Alone Together...

STAY-CALM-IM-HERE tarafından

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First waking up in the body of a character in Naruto, then meeting their inner personality was never a good t... Daha Fazla

The New Beginning
Getting Used To This World
Crazy First Day
Lessons On Etiquette
First Day Of Training
Revelations and Goals
The Bakery and The Encounters
Convenient Trip
Better Days
Finally Home
Ramen and Cookies
Getting Caught
Memorial Stone
The Game
Five In One Day
The Rain
Seriously Scary
Suspicion and Ninja Games
Unexpected Sleepover
Truth's Told
Not Expected
Believe In Me
Finally Friends
First Fight
The Academy
The Betrayal
All The Colors
Scroll of Sealing
Bell Test
The Wave Mission Part 1
The Wave Mission Part 2
I Remember You
Probation and Training
Forget About Everything
The Real Sakura
Change In Plans
It Has Begun
The Chunin Exam's Part 1
The Chunin Exam's Part 2
The Chunin Exam's Part 3
The Chunin Exam's Part 4
The Chunin Exam's Part 5
First Kill

The Wave Mission Part 3

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STAY-CALM-IM-HERE tarafından

Sakura's POV

Using Shadow clones was still an unatural feeling. I had missed dinner, well my real body did. Inari's father was brought up during dinner and all the normal things happened soon after. My clone had excused herself to take a shower, and I climbed into the window and dispersed it so I could take it's place. In one rushed moment, memories of what happened entered my mind. It wasn't like the feeling I got when I saw people's or things memories, it was much slower and organized.

I was glad that no one had really suspected anything, because I had been mostly by myself training. I just hoped Kakashi's sensing ability wasn't as good as his ability to suppress his chakra.

Finishing the shower, I bid them all goodnight in the most calm and normal way I usually did.

"Are you going to sleep? What about Naruto?" Inner asked as I pulled the sheets up to cover myself.

'He'll be fine, I trust he wont do anything stupid this time either.' I said as I closed my eyes and listened intently to the sound of the lulling waves.

"But he meets Haku in the morning." Inner stated in obvious worry.

'It'll be okay. They need to meet each other in order to find a connection. Besides, we'll be close enough to get there if anything does happen.' I replied as my eye's felt heavier by the second.

"Alright...goodnight then..." Inner stated still a bit unsure. I took note of the moon outside the window. It felt eerie, a bad sign, narrowing my eyes I could only hope things would go as planned tomorrow.


Yawning, I approached the table dressed and ready for the day.

"Good morning." I greeted the occupants in the room. I received different greetings from each one, before taking a seat at the table.

"So where's the last brat?" Tazuna asked when I began to eat.

"Must be training." I responded with a shrug.

"He's probably lying dead somewhere." Sasuke stated with a nonchalant aura.

"Oh I hope not. All of you work so hard." Tsunami stated from her seat across the table.

"Don't worry, they may be reckless at times, but their good ninja's. They'll be alright." Kakashi assured. Standing up, Sasuke placed his hands in his pockets.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I lowered my spoon full of food from my mouth.

"To take a walk." Was his curt reply. Smiling behind the spoon, I snickered quietly to myself.

"Tell Naruto good morning for me!" I shouted out as he walked through the door. I barely caught the faint clicking of his tongue in annoyance. Chuckling, I went back to finishing my breakfast so I could catch up soon.


Kakashi and I found Naruto and Sasuke first thing after breakfast. Naruto had once again succeeded in making me worry. His little prank had my heart racing in panic, even though I knew things would end well. Just the thought of something going wrong had me on edge. It was hard enough knowing that this was all real and not a show/book. They could die, and it wouldn't be too hard for them to attract some bad luck.

When they came down, the first thing I noticed was the ridiculous blush that had appeared on Naruto's face when his eye's met mine. I had thought it a bit weird until I remembered the conversation he had with Haku. Did he like me? Or was something else spoken between the two?

It was actually hard to tell if he liked me more than a friend this time around since he didn't voice out his affection. Perhaps it was just something else and I was over thinking everything again.


Due to all the over exertion they had done, the boys got to rest. During this time I had spoken with Kakashi about taking Sasuke and Naruto if possible to the bridge. He had agreed knowing it had to do with Zabuza's return. We spent the rest of the time planning for the best outcome possible.

We left the house without Naruto since he wasn't waking up. I guess things wouldn't be too bad as long as the ending was different. I had told Kakashi that they needed to stay alive if possible. He had asked me questions that he had been meaning to ask me since the beginning; and I answered them as best as I could. He didn't really agree with me about taking them to the leaf, but I assured him that he would change his mind later.

Along the walk, I had kept my senses up, picking out any chakra spikes. There had been none, and I was worried that perhaps this time he had killed them.

"Maybe he's just really fast and knocked them out before they knew it." Inner encouraged. I really hoped that was the reason.

"Wait...What happened here?!" Tazuna shouted, breaking me out my deep thoughts. Snapping my head up, I noted in surprised that we had already arrived at the bridge.

'Curse my inability to focus sometimes!' I thought as I tensed up when the mist picked up little by little. It wasn't much for people to notice if they weren't specifically looking for it.

"...Sakura?" Kakashi, asked questionably. I nodded and walked over to the villagers.

"Their below us." Inner informed as she kept her concentration on our chakra as well as everyone else's. Nodding, I pulled out a scroll and I sealed up the five villagers that had been knocked unconscious. I didn't want them to be caught within all the fighting.

Walking back to the group, I noticed the mist picked up considerably from the beginning.

"Here. You hold onto it." I told Tazuna, who nodded nervously. We all had our backs facing each other as we surveyed every side. I, however, kept my eyes exactly where Zabuza and Haku moved. There would be no mistakes today, at least not any that would jeopardize my plan.

"Sorry it took awhile Kakashi...I see that your brats are still with you; but that one's still trembling." Zabuza spoke up and water clones appeared in front of each one of us. I would have stayed in front of the one that had appeared before me, but Tazuna was my priority. I placed him in between Sasuke and me, so the clones would not be able to get him.

"I'm trembling...with excitement." Sasuke proclaimed. If it was anywhere else, I would have laughed at his show of emotions, however I had my eyes on the real two.

"Go on Sasuke." Kakashi encouraged from his position.

I saw it, exactly when he took out all the clones and had a smile of satisfaction appear on his usually grumpy face. I allowed one small smile of my own at his progress.

" you could tell they were water clones huh? Brat's improving, and it looks like you have another rival Haku." Zabuza stated as he glanced from Sasuke over to me. Narrowing my eyes unwaveringly, I signaled that I knew what he meant.

"So it seems." Haku stated, and I gave him a quick glance. I couldn't really tell where he was looking because of the mask, but I could feel it. That feeling one gets when their being watched and scrutinized.

"Well well, so I was right. You two are working together." Kakashi stated. I couldn't help to give him a glare. The only reason he knew what to look out for was because I had told him in advance. Sighing, I stood closer to Tazuna since the other two just decided to break formation and get all relaxed.

They began to sprout complete nonsense, which baffled me at how calm they were. Sure Kakashi was just acting, however Tazuna and Sasuke seemed to be not as scared as before. As soon as Kakashi commented about his mask, I couldn't help retort about his own. To spite him, I had whole heartedly agreed with Sasuke when he stated something similar. I was very amused by his crestfallen appearance and I probably knew what he was thinking, even without reading his mind.

Getting back to the real issue at hand, I noticed them conversing before Haku moved. His speed quickened and the winds began to pull us towards him. I was glad I had braided my hair again or else it would be flowing around everywhere like my haori.

Sasuke stood his ground and stopped Haku's movements. His kunai pushed up against Haku's senbon.

"We want the bridge builder, not you. If you stop, we wont have to kill you." Haku spoke in a calm manner, almost making it sound like he was uninterested and bored. Sasuke's reply was a grunt, indicating his negative answer.

