2nd chances (Scorose)

By mickik23

47K 1.4K 971

Does rose give Scorpius a 2nd chance? Why does he need one in the first place? Read this story to find out! (: More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Last chapter

Chapter 38

793 23 4
By mickik23

A/N: Hey! Here's the first bonus chapter: Scorpius' POV of telling his parents about Rose. I hope you like what I've written and I'd love to know what you think about it. Some things may surprise some of you, but they might not, who knows. I've tried to link this chapter as closely as I can with Chapters 14, 15 and 16 of the story, but I hope it's not too repetitive. Anyway, read on.

I was going home for the Christmas holidays. I was going to do it. I was going to tell my parents that I was going out with Rose Weasley. After seeing Rose's cousins' reactions, I was sure that I had to tell my parents and get it out of the way. They might not like what I had to say, but it was better than them finding out from someone else, wasn't it?

My parents took me home from Kings Cross Station by sidelong apparition - they hated driving Muggle cars or using public transport. My parents weren't so bad as my grandparents, however, who refused to even think about buying a car or travelling any other way except by floo, broomstick or apparition while my mother would sometimes arrange for a Ministry car to take us to Kings Cross Station so I could go to school. It wasn't always possible though, given how disgraced our family name had become since the fall of Voldemort.

Oddly, my father seemed in a more cheerful mood than usual, humming Christmas songs like Cauldron Crackers and the Twitching Turkey. As soon as we got home, he sent my trunk upstairs and then headed to the kitchen to turn the radio on. Stifling laughter at him singing along, I followed my trunk up the stairs and began to unpack my belongings. Of course, Mother wasn't content to leave me to my own devices. After preparing some dinner and beginning to cook it with a few spells that she'd never taught me, she appeared at my bedroom door and began helping me create a pile of clothes that needed washing.

I hadn't noticed I was humming to myself as I shoved pile after pile of t-shirts into the chest of drawers in my bedroom, but my mother did.

"You seem happy," she commented, giving me what was probably meant to be a smile though she'd spent so many years frowning that it seemed her facial muscles were stuck that way.

I shrugged. I guess I was happy. Rose made me happy, well certainly happier than I'd ever been before. I'd been miserable when I was friends with Veronica and some of the other Slytherins. They all expected me to live up to my family's reputation and hate the Muggleborns, but I didn't. I didn't know why I was so different from my family and from them, but I was and it wasn't something I could change.

Downstairs the alarm my mother must have set to tell her when she needed to check on dinner or do something rang and she left me to continue emptying my trunk of clothes.

When I was finished, I stared out my bedroom window, watching as Mr Withers - one of our neighbors - snuck out his wand and began using it to water his plants. It was odd living in our small village. There were a few Muggles to talk to, but oddly it seemed that the place was merely filled with adults. There was no-one of my own age, only a toddler and an annoying seven year old.

Growing bored, I shoved my now empty trunk under my bed and went downstairs. The radio was still playing, though my father was now sat in the living room with a paper, still singing along. I flopped into one of the arm chairs just as my mother came in to tell us that dinner would be ready in a few minutes.

"Scorpius, go and change out of those horrid, Muggle clothes this instant," she scolded.

Sighing, I got back to my feet and returned to my bedroom, leafing through the things in my wardrobe and chest of drawers to find either some robes that weren't too small or at least something smart.

I was supposed to always look smart in either a suit jacket or at least a shirt, but whenever I was going to be in the Muggle world, Mother grudgingly allowed me to fit in and copy their fashions. That meant I was allowed a pair of blue skinny jeans, a few plain t-shirts and a leather jacket. I wore them whenever I could, preferring them to the smart clothes that made me, a fifteen year old, look ridiculous. I often felt like a member of a Muggle band when I wore my cool, Muggle clothes too.

Now wearing a pair of black wizard's trousers, my shirt tucked into them and a knitted vest over the top, I hurried down the stairs, feeling a sense of déjà vu at the action. Mother and Father were already sitting at the table, though they were waiting for me before they started eating.

As I sat down and began to put food on my plate, my father said, "I must say, this is unusual, Scorpius."

"Huh?" I asked, having no idea what he was talking about.

"You're eating dinner with us. I'm surprised you're not shut up in your room like you were all summer. Astoria had already prepared a thermos of tea to take to you later this evening."

