Liquid Metal: An X-men & Quic...

By EDrake

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Born with genetic mutations that give them abilities beyond those of normal humans, mutants are the next stag... More

Chapter Two: The Pentagon
Chapter Three: Charles Xavier
Chapter Four: New Record
Chapter Five: The Pains of Packing
Chapter Six: A Lovely Goodbye
Chapter Eight: I Hate Working
Chapter Nine: Moms
Chapter Ten: A Stupid Rubber Ball
Chapter Eleven: Refuge
Chapter Twelve: Cover Blown
Chapter Thirteen: Man Down
Chapter Fourteen: Single and Solitary
Chapter Fifteen: The Circus Master
Chapter Sixteen: Daddy Issues
Chapter Seventeen: All Good Things
Chapter Eighteen: Hot Wire
Chapter Nineteen: Home
Chapter Twenty: Moonlight and stars
Chapter Twenty one: Security Breach
Chapter Twenty Two: Wanda
Chapter Twenty Three: Green
Chapter Twenty Four: More Than a Friend
Chapter Twenty Five: What I Did Wrong Part 1
Chapter 26: What I Did Wrong Part 2
Chapter 27: Misinformation
Chapter 28: The Cost of Reality
Chapter 29: David
Chapter Thirty: Bonfire
Chapter Thirty One: Familiarity
Chapter Thirty Two: The Snow Bubble
Chapter Thirty Three: Explinations
Warning: Construction Ahead!!
I have no excuses

Chapter Seven: Adjustments

2.8K 104 28
By EDrake

Last Updated: Feb. 6th 2016


It was a little weird at the beginning when we were all getting into the swing of things, but everyone and everything eventually fell into it's own little groove.

Classes for the younger kids started first and everyone sixteen and up were put in training for the first week. Seeing that I fit in that range (being 18 and all) I went with those in my age group. This meant we needed to understand our mutation first, then we could learn to control it. Besides, there were only around ten of us, so practicing individually wouldn't be that hard. After the mutation training came the physical part: weight training, self defense, cardio... you know, the "fun" stuff. For those who weren't aided by a mutation that made them stronger or a better fighter, it was probably the worst thing that we ever went through. Some of us even dropped out. When we were told at the beginning what we'd be doing with our new skills, there were about four or five people that blatantly refused to continue. Those who remained were meant to become a group of individuals who would pretty much serve as a protection agency without the total legality of something like SHIELD or the CIA.

I learned rather quickly that most of the other people who had chosen to stay had mutations that were, in no doubt, way cooler and more useful than mine... I mean some guy had wings. Therefore I just preferred to watch most of the time. I would be off to the side in my own little corner-of-lame. I mean, how much can you do with being able to learn about someone? If I got too bored I'd just go do self defense training, I was pretty good at it too which gave me a little hope for myself.

Today I sat on the side lines watching like I normally did as some kid was doing laser practice with his eyes. I was picking at my shoes at the moment, that stupid rubber sole thing that likes to come apart first was doing just that. I was half tempted to just end it all and yank it.

"Someone once said that ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do and attitude determines how well you do it." I looked up to see a smiling Professor Xavier. "Every person is here because they can do something extraordinary, there is no one above anyone or below." This made me frown slightly and think of Jean. He noted this and changed the subject. "What have you learned so far this week?" He asked.

"Not much to be honest" I said with a little guilt, picking at my darn shoe again.

"Well you can do things you don't even realize" I looked up from my shoes and tilted my head for him to continue.

"Not only can you learn everything there is to know about a person, you can also watch their memories and completely immerse yourself in the past." This I already knew, but like I mentioned before, I can't really control it when I do it. "And you are a surprisingly strong empath" well... that I didn't know "I want you to pick a person in this room and tell me about them." He said.

I gazed out into the largish group of other students, picking a guy I didn't really know.

"His names's Scott" I said nodding toward the guy with sunglasses who was laughing with two or three of his new friends. "He's got a brother named Alex and he has an optic mutation." I finished. I could have said more, but this kid had gone through some hard stuff, seeing your parents die in a plane crash isn't exactly good for public knowledge.

"Very good, now can you tell me what Jean's feeling over there?" He asked and I noticed that Jean was alone like me on the side lines.

People's emotions have always been prevalent to me, even before my mutation manifested. It got me in quite the argument with Peter every now and then.

"She's complicated" I admitted. "But she feels a bit lonely." I frowned at this. She was a sweet girl and I didn't like to see her upset or feeling neglected.