"You're all making a mistake. You wont be able to keep up with my speed." Haku stated much more forcefully this time. They both parried off their advances with each strike. They began to talk between each other about their advantages and disadvantages. I had taken this time to sense anything else around us. Gato and his gang had yet to arrive so this would take awhile.

As I focused back on the fight, Haku was already creating hand signs with only one hand. He lifted his foot and slammed it against the water below him. It flowed upwards and around them untill it encased them both.

Normal POV

'He doesn't want to kill the kid...I wonder if it has anything to do with her words the other day...' Zabuza wondered as he glanced over to Sakura who was looking over the fight. He noticed how she looked as if she was waiting for something, or perhaps waiting to see if things worked out the way she wanted them to. She was hiding something and he knew it wasn't only to them, but to her team. She seemed to know things that a normal genin shouldn't, like how to sense so proficiently.

He and Haku had both noticed the immediate lock-on her eyes had on them. She had known of their exact presence and could keep up with their movements. She would be trouble if things weren't taken care of quickly.

"Augh!" Haku's grunt of surprise had snapped him out and he noticed him laying in front of him. From what he could tell, Sasuke had escaped his jutsu and had managed to get a good hit on him.

'How did this happen? And by that brat no less!' Zabuza thought angrily.

"You made a big mistake in insulting these ninja when you called them brats. Sasuke's the best young fighter in the village and Naruto who isn't here...well, let just say he's the most unpredictable." Kakashi stated as he watched Haku stand up.

"And the last brat?" Zabuza asked making sure they knew he didn't care about calling them brats. His smirk could be distinguished to them even as it was covered by the bandages.

"Sakura? Well, she is a brat." Kakashi stated as he smiled tauntingly at Sakura.

"What?! How rude." Sakura stated as she strengthened up. Her glare had no real anger as she sent it his way. Usually, anyone could tell when she was really glaring by the complete seriousness in her eyes. They stared you down and forced you to doubt yourself.

"Hmm, there's one thing we could possibly agree on Kakashi." Zabuza agreed with a chuckle. Sakura clicked her tongue in annoyance as she settled to glare at the ground.

"Tsk, whatever." Sakura said crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Those jerks! They'll soon regret teasing us!" Inner shouted as she stomped around irritatedly.

"Enough about me...You two have not decided yet, and you still have time to do so." Sakura stated as she stared at Zabuza.

"Haku and I have decided. Do it." Zabuza ordered.

"I am sorry it has come down to this." Haku stated. Sakura's mouth thinned out in complete concentration as she backed away towards Tazuna.

"You haven't understood anything." She stated before glaring at them intently. She was annoyed they hadn't yet realized what they truly wanted.

Ignoring her words for the moment, Haku poured out more chakra to create his next jutsu. He lifted his hands and made a single hand sign. The air around them lowered to an extreme temperature. Sakura wasn't worried about Kakashi or Sasuke, however Tazuna wouldn't be used to this temperature change. She took off her haori and wrapped it around him. His clothes were not fit for this, and ninja clothing was usually made to be durable, and comfortable in different climates. Turning back around, she could already see the ice mirrors forming around Sasuke.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Called out Haku as the mirrors finished forming. He walked over to them and slowly entered the mirror. His body moved inside without restraint and when engulfed completely his appearance was reflected in all of them.

"What is that, Sakura?" Kakashi asked, knowing she would know. Zabuza and Haku both glanced over to Sakura who was now even more distinguishable to them due to the red shirt.

"It's a Kekkei Genkai that combines water and wind to create ice, it's called the Ice release." Sakura explained, shocking Zabuza and Haku with that knowledge. She looked at each one and smiled, tapping her head as a remembrance of what she had said before.

'Although I say it like it's nothing, it most certainly is. His speed will be too fast for me to follow and only Kakashi and Sasuke will be able to see him.' Sakura thought as she observed the mirrors.

'Even though I know those are merely reflections at the moment, he could possibly move just as fast to another without me realizing it was real or not. Inner, I wonder if we combine our concentration would we be able to keep track of his speed?' Sakura asked while closing her eyes to the outside and focusing intently on Haku.

"We wont know until we try!" Inner encouraged as she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes in deep concentration. Their immense concentration was secured on Haku's chakra. Finding his chakra was easy until they completely lost it, only to find it three seconds later on the opposite mirror. Frowning, they kept it locked again and where determined to keep up with it.

"No way!" Sakura stated out loud. Not caring if they heard or not, she was far too concentrated on re-finding his chakra.

'That's insanely fast!' Sakura thought. They kept losing it the moment they found it, and at certain time's he would be moving too fast to even pin-point the location. Gasping for air and snapping open her eyes, she hadn't realized the extremity of her concentration until Kakashi shouted.

She looked upon the scene only to notice Kakashi engaging Zabuza in battle and Sasuke down on the ground. Senbon's were sticking out of him in every direction.

"Protect Tazuna, Sakura!" Kakashi commanded as he forced Zabuza back. Gripping her dizzy head, she nodded faintly and stepped back closer to Tazuna. Giving him a once over, she took note of his pale complexion as well as his blue tinted lips. The air he breathed out came out warm, and as it mixed with the cold air, it created a white puff.

'Forget it Inner. Let's just get ready for Naruto's arrival as well as our part in this fight.' Sakura stated as she felt Inner nod in agreement. Sweat dripping from her forehead from the strain she had just went through.

Sakura looked back to Sasuke. He was practically down for the count, only able to stand for a few more times from what she could remember. There was needles everywhere and Sasuke had no weapon of his own.

"I told you before to stand down. Now you will die." Haku stated emotionlessly. He didn't want to kill any of them, but they stood in Zabuza's way, they had to be eliminated.

Clenching her teeth, Sakura worried that perhaps they had decided the wrong path.

"Sakura...go." Tazuna whispered from behind. His teeth clattering against one another every few seconds. Startled, Sakura turned back and looked at Tazuna questionably.

"Go and help Sasuke." Tazuna repeated. Sakura's eyes widened and as she was about to refuse, Sasuke's loud agonizing scream was heard as he hit the ground. Closing her eyes tightly, Sakura felt like throwing up. She didn't like not doing anything, however some things needed to happen. All the males in Team Seven needed to experience this event, so they could formalize the solid bond that will eventually save them.

"But I can't leave you unprotected." Sakura stated. Naruto would soon arrive, and things would get better.

"Sakura...I am in charge of this mission as much as Kakashi. I asked for the protection and I can cancel it if I want to. I am ordering you to help Sasuke, because without even one of you, Team Seven can't protect me." Tazuna stated, and for the first time Sakura could really see his true feelings for this group. Smiling with fulfillment spreading throughout her body, she nodded and turned. Fist clenched and eyes narrowed.

'There will be no more waiting for Naruto. I'll do what I can in the mean time until he arrives.' Sakura thought as she ran towards Sasuke.

"Sakura! Get back!" Kakashi's order fell on deaf ears as she continued to run forward. Face scrunting up in worry, Kakashi's line of vision was blocked by Zabuza.

"If you go after her, I'll kill the old man." Zabuza threatened. Glaring, Kakashi could do nothing but stand still. Protecting Tazuna was important but keeping the others safe was also important to him. The only thing that was relatively calming was the fact that Zabuza wouldn't move unless he did.

"I wont have to wait any longer. She wont succeed in breaking the ice, and she will fall. That, is when I'll have my opportunity to strike." Zabuza nonchalantly informed, however, he was actually curious to see how things would go done between the two.

Sakura's POV

Observing the ice mirrors as I ran, I could tell it would be hard to break them. I had a plan which would work in my favor, hopefully he couldn't detect Genjutsu's that well.

'Inner, you know what to do.' I said as I saw him turn towards me, I stared right where the eye slits were. His upper body was out of a mirror and turned in my direction, I could feel his chakra shift inside him.

