Believe in Me || Sherlock

By TheBlindBanker

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Flora Grey moves from Manchester to London in a search for a fresh start. It all starts off the way she wants... More

Believe in Me- Chapter 1: London
Believe in Me- Chapter 2: The Consulting Detective
Believe in Me- Chapter 3: The Sherlock Holmes Experience
Believe in Me- Chapter 4: Murder in the Park
Believe in Me- Chapter 5: The East Wind is Coming...
Believe in Me- Chapter 6: Realisation
Believe in Me- Chapter 7: It's a Mystery to Me
Believe in Me- Chapter 8: Worse is to Fear
Believe in Me- Chapter 10: Gunshot
Believe in Me- Chapter 11: Choices
Believe in Me- Chapter 12: Preperation for the Party
Believe in Me- Chapter 13: Dead Fun
Believe in Me- Chapter 14: Calls from Killers
Believe in Me- Chapter 15: Christmas Kisses and Mystery Gifts
Believe in Me- Chapter 16: Problems
Believe in Me- Chapter 17: The Devil's Assisstant
Believe in Me- Chapter 18: Are You Really Safe?
Believe in Me- Chapter 19: Flags and Foul Play
Believe in Me- Chapter 20: The Start of His Game
Believe in Me- Chapter 21: Past Times
Believe in Me- Chapter 22: Trust No One
Believe in Me- Chapter 23: Trapped with Criminals
Believe in Me- Chapter 24: An Unexpected Act of Sacrifice
Believe in Me: Chapter 25- Escape
Believe in Me- Chapter 26: Home
Believe in Me- Chapter 27: You Have Purpose
Believe in Me- Chapter 28: Happy New Year
Believe in Me- Chapter 29: Headline Holmes
Believe in Me- Chapter 30: Come and Play
Believe in Me- Chapter 31: Trial of the Century
Believe in Me- Chapter 32: Distractions
Believe in Me- Chapter 33: Tea with a Criminal
Believe in Me- Chapter 34: Dust Lines
Believe in Me- Chapter 35: Arrest and Run
Believe in Me- Chapter 36: You Are Not Alone
Believe in Me- Chapter 37: The Devil's Downfall
Believe in Me- Chapter 38: This is the End
Believe in Me- Chapter 39: Questions That Can't Be Answered
Believe in Me- Chapter 40: The New Kid
Believe in Me- Chapter 41: Coffee and Catch Ups
Believe in Me- Chapter 42: Reflection
Believe in Me- Chapter 43: The End of an Era?
Believe in Me- Chapter 44: We're Here For Eachother
Believe in Me- Chapter 45: Lonely Nightmares
Believe in Me- Chapter 46: His Return
Believe in Me- Letters (Deleted Chapter)
Believe in Me- Chapter 47: Don't Be Smart
Believe in Me- Chapter 48: Parents
Believe in Me- Chapter 49: Fifth of November
Believe in Me- Chapter 50: Mistakes
Believe in Me- Chapter 51: Our Last Moments
Believe in Me- Chapter 52: Caring
Believe in Me- Chapter 53: Pulse
Believe in Me- Chapter 54: We Saved Each Other

