Nanbaka fanfic: The Lady

By Zecha13

177K 4.1K 1.1K

Nanbaka is a prison full of men But what happens when a female inmate joins them? She is also a stunningly be... More

Oc Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New book!
New book

Chapter 15

4.3K 115 9
By Zecha13

"What on earth are you saying?!?" Upa now angered

"We're telling the truth!" Qi said

"That's right Upa, you shouldn't go near her" Samon said

Upa looked at Eliza to see her slightly shocked "liz-nee is that true?"

The others looked at her wanting her to say no

"Yes, I am afraid it is, I killed my own father" Eliza said

Everyone got shocked at her statement, not only did she kill but to kill her own father, she is ruthless

"Why?....Why Kill?!?!" Uno asked

"We're criminals too, we know that but killing....we won't go that far!" Jyugo said

"Eli....that's so unladylike" Honey said

"Don't go near Upa again, we won't let him either!" Liang said

"Liz-nee.....I can't believe you! I-I thought you were a really nice person! I thought you just went to jail because you stole something or you were framed....but killing! You were the one who thought me good manners! How can I do that now?! Now that I know that the one teaching me is ruthless in the inside!" Tears streamed down Upa's face

The others conforted him, and the others glared at Eliza, the supervisors gave dissapointed looks at Eliza

A hand was put on her shoulder, she looked up and saw Mushi "Liza...don't worry about them....I won't change"

Eliza smiled at him "thanks.......mushi"

(2 weeks later)

Eliza has been either ignored, glared at, or treated badly the past 2 weeks, only Musashi was comforting her but a week ago Kenshirou stopped him from visiting her

Even Shiro, who always brings her sweets doesn't do it anymore

This day, Eliza had enough of it she rummaged through her closet and grabbed a phone thats been hidded the whole time

She dialed a number and made a call

"Momo, it is Eli"


"I had enough of this, get me out now"



After a few minutes later Hajime and Yamato came "hey 19! Warden is calling you!"

She didn't say anything and went with them to the warden's office

(Time skip)

"Yamato, Hajime" Warden said

"Yes!" They said

"No.19 is no longer a prisoner, she is now free,leave her here, I'll take care of her" Warden said

"Ehh!?!??!" The two said

"B-but w-why?! A murderers sentence is longer than that!" Hajime said

"Shut up! This is the final decision!" Warden shouted as Hajime kept quite

Then Eliza spoke "oh, and I will be bailing out Musashi"

"Hey! Even if you're not a prisoner anymore, you don't get to bail anyone out just like tha-" Hajime said but was cut off

"Yes right away" Warden said

Hajime and Yamato's jaw were now on the ground ,what the hell is happening?!?!??!?!?

Eliza smirked "good, while we wait for my boat to come and pick us up,which will be in a few days, I will be seeking shelter in your home for a while"

"Yes I am fine with that" Warden said and again Hajime and Yamato were shocked "what are the two of you standing there for? Leave!"

The two guards left immediately

Yamato and Hajime went outside to the supervisors room and told them what happened

"Really!?!?!" Samon asked

"How could they allow a murderer to be free in a short time?" Kenshirou thought

"But the questionable part is why did the warden follow her orders about stayin at her house and bailing No.634?" Kiji asked

"We were curious about that too, but the warden made us shut up" Yamato said

"Is there anything else written in her documents?" Kenshirou asked

", the only thing that was shown was her first name, age ,inmate no. and crime" Hajime said

They sat in silence trying to figure it out then someone spoke "What was her first name?" Kenshirou asked

"Huh? It's Eliza right?" Samon said

"No I mean her real first name, the one she uses is what she told the inmates to call her, it could be a nickname" Kenshirou said

"It's Elizandra" Hajime said

"Hm.....Elizandra......the only one I know with a name like that is from Elirian" Kenshirou said

"Elirian kingdom?!?!?!?! The country who rules over every country in the world, the rulers in earth, with the palace with the King and queen whose status is greater than that of the queen is britain or any royalty in the world!? Do you mean that Elirian Kingdom?!?!?!" Kiji asked

Kenshirou nodded "yes, but I'm not sure of her status, I just remembered hearing her name there, maybe a duchess?"

"Even so,one with status in that palace is treated the same everywhere, we must respect them" Samon said

By now they were all too shock and are procesing every bit of information they said

"But wait!" Kenshirou said then allthe attention was focused on him "No.634 might know, after all he said he knew why No.19 was here"


Eliza sat with Momo for tea

"I am truly sorry they have caused you trouble, I did not expect them to be so harsh after I told them your crime"Momo said

"Truly despicable!" Eli said as Momo tensed up "I have been to a lot of prisons, at first I get sexually harrased for being female but as the time goes by, I think it is time for them to know my crime, and ones they knew they instantly think different of me, everyone except the real murderers and Mushi!" As Eli kept talking Momo was to keep a straight face as she was now afraid "I thought that this time, it will change, that I finally found people that would not judge me for a past mistake, but I was wrong, only Mushi, you, and Mitsuru stayed the same"

"I-I am very sorry, I hope you will be comfortable in my home until your boat arrives in a few days" Momo stuttered as she finally broke then tension

"I sure wish I do, but it will be hard considering that I can not stay in your home all the time, hence I will walk around"

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