"I've got him! Do it now!" Inner stated as she kept her concentration on the Genjutsu. Noticing his hesitance for only a second, he quickly moved in side of a mirror and seemed to stay there without moving. Right now, he should be seeing himself as the victor in capturing both Sasuke and me. He always seemed to observe before attacking, and that worked for my advantage.

Running around the mirrors, I stood behind the one he was really in. Oblivious to what was about to happen because of the Genjutsu he was in, he wouldn't realize until it happened.

Pulling my fist back, I charged it up with the chakra the wrist weight contained. This would be more than enough to pull him out. All the chakra contained in each weight was more than its ever been before.

As soon as I felt the rush of chakra flood inside my fist's tenketsu, I punched the mirror. releasing the chakra on contact and feeling an enormous satisfaction when the ice cracked beneath my fist. The burst of chakra flew out like a wave filled with energy, cracking other mirrors as it flowed past them.

The ice shattered and created a sound like glass breaking in millions of pieces. Haku had broken through the Genjutsu as soon as my fist connected with his ice. He had managed to pull himself out before he shattered like the glass itself.

Knowing he would react that way, I instantaneously grabbed ahold of his shirt and harshly pulled him to the ground behind me.

"Impressive. I've never met someone who could break my ice mirrors." Haku complimented as he took no time standing back up. I said nothing and only got into the Lightning stance. I would need to have speed on my side if I ever wanted to fight him off.

Hearing the distinct sound of metal clashing with metal, I spared a single glance over to the source. Kakashi was once again fighting Zabuza, as he guarded Tazuna.

"You shouldn't look away during battle." He said, and only out of pure instinct did I miss a kick that swung past my head. Having crouched down before being hit, I was able to charge up my hand once more.

Swiftly, I thrusted my hand up and missed hitting his pressure point near his shoulder blade. He had leaned back just in time for my hand to slide up his shoulder and slash the side of his neck. It wasn't deep, so only a small amount of blood was spilt.

Wasting no time, we both jumped back to get some distance. We stood still, observing each other for the tiniest movement.

"And one of the first to spill my blood." He continued from his first sentence.

"Damn it! He's fast!" Inner shouted from inside. That dodge was merely a small movement for him. I could tell that although close, it wasn't as fast as he could go.

'We'll just have to be faster.' I thought as I crouched down and touched both my ankles. Taking a small amount from them out, I stored the chakra in the wrist's weight I had been using. I could instantly feel the difference. Smiling in confidence, I looked up and stared him down. I knew his weakness, and it just so happened that I specialized in that category. He was fast, that much was certain; but when that was taken away, his Taijutsu was average. If Sasuke could get a good hit in, then certainly I could too.

Tensing up, I was preparing to charge forwards when an explosion went off to the side of the bridge. Cursing my lack of focus, or perhaps my intense focus, I used my increased speed to move aside. Barely having made the move and already a shuriken whizzed past me and hit Haku on the mask.

Noticing the smoke and the chakra signature, I calmed down immediately. I knew it was Naruto and his overly dramatic entrance, so I made sure to calm my panicked heart down. The adrenaline still pumping through my body from the close call.

"The most unpredictable huh?" Haku mumbled as the smoke cleared.

"Naruto Uzamaki is here! Dattebayo!" He exclaimed from his ridiculous pose.

"Oh Naruto..." I said as I watched him observe his surroundings.

"Sorry I'm late, but I was taking care of some important business. It's okay though, since the hero always comes last!" Naruto said in confidence. Sighing, I took the time while they all focused on him to look at Sasuke. He was too injured to move, I needed to heal whatever I could.

Moving my head back swiftly, I missed a senbon to the head. Turning my head towards Haku, I took note of his posture.

'He threw it quickly for him to still be in such a position.' I thought. His body didn't indicate he had thrown anything at all.

"You get too unfocused." Haku commented. I turned fully towards his direction.

"And your too focused." I replied, earning a muffled chuckle from him.

"So you will talk to me." He said and I lowered my body, preparing to sprint forward.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked and made sure nothing else surprised me.

"You didn't before." He stated. Tilting my head in thought, I suppose he had been right. I've never really talked to him before.

"I didn't have anything to say." I said with all honesty, and I out of curiosity, I glanced over to the others. It had been quiet and that was usually a bad thing with this group. My small glance turned into a double take when I saw Naruto inside the ice mirrors.

"Naru-!" Stopping my own sentence, I backed away when a needle came towards me. Groaning in annoyance, it was about time I finished this. Sensing my irritation must have been easy, since he positioned himself to attack, except he also made a single hand sign.

Out of the water beside him, a blob arose until it took shape. A double of himself stood beside him and moved towards the others.

"Water clone huh?" I stated out loud more to myself. Before the clone could get to the mirrors, I body flickered in front of it.

"You're quite fast." He complemented once again.

Sensing a movement to my right, I saw in frustration the other Haku going through the mirror.

'We were tricked! The clone was just a decoy!' I thought as I thrusted my hand through his abdomen before he could move away. As expected, he burst into water on contact. I was angry for falling for such an obvious plan. Turning around, I couldn't pinpoint his location due to the speed in which he was moving. Naruto and Sasuke had already begun to strategize on a way to win.

Sensing a movement behind me, I turned expecting a Haku water clone, but was met with Zabuza. He slashed he sword down diagonally and I had to use all the speed I had to dodge.

"Sakura! Move!" Kakashi commanded as I did as told. He came down from above and landed where I had stood, Sharingan blazing. Zabuza laughed and a thick mist soon surrounded us. Backing up, I touched my back against Kakashi's.

"What about Tazuna?" I asked in concern as I listened to our surroundings.

"A shadow clone is with him...What about the others?" Kakashi asked as he looked around the mist.

"Well...they're not dead..." I said as I felt a spike of chakra and a decrease in the other.

"Sakura, you said nothing would happen." Kakashi stated in anger.

"I didn't say that...All I said was that things would work out. You need to understand that something's need to happen!" I stated in frustration. I felt him tense and then I frowned.

"I wont let any of you die. I promise." I said in resolve as I swung my leg and kicked his legs beneath him. Ignoring his shout of surprise, I rammed my left palm forward and released the chakra as it hit Zabuza's chest.

The Earth's defense stance grounded me to the ground from his sword coming down on top of me. Using my chakra, I enhanced my arm to stop his sword from slicing through me by blocking it on the long handle.

I was amazed how he hadn't let go of the sword, even when he went crashing to the other side. Blinding hot pain seared through me, and a stinging sensation soon followed. Looking at my shoulder, I noticed a gash. Thankfully it wasn't too bad, it would however, be hard to move.

I grunted out when my hand had made contact with the wound. Applying pressure was much harder than I thought.

"Sakura?! Are you okay?!" Kakashi asked as he stood near me. I quickly changed my chakra to that of the minty visible green so I could heal whatever I could.

"I'm fine. It's just a small cut." I said and focused on stopping the bleeding. That was the most important thing at the moment.

"As I thought. You're stronger than you look." Zabuza commented as he gripped his chest. I was sure I didn't cause any fatal damage, but I'm sure it hurt by the force that I had applied.

"Sakura, go to Tazuna." Kakashi instructed. Nodding, I looked at Kakashi with a serious expression.

"I know, don't worry." He said and I turned and ran towards Tazuna's worried chakra signal. I stopped mid way when I felt a tremendous amount of chakra. It was so strong that the wave of energy dissipated the mist. Turning to the suffocating chakra, I saw red tendrils of energy swirling around.

"Oh no! It's Naruto!" Inner shouted. I bit my lip and hoped that things would end the same.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I turned towards Kakashi and Zabuza, just in time to see him summon the ninja dogs. They latched onto Zabuza with their sharp teeth. I winced as I saw them dig deep into his skin. Kakashi talked about the coup d'état, as well as considering to stop his endless running.

