Arranged Nightmare

By resistance_scum

92.5K 2.2K 419

After Supreme Leader Snoke's death, the First Order has gone into chaos. The main generals of the First Order... More

New Book!


1.6K 37 5
By resistance_scum

Rey's POV
We sit on the balcony and eat the pancakes that Ben made, they are delicious. We sit in silence as we listen to the water moving from the lake right next to our house and all the wildlife near. It isn't an awkward silence, it's a calming silence that helps me forget the pains of being pregnant.
I can feel Ben's nervousness and protective side through our force bond. He's still terrified of that nightmares he is having even after I told him to stop and to be more relaxed. I take a bite out of the last pancake and close my eyes. The sun was really bright and was shining right on my eyes and making my hair burn a little. I could go inside and get a hat but it's too much effort, I decide to just take the blanket lying on the ground next to the chair and put it over my head.
I hear Ben chuckle at me so I stick my head out the side of the blanket and stick my tongue out at him. 'What are you doing?' Ben asked in amusement. 'The sun was in my eyes and my hair was burning so in trying to block out the sun' Rey said. 'Fair enough but you know you could have just asked me to move the deckchair so it was more in the shade or asked me to get you a sun hat or something' Ben tells me.
'It's fine, the blanket will do' I told his and he nodded. 'Fair enough, it's worth an offer' he said and turned to he was looking up at the sky again. I move the cover back over my head and close my eyes. You would think that because I was from Jakku, I would be used to my hair burning in the sun but I'm not. I used to wear a scarf over my head so that it wouldn't happen and also so sand wouldn't get in my hair, small amounts always would though no matter how hard I tried.

Poe's POV
I land my X-Wing on the planet where most of the Hux sightings have been reported. I haven't checked this place out yet though I have checked all the other places people have said they have seen him.
I'm starting to think that people are purposefully sending me on a wild goose chase and I'm going to find no information anywhere that is reported but it's worth a check anyway. I exit the ship and leave BB-8 in the X-Wing just incase we need to make a quick getaway for some reason or another.
The place itself that I'm away to enter is pretty small but it's near a larger club so I could have a quick check there just incase. I enter the little bar though the less used back door, I know this pub pretty well as I used to spend a lot of time here in my younger years. The pub is still owned by the same old man who has owned it for around 500 years, or at least that's what people say.
The man himself is the same species as Maz and they know each other quite well. I walk into the main part of the pub and see no sign of any ginger haired generals anywhere. I sign and turn to leave.
'Well if it isn't Poe Dameron, long time no see' the owner Kano said. I roll my eyes and get ready for a long conversation.

Hux's POV
I laugh as I watch all of the security footage of Poe running around like a headless chicken after all of my 'sightings'.
Though right now he is pretty close to my location, I doubt he will be able to find me amongst the crowds of people at this club. I was near the back and surrounded by smugglers and hit men. I sat next to another general as we watched the footage like it was a comedy movie, it might as well been to us.
'Sir, what if he finds us? He is really close and would be stupid not to check this place out while he is here' the general said with a gulp. 'He won't find us you fool, this place is huge. He'll end up getting bored and having a drink or two and then either passing out or pulling a girl on a wall. We'll be completely fine' I told him and the general just nods.
I take a sip of my drink and then we went back to watching the security footage and found that on the most recent one, the one that is supposed to be live, he is no longer in the little pub. He must have left while we were discussing things. I grunt in annoyance. He could be anywhere now, we're going to need to hack into most of the security cameras in the area now in order to track him down and that takes time.
I grab my drink and take it like a shot. 'Hack into all of the security cameras around here and around the area, we need to track him down and see where he is going. Maybe send out another sighting for a different planet' I tell the general and he just nods. I grind my teeth and storm over to the bar to get another drink.

Ben's POV
We've been lying out here for hours and my skin on my shoulders is starting to peel, I've also got more colour in my skin. I get up off of my deck chair and walk over to Rey, who I find asleep under the blanket.
I move the blanket off of her and carry her inside and go straight to the bedroom, I wasn't going to let her sleep anywhere else in the house as her back would get worse. I lay her down on the bed and drape a blanket over her form. It was too warm to put her under the duvet, she would overheat.
I kiss her head and move some of the hair out of her face. I close the blinds to stop the sun from burning her while she was asleep and make my way back into the living room and out onto the balcony again.
I decide to meditate in order to stay calm and keep myself from constantly checking on Rey. She is fine, I can sense everything that is going on in that room and there is no danger near her at all or on this planet as a whole.
I sat down on the warm slabs and close my eyes before falling into meditation as I listen to the waves and the leaves on the trees rustling.

Words- 1137
Sorry about the overdue update guys! I've been really busy doing work experience, homework, birthdays and just stress in general. I'll try and update more often but wont promise a certain day or certain time as I have no idea when the next update will be out. I'm not disconnecting this story, I'm just really bad at updating!
-Grace xx

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