dark possession ❥ YOONNIE (sl...

By kpopinesss

54K 2.7K 901

"bittersweet honey." BOOK 2 of the DARK SERIES (DEMON AU) More

1 ; "guilty pleasure, am't I?"
3 ; "I have limits. I'm not pushing them just to lose you."
4 ; "it's hard for his kind to feel like us."
5 ; "what makes you think you won't be happy with me?"
6 ; "what i want..."
7 ; " .. is you"
8 ; "but will you learn to love him even if he doesn't love you?"
9 ; "your situation may not be so bad after all.."
10 ; "so fight for her the way she fought herself for you."
11 ; "will you marry me?"
12 ; "..when does the fun part happen?"
13 ; "until he got what was his."
14 ; "say I love you without fucking it up."
15 ; "the little things."
16 ; "you spoil me ."
17 ; "how can you love me?"
18 ; "when do you mean anything you say?"
19 ; "so this is what it feels like,"
20 ; "you can take it."
21 ; "i dont like to share either."
22 ; "will you teach me?"
23 ; "unfortunately yes."
24 ; "fallen, bide well please."
25 ; "i cant just burn a whole town down."
26 ; "i love you"
27 ; "the message."
28 ; "say hi to momma."
29 ; "he resents you."

2 ; "I never told you that you couldn't touch what's yours."

2.9K 153 113
By kpopinesss

Jennie Kim


"Where are we?"

"Rule number 1." He flicked his cigarette out of the car window, an obnoxious smirk growing on his face. "Never ask questions."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed at my scarring arm. "Wonder what would happen to me if I do.."

"Honey, that's another question."

My jaw clenched and I refrained from grumbling under my breath. I realized now that he had some kind of healing property. Throughout the hours that he dragged me out of my house and to another area unknown, the tethered skin and open wounds were closing themselves and the pain was slowly diminishing to almost just numbness.

I rubbed against a slightly scarring wound on my hand before looking over to my weirdly interesting kidnapper slash torturer.

What is he?

Oh that's right. No questions.

"It's not a question, I promise."

He chuckled at my boldness making my heart involuntarily skip a beat at his husky tone. "Go on."

"You can heal me." It was a broad statement and I wanted him to know I was curious. "So you aren't human."

"Why don't you just sit back and enjoy the ride?" He sped up. "You'll have to eventually."

Fucking prick.

Eventually we reached an almost secluded neighborhood. I was a little shocked to notice that it wasn't dark and dingy like you'd expect it to be but more so far away and dream like. It was a small town surrounded by water, the buildings old but homey. I turned to look at the strange being beside me who just turned into a small beach house.

"Rule number two, don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you." He stated unbuckling his seatbelts. "That includes yourself."

I snickered at that only to earn a frustrated and annoyed pinch at my thigh. I hissed at him refraining myself from slapping him on the face from reflex. I was huffing only to see him glaring at me with a maniac smirk.

"Rule number three, play nice." He looked back forward pulling at his sweater. "I want to give you the full experience. And staying in a place where we might confront unwanted visitors is not part of my plans."

I stayed quiet and obedient, realizing now if I did anything against his favor, I'd be likely severely punished for it. That pinch was just a fair warning.

"How many-"

"Oh." He sucked in a disapproving breath with a slight shake of the head. "That's another question you want to ask, you know?"


"Rule number four, no apologies."

I looked back forward to the house.

"Last rule."

I dared to look into his eyes.

"Don't try and change the situation, Jennie Kim." He leaned towards me, so quickly, I shivered under his breath. His thick but cold lips brushed against my own and I almost fell into a dark temptation to sink against his. He curled his own lips but backed away leaving my breathless and terrified. "I'm always in control, Jennie. I'll let you know when that can change."

When I opened my eyes to face him, he had vanished. I became frantic. Almost feeling abandoned.. which isn't surprising from my past occurrences but I don't know why. I felt like I need him? To be fine. Because as far as I know, I'm now completely alone and useless to even myself. No money, no phone, no friends. I was somewhere I couldn't fend for myself.

And the only person I technically had, disappeared.

My only fear.

Is to be abandoned again.

He may have dark and lethal intentions. But I did know one thing.

He was keeping me alive.

"Y-Yoongi?" I stuttered looking around the car and the outside, my voice so quiet and so soft, I don't even think anyone could hear.

But he did.

"Honey, I'm getting the things from the trunk." He called out. "Why don't you come and help me?"

My heart eased at his voice, changed and kind. I shouldn't get used to it. I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed him out to see he was met with two other men around his age, bundled up in youthful clothes. They smiled once they saw me. I remembered his words- to play nice. And they seemed pretty human to me.

I smiled back at them and walked slowly over to Yoongi keeping a careful distance.

"You must be Yoongi's fiancée." One with bleached blond hair smiled. "I'm Heechul and that's Daniel."

"Hi." I breathily answered.

The brown haired cutie smiled broadly at me. "I own a cafe down the street, noona! You should come over sometime."