Believe in Me- Chapter 9: Texts and Talks

4.4K 159 19
By TheBlindBanker

"Sherlock?" Asked Flora nervously. "What's going on?"
They had just entered Baker Street and Sherlock eventually slowed down. He showed no sign or tiredness, unlike Flora.
"It's him, I'm sure," he whispered.
"Moriarty," Sherlock had said it so quietly that Flora barely caught what he had said.
"He can't be that bad, Sherlock." Flora got hold of Sherlock's hand tight with both of hers and smiled. Sherlock looked at the bundle of hands and then to Flora with a almost tearful look. "It's not like he's here with us," she finished.
He looked down again. "I couldn't bear the thought of having lost John that night," he said. "And now I might-"
"Might what?" Asked Flora after a couple of seconds of silence.
"Nevermind, I was foolish to think that." Sherlock shook his head, opened the door of 221B and hurried Flora along inside.
"Sherlock Holmes!" Shouted Flora from the bottom of the stairs to Sherlock at the top. He paused and turned around. "What in God's name has gotten into you? You've never acted like this before and from what I've heard, you haven't done it in the past either."
"Safety," he sighed and then holding the letter up. "This could be he death of all of us and I'm not going to let that happen." Sherlock walked away into the living room and Flora ran upstairs to follow him. He went over to his desk and sat down, still with his coat on, with his hands in the prayer position again. She sat down opposite him and threw her jacket over the back of the chair.
He must do it when he's thinking. Odd, thought Flora. "Safety of who?"
"John, Mrs Hudson and you," Flora noticed that he had struggled to say the last part. She blinked in surprise.
"Why me? I'm just your neighbour that you've only known for a couple of days."
"Neighbourly love," he said quickly. "Anyway..." He cleared his throat and carried on. "I'm pretty sure this is the work of Moriarty."
"Much, much worse is to fear," Flora quoted. "What does that mean? And what's The Final Problem?"
"He's saying we should fear him," said Sherlock glancing at the paper.
"But you do already," Flora said quietly.
Sherlock looked up in surprise. "Yes, well you know why. Look at me being all human... But that's not the point, whose blood is this?"
"I don't know, I thought that could be anybody's," Flora replied. "You could get forensics to take a look."
"I could," he said. "But they're too slow. I'll do it myself."
"Molly can help out. There's some equipment at Bart's I can borrow."
"Let me guess," Flora groaned. "We're going to Bart's now?"
"You guessed correctly," Sherlock said with a faint smile. He got up and went over to the door. Flora was still sat looking at the piece of paper, she had so many questions that would probably never get answered.
"Coming?" Sherlock interrupted her thoughts.
"Erm... Yeah," she got up and followed Sherlock outside. He hailed a cab and told the cabbie their destination. The pair got to the hospital 10 minutes later. Flora checked her phone for the time: 3:26pm. Wow, today's gone quick, she said to herself. Sherlock took Flora to one of the labs on the second floor. It was dark and was jam packed with all sorts of equipment. Microscopes, test tubes and different chemicals were scattered all over the desks.
"It's very messy," said Flora.
"What do you expect from a science lab?" Asked Sherlock rhetorically sitting down with a microscope, petri dishes and some pipettes in front of him.
Flora sat down across the table from Sherlock. "Do you want me to do anything?"
"No, it's fine," he responded. "It will take my mind of Moriarty."
"Oh right okay," then the room fell into silence. Flora decided, after a while, that she would text Emily to see how she was getting on.

Hey Em. How are you?- Flora x

Minutes later she got a reply.

Great! How's London going? I hope you're liking it where you are. It would be good to meet up sometime. I have a new flatmate now and they're driving me crazy! :P -Em x

London's good. Love it, except my flatmate solves murders and I've got involved. It's all rather strange.
What are they doing to you?- Flora x

"Who are you texting?" Sherlock asked. Flora looked up from her phone to see that Sherlock had paused his work and was watching her.
"Just my old flatmate from Manchester," Flora replied. "It's not illegal is it?"
"I never said it was," he said sternly.
"Found anything yet?" She asked indicating to the petri dishes. Sherlock had filled 3 up with shreds of paper, from the corners, and he had put droplets of acid on them to see if they would react.
"Not yet," he sighed. "But I might be on to something."
"That's good to know."

You don't go getting your self into stuff like that! You don't know what could happen to you. Your flatmate better take care of you or I'll be having words...
Playing his guitar at 3 in the morning. I may need to move out if he carries on. It's giving me headache and I'm not sleeping well. -Em x

Good luck, just tell him straight. He could at least play it during the day?
It's too late now! But it's fun, I'll give you that. I'll make sure he does or I'll threaten him with you!- Flora x

"I don't think so," the voice made Flora jump. Sherlock's head was peering over Flora's shoulder. He was reading her texts the whole time.
"What are you reading my texts for?" She asked angrily.
"Emily's new flatmate likes her," said Sherlock with raised eyebrows. "Tell her that. And also say that he's writing a song for her and that's why he's up at all hours practicing. Not hard to notice that."
"How did you..."
"The science of deduction," he stood up straight and went over to a cupboard and pulled out a jar of blue liquid and them came to sit back down.
"Still, I don't read your texts do I?"
"No, you just ask and I tell you so there's no need to," he replied looking into the microscope.
"You'll always be a mystery to me, Sherlock Holmes," Flora smiled vaguely.

We've been laughing and crying at Shora feels all day 😂😭
Spot any in this chapter?

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