Chapter 22

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In the week I had Scorpius' cold, I wondered why he hadn't said anything yet. Valentine's Day was little under a week away and he hadn't even brought it up to ask if I wanted to do anything. It was the Hogsmeade weekend anyway, so I had assumed we would at least hang around the village together.

Dom had made all the preparations to spend her day snogging Luke McClaggen in Madam Puddifoot's Teashop and even Lily and Roxanne had made plans with Jake Abbott and his best friend, a shy boy called Chris O'Dowd. Too young to go to Hogsmeade, and forbidden from dating, Molly was spending the day in the castle with Lucy, who appeared to have taken pity on her. As far as I was aware, James was going to spend Valentine's Day 'in style' as he had last year with a crowd of girls in his year. Only this time, I didn't think his plans involved the Cinnamon Challenge with Fred. Partly because it was to be believed that Fred was taking his 'girl that was just a friend' to a nice dinner and after taking her to our Common house, nobody knows if he was going to make a move or what. After asking a million times Fred would always respond with, "me and Sienna are just FRIENDS, yes she is beautiful, yes I like her, yes I would love to ask her out, but that is beside the point because it is obvious she doesn't like me back". Hugo was being rather quiet about his day. I knew he was going into Hogsmeade, but he hadn't said if he would spend the day with someone.

Albus was the only person going on a date with an existing girlfriend. He'd been going out with Katie Pillsbury, a fifth year Hufflepuff, for two years now, and things were getting serious. We'd been joking about him getting down on one knee and proposing, but it wouldn't surprise me if he did. They were really close and got on so well it was as if they were made for each other. But where they were going on Valentine's Day, nobody knew. He refused to inform us on the matter.

After days of waiting, I decided, however, to take things into my own hands. I had a free period first thing, but Scorpius was going to be busy in his careers meeting with his Head of House, Professor Richards. I'd already had mine. Professor Longbottom had happily told me that I would be fine for any Ministry career I wanted, but I still hadn't quite made my mind up about which department I really liked. Did I go for International Relations or join my Dad in the Auror department? Mum had suggested I choose to join the Department of Magical Law Enforcement but I wasn't sure it was really me?

I met Scorpius after his meeting.

"So how'd it go?" I asked brightly.

"Okay, I s'pose," he replied, driving thoughts of Valentine's Day from my mind.

"Just okay?"

"Yeah. Apparently I'm not 'cut out for the mental intensity required in the Department of Mysteries.' I don't think Professor Richards understands my obsession with the unknown and the unexplored..."

"Well, she's only advising you," I told him.

"True. Well, we've got a free hour since there's no charms this morning, what do you want to do?" Scorpius asked after a moment, taking my hand.

"I was kind of hoping we could go to the library," I admitted.

"Again? Rose, we were only there yesterday!"

"But I haven't done my Herbology homework because someone kept distracting me last night!"

"I don't remember you complaining," he grinned.

"Well, that's kind of hard when you have someone kissing you," I pointed out.

"Someone as incredible as me, you mean?"

He just laughed when I pushed him sideways.

"The library it is. Come on."

I was sat with a stack of ten books when he snuck up behind me and scared the crap out of me. He snickered I as swatted his arm.

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