Daughter Of Apollo (Percy Jac...

By CurlyHairedTigers

4.6K 113 23

Alexandria Road wasn't expecting this. She was expecting to get a sunburn that summer vacation, but not an en... More

Chapter 2: Like I Never Left Home...
Chapter 3: Games And Gifts
Chapter 4: Strange Stress
Chapter 5: Completely Confused

Chapter 1: An Expensive Pizza...

2.1K 27 1
By CurlyHairedTigers


Hi again, Wattpaders! Most of you probably don't know me, but I'm the author formally known as Patanddi. I deleted my account a while ago, therefore my stories are *POOF* gone. I'm good friends with the person who runs this account, so she let me use hers! I've decided to continued making one, just one, of my stories. My Percy Jackson Fan Fiction! It used to be called My Name Is Pan, And I Have No Resemblance To The Goat Guy. Quite the mouthful for a story title, huh? But I'm changing up a few things. ENJOY!


"Beep! Beep! Beep! Backin' up! Beep! Beep!" Sarah laughed at me, then stopped and looked around. I stopped walking backwards in the halls of my high school and looked at her. "Why do you always do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" she said. "Keep walking, I wanna get home!" She gently pushed me further. I immediately forgot about her looking around, but it seemed like she was searching for something...

I let out a little shriek as I tripped and fell backwards onto the tiled floor. Sarah let out a short burst of laughter that reminded me of an animal.

"Whoops!" I said, getting up and brushing off my skinny jeans. It was then that I realized I had tripped over a person. "Sorry about that." I told them. I looked up and saw who I was apologizing to. "Oh, wait, I'm suddenly not very sorry anymore."

Josh smiled sarcastically and looked down at me, his attention averted from his idiot football friends. "It's always so nice to see you, Alexis." 

I put my hands on my hips. "I don't know who the hell Alexis is. I'm Alexandria, call me Alex." I held out my hand for him to shake in a sarcastic matter. We already knew eachother. We were in the same class together ever since kindergarten, and now we were sophomores.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Just watch where you're walking next time, stupid ginger." I raised my eye brows as he walked away with his friends following behind.

"You know I dye my hair, you a-" Sarah clamped her hand over my mouth. I sighed under her hand. She gave me a look that said do-you-really-want-detention-again-from-swearing-in-the-halls?. Needless to say, I got that look often. I nodded, and we continued walking down the hall to the bus. Right after we got on and into our seats did I remember who was assigned to sit behind me.

"Ass." I said to Josh as he sat down.

"Bitch." he muttered, barely paying me any attention. I flipped him off, making a few second graders' eyes widen. Suddenly, Josh's hand shot out and grabbed my middle finger. "This is why you're single and nobody likes you!" He pointed to the finger he had in a death grip. "Instead of insulting me, why don't you try focusing on more important things!"

"Like what? Deciding what dress to wear to your funeral?" I snapped, resisting the urge to show any signs of pain. "Or maybe which girl you're going to knock up next?" He growled and bent my finger back in a not very pleasant way. I bit my lip to keep from yelping.

"OK, guys, stop." Sarah said. She grabbed our hands and pried them apart, though we kept glaring at eachother. The rest of the bus ride Sarah distracted me by talking about the summer vacation that had just began. We talked about things we were planning on doing, like camping, going to the amusment park, going Christmas caroling just to confuse people. We got off the bus at my bus stop and I had completely forgotten about Josh's usual behavior. We went to my house and played video games on my XBox. My mom came in the room a little while later, dressed in her usual work clothes.

"How was school, hun?" she asked. She came over and patted my hair down, kissing my forehead.

"Good, how was work?" I said, keeping up the usual conversation we had.

"Ugh, it was awful!" my mom exclaimed, walking into the kitchen to get Sarah and me some sodas. "You know that man in the office next to me? I caught him going through my computer while I was on my lunch break! I mean, is he that desprate to steal my client?" After that I drowned out her voice. It wasn't until she snapped her fingers in front of my face that I realized she asked me a question. "Could you get the door, please?"