"You see, Josephine, we all have little things inside us that aren't as minuscule as we think they are. But very good work today, even if it was at the very end" he laughed a bit and I smiled back. "We'll continue tomorrow" and with that I was alone again.

After he had gone I got up and skipped my way over to Jean.

"Hey!" I said brightly.
She looked startled but she relaxed when she saw it was just me, "hello Josephine"

"Whatcha up to?" I asked siting down next to her.

"Not very much" she admitted. "Just moving little things"

"Can I see?" I asked hopefully.

I saw her focus real hard on the drawstrings of my sweatshirt for a few seconds. They suddenly began to move around, seemingly tie themselves into a neat little bow. I laughed at the result.

"That's awesome!" I said grinning at her.

"It's kinda cool" she said shrugging "but not that impressive."

"Are you kidding? It's way better than what I got!"

"What can you do, by the way? I've been meaning to ask but I never got around to it."

"I'm telepathic in a way" I said "but I can't read minds or anything cool like that, I can just learn about anyone's past and all the little details about them. it's kinda creepy actually." She laughed.

"You said that wasn't as cool as mine? That's way better!" she exclaimed making me click my tongue in disapproval and shake my head.

"It is though!" She said laughing at me.

"No it's not!" I cried "if I'm being ambushed, how is being a real life fortune teller gonna be helpful?"

"Whatever, it's still cool and you know it" Jean said sticking her tongue out at me.


After dinner I was in my room, lying face down on my bed. I know it was pathetic, but in my defense I was so freaking bored I was about to die.

"Josie" I heard, though it was muffled due to my head being covered by my comforter.

"Huh?" my head shot up, and I blinked at the harsh light from my bedside lamp.

My vision was fuzzy from the lack of use and I had to blink even more to regain sight. Once my eyesight had focused, I noted the person next to my bed, that stupid freaking smile plastered all over his face.

"Jesus, Peter, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my face as I proceeded to flop back down.

"Just wanted to say hi" I could hear the mask of innocence he used. Nice try buddy.

"Okay... what else?" I said into the covers.

"Have you been watching the news for the past two weeks?" I shook my head, which proved a bigger effort than what I would have liked, seeing as though my face was smashed into a bed.

"No, I've been here, like a good little hermit" I finally decided to not be face down and took the long and lazy route (which to me is the only route worth taking) to getting face up. This meant wiggling and twisting about, determined not to use my arms. "Why, what's going on?"

He poofed for a second and was back, bringing a gust of wind with him. He held a newspaper in his hand and he held it out to me.

The title of the front page read: It's 1979, Do You Know What Your Children Are? Under neath this was an image of four kids of different ethnicities and genders. The kid at the end had harsh red calligraphy written overtop of his image reading "mutie" and underneath it all were the words Paid For By The Citizens In Support Of The Mutant Registration Act.

"You're freaking kidding me" I muttered, taking the paper. I stared at it for awhile then threw it down, "What a freaking joke" I paused for a second. "Wait, did you break in here just to show me this?" I asked snatching up the paper and holding it up.

He shrugged and I narrowed my eyes.

"Just worried I guess" He said shrugging again.

"Worried?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.


"About me?"

"Duh" he said ruffling my hair and sitting down next to me.

Down the hall I heard a knock on a door.

"Shit, dorm check" I swore standing up quickly, pulling Peter up with me. "You need to go" I said pushing him onward towards the door.

"Well that was an enthusiastic reunion." He said, deciding to be a rock and not move.

"Seriously you need to go, next time come earlier, or during actual visitation hours... that would be better, so I'm not all alone during those." I said leaning my whole body into the effort of moving him.

Peter just laughed at me and in an instant was gone and I was falling. I squealed and braced for impact with the floor, but I felt somebody catch me and set me upright and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Stay safe kid" and then he was gone, leaving me confused and mostly dazed. 

Running a hand through my blonde curls I sat on the edge of my bed. A knock was at my door but before I could even respond, it opened and Ms. Downing poked her head in, checking if I was hiding any fugitives or mass-murderers or boys... she smiled seeing I was all clear and where I was supposed to be and disappeared, leaving me to my thoughts... a scary place...


Hey guys! I, again want to say a big thanks to you all for your enthusiasm in me! I honestly had no idea where this story was gonna go but now I do! Like always, I use real things from the comics but I tweak them. Like the newspaper was a real thing. anyway Comment, like and love!

p.s who is your faveroite X-men? (that's not wolverine! I love him and all he's just really over used, ya know?) leave your response in the comment section! Mine is either colossus or Magik... Don't judge :)

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