

"And?" Sting questioned kind of rude.

"I was...I was just to...hang out before this. I mean since we missed a lot of time together." Yukino said shyly with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Sting looked at Lucy in the corner of his eye to see her expression. He looked...and noticed Lucy's blank face. "Then maybe everyone else can go." Sting suggested to clear the...awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere.

"I agree." Erza commented coming into the conversation.

"Yea it'll be fun!" Levy cheered.

"Juvia agrees with that too." Juvia said smiling.

"I like that too!" Lucy jumped and fell out her seat. Everyone looked at who it was.

"Lisanna!" Lucy shouted. Lisanna grinned widely.

Lucy looked at Lisanna and then laughed it off. Lisanna then helped Lucy and they sat at the table along with more people joining them.

But...what really was the part catch everyone's eyes was the stare Natsu gave Sting and Lucy. Lisanna irritation came back as the motion of the lunch period came.

Bell Rings-

"Oh wait where should we meet up?" Levy asked before the group had separated.

"Oh what about Ryuuousai Land?" Sting suggested.

"Yes!" Lisanna agreed.

"I never went there before." Lucy smiled with her eyes closed scratching the back of her head.

"WHAT!!!???" The whole group shouted causing a echo and the startle of some of the students that were still in the cafeteria.

"So you're telling me that you never been to Ryuuousai Land?" Erza said calmly using her hands to speak.

" Yea. Never been." Lucy said with sweat going down the back of her head.

Sting sighed. "Well there's a first for everything right?" Sting said smiling at Lucy.

Lucy chuckled. "You're right." She said.

"So I guess we'll go on Saturday." Gray said.

"Yep." Erza said.

"So ladies you know what that mean?" Lisanna said clapping her hands.

"Bikini shopping!!" Juvia Erza Lisanna Levy and Yukino squealed with Lucy's eyes widening.

B-Bikini shopping!!?? Lucy screamed in her head.

"Friday then?" Juvia suggested.


And this is what all the boys are thinking. Bikini. They either had noses bleeds or drool coming from their mouths.

Well boys will be boys won't they always.

End of School-

Lisanna P.O.V.

Right now I'm driving home with Natsu

...but...something's wrong. In his eyes he was different. It's probably her fault!

Lucy your taking him away from me!

Wait...why am I mad at her? Its not really her fault. Maybe I'm wanting something that I had already lost a long time ago. I guess I really can't have everything I want. I sighed. I felt Natsu look at me. Then his hand touched my hand.

Thank you...Natsu...for everything.


Lucy P.O.V.

So it's 2 already and me Levy Erza and Juvia are walking to a store. We kept walking till we saw familiar faces. "Lisanna Yukino!" I shouted.

They noticed and waved. We got there. "How long have you guys been waiting?" Juvia asked.

"Oh not long." Yukino said smiling.

"Yea maybe 5 minutes." Lisanna said.

"Well enough talk just shop." Levy said going in first.

We followed after her. I gasped for some odd reason. I guess from the variety of swimsuits maybe.

From 2 pieces to 1 pieces even some 3 pieces. "Lucy how about this one?" Levy asked showing me a bikini.

"Uhhhh." It was a chain-link black and white bikini top that was starpless and a chain link black and white bottom.

"Who's this for exactly?" I asked.

"Me of course!" Levy said.

"Plus your boobs are to big." Levy said randomly.

I opened my mouth but then closed it. I looked at my chest. I groaned. "Lucy it's fine." Erza said.

"I know." I said.

"Well come on Lucy." Erza said. She grabbed my arm and started pulling me to a different section of the store where more bathing suits were.

"Ok go try these three bikinis on." Erza said handing me the bikinis over to me.

"O...k." I said as Erza started pushing me into the changing room.

I started taking my clothes off when I heard whispers in the other changing room. I tried to ignore it best I could was pretty hard. I put on the bathing suit quickly. "Lucy you done yet?" Erza called from outside.

"Y-Yea!" I said hesitantly.

"Then come out! We've already got our swimsuits!" What?

"Already?" That was fast then.

"Yea come out and show us." She said eagerly. I sighed.

I gripped the doorknob and turned very slowly.

