Worthless// A Final Fantasy X...

By MaskedWithWords

11.3K 298 67

The blonde haired boy Prompto had always felt worthless. He had a deep dark secret that nobody knew. After th... More

The Roadtrip
True Feelings
More Questions Than Answers
"I Am Strong"
Home For Now
A Friendly Brawl
Strength Restored
The Journey Continues
Setting Sail
A Rough Area
The Leviathan
The King, Oracle, Jester and Knights.
Departure, at last.
The Operation
The Horde
Coernix Bypass
Ardyn's Plan
Prompto's calling.
Dungeon Dilemma
The Calm Before The Storm
The Last Stand

The Cat and The Mouse

322 6 8
By MaskedWithWords

Noctis stood in awe as the Leviathan came rushing out the water, a wave formed and the water plummeted down quickly, flooding the front of the city and seeping through the streets.

"There will be more water than that! Is everyone safe and evacuated?" Iggy shouted over the sound of crashing waves at Gladio.

"The last group of people were just sent off!" Gladio screamed back.

"Excellent!" Iggy felt accomplished.

"Not everyone..." Noct muttered to himself with a worried tone.

"What was that?"Luna was the only one that heard the Prince as she was stood next to him.

"I have to go... Continue the summoning, I will be back!" Noct began to run towards the city before Gladio ran in front of him.

"Where are you going?!" Gladio gripped his arm to restrain him.

"Back to Prompto! We can't leave him!" He cried in desperation.

"Then I will go. You're needed here!" Gladio sounded sensible, but Noct protested.

"No! I promised that I would go!" Noct attempted to free himself from Gladio's strong grip. His cries captured the attention of Iggy and Luna.

"Let go of him Gladio." Iggy stepped forward. Gladio listened and sighed as he pushed Noct.

"If saving him is your calling then go. Your calling can not be ignored. As Oracle I will protect you all, but I haven't got long, you need to be here to slay her." Luna waved her arm around gracefully.

"Thank you Luna." He smiled, his eyes sparkled as tears were forming.

"How much time does he have?" Iggy asked Luna.

"3 hours, no longer!" She raised her trident into the air.

Noct nodded, that was plenty of time. He ran off into the maze of a city.

"Isn't 3 hours a bit long...?" Gladio crossed his arms.

"I didn't want to say this, but... I sense a problem with Prompto. I don't know what it is, but i needn't scare Noctis."

"A problem?" Iggy sounded concerned.

"His soul doesn't feel as pure and innocent as it once was. Anger, sadness and greed has taken over him." She saddened.

"We have to warn Noct!" Gladio pulled out his phone.

"No. He must face this on his own. Seeing one of his worst nightmares will break Noct, but is a sacrifice need to be made if he is to be king." She lowered her head.

Gladio places his phone into his pocket. "That bad, huh."

Noct frantically was running, his legs travelling faster than his body. At first he was faster than the rising water, but it soon caught up to him. He looked behind him, sweat pouring off of his grey-blue hair. The buildings he once ran passed were cracking, glass smashing and filling with water. He had to be quicker.

The hotel was in his sights, a few blocks away. The complex city made it hard to reach as the canal systems obstructed easy routes to a street. Besides, the whole city will be one big canal system in a matter of minutes. The city looked like a scene from an apocalyptic movie. Buildings destroyed, clothing pieces on the floor and the lack off human presence made it eerie. The streets were littered with MT's that fell into deep water and were washed up further in land. They sparked and their glowing red eyes were dim and dying in the sunlight.

Finally, he made it to the hotel, front glass doors now shattered on the floor. The lobby empty and the receptionist lay dead against the desk. Shot straight between the eyes. This was the first time in a long time that Noct had seen human death. Plenty of beasts die everyday, MT's killed without thought and the news clippings that described the death of thousands and his father in Insomnia. This was different. Human beings that Noct interacted with earlier on.

"Why did the MT's turn on humans?" Noct thought to himself and a wave of worry washed over him.

