Band-Aids (One Direction & Ju...

By mstaylorjean

193K 1.1K 248

❝COMPLETED❞ A trip to London will change everything. After meeting Zayn Malik in the airport Taylor and her... More

Band-Aids - London Here We Come.
Band-Aids - Meet, eh, One Direction.
Band-Aids - Shall We?
Band-Aids - Stop it.
Band-Aids - Ketchup.
Band-Aids - Memories.
Band-Aids - Fighting For Survival..
Band-Aids - Truth Tells It All
Band-Aids - "Stop Leading Me On!"
Band-Aids - "She's gone, Harry.."
Band-Aids - As Long As You Love Me.
Band-Aids - Lies.
Band-Aids - Love Hurts.
Band-Aids - Hate Ruins Everything.
Band-Aids - OH MY GOD.
Band-Aids - Good Seeing You.
Band-Aids - Turning Page
Band-Aids - She looks.. happy..
Band-Aids - Three Words.
Band-Aids - I'm Back.
Band-Aids - Too Many Hospital Visits
Band-Aids - Please, Open Your Eyes.
Band-Aids - I'm So Confused. Help.
Band-Aids - I Can't Do This.
Band-Aids - I Gotta Go My Own Way.
Band-Aids - I Wrote A Letter Everyday.
Band-Aids - He's Like A Drug.
Band-Aids - No Relationships At All.
Band-Aids - London. Here I Come. Again.
Band-Aids - I Want Both.
Band-Aids - You Are All Uncoordinated.
Band-Aids - No Boys.
Band-Aids - Crashes and Burns.
Band-Aids - More Help.
Band-Aids- Just Once.
Band-Aids - It's Not Goodbye.
Band-Aids - Epilogue.

Band-Aids - Finally Coming True.

25.4K 93 8
By mstaylorjean

the first chapters of band-aids will be edited and changed. some of the stuff will be different then the original chapters so beware. if you like you can read it again and if you didn't vote please do or please comment! thank you and i hope you like the 'new band-aids'.


Taylor's POV

     Waking up in the morning was never my cup of tea but the first sight I saw was. The 5 familiar faces looked down at me and smiled. They blocked every horrible thing out of my mind as if they were old friends or maybe even my guardian angel.

    I might be a little old to be in love with a boyband but if they help me through my life others will have to suffice with my dedication.

    I pull the comfy duvet cover off of my legs and stand up from my bed. I look in the full length mirror at my disgusting morning hair and face. I lick my dry lips and start to brush out my hair before pulling it in a bun. 

   I crack my neck, back and fingers and wince at the sound. Also, the thoughts that come to my head as I realize how bad the habit is. 

   My body finally gets strength to walk out of my room and down the stairs to see my family sitting in the living room.   

  "Finally up, eh?" My younger brother, Jay, replied as he sat lazily on the couch watching.. Spongebob? I stuck my tongue out at him and walked to the chair pushed by the wall closer to the reclining chair where my mom sat.

   "Morning, grumpy." She answered.

   "Morning." I said.

   "There is pancakes and bacon in the kitchen if you want some." She told me.

   "Yay." I said jumping from my seat and towards the kitchen. I set the warm pancakes on a cleaner plate and set it in the mircowave as well as the bacon.

    I impatiently wait for it to finish and get my toppings out. I apply some butter on the moist pancake as well as syrup on it and the bacon. I grab a fork and head back to the chair I was sitting in.

    I quickly ate as my hunger was soon satisfied. I got up and threw my plate away and put the fork in the sink.

   As I washed my hands off something popped in my head.

  "Wait!" I yelled. "Mom, where is the mailbox key?"

  "Right there." She said pointing to the table.

   I gripped it and slipped on my knock off UGGS over my red and pink plaid pajamas. I opened the heavy door and accidentally slammed it before running down the driveway and passing my neighbors house. I quickly looked both ways before sprinting towards the mailbox.

  I found mine and put the key in. I grabbed all the mail inside and pushed it closed but having trouble trying to get the key out, like always. 

    I got it out finally and ran back towards my house. I got in and got to my seat setting the key down. I examined the mail only looking for the ones with my name on it.

    I was almost 19 so it was close to the time of heading to college. My dream was to go to Stanford or Oxford but Oxford was too far for my mom's liking. She even thought Stanford was too far when it was only 3 hours of driving. I've been trying my hardest to get ready for college which meant taking extra schooling activities and AP classes whenever I had the chance.

    I also was on the honor list and the schlorship invites were getting mailed today. I had on in my hand making me tremble. 

   I rip it open slowly trying to rip it just in case I would want to frame it or something.

Dear Taylor Agulto,  

    Congratulations! With the approval of the School of Journalism department, is pleased to inform you that your application has been approved and you have been accepted to begin graduate study at Stanford University. You are to be congratulated for your achievement!