When he finished talking, we all took notice that the red chakra had vanished. Them in a more subdued realization.

"Because of your ambition, you will always continue to run and forever lose what is most precious to you." Kakashi said in anger.

"...There has never been anything important that I needed to protect..." Zabuza informed as he stood still. The nin-dogs teeth never loosening.

'It's almost time.' I stated as I pulled out some wire.

"We have to time this perfectly..." Inner said in worry. Nodding I began to tie the wire onto Shisui's bracelet.

"Then we will finish this now. This time I'll show you my own jutsu!" Kakashi finalized, creating the hand signs for his signature move. I moved closer and observed him.

He was building up chakra in his hand which soon became visible because of the immense power. Sparks formed and shot out from his hand to the ground all around him. It was amazing getting to see such a thing in person.

"Chidori!" He shouted as he continued to charge up the attack. The pulsing chakra was really strong around him, it was unbelievable.

"I wont let you kill Tazuna. He's a brave man with a noble dream. This bridge will be the hope of the land and of all it's people. You have done nothing but hinder their dreams. That is not the way of the shinobi!" Kakashi chastised angrily.

"That's right, because their dreams don't matter to me! I have a dream of my own!" Zabuza shouted and Kakashi's glare seemed to intensify just as his Chidori did.

"But to have dream, you need to have a future! You, do not have one!" Kakashi said as he ran forward. Moving accordingly, I moved just as quick until I was just in front of Zabuza before he did. Haku had appeared and the look of shock upon Zabuza's face reassured my plan had been worth it. Before Kakashi could make contact, I threw the expanded bracelet over Zabuza and Haku. It fell on them and encircled them when I pulled the chakra away from it via the wire. I pulled them out of the way before Kakashi's Chidori made contact to Haku's chest.

Everything went silent, besides Kakashi's Chidori which was dyeing down. Their equally shocked faces had me feel relief in my choice. I wanted them to feel close to death in order for them to realize at that moment what was truly important.

"Great timing Sakura. I am positive you found the answer to your question." He said referring to whether they wished to live or die. Being out of breath, I simply nodded and allowed my heart to stop beating so fast. I sat on the ground, too tiered and out of breath to stand up.

"You could have...went slower..." I said in between breaths. He walked closer and scratched the back of his head.

" said you could handle it." He said and I glared up at him.

"I didn't think you would get so into the moment." I responded, in a much calmer manner.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Zabuza asked from above me. He had his back up against Haku's and glaring down at me. Sighing, I waved him off and stayed silent, concentrating on any others.

"Well...Sakura wanted both of you alive. I was just following her plan." Kakashi informed.

"Why would you want us alive?" Haku asked. Not meaning to be harsh, I had shushed him for a second when Inner spoke up.

"They're coming." Inner instructed. I nodded and stood up from the ground. I looked at Zabuza and Haku with a smile.

"I'll explain later, I'm expecting people to arrive right now. It'll only take a moment." I informed as I turned my back to them. Kakashi walked over and stood beside me.

"How many did you say?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Hmm, around fifty? I don't know!" I said in annoyance. I didn't have answers to everything.

"Fifty what?" Zabuza asked. Ignoring him, I turned to Kakashi. He needed to learn that not everything would go his way all the time.

"You think you can disperse the mist? Or are you too tired?" I asked mockingly. He glared down at me and made one hand sign. In a matter of seconds, the mist around us cleared and we could all see clearly.

"Hey! Sakura-chan!" Naruto screamed in panic as he ran over to me.

"What is the meaning of this?! I thought they were dead!" Tazuna exclaimed from behind me.

"Whoa! You guys are alive!" Naruto exclaimed but not in an angry way. It was more like he knew that they deserved a second chance.

"And that's why I asked if it was a good idea to change things; but no one listens to me." Kakashi commented and acted all depressed. Rolling my eyes at his dramatic expression, I looked at Tazuna.

"I will answer questions later. Naruto, go take care of Sasuke. Make sure to gently pull out the senbon." I instructed. Naruto nodded but then raised an eyebrow.

"But what are you going to do? You're the healer!" Naruto said in confusion.

"Gato and a few of his men are coming. We'll have to take care of them." I explained. Naruto nodded and then fist pumped.

"Alright! Then I'll help!" Naruto shouted. I looked at him blankly. Did he not hear what I asked him to do?

"Tazuna would you mind tending to Sasuke?" Kakashi asked. Tazuna shook his head but kept an eye out for Zabuza and Haku. He was still didn't trust them like Naruto and me.

"How do you know his men are coming? I don't sense anything." Haku stated. I looked at Naruto nervously before looking back to Haku.

"Sensei told me." I lied and smiled up to Kakashi.

"Wow Kakashi-sensei! You must be great at sensing them!" Naruto exclaimed in awe. Chuckling nervously, he shrugged his shoulders and glared at me when Naruto turned around. I simply shrugged my shoulders and glared back.

We waited for a few minutes until they had finally arrived. The other's could now sense their close approach.

"Before they arrive, I want you to take in consideration what I have told you. More answers will be given once they are gone, for the mean time, I want you to think about your life." I stated to the two behind me. Naruto had shifted in confusion but the others seemed to understand what I was talking about.

"Sakura...Make sure you don't over do it." Kakashi warned. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him in confusion.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I stated nonchalantly as I looked back to the front.

'Only one more minute.' I thought as I tried to lessen the pain in my shoulder. This had been the first deep wound that I've received. The pain was hurtful but slightly bearable from the healing I had done.

"So, it was just like he said. You're nothing but talk Zabuza." A man said from the middle of the crowd. I looked up and immediately noticed the absence of Gato.

"Tsk, where's Gato?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"You're one of the pesky brats Zabuza couldn't defeat? What a joke! Look at the stupid hair!" He stated with a laugh that was soon followed by the others. I was too tired to get mad, besides they were just taunting, trying to get the upper hand.

"WHAT DID HE SAY?!" Inner apparently wasn't tired at all screamed in disbelief at his stupidity.

"HEY! Nothing about Sakura-chan is stupid! And you better answer her question!" Naruto exclaimed as he moved to the front. Shaking my head, I couldn't help smile at the thought he was getting angrier than I should be.

"It's okay Naruto, I know exactly where he is. I'll just go right after we take care of this." I stated calmly. The laughter was soon replaced by stares of anger.

"As if we would let a brat like you find out where he is." Another guy said. I shrugged and looked at him with a blank face.

"Well if I didn't know his hideout was ten miles Northeast of Zabuza's hideout, then I have other means of acquiring the information. I was just giving you a chance to be useful." I said with narrowed eyes, challenging them to continue.

" can be scary..." Naruto stated backing away a little bit.

"It's not my fault they're so easy to track...opps!" I said the last part quietly as I glanced over to Kakashi.

"What was that Sakura? I'm certain you said track, but what would you be doing tracking anyone down?" Kakashi stated in a overly nice voice. I gulped inaudibly and took a step away from him.

"...I'm sure it was just your bad hearing sensei..." I said as I looked over to the gang members.

"Hmm, I'm sure it isn't. We'll have to have a discussion about this later Sakura." He said in finality. Sighing, I dreaded the slip I had just let out. He wasn't supposed to find out...oh well, I'd have to face the reality eventually.

"Enough with the talking! Zabuza, we're here to get rid of you and finish the job!" The first guy stated. Looking over to Zabuza, I could see his eyes narrow in thought.

"Did Gato order this?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course, though I guess it's been obvious huh? He never intended to pay you and even wanted to kill you as soon as you finished the job." The guy informed arrogantly. The atmosphere changed as the silence intensified.

"Well Kakashi, you don't have to worry about the bridge builder anymore. We no longer have a quarrel." Zabuza stated. Kakashi nodded tiredly as he crouched down in relief. Naruto grinned and looked at Haku in excitement. Had they gotten along that well already?