I paused my game and opened the door. There was a teenage boy a couple years older than me holding a pizza box. He narrowed his eyes when he saw me and sniffed a couple times.

"How much?" I asked him, taking out my wallet. He didn't say anything, so I looked up. "Excuse me? How much do you need?"

"I want your soul, Alexandria Road." He snarled and dropped the pizza. Sarah came out of nowhere and slammed the door shut. She locked it and pressed her body against it.

"What the hell? My soul? How did he know my name?" I asked.

"Damnit!" Sarah said, slamming her fist against the door. "Not now. Not you."

"What?" I said. "What are you talking about?" A loud clawing noise came from the other side of the door. Sarah began to strain against the door. "What the hell?"

"Jen!" Sarah yelled. "Jen! We have a problem!" My mom came running into the room and after looking at Sarah, began pressing against the door as well. 

"What is it?" my mom asked Sarah.

"Manticore." she answered.

"What the hell is a manta-manto-"

"Manticore." she corrected me. "Part man, part lion, with the tail of a scorpion."

Though I was insanely confused, I didn't think anything part lion with a scorpion tail would be trying to burst down the door to offer me some ice cream. I ran over and pressed my weight against the door. After a couple of seconds, the scratching on the other side died. We stopped and listened. Then there was a loud thump above us.

"Upstairs?" I asked. 

"No," Sarah said. "The roof." Just then on the other side of the room, something jumped down from the roof and landed right infront of the sliding back doors, which happened to be directly across from the front door. I gasped when I saw the manticore. The body of it was a lion, with golden-brown fur, which shined in the light. The tail of it was a scorpion, the tip of it glistening red. Where the face of the lion would have been was the face of the pizza boy, though it was more wrinkled and the eyes were red. It looked right at me and snarled. Where there should have been human teeth were overly-large canines, dripping with saliva. It backed up a little, then launched itself at the glass door. It hit the glass and fell back, a large crack in the middle of the door. "Get to the kitchen!" Sarah yelled, shoving my mom and me to the other room. Just then there was a loud crashing noise, and a manticore was in my living room.

I knew then that we couldn't get out. It would only chase us. We had to fight it. I instantly looked around and grabbed the nearest weapon.

Which was a frying pan.

I gripped the handle of the pan and approached the manticore. It snarled at me. I ignored my mom and Sarah's protested and swung the pan. I didn't even hit it. The monster seemed to laugh at me, then it lunged. I instinctively swung the pan, hitting it across the face. It stopped, shocked that I even hit it, then began angrily circling me.

"Alex!" I looked over at Sarah, which was a bad choice. The manticore took that opportunity and pounced. It hit my back with so much force I fell face first onto the carpet. Blood poured from my nose from the impact as it slowly scraped it's claws down my back. I screamed just as it stopped. I stayed in that position. I heard the deep laughing of the manticore.

"You will die, Alexandria Road." it said. "Hades will be pleased with your death." I realized that Sarah had called me for a reason. She had thrown a long, sharp knife on the ground near me. Just as the manticore pounced to finish me off, I grabbed the knife and plunged it in his mouth and up through it's skull. It's eyes widened. The monster fell on top of me, knocking the breath out of my lungs. I managed to shove it's lifeless body off of me just as it dissolved away.

"Alex!" my mom said. She and Sarah ran over to me. "That's it." she said after looking at my pale face and scratched back. "She's not safe here anymore. We have to take her to the camp, now. They'll help her." Sarah nodded. My mom picked me up bridal style, being gentle on my back. She then placed me sideways in the backseat of her car. Sarah jumped in the passenger's seat and my mom was in the driver's seat. After  what felt like hours of driving, the car stopped. I felt like I was just about ready to give up and die. I had lost so much blood at that point. 

Sarah jumped out of the car before we even stopped. "Chiron!" she screamed at the top of her lungs while running at full speed over a hill. "Chiron! Help!" Then I blacked out.

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