Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fa...

By Freya_38

166K 6.1K 3.3K

Markers must be honored even if that means losing your life... or your heart. (Based on John Wick: Chapter 2... More

Author's note. Important!!!
Author's note!


4.8K 180 72
By Freya_38

Ares parks her car in the garage passing through my backyard. Once inside, I turn on all my alarms again while she takes her luggage and I show her the way to the living room on the main floor. The assassin looks around dropping two bags on the carpet, the bigger one makes a metallic sound when hitting the hard wood floor, I guess those are her weapons. I swallow hard and take a look around too, probably she's thinking that my house is horrible and it certainly is: big and cold, painted in neutral shades, sparsely furnished, with a few ornaments and personal details and any touch of colour that could provide warmth. It looks like a temporary place where you can sleep sometimes instead of a real home. And that's exactly what it is.

"I don't live here," the assassin stares at me confused; "I actually live downstairs, this is just a... scenography. Sometimes I come here and I make some coffee in the kitchen, I leave the dirty mug on the counter and jump on the couch making a mess of the cushions, I open and close the curtains and rearrange vases or photo frames in order to make this place... more real just in case someone breaks into my house but... I don't live here. Follow me."

We walk through the kitchen corridor till we reach the basement door that she found hours before. "This is a two-storey house with an attic and a basement. There're two defensive perimeters around it consisting of motion detectors and a state-of-the-art video security system. The first perimeter is two blocks from here and I'm able to see anyone who's coming, the second one is just one block away and, if someone uninvited crosses it, he sets off the alarms and any door or window that I've left open closes automatically. The house is surrounded by cameras, it has bullet-proof windows and doors lined with steel. The manhole covers around this block are welded and they've their own alarms too. The ventilation system, the gas line, the electrical service panel, the phone line and, of course, the Internet connection cable... everything is protected. The basement door seems simple, made of wood, but if you look here you'll notice that it's thicker than usual. Inside it's made of steel and, when you close it, it's secured to the frame like a bank vault door."

I go down stairs and Ares follows close behind me and looking around blinking in surprise. When I told Winston that I didn't need to go to the Continental to be protected I was deadly serious: I'm absolutely in love with all kind of technological devices and I have the best ones in my house.

"As you can see there're also cameras here in the staircase. If someone reaches this point he'd find an unpleasant surprise: those holes expel a gas that can knock out a grown man in less than thirty seconds. This door is exactly like the one upstairs, it also closes like a bank vault door but I usually keep it open. I'm not claustrophobic or anything but, since there aren't windows down here, sometimes the atmosphere could feel a bit stifling, that's why a keep it open. The ventilation system of this basement is independent and I have a generator just in case someone cuts the building's power."

My new roommate drops her bags on the floor once again and looks around curiously. This part of the house is messier and homier; it's still painted in neutral shades but there's a colourful carpet, the couch is blue, there're pictures and posters on the wall and a mug of coffee and a half-eaten doughnut on the table. Someone lives here definitely. Her gaze rests on the back wall where I keep six screens turned on at the same time; there're keyboards and some laptops on a large table along with all kind of electronic equipment, cables hanging out the edge, speakers and microphones. It seems a bit chaotic but it's not, everything is placed based on my needs.

"Well... as you can see, this is the living room where I work even though there's a couch to rest... and sometimes fall asleep. The kitchen is to your left, it isn't very big but well-equipped and I keep the fridge well stocked. Two bedrooms are just through this way to the right, each of which has its own bathroom; the one close to the door is yours, I know it's a little small but the decoration is modern and functional. I'm afraid I don't have a TV, to be honest I keep up on things thanks to the net because it's faster and more accurate but I can lend you a laptop so you can watch Netflix or read... Behind that bookcase there's a tunnel that goes under the backyard and reaches a manhole two streets over, just in case I need to escape as a last resort. I also know how to shoot a gun, Winston insisted that I should learn and I practise sometimes; I'm not outstanding but I manage very well. You see, I'm not totally useless. I think that's all... I'll leave you to get settled in. Oh, yes! I have this for you, it's similar to a cell phone, you just type the text but, instead of sending it, this device will read it out loud... it'll be easier for us to communicate this way at least till I learn sign language... but it may take a little time."

Ares is staring directly at me but she keeps an inscrutable face, I have no idea what's she's thinking but probably I'm overwhelming her because I'm talking too much again. I smile kindly, nod with my head and turn around to go to my bedroom, bending over to pick up my cats that are rubbing their bodies against my legs. I've barely moved when I hear the slightly metallic-like voice of the device:

"Wouldn't it be easier if we use a traditional pen and a notebook?"

I look up to the ceiling as if I were considering her proposal before smiling and answering:

"I'd rather use technology." I leave her alone without another word, closing my bedroom door behind me. I take a deep breath while Bonny and Josie jump on my bed, I need to change my clothes but what I should wear to hang out with an assassin? Finally I choose something simple and comfortable: a pair of jeans, a blue shirt and my Vans. I take my phone and open the door, sticking my head out cautiously: she's nowhere to be seen; she's likely hanging her clothes in the closet or alphabetizing her weapons... I don't know what assassins do in their free time. Heaving a sigh I sit down on my chair and try to focus on my job: just a few seconds later I'm typing nonstop and ignoring whatever it's happening behind me.

l don't know how long I've been sitting here when finally I'm aware that there's someone standing by my side. I turn my chair slightly to find Ares looking mesmerized at my six screens, she's wearing black sweatpants and a black tank top since it's hot in here due to all these electronic equipment running. She's holding a plate in her hands, while biting the sandwich that she must've made in the kitchen, so I've been focused on my job for a while now and I didn't hear her walking through my apartment. While she seems unable to take her eyes off my screens I can't take mines off her tattoos, who would have thought that a whole world of colour was hidden under her dark clothes. It's highly probable that she hides them to make more difficult for her enemies to identify her during a job but it's a pity. Suddenly, she tilts her head to stare at me, swallows a piece of her dinner and leaves the sandwich on her plate. Then she points at the screens with a questioning look.