"Prompto!" He shouted, sprinting up the stairs. Noct's legs slowed down as he looked down the corridor. It was as if it was slow motion. His feet crunched against the same materials Prompto earlier walked on. He walked very slowly, noticing the trail of blood on the floor that lead into multiple rooms. He gave in and allowed himself to cry, horrified at the sight. His head automatically peered into the room where a woman defending her child was dead. Her blood sprayed onto the walls. Noct felt nauseous, stumbling backwards into the broken door behind him and falling in on his back. The sickness grew as his got onto his knees and looked into the room he fell into. An MT laid on the floor, twitching and still alive as it reached for its weapon. Noct pulled his engine blade out and killed the bot before stumbling into the wall and vomiting. He groaned at himself and then further inspected the MT.

"Did you... kill yourself?" Noct raised its arm, that was gripping onto a sword that was stabbed into its metal body.

"A massacre of humans and then you all killed yourself? What is happening here?" Noct walked back out of the room, his body shaking in fear and adrenaline. He braced himself as he walked into Prompto's room.

"No..no,no.." Noct's voice was cracking. Prompto was obviously absent from the room.

Noct walked over to the bed where Prompto earlier laid. There were no bloodstains or sign of struggle, unlike the other rooms. The only damage was the door.

"Please tell me you're safe!" Noct looked up at the ceiling as if looking at the many Gods for help.


Prompto swayed back and forth as he walked down the street as if he was drunk, rifle in hand.

"What am I?" He cried.

The water was rising  at his ankles by now and it was beginning to get difficult to walk. He needed to get to higher ground. He snapped out of his hysterical state and began pushing against the current of the water. One of the cities many bridges was in his sight and he decided to head there to get away from the water, for now. He climbed the concrete steps and was stood in front of the grand fountain, with the stone Leviathan sat in the center, appropriate for the current situation. He felt a wet splash on his head, the sky began to drop water droplets.

"Really? Rain now of all times?" He sighed and continued to walk towards the large archways on the bridge for shelter. He rested his back against the wall and slid his body down, sitting with his knees at his chest.

"I'm sorry I let you down Noct." Prompto raised his head and spoke softly, the rain splashing on his cheeks.

"I guess I am worthless after all." He threw a small pebble into a puddle, watching it ripple and splash.

With his knees at his chest, he collapsed his neck and rested his head, face down into his knees. Wailing and bawling his eyes as his body violently shook as he gasped for air each cry.

"I guess this is it." He spoke to himself once more, as if he was talking to Noct as he watched the water raise at a quicker rate in the streets below him.

He scanned the area and noticed the glow of the energy canisters in the distance. It sparked a memory from his childhood.

The pre-teen Prince and his best friend sat comfortably on the outskirts of the citadel in one of the woods. They both laid on the floor, head resting on rocks and staring at the stars. Prompto giggles and pointed at one of the constellations.

"That lady looks like she isn't wearing any clothes!" His young, childish mind was refreshing.

"That's because she isn't silly!" Noct's newly cracked voice, spoke out confidentially.

"How do you know?"

"Her name is Eos. Goddess of Dawn." Noct smiled as he connected the stars with his finger in the air.

"Eos? Isn't that where we are right now?" Prompto questioned. The warming sound of crickets grew.

"That's right! It's named after her." Noct lowered his moody tone, knowing that Prompto deserved a happier, more comforting voice.

"That's pretty cool." Prompto's eyes twinkled full of wonder, he grew excited as he stared at the other stars.

Noctis noticed Prompto's interest, so as his best friend, he enjoyed to make him happier.

"See that one?" The slim prince's arm reached out to the void.

"Yeah." The blonde boy continued to smile.

"That's Ifrit. The Pyreburner."

"Woah! does he burn with fire?" Prompto sat up, body moving in excitement.

"He sure does." Noct closed his eyes and smiled in happiness. He too sat up.

"How do you know all this?" Prompto tilted his head.

"It's in my blood. The stories were told to me since I was young. They are the foundations of my bloodline I guess."

"It must be so cool to be Royalty!" Prompto stared at Noct in awe.