I looked between my parents, noting how they were both looking at me with little expression. It was true; I had spent all summer in my bedroom. My parents just called it 'a moody teenager phase' but I just wanted some time to myself.

All through the next day, my parents wouldn't stop commenting on how I wasn't in my bedroom and how I was spending time with them.

My mother was so pleased with my behavior that she even asked if I wanted to invite Veronica round for dinner one night. While I didn't like Veronica, my mother was very keen on her. I was sure that she'd already begun making plans for the wedding that would never happen. Being close friends with Veronica's mother, she'd known Veronica since she was little. Ever since I started Hogwarts, Veronica was always mysteriously invited to our house and my mother would always whisper loudly to my father, "Don't they look so good together? Our Scorpius and Veronica?"

I told my mother that Veronica had stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays and hoped that would be the end of the matter. I was wrong.

A day later, she came to my bedroom with a Christmas card from Mrs Montague. "Scorpius, did you tell me that Veronica was staying at Hogwarts?"

I nodded warily.

"That's odd. Valeria says she's at home."

"She must have changed her mind, Mum."

"Don't you speak to your best friend, young man?" she asked, probably trying to joke.

I shrugged. "We're just not friends anymore."

"And why not? I thought you liked her. I thought we'd be meeting her as your girlfriend very soon - you've seemed so happy."

"I am happy, Mum, but it's not because of Veronica," I answered as evenly as I could, but I still had some lingering anger towards Veronica Montague.

It must have showed as the next thing Mother said was, "Don't take that tone with me, young man!"

"Sorry," I replied.

"So why aren't you friends with Veronica? She's a lovely girl and she comes from a very respectable family - you'd have made a wonderful couple."

I scoffed. Veronica was anything but lovely.

"Scorpius! Don't be so rude! Now come on, dinner's ready."

I followed her down to the kitchen, aware that she was annoyed from her huffs as she descended the stairs. It was obvious to father from the way she dumped the roast hog on the table and forcefully skewered it with the knife to cut it. Father looked over at me as if asking me to explain what I had done to upset my mother, but seeing as how I didn't feel I held any guilt, I just looked out the window.

Thinking about how close I had come to telling Mother, I decided to just get it out of the way. After all, I knew from experience that my mother was a woman who held on to her anger and let it simmer. Surely it would be best to just get it out of the way.

As soon as my mother had dished up the meat and sat down, leaving the knife in the middle of the table, I cleared my throat.

"I have something to say."

Father and Mother looked at me expectantly.

I took a deep breath and tried to find a way to phrase it nicely. Coming up with nothing, I blurted, "I'm going out with Rose Weasley."

"Rose Weasley?" Mother asked in horror.

Father dropped his knife in shock and didn't even realize.

"You choose that ginger half-blood over Veronica?"

I winced as my father joined the anger and surprise.

"I don't care who you choose to fancy, Scorpius, but couldn't you at least avoid the offspring of my old rivals?"

"I don't just fancy Rose, I love her. I know it's serious. And I tried not to like her, I really did - I spent two years trying to ignore her - but I can't help who I fall in love with!" I shouted over the top of them.

"Love?" Mother repeated in disgust.

"Oh, here we go. Scorpius thinks he knows it all, does he? Well, let me tell you something, young man, you may think you know love, but you don't. You're fifteen! You wouldn't know love if it walked up and kicked you in the balls - this is just a puppy love."

"No, it's not," I yelled across the large dining room table. "I love Rose and I'm going to be with her whether you like it or not. I certainly won't stand for any more prejudice over blood status."

"Scorpius, you don't understand," my Father snapped, though trying to reason with me. "I don't care that she's a half-blood any more than you do, but what I do care about is that she's the daughter of Weaselbee! What's it going to be like when I have to see them, the Weasleys and the Potters? Hmm? Do you think they'll throw their arms about me and tell me they're happy our two families are coming together? We may not be enemies anymore, but the gap between us is too great to be bridged!"

"So, you're not going to even try? You're not going to try for me? For your son? Your only son?"

"Oh, emotional blackmail is it now?"

"No, I just think you need to give Rose a chance because if you don't, people will never stop saying you're still a Death Eater and a dark wizard."

"I am not a dark wizard or a follower of He Who Must Not Be Named!" Father thundered.

"Then give Rose a chance!"

"Why should we? There's no way she could be better for you than Veronica was," Mother interjected snootily.

"You won't know that until you do!" I cried, wondering if I would ever convince them to just think about meeting Rose.