"It's too bad not even the young one died. Gato wanted his body to see his ending, what with the way he broke his arm." Another guy in the front spoke out.

Naruto, who was all smiles a second ago, looked angry at the thought of Haku dead. The wind that had stopped flowing had began to pick up fiercely. Slowly rustling through everyone's clothes and hair.

"Hey kid...let me go." Zabuza stated with no emotion. Without stating a name, I knew it was me who he was talking to. After all, no one else could set him loose from the bracelet but me. I was actually surprised that it was also like a chakra binding tool. If it wasn't then I'm sure they could have gotten out a long time. Without turning away from the crowd of gang members, I answered his question calmly.

"No. This don't need to fight." I said over the wind that had started to get louder.

Disliking this silence, and knowing it was about time the villagers appeared, I was the first to speak.

"Naruto, how about we show these unwelcomed guest the exist?" I said with a smile towards Naruto. Grinning like a madman, he positioned his hands in the shadow clone jutsu placement. Smiling, I copied his actions and chuckled by his confused look.

"Let's go Naruto!" I stated as I pushed out chakra. Ten puffs of smoke appeared around me. As the smoke cleared away, ten identical clones of myself were seen. Vertigo hit me quickly, but I pushed on. I only needed them for a few more seconds.

"Wow Sakura-chan! That's amazing! Now I know you can do anything!" Naruto exclaimed. Smiling at his childish exclamation, I waved him off.

"How about you take some of the others?" I suggested and watched as Ten Naruto's appeared beside him.

"ALRIGHT!" Shouted all the Naruto's in unison. Their voices creating a unique sound when together.

Shouts and comments of worried disbelief could be heard on the other side of the bridge.

"It doesn't matter if they multiplied, they're still children! After we kill all of them, we'll be heading into the village!" Shouted a brave soul from the group. I wasn't sure if all of my clones frowned in anger, but I was sure I was seething in anger.

'There's no way I would ever let them through!' I thought angrily, thinking of the smiling children. My exasperation vanished when an arrow landed right in front of the first line of men. All of our heads turned to the back where the weapon was fired.

"There's one little thing you're forgetting! Before you step foot into our village, you'll have to go through us!" One of the construction workers stated. I smiled at their shouts of courage and couldn't help but feel proud that they had stepped in.

"Inari!" All the Naruto's shouted in joy.

"We've all come to help!" He informed as he raised his cross-bow. His aim had been very good, and I had to remember to tell him that later. A bit of encouragement could go a long way.

"...They've all come..." Tazuna stated in happy relief.

"Let's show em what you're all about!" Naruto shouted in determination. His excitement being contagious.

"Hmm, I might just have enough chakra to help." Kakashi spoke up and did the hand sign we had just performed.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu: Kakashi style!" Stated all the Kakashi clones simultaneously. Naruto grinned in admiration at the large quantity of clones he had created. Rolling my eyes, all my clones chuckled at his ridiculous amount of clones.

"What a show off." We all called out together causing Naruto and some of the others to laugh. Seemingly in the mood, Kakashi brushed off the comment and stood up along with all his other clones.

"Alright, still want to fight?" All twenty clones asked at once.

Throwing their weapons down, they all rushed away shouting various no's.

"Aww! Why are you running away!" Naruto exclaimed. He had actually wanted to fight? Of course he did, it is Naruto.

Dispelling my ten clones, I moved to the edge along with all the others. We saw how they rushed towards a boat, some even falling into the water because of the haste they were in.

"Oh well...part four commences now." I mumbled as I turn only to bump into someone. About to apologize, I stopped when I noticed who it was. I leaned as far back as I could, the railing however was doing a wonderful job with that.

"And pray tell what is part four?" Kakashi asked as he crossed his arms. If I didn't answer him he would get mad, and if I did answer him, he would still get bad! And I couldn't wait any longer or else Gato will start to move. Sighing, I sagged my aching shoulders and looked at him in resignation.

"To find Gato." I answered as curtly and honestly as I could.

"And do what?" He asked further.

"It involves my other mission..." I informed. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't entirely correct.

"Mm-hmm. And what about this mission?" He asked as he stepped aside. I looked around and saw happy smiles from everyone. They gathered and conversed about the victory they had just acquired. I slapped my forehead and dragged it down my face.

'I'll never win.' I thought dejectedly. Making the necessary hand sign's, a clone appeared by my side.

"Fine, I'll stay here and my clone can go. Is that finally okay with you, sensei?" I asked rhetorically. He smiled down at me with his satisfied eye crinkle.

"Fine by me." He answered calmly as he turned and walked towards the others. I openly gaped at his unbelievable attitude.

"How could he be so annoying and hot at the same time?!" Inner shouted in frustration. I could feel my face scrunch up in a disapproving way. I strengthened up and moved a piece of hair out of my face.

'Would you stop with that? Augh, I bet we look so tired, dirty, and sweaty.' I said as I made my way over to the others. The clone already leaving to find Gato.

"Oh come on! Look at all of them! Even if their bloody and sweaty their still hot!" Inner stated, I sighed at her attitude and stopped when I was in front of the others. Sasuke was there, albeit with help from Naruto, but at least he was senbon-less and awake.

Things were quiet and I could tell they wanted me to say something. I crossed my arms and glared at Kakashi. I wasn't going to talk with the others around.

"Tazuna, why don't you help take Sasuke to the house and we'll catch up as soon as things are taken care of." Kakashi asked Tazuna who merely nodded. He was still a bit worried about Zabuza and Haku but kept that to himself.

"Alright we need answers." Zabuza stated as soon as everyone left and we were relatively alone. Sighing, I rubbed my aching temples.

"Well...What I'm about to tell you isn't meant to be spoken to anyone else." I stated as I narrowed my eyes at them.

'How could I possibly make this easier? It would be so much faster if they could see what I see...' I thought and smiled at the sudden eureka moment.

'Inner, let's try showing them.' I suggested and received a shrug. We've never really attempted something like this before, but it wouldn't hurt to try...not them at least.

"Sensei, let me see your hand." I said and pulled off my glove. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity but extended his hand nonetheless.

Taking a hold of his slightly bigger hand with both hands, I made sure my bare hand was touching his fingers. Closing my eyes, I tried to block out his questions and focus on the memories of the anime/manga. I would only show him certain things.

When I found the scene where he used Chidori, Inner tried to link it towards his mind and allow him to see it. This was purely experimental, so I had no idea if it would work. So far viewing the scene went well, but I wasn't sure if he was seeing it as well. When the scene I wanted him to see finished, I let go of his hand.

Fluttering opening my heavy eye lids, I saw Kakashi look down at me in shock while the other two were just confused.

"...Sakura...That was..." I looked up to him.

"Did it actually work?!" I asked shocked with a bit of hope. He nodded down to me but then stopped abruptly.

"Are you telling me that you just used me to test out a new ability?" Kakashi asked in disbelief. I smiled and walked over to the others.

"Yeah...that sums it up. That's pretty much all you have to see." I stated and stopped in front of the other two. Turning, I looked back to Kakashi.

"Actually, I think it would be best if you saw something else." I said and waited for him to walk over. When he arrived I made some hand signs and placed my hands on their arms. A character appeared before vanishing.

"There, now I can take this off and not worry that you'll escape." I informed as I touched the bracelet and waited for it to recognize my chakra.

"And why is that?" Haku asked curiously. I smiled at him and pulled the bracelet up above them.

"When I touched your arm's, I placed a seal that would help me track you...wherever you are." I informed but lied on the last part. It was a weak seal that would vanish soon...but they didn't know that. I looked at them as I placed the bracelet back on my wrist. They placed some distance from each other, away from the close proximity they had just a while ago. Being back to back wasn't really the most comfortable position.