"Yes, of course, I'll explain you. Take that chair and sit down here, next to me. That screen shows the stock exchange listings, those're important not only because they affect the economy but because most of the Company members invest and clean their dirty money by means of legal companies so I always keep an eye on international markets. This shows airports traffic, obviously I can't control all the passengers from all the airports in the world but I follow the movements of the members of the High Table and also some 'persons of interest,' as Winston calls them. Every time they get on a plane, or they arrive to an airport or they rent a private jet, I know it. Ant this one... well, obviously it's the security camera of the Continental Hotel, I also watch the back door. And I can change the image to show you the Continental in Rome, Paris, Venice or Vienna. Those are the international news channels, I also follow them on Twitter; stay up to date is crucial in my job. I use this screen to track down the money and bank transfers, for example that light flickering on the corner tells me that Aidan Finn has received a very considerable sum of money, actually is the return of your payment for the job. And finally, this screen is focused on phone companies and call-tracking, thanks to that I know that Aidan is having problems with finding a new killer; apparently Winston has spread the word that you're here and nobody dares to accept it and fight you to kill me."

Ares smiles hearing that, it took her years to build a reputation of badass girl, with a lot of effort and wok involved, and now she's reaping the rewards. Luckily, they'll leave me alone knowing that she's with me.

"I use this laptop for general searches, whatever it's the hot topic I'm working on, and this one stores all the information I have from the Middle East and weapons dealers since that's my priority right now. And this one's for you if you want it, the charger is on that table. It stores lot of series and films, also music and books; I didn't know what you like so I chose a little bit of everything." The assassin nods, placing her hand on the laptop while she smiles and keeps eating her sandwich. I lean to the other side to open the door of the little fridge under the table and I take a bottle of water that I place next to her plate. Ares types something on the device I handed her before:

"Thank you. What's the brand of your phone?" She stares confused at the phone I'm holding in my hand.

"I made it myself with components of different brands. Essentially, it's an Android device but it's has much more capacity, speed and can do a lot of things. It can connect with my computers and the house alarms, it encodes my texts and calls, it stores all the passwords I need to hack into several institutions of the State, banks and big companies, it also receives radio communications from the police and firefighters in order to be the first one to know about a gunfire and things like that. I also make calls, read my emails, take pictures and sent texts of course. That tablet is more or less the same only bigger and less manageable, I use it when I go upstairs but want to stay online. And those screens on that side table are the security cameras of the house and the perimeters."

My guest seems to be very interested in these cameras since they're going to facilitate the task of protecting me. It takes a few minutes for me to show her where they're placed, explaining her how they cover every angle, how they can switch to night mode and that some of them can move to focus other places. The programme can be easily handled and she learns quickly to control it. Smart girl. Suddenly she frowns and points one camera towards a building located a few streets away. She types furiously her communication device:

"Can you keep a camera looking at that building?" I nod enthusiastically since that's easy for me; just because I can and I want to show off to impress her, I search for the cameras near the entrance of that building: there's one on a traffic light that covers partially the sidewalk and another one from a cash machine that gives an image of the main door. "Can you check if there's a back door with cameras? And the ones from the parking, can you hack them too?" I nod again, of course I can. My fingers fly over my keyboard and it only takes me eight minutes to give her what she wants. Ares stares at the images frowning.

"What's the matter with that building?" She looks at me in silence, lost in her thoughts, till she starts typing her answer.

"A sniper would have a clear shot from that building to your house and it's out of your security perimeters."

"From there? But it's almost a mile away!" I answer shocked.

"I could do it with a Barret M95," claims the metallic voice. I look at her astonished, I didn't know she was a sniper too, that's something I have to add to her file. "Are your windows 50-caliber bullet-proof?"

"Yes, the ones from the main floor are made with ALON. Winston screamed blue murder because it was very expensive but then he commissioned the same material for his car windows. The ones from the second floor are standard bullet-proof."

"You won't go that floor while you're under my protection." She's looking right into my eyes, deadly serious; her eyes are cold and menacing again. I swallow hard and nod vigorously to show her that I'll obey without question. I turn my chair to focus again on my screens but Ares hand on my shoulder, digging her fingertips slightly on my flesh, stops me. She shakes her head pointing at the clock on the wall and then at my bedroom door. To be honest, I usually work till my eyes close from exhaustion and I end up sleeping on this chair with my head on the table or on the couch because I'm too tired to reach my bed. My apparently my new bodyguard isn't willing to tolerate this habit of mine. All right, I guess it's time to go to bed; I'll take my phone and my tablet with me anyway and the alarms will warn me if there's something new.

"Good night," I whisper and she nods in response. I get into my bedroom leaving my door slightly open since Bonny and Josie spend the night coming and going, I can't keep it close unless I want to hear annoying meows all night long. Yawning, I take off my clothes and I put on a well-worn oversize T-shirt before getting into bed. Today has been an exciting day and I'm exhausted, it won't take long for me to fall asleep above all because I've this feeling of safety. "It's funny," I think almost asleep already, "so many alarms, so many bullet-proof windows and steel lined doors and the only thing I needed to sleep without worries was an assassin in the next room." 

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