"It has its benefits... You know how ifrit burned with fire?" Noct smirked, he had a trick up his sleeve.

"Yeah..." Prompto didn't know where this was going.

"I want to show you something." Noct stood up, placing his hand out for Prompto to grab. The blonde boy gripped it and was pulled up.

"Let's get some wood." Noct walked into the wooded area. Prompto followed.

They each ran around, picking up any lose twigs and logs that they found. With their hands and arms full they both ran back to their spot.

"Looks like I got more than you!" Noct laughed, dropping his firewood.

"Hey, not fair! You had a head start!" Prompto dropped his pile.

"Sure.. whatever you say." Noct smiled and winked. Prompto playfully punched his arm.

The pair built an area for a fire, wood stacked high and circled with rocks.

"How are we going to light it?" Prompto looked around for something.

"Watch." Noct placed his hands out in front of him and Prompto carefully paid attention. His hands waved around a little and a small orange flame began forming, he circled it more as the burning fire grew in the palm of his hands. Prompto's jaw dropped and he clapped in applause. The fire grew bigger before Noct launched it at the pile of firewood, creating a warm campfire.

"Are you Ifrit?!" Prompto grabbed Noct's hands and inspected them.

"Hahaha, sadly I'm not." Noct laughed loudly, pulling his hands back from Prompto.

"That was amazing! Teach me!"

"I can't... Lucian Royalty exclusive I'm afraid." Noct sounded proud to be Lucian for once.

"I said it would be cool to be Royalty!" Prompto sulked in a humorous way.

"I can absorb the powers of the elements. It can come from the source or energy canisters. I've never been allowed to use my powers, this is actually the first time." Noct scratched the back of his head.

"First time?! That was amazing!" Prompto clapped once more.

Noctis blushed before walking a few steps in embarrassment.

"Those energy canisters... it's not like those over there is it?" Prompto pointed at some canisters leaning against the citadel wall, yet to be taken in by the guards.

"Nice eyes!" Noct patted Prompto on the back, sprinting towards the canisters.  He placed his hand out in front of him and Prompto witnessed the icy cold frost swirl in the air like a mini hurricane. It twinkled in the moonlight as it spun in midair into Noct's hands.

"We should put the fire out..." Prompto looked worried as he stared at the growing flames, surrounded by dry trees.

"Perfect." Noct smiled, placing his hand out and releasing the ice and snow, placing a blanket over the orange and yellow flames. The life of the heat slowly began to burn out, the boys were only lit up by the moon and stars once more.

"You're like Jack Frost!" Prompto smiled.

"Who?" Noct didn't understand the reference.

"You don't know?" Prompto was in disbelief.


"Yay! Time for me to tell you about some pretty badass people." Prompto laid on the floor, staring at the stars again. Noct joined next to him.

"I'm all ears." His voice faded out as current Prompto snapped out of  his dream like state. He coughed and looked around him. Altissia never looked so miserable, buildings damaged, rain falling and the water levels rising. It was time for Prompto to find higher ground again. As the tired boy stood up, his red checkered shirt that was attached to his jacket ripped against the metal hook in the archway.


Noct was struggling to move in the water, it was up to his waist by now. He pushed onwards and was desperate to find higher ground for both safety and a vantage point. He noticed a large bridge walkway in the distance and began to swim faster towards it. His body was already aching, but he knew he had to push on, climbing the concrete steps. As he approached the concrete archways , his body gave way, desperate for rest. He fell onto the arch, using his hand to support him. He patted his breast pocket in search for his phone, luckily he placed it there otherwise it would have been damaged by the water. He scrolled through his contacts and found Iggy.

"Hello, Noct?" Iggy answered, sounding concerned.

"Iggy...Thank..God You're safe." Noct was out of breath.

"Travelling through water is exhausting you! Come back before it gets too dangerous!" Iggy was protective.

"I..can't not..now" He panted.

"Stubborn as always. We are all safe, managed to get to the higher ground thanks to the Leviathan, she created some kind of zero gravity spherical area." Ignis reassured Noct.              "You have an hour and a half, but the water will be beyond the highest building by then. Please come back safely." Iggy's voice trailed off.