"What's all this commotion?" a new voice asked. I looked up and saw Grandfather standing before the fireplace and hoped he hadn't heard all of our argument. If he got wind of my relationship with Rose he'd ship me off to a foreign wizarding school or begin home tutoring me before I could utter one syllable. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Lucius said, his voice as snake-like as ever.

"No, father," my father replied, forcing himself to remain calm. "Everything's fine. We were just having a family discussion that can be continued another time."

While I didn't get on with Grandfather, it was nothing to his relationship with my father. Though they tried to stop from arguing, especially in front of me, there was always a tense atmosphere whenever they were in the same breathing space.

"I hope you don't mind, but I thought I might stay with you for a few weeks while your mother goes to China."

"Not at all," Father said; though his tight grin showed that he rather have a lion or a dirty dog to stay.

"Sit down then Lucius and help yourself to the roast," Mother told him, acting as the gracious host.

Lucius seated himself directly opposite me and used his fork to spear a slice of meat and place it on the plate my mother had summoned for him.

"So Scorpius, how are your studies going?"

"Fine," I muttered.

"Adolescents these days," he tutted to my parents. "Never want to answer a question, do they?"

"Scorpius is the top in his year, aren't you, son?" Mother asked proudly.

"Actually, I'm tied with Rose."

"Who is this Rose I heard you talking about?" Grandfather asked, seeming curious. I couldn't help thinking that he'd heard more of the argument than he'd let on and was deliberately seeking to cause trouble.

"Rose Weasley," I told him reluctantly.

"There's a surprise," Grandfather replied dryly. "Granger's daughter, isn't she?"

Father nodded.

"I hope you beat her in every test next year, young man," Grandfather said. "A pure blood like you, have to show the half-bloods and blood traitors who's the best, won't you?"

I swallowed my bite of food and glared at him.

"I'm so glad you don't associate with those sorts of magic folk."

Father looked grimly over at me. I could tell he was just as uncomfortable with the prejudice as I was. It still amazed me how my grandparents had managed to avoid being sent to Azkaban even if they had changed sides at the last minute.

I was relieved when the meal was over and rushed to my bedroom, not wanting to spend another minute with me demented family.

Strangely our family owl was sat just outside my window. Upon opening it, she fluttered into my room and perched on my desk, keeping me company while I tried to forget about how awful my Grandfather had been. If Rose and I stayed together there was no way I was ever going to introduce her to him.

The thought of Rose brought a smile to my face, however. I imagined she would have been listening to Celestina Warbeck for a few days now and was probably going out of her mind. Opening one of my drawers, I rooted around for the necklace I had once found in the loft, wondering vaguely why my grandfather had never given it to my grandmother, and sat down at my desk to write Rose a letter. Despite how much I wanted to, I didn't tell her anything about my grandfather or telling my parents about our relationship - I didn't want to spoil her holiday.

When the letter was finished, I packaged the necklace in brown paper and attached the letter, before tying both to our owl's leg. She flew out into the night to take the gift to Rose. I just hoped it would arrive in time for Christmas Day the next day.

Tired, I undressed and slid into bed, hoping that when I awoke the next day things would be forgotten.

Christmas Day was never much of a joyful occasion for me family. Sure we all got presents from each other, extravagant presents, but we were never happy to spend time together. I wasn't surprised my grandmother was away for Christmas - she never seemed to want to spend any time with my grandfather. Perhaps she didn't love him anymore. I couldn't help thinking that perhaps they never loved each other - it had been an arranged marriage set up between their parents after my great grandmother had died. Father and Mother's marriage had also been arranged, though by my grandmother who had been determined to marry father to a 'respectable woman who understood her place in the family'.

But to make matter's worse, Christmas Day was even worse than usual. Grandfather seemed to have information about Rose and I from my parents and as soon as I came down the stairs he took me by the arm and led me out of the room for a 'chat with his grandson' though it ended with him telling me I needed to stop 'associating with impoverished bloodtraitors and worthless mudbloods.'

Angry, I stalked back to the living room, said happy Christmas to my parents and returned to my bedroom. I stayed in my bedroom for most of the rest of the holiday and was glad when it came time for me to return to Hogwarts.
So I have been receiving messages from people that I couldn't have wrote this story because I update too fast, which is true I do update fast. I write chapters in advance I had wrote chapter 37 when I had only published chapter 30 so yeah just so you guys know

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