"You'll all have to touch my hands." I instructed as I removed my other glove. Kakashi knowing what to expect, placed his hand on my right. Zabuza and Haku looked uncertain whether they should do so or not.

"If you want some answers, do it." I stated and waited for them to join in. Haku after some seconds of thinking, placed his in my left hand. I smiled at his trust and looked over to Zabuza encouragingly. He grumbled something and placed his on the back of my hand.

"Now, just wait a minute." I instructed as I closed my eyes and focused on their death scene. It wasn't easy doing something like this that seemed to be easy. I could only imagine this feeling weird to them. I faintly wondered whether they felt like I did when I took in memories. Kakashi's calm face begged to differ.

Normal POV

"Sensei, tell me if you can see it. I don't know whether you can or not." Sakura struggled to say as she almost lost concentration over the memory.

"We can see it." Zabuza answered in place of Kakashi. They were all being transferred some sort of memory. They could see from the way everything looked to genuine to be a lie. From the way they acted to the way they spoke, every detail correct.

Sakura showed them their death scenes and all in between. She wanted to show them what could have happened if she hadn't intervene. The most powerful scene was Naruto's heart wrenching moment.

The memory disappeared, leaving their mind blank again. They silently looked over to Sakura who had yet to move from her position.

"I want to show you one more...This one is during the Fourth Shinobi World War." She informed only to be interrupted.

"What are you talking about?! What war?!" Zabuza asked in confusion. She frowned as the image blurred and lost focus within their minds. Sweat beads began to form on her forehead as she furrowed her brows in deep concentration.

They noticed that every time the memory blurred she would give a twitch; whether her hands, brows or body itself. Whatever she was doing to be able to show them some scenes was taking a toll on her body.

"Zabuza, let her finish." Haku spoke out, worried that Zabuza's disagreement would only cause her to lose focus. He wanted to see what she showed them. It allowed him to see a side of Zabuza that he never realized he had. He always thought he was the only one to treasure the one-sided friendship.

Sakura was faintly surprised that he had spoken up against Zabuza. Maybe he was finally understanding what she was trying to show them? If so, then that was an astounding feat of its own.

"Fine." Zabuza grumbled and she went back to showing them what would become of them if they were not careful.

All three men saw their reunion. Instead of being happy, it was on the battle field. Sakura was being careful with what they saw, because the Sakura there was different from her. She couldn't even let them be suspicious of her or else troublesome questions would arise.

Once the scene darkened and blurred, they knew she was reaching the limit of this new ability. Taking a deep breath, she held the painful headache back and continued on. They had yet to finish seeing the whole thing.

Surprised at her endurance, they said nothing and continued to see the scene unfold.

"So is this some sort of Kekkei Genkai?" Zabuza and the other two noticed her lack of response. They thought she was concentrating on the memory they were seeing, however their opinion changed when her hands slipped from their grasp and she was falling backwards. Unresponsive and oblivious to the worried looks on both Kakashi and Haku. Zabuza couldn't say he was worried more like he was surprised. He didn't think such a technique could be that draining.

Before she could hit the ground Kakashi had already gotten to her.

"She's unconscious." He stated in worried as he checked her erratic pulse on her wrist.

He should have known that using a new ability would be tiring for her. He, himself had heard about her falls during practice, and this seemed to be the most reasonable explanation as to why she did.

He picked her up and looked over to Zabuza and Haku.

"It's up to you whether you fallow or not, but I can assure you she's not done talking." Kakashi stated. Haku looked up at Zabuza with worry evident in his countenance.

"I'm not done asking questions." Zabuza stated as he looked from Kakashi down to Sakura.

"Then let's go." Kakashi suggested and they all quickly left the bridge they were just fighting on.


Lightning flashed ominously across the dark cloudy sky. It settled for a few seconds before the process repeated itself. The storm outside could be compared to the storm ranging inside Sakura's head.

Groaning awake, Sakura's eyes fluttered open as she winced from the searing pain. She struggled to sit up but succeeded after the second attempt. She clutched her shoulder as the movement caused her shoulder to sting. She couldn't decided which pain hurt more, her headache or her shoulder.

The covers that had been on her, fell down to her lap. Looking at herself, she noticed the absence of her clothing from the waist up. Bandages being the only thing around her chest and shoulder. Even her ever present necklace had been removed.

'Tsunami must have wrapped it for me...or so I hope she did.' She thought as she moved her arm to see if it could handle the movement. She set her hands down when she had deemed it alright. On contact with the covers, she saw a memory of Tsunami carefully cleaning the wounds and covering her up when finished.

Before any more memories could flood in, she lifted her hands.

'I'm glad it was Tsunami, but did she have to take off my gloves?' She thought as she looked around. Being without them would only make her more exhausted then she already was. Her present weights not helping in that department.

"Kazumi?...Thank god you're awake!" Inner exclaimed with relief. Raising an eyebrow, Sakura seized her attempts at finding the gloves.

'Inner? What's wrong, you sound panicked?...Why can't I feel you?' As strange as the question was, she couldn't feel her within her mind and yet she could hear her.

" you remember that shadow clone you created?" Inner asked.

'Yeah, the one after Gato.' Sakura replied as she waited for an answer.

"Okay, so while you were showing the others some memories, you fainted, but the shadow clone didn't disappear like it was supposed to. Right now, I'm in control of the clone." Inner explained. Sakura smiled widely in happy surprise.

'That's amazing Inner! Do you know how advantageous that could be if developed?!' Sakura asked with excitement.

"Yeah, but it's also a lot of strain on me. Anyways, right now I'm following Gato. Ever since he found out about what happened, he's been moving around. I didn't know what else to do but follow." Inner stated. Nodding, Sakura stood from the futon and walked around the room. Due to no one's presence within, she concluded that she was given the room all to herself.

Sakura quickly found her gloves and put them on. She didn't know exactly where her clothes where, so she borrowed a shirt from Tsunami. To not hurt her shoulder any further, she chose a loose black tee-shirt. It was too big, falling off her injured shoulder, and ending at her thighs.

'It doesn't matter, I just need to be quick, then I can return her shirt.' She thought as she pulled her loose hair into a low ponytail.

'I need my weapons just in case.' Sakura thought as she tied her holsters to her thighs. When that was completed, she jumped through the window.

'As much as I would like to have my necklace, there's no time.' Sakura thought as she ran around the house's dock and into the empty streets.

'Inner, I'm on my way.' Sakura stated as she ran faster.

"Don't push yourself. You weren't even supposed to be up yet." Inner informed. Frowning, Sakura raised her glowing green hand up to her shoulder.

'I'll be fine. How long was I asleep for?' Sakura thought as she continued to run and heal. When no reply was given, Sakura asked again.

"Uhm...well, you've been asleep for...three days..."Inner responded slowly. Sakura faulted on her step, almost tripping and falling face first.

"What?!" Sakura asked in disbelief. Realizing that she had said that out loud, she looked around quickly. She sighed in relief when no one was around.

'I've never been asleep that long before.' She thought as she held her throbbing head.

"Yeah, and I bet the others were worried. It's weird having no one to talk to. I was so bored!" Inner said which caused Sakura to laugh.

'I can imagine...How is it? Having a body that is.' Sakura asked in curiosity.

"Weird, but very convenient." Inner stated. Sakura smiled and winced as the wound continued to hinder her with each move.

"What is it?" Inner asked worriedly. Taking a deep breath, Sakura healed the wound for a few more seconds before responding.

'Nothing, the wound on my shoulder just stung a little bit.' Sakura explained as she lowered her hand. Sakura tilted her head down to her hand in confusion. Oddly enough she could only feel half of her normal chakra, but was confused as to why. She had been sleeping for three days, so the chakra should have already returned.

"Alright...if you say so." Inner said, still a bit unsure.


'Alright, I'm here.' Sakura said as she arrived in the area where she felt the distinct pull from the nearby clone. Landing on the same branch as the clone, they smiled at each other before the clone proofed away.

Besides the rush of memories going through Sakura's mind, she also felt her chakra double. Blinking in confusion, she decided to let that go since Inner hadn't questioned it. Perhaps she was merely exhausted.

"Sorry I could only follow. I didn't know what you were planning on doing." Inner apologized while scratching her head.

'You did more than enough. With this at least I know where he is even when he moved several times.' Sakura said as she pushed her back up against the tree. Closing her eyes, she performed a quick chakra sense and found only ten people inside. Gato, who's chakra was already familiar to her from the first encounter was by himself.

'Hmph, how foolish.' Sakura thought as she jumped down and ran closer to the building.

"Finish this quickly so you can rest." Inner instructed from inside as she controlled her chakra. Nodding, Sakura entered once she felt no one in that part of the building. She ran silently within the corridors and stayed in the shadows. The moon's bright rays pouring in through the windows would only help the enemy spot her.

Going past three flights of stairs, Sakura finally made it to the room at the top. He still sat inside by himself, Sakura crouched down and took out chakra from her ankles. Just in case she needed to run away quickly.

Making a quick Genjutsu trap so others wouldn't suspect, she casually entered the room.

"Did you finish the job?" Gato asked from his position on a chair. His back faced her and if she was anyone else, he would have made this too easy of a kill.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, however, I've come to retrieve you." Sakura stated. Gato swirled around in his chair, shock written all over his face.

"W-who are you?!" He shouted from his frozen spot.

"Me? My name isn't important." Sakura shrugged, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. She grabbed a red and black scroll from her holster and unrolled it in one fluid motion.

"Gato, as an order from Lord Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi and the fire Daimyo himself, you are to be taken prisoner. Due to your involvement with drugs and contraband, as well as your illegal business contracts." Sakura stated with every bit of seriousness that she could portray.

Gato made a movement to run, but Sakura didn't make any move to follow. Instead she did a one handed sign and the ink on the scroll glowed. Gato vanished before he could reach the door, and Sakura merely sighed while rolling up the scroll.

"They never comply nicely." Sakura muttered.

"Well, they are going to prison so I can understand how they would want to escape." Inner stated as she bobbed her head pensively. Smiling, Sakura secured the scroll in her holster before walking over to Gato's desk.

"Hmm, this is good information." Sakura muttered as she skimmed through the documents. It was a list of companies he illicitly took over; and the route for his drugs to be transported in.

"I'm sure he wont mind me taking these." Sakura said and pocketed all the papers.

After a thorough walk around his office, she left the building. His guards had caught on quickly of their bosses disappearance. Sakura had to go different routes just to bypass them and not get caught. Going out the window from the second story, she jumped over to a branch and stood in the shadows.

Three people ran by just as soon as she jumped out. She sighed in relief and smiled at a job well done.

"Is the security's skill lacking or is my skill that good?" Sakura mumbled in curiosity as another two men ran by.

"I'm sure it's the security." A stern voice spoke from behind her.

Tensing up immediately, Sakura cursed herself for the millionth time.

'I completely forgot about them!' Sakura cried out in frustration. Two landings were heard behind her and she wondered why they were here. Turning around slowly, Sakura laughed nervously and allowed the loud wind to fill in the silence. The lightning behind them was only adding to their intimidation factor.

"Um...well you see..." Sakura started not knowing exactly what to say to get out of this mess. While Haku's smile and Zabuza's smirking face helped her with nothing, at least she knew they had stayed, even if just to get some answers.

"...I...finished the mission!" Sakura smiled cheerfully and showed them the scroll she had Gato in. She was praying to all the gods Kakashi would just take it easy on her.

"Sakura, who gave you permission to continue?" Kakashi questioned harshly with his arms crossed. Sakura's smile faltered and she lowered her hand. She avoided eye contact with any of them.

"...Shishou?" Sakura answered with hesitation as she looked back up to him.

"Even if he did, I'm the team's leader. You have to ask me first." Kakashi informed. Sakura rolled her eyes and placed the scroll back into its spot.

"And would you have let me go?" Sakura asked rhetorically but Kakashi answered anyways.

"Of course not. Sakura, you were asleep for three days! Haku thought you would be in a coma and we had no idea what triggered it, besides your technique." He informed and things turned into a tense silence.

"Oh, about fainting, that's normal. However...this time it lasted longer." Sakura responded as she tilted her head in wonder.

"Sakura this is serious. If you knew that would happen why did you do it?" He asked. Sakura scratched her head for an explanation.

" was the most effictive way to explain things. And besides, you shouldn't worry too much. As long as I don't pass the limit I have set for this new ability during practice, I shouldn't faint anymore." Sakura reassured them with her explanation.

'Is that how she's been dealing with this ability all this time?' Kakashi thought with worry. If she was, then that must put a lot of stress on her mind.

"Anyways, why are you two here?" Sakura asked breaking the uncomfortable silence and changing subjects.

"I was the first to find you gone." Haku explained as he looked at her wounded shoulder. Sakura had the strangest feeling to pull up the sleeve so they wouldn't see and worry, but settled for shifting her shoulder out of view.

Haku's presence was understandable, but Zabuza's was harder to figure out. She supposed it had to be because Haku was here. As much as he denied it, they had a strong bond.

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"We arrived when you left Gato's room." Zabuza answered from his leaned position on the tree. Nodding, Sakura inwardly berated herself for not making a clone or something to stay in her place back in the house.

"We should go back before the others notice our absence." Haku suggested. Sakura immediately agreed with Haku. She was ready to leave this stuffy atmosphere aswell as beat the rain.

Sighing, Kakashi nodded and turned. Sakura sighed in relief but then quickly straightened up when she felt him turn.

"We will continue this discussion along with the Hokage." Kakashi informed. Sakura's eyes widened and she took off after Kakashi.

"But sensei! He'll never let me do things on my own if you explain!" Sakura stated in a borderline whine.

"He's such a tattle tell!" Inner shouted as she blindly punched the empty space in frustration.

"That's exactly why I'm doing it." Kakashi replied nonchalantly. Sakura sagged her shoulders in deep depression.

The whole way towards the house, Sakura continued to try and change his mind.


Sakura awoke to the pleasant smell of fresh air mixed with breakfast. Lazily, she got up and walked downstairs.

"Good morning Tsunami-san." Sakura greeted politely. A gasp was headed and soon footsteps could be heard running towards her.

"Sakura-chan?! I'm so glad you're awake!" Tsunami exclaimed in relief as she enveloped her in a warm embrace. Sakura smiled before returning the hug gently.

"Are you hurting anywhere? Are you hungry? Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you finally woke up!" Tsunami said as she pulled back. Her eyes travelled over to her exposed shoulder.

"I'm fine, I actually feel much better after the long rest." Sakura responded as she was lead by the hand over to a seat.

"Did I wake up early?" Sakura asked noticing no one around.

"Actually, everyone's at the bridge. I was just about to wake Inari and check on you." Tsunami explained.

"Hmm, do you think I could go to the bridge after breakfast?" Sakura asked as she was handed a plate.

"Sure, Inari and I will go with you incase your injuries begin to hurt." Tsunami said. Nodding in agreement, Sakura quickly started to eat. She wanted to see the villagers as well as the bridge's processes.


After breakfast with Inari and Tsunami, Sakura showered and changed. Tsunami had given her a new change of clothing, informing her that she would wash her dirty clothes. Sakura wore some of her smaller clothing, consisting of white three-quarter pants and a light pink tee shirt. Although comfortable, it fitted loosely on her. Not enough to fall off but enough to be baggy on her small body.

The walk towards the bridge seemed to energize her spirit. The villagers were lively, something she hadn't seen before her mini coma. She spotted the children she had helped playing together, and that had made her morning spectacular.

