Chapter 13

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"Dom, what are you doing?"

"Stopping you from being a moron," she answered, still dragging me backwards and seemingly doing so quite easily despite my kicking feet.

"I'm not being a moron!" I replied, my voice rising.

"Uh, hello? I just saw you kissing Scorpius."

"Yeah, and?"

"Scorpius Malfoy."

"And?" Honestly, if I wanted to snog Scorpius in public, then really that was my own decision to make.

Dom sighed and pulled me further away before I dug my heels in and brought us to a halt.

"Seriously, Dom, why is this such a problem?"

"Because he's a Malfoy! We've told you a thousand times and you just don't get it. Malfoys are cheats who think they can buy whatever they want: jobs, women, grades. They're supporters of Voldemort, for Merlin's sake!"

"Dom, look no offence, but who I kiss is none of your business," I told her.

"The heck it isn't!" Dom exclaimed angrily. "I'm your cousin, Rose!"

And suddenly, right there and then, in the middle of the Entrance Hall Courtyard, Dom and I were arguing.

"If I want to kiss Scorpius I will. Nothing you do or say will stop me," I argued.

"Oh yeah, and what about what the rest of us think?"

"I don't care what you think. You make your choices, Dom, and I'll make mine."

Dom scoffed. "Because that's how you treat your cousins. What about all the times I've been there for you? I've covered for you when you've been in trouble, lied for you, kept you company when you've been sick, let you copy my homework because you were too busy doing rounds. And now you're going to choose him over me?"

Before I could reply, Scorpius had jumped between us and his hands were on my arms, pushing me back a few steps.

"Look, Rose," he said calmly, "I don't want to come between you and your family-"

"You aren't. Dom's just being a total idiot!" I replied, shouting the end of my sentence to make sure my cousin heard.

Dom scowled and a sly grin was put on face.

"Hey, like I was saying, your family is more important than I don't know how about we take a few days to evaluate things and calm down," he suggested.

I was confused. "Evaluate things?"

"Yeah, make sure this is what we want? That we're not rushing into anything..."

"Oh, I get it."

"You do?" Scorpius asked hopefully.

"Yeah, you don't want to be with me anymore," I answered gloomily, moving past him and up the steps into the castle. Scorpius was frozen in shock, his mouth hanging open.

"Rose? Hey! Rose," Dom shouted after me.

I carried on running up the Grand Staircase, ignoring her.


"What!" I shouted, whirling round to find her about ten steps behind me. "What? Is it not enough that you've split Scorpius and me up? What do you want now? Hmm? To kick me when I'm down? To say I told you so? Well, congratulations, Dom, you got what you wanted."

Leaving her speechless, I stomped up the stairs to the Common Room, angrily exclaiming a swear word as my foot got stuck in one of the trick steps. I got my foot free, ignoring the pain that followed as I twisted my ankle. Every step I took towards Gryffindor Tower resulted in a stabbing pain that only increased in intensity. I only hoped I hadn't broken anything - that would have done nothing to improve my mood.

2nd chances (Scorose)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें