It Ends Here... (Book III)

By thevelvetrose

237K 3.1K 719

*Going to edit* (Part of the New beginning series.. book 3) Samantha has been through more than any human can... More

*It ends here... {1}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {2}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {3}
It ends here.... (Sequel to Rise Against) {4}
It ends here.... (Sequel to Rise Against) {5}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {6}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {7}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {8}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {9}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {11}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {12}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {13}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {14}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {15}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {16}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {17}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {18}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {19}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {20}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {21}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {22}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {23}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {24}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {25}
It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {26}
It ends here... (Epilogue!)

It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {10}

6.7K 117 33
By thevelvetrose

Author's Note:

This chapter has some twists. you might love this chapter. or really hate it.

I hope its love.

I'm going to work on the next chapter soon. I hope you like this chapter.


-the velvet rose-



"Samantha?" Someone gasped.

I turned around and gasped. That's the last person I thought I would see here. I ran over to them and hugged them tightly...


"Penelope!" I hugged her tightly.

"Samantha! I didn't expect to see you here!" She laughed hugging me back.

"I thought you were dead"

"Well I should be"

I pulled back and smiled at her. She just stared into my eyes in horror and amazement.

"H-How. What?" She gasped. "Your eyes are purple"

"Ah. I see we have a lot to talk about.." I smiled. Then threw my arm around her shoulders. We started walking.

We walked and talked for several hours. I explained just the big stuff. She cried when I told her who I saw when I died. She smiled when I said he misses her and loves her. And is still worried about them.

She was amazed by my little story of coming back to life. I listened closely to her when she told me about her life.

"I was taken out of there by one of the Twiads when there was several gun shots fired. I begged him to let me help Eddie.. But he said it was too late. I carried Rosie and he took us back here. This is my town. The town I lived in before the kidnapping. So I've been here since. Waiting to go back to Renton" She sighed.

"Why go back to Renton? Where is Rosie?"

"I want to go back because things were just better there. I know. It sounds crazy and all. But all I have here is my mom. And she's coming with me when I go. Rosie is with her right now. I had to get out of the house to get some fresh air"

"So no one is after you?" I asked after blowing out smoke from my mouth.

"No. Should there be?"

"I guess not. Jack, Zack and I stirred them up I guess. They want us all dead. Including my baby Cassie" I whispered.

"Its okay Samantha. Zack wont let anything happen to her or you"

"Neither will Jack"

"So.. I'm guessing you have a thing for Jack?" She raised an eyebrow.

I lit another cigarette and choked. "He cares for me"

"How is Zack?"

"Fine. Actually. He took a whack at Jack the other day"

"Ah. I see"

"Come with me and see him. He will be excited to see you"

"Okay. For a few hours. Then I should get back to Rosie" She smiled.

Penelope acts like Zack's mother in a way. She is almost 30 now and acts older. She has short thick and wavy brown hair with dark brown eyes. She had little worry lines on her forehead and she was pretty skinny.

"I know this is gonna sound rude. But you reek" Penelope pulled away.

"I know" I laughed.

"Why are you smoking? When did you start?"

"I started yesterday. I was smoking to dull the stress. But now its just to make Jack crazy. it's a multipurpose thing"

"Ah. You shouldn't smoke though. Its bad for you"

"I know. Trust me. As soon as those packs are gone. I'm not buying anymore. They make me sick"

We were at the house now. We snuck into the back and I walked ahead of her. I told her to wait right outside while I woke them up.

"Sam!" Zack exclaimed when I walked in.

"Zack!" I waved my arms like him to mock him.

"Where have you been? Its almost 6am!"

"Out. I made a friend and brought her here"

"You what?!?"

"Where's Jack?"

"Out looking for you. Now what friend? You know you shouldn't bring people here"

I sighed and pulled Penelope in the room.

"Penny?" Zack gasped. And quickly hugged her.

"Hey Zackary" She laughed and hugged him back.

They talked and talk for an hour or so when Jack stormed in. he looked at me and sighed. Then sat next to me on the floor.

"Hello Penelope" He greeted. He did seem a little shocked she was there. But he seemed more relieved about me being safe here.

"Jack" She gave a small smile and nodded. She doesn't exactly like Jack..

"How have you been Penny?" He asked. Obviously purposely annoying her.


He nodded and turned his head to me.

"You haven't slept at all have you?" He asked.

"No I haven't"

"We're moving everything upstairs into the game room. You can help"

"Why are we moving stuff?"

"This house is for rent. So someone might come. If we move all of our stuff upstairs to the game room, which can lock. It means we can go out the window before they see us"

That makes sense. I picked up my bed and carried it up there. Jack was behind me with his.

Zack and Penelope were talking downstairs as we moved things up there.

The room was like the others. Except it was wider then long. We place our beds on the wall your first see when you walk in.

We put the heads of the beds against the wall, and the feet facing the doors.

It had two solid French doors that had new locks. Obviously bought by Jack.

"Why cant we have our own rooms?" I asked.

"Its safer we stay together. Incase they find us"

"Ah" Was all I said.

Jack is very experienced in this. Too experienced in it. He went to get the rest of the beds. I went outside for another smoke. I just need to use up these horrid things. I lit one of and sat down, leaning against the house.

I sat my jacket and hat beside me because it was getting hot. I stared at the bush that had the rest of the horrid things in.

I put the lighter in my pocket and closed my eyes.

"You liar" Jack said coming outside.

He snatched the cigarette from my hand and crushed it with his foot.

"You don't smoke eh?" He frowned and snatched up my jacket.

"Hey!" I almost shouted.

He dug through the pockets and found one cigarette. I cant say I was upset when he crushed that one too.

"Where are the rest?" He demanded.

"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently.

If only he knew that I was doing this just to mess with his pretty little mind. I smiled evilly.

"Well they aren't in your stuff or anywhere around the house" He started.

"You went through my stuff?!?" I asked incredulously.

He rolled his eyes and went back inside. I walked to the bushes and grabbed another one. Then lit it.

Next thing I know. Jack comes out, snatches it from my hand and then crushed it. He went over to the bushes and picked up the stash and showed it to me.

"You will not be buying any more" He told me.


He threw them in an old bucket and filled it with water. Then went back inside.

I followed him upstairs into the main room/game room and sat down next to him.

"Don't worry. I'm kind of relieved you threw those out" I told him.

He rolled his eyes.

"I am!" I defended.

I heard Penelope leave. I had the feeling that wasn't the last time I would see her.

I sat on my bed and waited for Zack to come up. But I fell asleep before he did..

I woke up around 5pm and sat straight up. I'm becoming a vampire. Sleep all day, visit the streets and town at night.

Cassie was sitting on her bed with her memory book. I went to stand up when she said.

"Mommy don't move!"

"Why not?"

"I'm drawing you for my memory book"

"Oh.. What am I supposed to do?"

"Lay back down"

I laid there for half an hour before she said to get up. I sighed and went downstairs.

Zack was picking the rest of the stuff downstairs up.

"Where's Jack?" I wondered.


"He's breaking his own rules?"

Zack rolled his eyes.

"So.. Did you have a nice chat with Penelope?" I asked.

"Yes I did" He smiled.

I randomly had an idea. Then just flat out attacked Zack. He blocked my move and tripped me. I banged into the wall and then went at him again.

He threw me over his shoulder and I fought to get out of his hold.

"Your out of practice" He commented.

"Help me then" I challenged.

That what we were doing when Jack came back. He came in around 9pm and saw me pinned to the ground.

He just stared, then nodded and went upstairs.

We continued to practice till midnight. Then I went upstairs and changed into black skinny jeans and a black tank top.

"I'm going out" I told them.

"No you aren't" Zack and Jack said at the same time.

"What? I can go out"

"No. after last night. No" Zack shook his head.

"But" I looked a Jack for help. He shook his head too.

"Jerks" I hissed.

Zack was grabbing some stuff.

"Cassie, come on" He called.

"Where are you going?" I demanded.

"Penelope's house. Cassie and Rosie will play while I visit with Penny. You can come"

"I'm not in a social mood"

"Okay. See you in a few hours"

I sighed and grabbed my iPod. Flipping through the songs and settling on something loud.

Zack and Cassie left.

Jack was grabbing some things.

"What. You going to?" I asked annoyed.

"No. someone has to watch over you" He rolled his eyes.

"I can watch over myself!"

"Yeah right"

"Jack. I'm sick of being treated like a child here. I demand respect"

"I'm just saying what is true. You cant watch over yourself"

"I can take you down"

"Yeah. Right"

I attacked him and was thrown onto my bed. I bounced and landed on the ground. Then quickly went back to attack him. He pinned my arm behind my back and I yelped. He let go and then I tripped him.

Of course in the end. I was pinned on the floor.

"Let. Go" I told him.

"Promise you wont leave this house"

"Fine. I promise"

"By the way. Here" He tossed me a cell phone. "It's a prepaid"

"Thanks" I smiled.

"I programmed my and Zack's number"

"Hey. Would you help me with some training?" I asked.

"Depends. Will you be nice?" He smiled.

"Sure. I'll try"

I will probably be covered with bruises. I was pinned against the wall, aching and out of breath.

Jack randomly kissed me. I just froze. Then kissed him lightly back. I heard a click and my eyes flashed to door and I saw Zack standing there.

I pulled away from Jack and stared at Zack in horror.

"Zack!" I gasped.

His eyes.. They shifted from green to.. Black. I've never really have seen black eyes. And I will never forget.

Zack lunged across the room and threw Jack so hard against the wall that the wall cracked.

"Zack! Stop!" I screeched.

Jack fought back with rage too. I leaped and pulled Zack with all my might off of Jack, but it was useless. Then I leaped between then as Zack was throwing a punch. I thought I could stop it. But no. his fist connected with my eye.

I fell to the ground with a squeal.

