Believe in Me- Chapter 7: It's a Mystery to Me

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"I met your brother before," said Flora 10 minutes into the journey.
"Oh god," mumbled Sherlock. "What sort of rubbish came out of his mouth this time?"
"Well I don't actually think it was rubbish," Flora stated. "He told me that you probably wouldn't listen to him so he told me instead."
"Yes,yes. Just cut to the chase," he said gesturing for her to move along.
"It's rather disappointing in my opinion but he said: The East Wind is coming and 'The man of your nightmares will come and he won't go away.'
"The East Wind," Sherlock said under his breath. "He just had to use that?"
"I'm sorry, what?" Flora asked confused.
"Nothing," he cleared his throat and carried on. "Just some pathetic story he told me as a child... Is that all?"
"Yes," she said. "Do you know what it means?"
"Not the slightest," said Sherlock. "Mycroft's not one to give out to much information."
The cab came to a halt and Sherlock jumped out immediately leaving Flora to pay. She quickly followed him into the hospital and up 3 sets of stairs to where the morgue was. Lestrade was already there along with a friendly looking, brown haired woman.
"About bloody time too," growled Lestrade looking at his watch and then back to Sherlock and Flora who had just entered the room. "I have a press conference to attend to in less than 20 minutes. So what have you got?"
"It was the gardener with a sheers," said Sherlock dully, in an obvious tone. Flora looked at him puzzled and Lestrade was flabbergasted.
"How did you work that one out?" He demanded.
"Lestrade, we don't have time for this," said Sherlock. "I haven't got anything at the moment as I haven't seen the body." He pointed to a black, plastic body bag laid on the table.
"Molly, would you?" Sherlock asked the other lady stood on the otherwise of the table twiddling her thumbs.
"Oh yes," she came out of her trance and unzipped the bag revealing the dead corpse. "His name is Stephen Langridge, if you needed to know."
"Thank you Molly," Sherlock replied taking his magnifying glass out of his pocket and then turning to study the body.
"So, are you a friend of Sherlock's?" Molly asked Flora.
"I'm his flatmate," Flora replied. "I moved in yesterday. I'm Flora Grey."
"Molly Hooper," she said with a faint smile. "Do you live in the same flat?"
"No, I live upstairs."
"Oh right..." Molly trailed off, she had a slight look of relief in her brown eyes that made Flora confused. She watched as Sherlock examined the back of the head, where he had found the gash the day before.
"What can you tell from that?" Asked Lestrade folding his arms.
"Like I said yesterday, he could have been robbed and then murdered," explained Sherlock. "Or the other way around. But it hard to tell..."
"What? The great Sherlock Holmes doesn't know?" Exclaimed Lestrade sarcastically. "Well that's new!"
"Shut up!" Said Sherlock narrowing his eyes at the Detective Inspector. "We don't have much to go on, so obviously it's hard to tell. A wound and some scattered coins?" He pulled a face and shrugged.
"But there are bruises on his shoulders." Flora chimed in. "Could have been hit so he was forced to give up money?"
"Either way is doesn't explain the opposite wound," said Sherlock taking a closer look at the purple spots on Stephen's shoulders. "Why hit him on the shoulders though?"
"Beats me," said Lestrade. "This is one tough case."
Sherlock hummed in agreement, putting his magnifying glass away but he was still scanning the body. He then got his phone out and started to take a couple of pictures. Flora, Molly and Lestrade waiting in silence for the great detective to speak up. But they didn't get much...
"We're done here." He turned around to walk out of the morgue. Flora quickly said thank you to Molly and goodbye to Lestrade before dashing after Sherlock who was already a floor below.
"Sherlock!" She shouted. "Wait up!"
Flora eventually caught up to Sherlock, he waited impatiently on the pavement outside of the hospital. She was puffing and panting when she got to him.
"Ready?" Sherlock asked.
"What for?"
"To go back to Baker Street," he replied. "I need to study the body more." Sherlock hailed a cab and the two climbed in. Flora was very confused, the visit to the morgue was a blur and she didn't know what Sherlock expected to find. She hoped that he might come up with a breakthrough...

Sorry for the short chapter, I had no idea what to write and I still don't. So chapter 8 might take longer than expected...
Thank you for reading! :)

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