Chapter 6

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Over breakfast I realized I had the strangest timetable. Once again, only a day after the last time, I had Defence Against the Dark Arts first thing - not a double lesson this time though. Usually we got at least two days break between the subjects. But the absence of time between the lessons meant that I was hurriedly scribbling some notes down from pages 5-10 of Gaddis' Guide to Grappling with Gorgons (and other dark creatures) and shooting glances at the staff table where Professor Howard was seated.

That's not Rose, the Gryffindor Prefect, I see doing homework over breakfast, is it?" Fred joked.

"And as if you've never done that," Roxanne muttered darkly with a roll of her eyes, before returning to staring adoringly at one of the boys in her year that she fancied.

Roxie and Fred were so different it was a wonder they were even related. They looked odd sat beside each other. Because of their mother's dark skin, they both had a more tanned appearance than the rest of us; but while Fred's hair was the same vibrant ginger as mine, Roxanne had darker, auburn coloured hair - a mixture of the colors of her parents. Their personalities couldn't have been more contrasting either. Where Roxanne was flirtatious but quiet, Fred was loud and obnoxious, forever pulling pranks and plotting with James. Long ago they had stolen Uncle Harry's Marauders' Map.

I smiled gently and returned to my notes, jumping out of my seat with fright when James grabbed my shoulder.

"Ready for training tonight, Rose? We picked Louis - can you imagine, little Louis - for our Keeper. He's a bit small, so we have to make sure he's not targeted by beaters or chasers. See you later, yeah?"

"Look, James, I'm really sorry, but I can't come to practice tonight-"

"What? No, I made sure to pick tonight because you didn't have rounds!" James raged, continuing to complain.

"Enough! James!" I shouted, interrupting him. "I got detention!"

The whole hall went silent. James gaped; shocked at both my outburst and the reason I was losing my free time. I'd never had detention before.

My entire family gasped. I hadn't even told them I'd gotten detention. Only Dom and Al had known because they were there when Professor Binns gave me my detention.

"What the bloody for?" James demanded, still angry.

"It was my fault, James," Lily murmured quietly, surprising all of us. I hadn't even seen her come to stand behind me.

"No, it was my fault," Scorpius said from my other side, making me jump again. My heart was well and truly hammering, and not just from fear.

"Stay out of this, Malfoy," James ordered.

Scorpius glared at him. "Not until you stop having a go at Rose."

"This is family business. Leave," Fred said, ganging up on Scorpius with James.

"No," Scorpius refused.

"Look, why do you even care? You're a Malfoy; we're Weasleys," Roxanne said, suddenly joining the argument, though she seemed more focused on how close to me Scorpius was standing.

"Names don't matter," I told her, knowing how she would comprehend my words.

Sure enough, Roxanne's eyebrows raised and she glanced between Scorpius and me. I was definitely going to have to talk to her, make sure she stayed silent about her suspicions. I'd probably even end up telling her about last year's Christmas Party. My family usually could weasel anything out of me if they chose the right questions.

James was still ranting at me in full force, shouting down Scorpius, when students began hurrying out to the entrance hall.

"Look, James, I'm sorry," I muttered, grabbing my bag and hanging it over my shoulder. "There's nothing I can do. Can't Lily just play my position tonight?"

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