Yoongi chuckled and I nearly flinched when I felt his arm slide around my face. I'm not sure if that weird churning in my stomach was good or bad but my knees bucked with it. "She'll be fixing up our place for the mean time. You guys can help her while I do some things during the day."

"You are so greedy, Yoongi." Heechul playfully shook his head at him and I pierced nervously at my lip. "You always have people do it for you."

"In my defense, she's my fiancée." Yoongi answered back calmly. "She deserves to clean up our home however she wants."

"Vacation home." Daniel chuckled at Yoongi. I looked back to my so-called fiancé who just gave them a gummy smile.

He's so different... around others.

Kind almost.

"Either way, we'll be spending some time here for a while." Yoongi patted Daniel on his shoulder who seemed at ease at the elders action. "While I'm away, I expect the both of you to tend to her."

My heart nearly dropped when both their eyes swirled into a sickening darkness. Their lips curled upwards and I stumbled back. My face dropped color.

There are more of them..

"Of course, hyung. Anything for you."

"Great." As if none of this ever happened, the three seemed energetic and kind again. I was in awe, shock, and horror.

For fucksake-

"Honey, why don't you step inside and have a look at our place for the next month?" He pressed his lips dangerously against my ear and a careful yet sinful moan escaped my own lips. "I'm sure you'll find it very inviting."

"O-okay." I stuttered hurrying to move away from this villainous creature.

"What a good girl." Heechul smiled. "She must've been a charmer."


Fucking prick.

"Go on, honey. We don't have all night."


"What do you think?"

"Fucking- get off of me."

I was terrorized. The place seemed normal. But it was too normal.

It was decorated the same way the orphanage was. Where I was nearly tortured and left completely miserable.

I was in tears. I was honestly more okay with the physical pain than to live in this hell hole of a place.

The one thing I hated the most, came to haunt me. Because of a man I'm learning to fear.. if it even is a man.

"Don't speak to me in that tone." He growled demonically taking a furious step forward.

I whipped my head away from him and stepped back. "I'd rather be tortured and killed than be stuck living in a place that looks like this."

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" He roared at me mercilessly, his eyes flossing white. "Torturing you so I can kill you? That's fucking hilarious- fucking gold. You think I'd use something as menial as you just to kill you at the end?"

"Then why-"

"I fucking hate questions!"

I was thrown back against the wall, me tearing out a helpless scream. You can hear him. Him huffing from control of his anger just so he wouldn't murder me right here and now. I didn't even dare to look up because I know I was pushing his buttons already.

"I don't waste my precious time to kill, Jennie." He bent down to my cowering body to lift my chin up harshly with his cold and bony fingertips. My eyes locked with his, gorgeously terrifying but dangerously attractive.

"I only kill for you."

It flashed in my minds the deaths that had occurred in the past years. It was only because someone had neared me.. because of me? Those people had to die?

"You're a monster."

He smirked at me and leaned closer, my lips bluing at the sudden breeze of cold. "Honey, you don't even know the half of it."

"You said a month. It's what you're keeping me for.. a month's time. Then you'll let me go."

He huffed at my bold statement and stood up. "I need a cigarette."

"The least you can do is tell me!" I yelled back struggling to stand up and chase after him. "You made me into a monster too. So why can't you tell me why?"

"That's a question." Yoongi answered picking up a pack of cigarettes from the table. "I'm tallying up the score, Jennie, and I don't think you'd want too many."

"Stop smoking. It's disgusting."

He let go of the ignitor to his lighter, his eyes trailing slowly back to mine. I licked at me chapped lips and blinked at him. I stood up firmly now seeing that he actually halted.

"Of all things, that's what you find disgusting?"

I tore my gaze away not answering.

"You know what?" He walked quickly towards me and grabbed harshly onto my chin with all five fingers this time, making sure our eyes met and stayed that way. His were brown now, as if he was fully human. Honestly, I found him more terrifying this way. "I really really don't like when you turn away from me like that. It's almost like you're teasing me."

I looked down.

"Like that!" He groaned. "Oh god, that's terrible. It's like a fucking slap in the face, you know that? Do you want to feel what I do when you do that? A slap in the face?"

"No." I mumbled.

He chuckled at my answer, so darkly. "You can be so good but so bad, sometimes, honey."

"Don't call me honey." I mumbled again this time looking into his eyes.

"Traumatizing is it?"

"My father called me that."

"Well guess who's your new daddy now."

I slapped him. He didn't even budge but smirked in place of a reaction. I looked at him wide eyed and my heart raced in my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Such a rule breaker, aren't you?" He chuckled letting his fingers rest against my fragile skin.

I bit my lip only for tears to fall out of my eyes.

"I told you that you can't touch what's mine." He whispered.

I gasped when his body pressed into mine, his fingers changing from my chin to my neck. His face dipped in, his sculpted nose brushing against my skin. My spine tingled at the new and satisfying sensation and my eyes rolled back when his lips had suckeda tenderly on me.

"I never told you that you couldn't touch what's yours."

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