"Oh Sam! I'm so, so sorry!" Zack was beside me.

I couldn't see for a second or two. Then the black disappeared. I leaped off the floor and ran with all my might out of the house and into the streets. I found myself in town with ten minutes. Which normally takes me half an hour.

I sat down on a bench outside of a subway sandwiches.

My left eye ached. I caught a glimpse of myself in the window. Yes. It was very bad. Slightly green

But I wasn't angry or afraid of Zack. No. I still love him. I know he feels horrible right now. I just had to get out of there. Drama.

"You'll be fine Sammy" A familiar voice said.

"Noel?" I gasped.

Noel. My.. Err. Guardian angel? No. my fairy godmother? No. whatever she is.

"Hey Sammy" She smiled.

She looked just the same. Porcelain white skin. Beautiful gold hair. Her common bored look.

"Where have you been for the past six months?" I demanded.


I sighed.

"Something wrong?" She asked.

"Zack walked in when Jack and I were kissing. They fought. I got in the way. Got this" I pointed to my eye.


"I just need to stay away from Jack-"

"No!" She shouted. But obviously no one heard her but me.

"What?" I asked frightened.

"..Do you love Jack?" She asked randomly.


"Are you sure?"

I thought about it. "Why does it matter?"

"Yes or no?"

I've been thinking about this for days. So I had to answer honestly.

"I think so" I whispered.

"Don't stay away from him" She told me.

"I should. I love Zack"

"You cant stay away from Jack. Okay?"

"Why not?"

"Something is supposed to happen in less then ten months. And if you stay away from Jack, none of it will happen"

"What will happen Noel?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't think I should tell you. It could ruin it all"

"Noel please. I beg you to tell me"

"There is this person who will solve all the problems between Twiads and humans"

"Okay. Where is this person? What does it have to do with me?"

"Everything. This person. Is a boy. And will be born in ten months. And you.. Will be the mother. And Jack... has to be the father. This boy will save everything"

"Your kidding" I rolled my eyes.

"I am not"


"Samantha. Please. Just listen. This boy has to be born. Okay? Staying away from Jack isn't the answer"

"Why cant Zack be the dad?" I whimpered.

"It wont work that way. If you and Zack.. Um.. It would be another girl"

I felt tears going down my cheek. This was way too much information. This was way too much period.

My heart was breaking in half. I'm in love with two different people.

I looked at Noel through misty eyes.

"Why does it have to be me? Why cant Jack.. Be with someone else?" I nearly begged.

"Because. He loves you. You love him. The baby has to be raised by you three. Meaning Zack too"

"I cant do this to Zack. Please. I cant hurt him"

"Its your choice. And I know. You feel forced into this. But you don't have to do this. At all. You can just go home to your mom like non of this alien thing ever happened. I will even turn you back to human if you want. But it doesn't guarantee that you will be safe. You can run away with Zack and Cassie. But you love Jack too much to run from him"

"Why is this all happening to me?" I cried. People walked by and looked at me.

Why are people out here at midnight? I sobbed. In denial. Confused. Torn. Hurt. Scared. In love. I cant hurt Zack.

"Okay. Fine. I am in love with Jack! But. Is there any other way?" I asked.

"You can try another way.."

"I was hoping my first time would be when I was married"

"You can marry Jack. Nothings stopping you"

"Can I get a shot like I did with Cassie?"

"No. it wouldn't turn out right"

"Your making my life difficult and painful"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to tell you. This was going to fall into place in a month"

"A month?"

"You were supposed to get pregnant in a month"

I thought about that. And couldn't believe it. A month then Jack and I would have.. Even if Noel hadn't told me about it. Wow. I feel like I'm about to stab a stake through Zack's heart.

I was torn. Right down the middle.

"I wasn't expecting this" I laughed and cried.

"Don't do it then"

I bit my lip.

"You don't have to. Its yours choice"

"What about Cassie? What happens to her? I cant hurt her. Not Cassie" I was having a melt down.

"Cassie is extremely important too"


"She will restore Renton. She will have seven girls"

"Okay. No more telling me about my future. She's just two and a half" I waved my arms.

"Of course"

I sat there quiet, chewing on my stub of a nail. And thinking a lot. Choosing. Deciding. Processing.

Noel was quiet. She was worried.

"Think of it this way Samantha. Cassie is your's and Zack's. the new child will be your's and Jack's. you don't have to marry him. You can choose Zack after the baby is born. You don't have to be with Jack. Just have the baby"

"I'll do it" I told her.

I couldn't go back home just yet. I walked around town till sunrise. Crying. Smiling. Sobbing. Laughing. Angry. Happy. Scared. Then accepting.

'You don't have to be with Jack. Just have the baby' she said. I wasn't with Zack when I had Cassie. I wasn't with Zack anytime.

Just have the baby boy.

I walked home without confidence. I felt Noel near by me. I sighed and opened the front door. Zack sat there with his head in his hands. When he saw me. He knew something was wrong..


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