.then opened it. Erza Lisanna Juvia and Levy gasped. "Well don't you look sexy Lu-Chan." Levy said laughing.

"I agree." They turned around and saw Sting.

"S-Sting!" I blushed. He smirked and walked closer to me.

"Seriously no lie you do look cute Lucy." He said pushing my hair back behind my ear.

I stared at him. "So I'm guessing you're getting that?" Lisanna asked.

"No I like the sky blue polka dot demi top and bikini bottom one." I said.

"Then hurry up and buy it then!" Juvia said loudly causing attention.

"Ok ok don't yell Juvia...jeez." Levy and Erza said.

Sting put his hands on my bare back. I twitched. "Do you need for me to help you undress?" He said seductively smirking. My whole face turned red.

"N-No!!" I pushed Sting away and rushed back into the dressing room and slammed the door.

Both my hands were on the door with my head down. "W-What the hell was that!?" I whispered softly.

After a few moments I shook it off and got my regular clothes on and got the bathing suit I wanted. I left the dressing room and went to the counter where everyone else was. I paid for the bathing suit and headed off with the gang.

"So where off to?" Levy asked.

"Oh! How about we go to Lucy's house!" Erza suggested.

"Yea!" Everyone agreed.

"Wait! I never agreed to this!" I shouted rejecting the idea.

"Why not!?" Levy whined.

"Because..." I tapped my chin trying to think of a reason.

"Can't think of a good reason Lucy?" Gajeel asked. I sighed. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Ugh! Fine." They cheered.

Since no one drove to the store we walked all the way back to my place. Probably 10 minutes later we were standing in front of my house. Mom and Mrs. Dragneel were doing Yoga in the front yard. My mouth opened but nothing came out.

"M-Mom what...what are you doing here?" Natsu asked taking the words out my mouth.

"Oh Lucy Natsu and friends how are you?" My Mom asked going into a back bend.

"Umm good." I said weirded out.

"Don't just stand there go inside Mira will show you around." My Mom said. I turned my head towards Lisanna who looked at me and smiled.

"Ok." I said walking to the door while the others followed me. I opened the door and saw Levi walked towards me.

"Lay- Oh Ms. Lucy your back." Mira said.

"Mira!" Lis shouted behind me.

"Lisanna?" She question. As I bent down to pick Levi up Lisanna ran past me and hugged Mira tightly.

"Why haven't you came to see Elfman and I!" Lisanna said loudly.

"You'll have to ask Mom and Dad that Lis." Mira said smiling sadly.

"What do you mean?" She asked releasing the hug.

"Mom and Dad can answer your questions." Everything became quiet but until Levi burped.

"Ok I'll take him Lucy." Sting said.

"Ok." I said.

"Uhh...Lucy mine if I leave first?" Lis asked.

"Uh...ok." She hugged me and then left.

"Lucy can I leave early today?" Mira asked.

"Yea of course are you ok?" I asked worried. She looked at me smiling and nodding.

She walked past me and there was complete silences until I broke it. "Umm come inside the living is right there and make yourself at home." I said trying to undo the uneasiness.

After everyone got in I shut the door and leaned against it. "I have a bad feeling about this." I muttered.

After the moment in the living room the phone had rung. "I'll be right back." I said.

"Ok." They said. I went into the hallway and got the phone.

"Hello this is the Heartfilia Residences Lucy Heartfilia speaking." I said.

"You must be Layla Heartfilia's daughter am I right?" The person said on the other line.

"Uhh...yes?" I said leaning against the wall.

"May I speak to her?" The person asked.

"Oh okay." I put the phone down and went to the door swing it open.

"Mom you have a phone call!" She stopped what she was doing and came inside followed by Mrs. Dragneel.

"This is she."

"Wait! What?"

"When did this happen!"

"He was suppose to be in there for 7 to 13 years what happened!?"

" he's on parole."

"I don't understand why so early though it's only been 5 months..."


"What date then?"


"...thank you for telling me."

"Bye." Then she hung.

I went back and sat down. Does...that mean...Dad's coming back?


LOVE YOU ALL!!! By the way keeping reading because theirs another to this chapter because of how long it was it was just sad at first how long but that's ok! Ok until next time I'll try not to do the same thing like before.


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