    I felt my heart literally burst into fireworks inside my chest. I kept reading on as if it was a dream. If I read something I usually skip lines and not read every word but right now I am reading every word and anazlying it.     

    I was accepted.             

    "Mom!" I yelled happily. "I got accepted!"

    "What?!" She exclaimed. I handed her the letter as I tried to keep calm but at the moment I was almost falling out of my chair. We both jumped up and grabbed each other for a hug. I had a ear to ear smile plastered on my face as if nothing could get any better.

   "I can't believe it!" I said after giving Jay a hug.

   "I have one more surprise for you." My mom said. 

   "What?" I said. "One Direction isn't hiding in the closet are they?"

   "No!" She chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders and she pulled out an envelope under the laptop sitting on the side table. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Open it."

   I did as so. I opene it slowly getting butterflies in my stomach wondering what it is. Maybe it's money for college. Or maybe it's plane tickets to London.. Or maybe it's..


    "Huh?!" I said bewildered. "Huh? How? Where?!"

    "I entered a contest the other day. I wanted to keep it secret and I guess I won!" My mom said happily.

    "OH MY GOD!" I screamed. I grabbed my mom again and gave her a hug. "Thank you! Thank you!"

    "You are welcome." She said.

    "So, where is it?" I said wiping my eyes from the tears that fell out of my eyes.

     "It's in London." She smirked. "The contest included front row tickets, plane tickets to London for two, and a hotel."

    "ARE YOU JOKING?" I yelled again.

    "Nope." She said. "It's all in there."

    "Oh my god! Mom!" I yelled grabbing her once more for the third time.  

    "There is two tickets, so I'm letting you take Alice." My mom said calmy.

    I was still trying to captavate everything that she just told me as well as the letter for Stanford. This isn't just amazing this is far beyond it. This has almost made my heart stop and happy tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe it.

    I was just hoping this wasn't a dream.


    "I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOUR MOM OH MY GOD!" Alice screamed grabbing me for a hug just like I did to my mom.

  "I know!" I said a little less calm after having a couple hours to finally have my head grasp everything.

    Alice and I were sitting in a small Starbucks close to my house. I told her in the car and I actually had to pull over so she didn't faint. 

  Alice and I have been best friends for a while now. Nothing has really tore us apart. We were always close and we always had a good bond. People think we are weird because we know exactly what we are both thinking.

   One Direction just brought us closer than before, which we thought was impossible.

   "He's staring at you." I heard Alice say snapping me out of my thoughts. I burrowed my eyebrows together wondering what she was talking about. I turn in my seat gripping my coffee to see the guy at the front desk staring at me. I gave him a weak smile and turned back to Alice with wide eyes.

   "You are delousional." I answered staring right in my coffee.

   "Oh come on!" She exclaimed. "Be happy a guy is looking at you! Embrace it!"

   "Whatever. Let's go." I answered.

    We got out belonges and headed out of the quiet cafe and into my car. The quietness was weird so I plugged in One Direction's album and we headed to the mall.


   I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling, then towards my posters. At times I wish I didn't obsess over this band.

  I'd want to be original and not have everything revolved around them but really it's hard. I can't seem to not think of them so it's gonna be difficult giving them up.

   But I've been waiting for college.

   Ever since I reached, 5th grade, I've wanted to grow up. I've wanted to be on my own and do what I want; see and talk to the people I want. I wanted to experience things in new ways and do it by myself. If I did something infront of my family, they'd judge. But if I was alone they wouldn't, right?

   That's why I had to hide Justin.

   Dating him was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me but then again my own actions have ruined everything. They've made my past unforgettable; memoriable, yet haunting. 


    Oh how that name disgusts me. Just thinking of him the dark light made me shiver and almost wince at the dark corners of my room. I quickly move from my laying position and plug in my christmas lights to light my room.

    The light made me feel better, even though it couldn't stop anything from happening.

   I sighed and laid back on my back. I moved my feet around getting uncomfortable. I was getting anixious. The concert was in two days. I had to hurry and pack and get ready for that then get ready for college.

    Maybe this could be the next chapter; or maybe sequel to my story. I know, others probably had more interesting, happier stories but I guess mine with suffice, right?

    Having someone ruin a relationship for their selfish reason. Getting punch and thrown onto hard surfaces. Punishment. Scars that will haunt you. 

   Maybe mine is good enough.

   This is why I want to study journalism. I want to help others and do what I want. I want to write about what I am feeling. I want to delevelope characters that are really many people I know mixed together; or just me.

   Something about everything I write is me.

   So, maybe what people say is true.

   My theory is that you go into bed and think of sleeping but instead your head goes in circles. It sends messages to every other vital organ to stop your body.

    To think.

   I sigh and turn on my side and set my hands under my cheek. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep but it was really hard.

  Because reality was finally better than my dreams.   


so i realized that htis story isn't very good at the beginning. it doesnt follow up to the other chapters to this story. so i cahnged it to set the mood.

hope you like it .x

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