"I will, Promise. Is the Regalia there yet?" Noct managed to get his breath back.

"In fact, yes it is. The autopilot mode delivered the brand new flying regalia safely."

"Good...See you later." Noct ended the call. Slipping down the wall as his legs were submerged with the rising water. He didn't want to startle Ignis about Prompto.

Noct found Prompto in his contacts in hope that he would pick up. He anxiously waited for it as it dialed. There was no reply. Noct sighed and placed his hand onto the concrete under the water to help himself up when his hand made contact with some material. At first he flinched and freaked out thinking it was an eel like fish, but at closer inspection it was cloth. He ripped it off the hook it was caught on and looked at it for a moment.

"Prompto!" He shouted, recognizing the pattern. Tears mixed with the rainwater on his face as he felt a moment of hope. The pattern was far different from any fashion in Altissia, this was definitely Prompto's. His moment of hope was interrupted as he was startled by the distant sound of gunfire.

Naturally, he shot up and sprinted towards the edge off the walkway, gripping onto the metal safety rail. The gunfire echoed and rumbled like thunder in the sky, his grip tightened in worry. The city was supposed to be evacuated, there was no need for the loose-wired MT's to attack unless a civilian was still on the island. The ping pong of gunfire, alternated between Noct's left and right ear worried him as it could have been Prompto in a life or death situation. The water was rising, getting deeper by the second, but Noct swore to protect his best friend so he began descending off of the walkway and towards the gunfire in the North.


Prompto was still in a daze and was entering and exiting consciousness, a dangerous combination when walking and swimming through the city. An urge washed over him, as if destiny to guide the lost boy to his destination. He reached into his pocket where his camera sat, damaged by the water and still scratched up from the incident at the Vesperpool. There was very little battery left and the shutter failed to open, but Prompto stopped for a moment and stood on a raised platform that was once a bench. This whole time he was convinced that he was the one that injured everyone at the hotel, negative thoughts were driving him to the point of no return. His camera was his comfort, it took the good in his life and saved it for him to look back on in times of desperation, such as now.

A red battery symbol flashed on the screen and a large crack obstructed a clear view on the screen, but despite this he looked back through his memories. A gallery of images from the very beginning, to the last photo he took a matter of days ago, each with everyone smiling. The very first photo was forgotten, no memory of taking the picture, but the memory of the event. It showed teen Noctis and Prompto, right at the top of the citadel, the sun burning pink and orange as it set and the light pink cherry blossom petals that littered the sky. Noctis was stood at the edge of the building, looking into the distance with one of his feet on the rooftop and one on the very edge. This was the moment that he scared Prompto to death, his new best friend that he had only known for a matter of hours. It was definite from then on that they would be soulmates. Noct had jumped off of the 60 story building and beyond the wall, onto the beast infested grounds below, without telling Prompto that he could warp. This was the  moment where finally, a smile, giggle and cry was let out by the reminiscing Prompto that sat on the bench, sinking under the rising water of Altissia. The darkness was  disappearing, replaced with the happiness of memories, he was slowly realizing that he needed Noctis. The camera flashed once more and the screen went black, reflecting Prompto's face back to him with a large crack. At this point, he too was broken.

On that day, Noct tried to retrieve the LunaStone for his love, Luna. Prompto had done his research and knew that it only revealed itself when a soulmate is nearby. That was him. After they got attacked, Noct dropped it as it was less important that the life of the defenseless person he had just met. Since then, due to how rare it is, he has never seen it again. Neither has anyone else. Prompto reached into his coat pocket once more to place his broken camera back when he felt something, rough on the edges and smooth in the center. To his surprise, it was the LunaStone. His new mission was to deliver the stone to Noctis, after all he has done, it is the least he could to do apologize to Noct for the crime he thought he committed. He grasped it tightly in his hand and kissed it before placing it back in his pocket. The sound of gunfire echoed in the distance as if two parties were fighting in the North. Prompto kept moving closer to the Leviathan, West to his location and far from the north.

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