First thing she noticed when they had arrived was the amount of workers. There was a lot more then she had seen before. Today just seemed to be a really good day.

Spotting Kakashi, she made sure not to approach him. He leaned on the edge of the bridge's railings with Zabuza and Haku. They looked almost relaxed, and Sakura was amazed that the villagers weren't shooting them angry glares or vice versa. She would have to be filled in about what happened in those three days she was asleep for.

Naruto and Sasuke were easy to find, what with his bright orange suit. They were bickering as they held onto each side of a steel beam. It would seem that Naruto was mad at Sasuke for not putting enough effort into carrying his side. They struggled with each step, almost losing balance a couple of times.

Smiling at their usual antics, she twirled around and asked Tsunami politely if she could help. Tsunami wanted to protest on behalf of her injured shoulder but was useless against her face. Sakura was glad her imitation of Ino's ultimate weapon worked, even if not as powerful as her's.

Tsunami agreed, but on the condition that Inari help her. Agreeing, Sakura took a hold of Inari's much smaller hands.

"Let's go!" Sakura said as she pulled a stumbling red faced Inari towards the beams.

She pulled him to the side where the steel beams was laying. She positioned herself in the middle of the beam, hands on either side. Looking over to Inari, she noticed him holding onto the end of the beam, grinning and ready to help. Sakura smiled and counted to three out loud. She took this time to charge up her hands with chakra.

As soon as Inari and her counted to three, they both pulled it above their heads.

"WHOA!" Inari exclaimed in surprise at the lightness of the beam. Sakura laughed at his childish face, the boy was so surprised he gaped at her openly.

"Sakura-chan?!" Naruto and Tsunami called out, both with different reasons of doing so. Sakura smiled and waved at Naruto while her other hand lifted the beam.

"Good morning!" Sakura greeted them all. The villagers who had heard Naruto's and Inari's loud exclamation, had stopped working. They were just as equally surprised to see Sakura. They had heard from her teammates what her condition was and were worried. They had all gotten really close with the girl when she had helped them before. It was a relief for those who knew her, while the one's who didn't were just shocked by her strength.

"What monstrous strength." Zabuza commented from the side. The comment earned him a smile and wave from Sakura her self. She gave a quick greeting to Haku and avoided Kakashi's stare with all her will power. She knew he wouldn't get mad at here, oh no, he would wait until the villagers left.

"Sakura-chan! You shouldn't over work yourself." One of the workers stated.

"I'm fine, really. I'm ready to help out with what I can." She said as she started walking over to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Come on guys. Stop slacking." She teased as she walked passed them holding the beam as if holding a stick. Inari who's height was different from Sakura's had to stretch really tall to help out.

"Tsk, I liked you better when you were asleep." Sasuke mumbled. Having over heard the comment, Sakura merely smiled sweetly at him. She extended a hand over to him and lightly pushed his shoulder. The movement caused him to get unbalanced.

"TEME!" Naruto shouted as he started to wobble. The weight of the beam over powering their own weight started to lean to the left. Sakura was going to help when the beam was pushed over by Haku.

"I'll help." He stated as he pushed the beam up and helped them get a hold of it.

"Thank's Haku! You're a better help then teme over there!" Naruto exclaimed which earned him a glare from Sasuke. Chuckling at their amusing behaviors, he shook his head and started walking.

Sakura smiled at the scene and then looked back to Inari.

"Let's show them we're a much better team!" Sakura suggested as he grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

With energy and happiness in their bodies, they carried the beam over to its designated position and repeated the process. All throughout the day shouts of cheating and taunting challenges were heard. Extra helping hands came and went as the day continued and the bridge's completion advanced

Sakura's POV

Using Shadow clones was still an unatural feeling. I had missed dinner, well my real body did. Inari's father was brought up during dinner and all the normal things happened soon after. My clone had excused herself to take a shower, and I climbed into the window and dispersed it so I could take it's place. In one rushed moment, memories of what happened entered my mind. It wasn't like the feeling I got when I saw people's or things memories, it was much slower and organized.

I was glad that no one had really suspected anything, because I had been mostly by myself training. I just hoped Kakashi's sensing ability wasn't as good as his ability to suppress his chakra.

Finishing the shower, I bid them all goodnight in the most calm and normal way I usually did.

"Are you going to sleep? What about Naruto?" Inner asked as I pulled the sheets up to cover myself.

'He'll be fine, I trust he wont do anything stupid this time either.' I said as I closed my eyes and listened intently to the sound of the lulling waves.

"But he meets Haku in the morning." Inner stated in obvious worry.

'It'll be okay. They need to meet each other in order to find a connection. Besides, we'll be close enough to get there if anything does happen.' I replied as my eye's felt heavier by the second.

"Alright...goodnight then..." Inner stated still a bit unsure. I took note of the moon outside the window. It felt eerie, a bad sign, narrowing my eyes I could only hope things would go as planned tomorrow.


Yawning, I approached the table dressed and ready for the day.

"Good morning." I greeted the occupants in the room. I received different greetings from each one, before taking a seat at the table.

"So where's the last brat?" Tazuna asked when I began to eat.

"Must be training." I responded with a shrug.

"He's probably lying dead somewhere." Sasuke stated with a nonchalant aura.

"Oh I hope not. All of you work so hard." Tsunami stated from her seat across the table.

"Don't worry, they may be reckless at times, but their good ninja's. They'll be alright." Kakashi assured. Standing up, Sasuke placed his hands in his pockets.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I lowered my spoon full of food from my mouth.

"To take a walk." Was his curt reply. Smiling behind the spoon, I snickered quietly to myself.

"Tell Naruto good morning for me!" I shouted out as he walked through the door. I barely caught the faint clicking of his tongue in annoyance. Chuckling, I went back to finishing my breakfast so I could catch up soon.


Kakashi and I found Naruto and Sasuke first thing after breakfast. Naruto had once again succeeded in making me worry. His little prank had my heart racing in panic, even though I knew things would end well. Just the thought of something going wrong had me on edge. It was hard enough knowing that this was all real and not a show/book. They could die, and it wouldn't be too hard for them to attract some bad luck.

When they came down, the first thing I noticed was the ridiculous blush that had appeared on Naruto's face when his eye's met mine. I had thought it a bit weird until I remembered the conversation he had with Haku. Did he like me? Or was something else spoken between the two?

It was actually hard to tell if he liked me more than a friend this time around since he didn't voice out his affection. Perhaps it was just something else and I was over thinking everything again.


Due to all the over exertion they had done, the boys got to rest. During this time I had spoken with Kakashi about taking Sasuke and Naruto if possible to the bridge. He had agreed knowing it had to do with Zabuza's return. We spent the rest of the time planning for the best outcome possible.

We left the house without Naruto since he wasn't waking up. I guess things wouldn't be too bad as long as the ending was different. I had told Kakashi that they needed to stay alive if possible. He had asked me questions that he had been meaning to ask me since the beginning; and I answered them as best as I could. He didn't really agree with me about taking them to the leaf, but I assured him that he would change his mind later.

Along the walk, I had kept my senses up, picking out any chakra spikes. There had been none, and I was worried that perhaps this time he had killed them.

"Maybe he's just really fast and knocked them out before they knew it." Inner encouraged. I really hoped that was the reason.

"Wait...What happened here?!" Tazuna shouted, breaking me out my deep thoughts. Snapping my head up, I noted in surprised that we had already arrived at the bridge.

'Curse my inability to focus sometimes!' I thought as I tensed up when the mist picked up little by little. It wasn't much for people to notice if they weren't specifically looking for it.

"...Sakura?" Kakashi, asked questionably. I nodded and walked over to the villagers.

"Their below us." Inner informed as she kept her concentration on our chakra as well as everyone else's. Nodding, I pulled out a scroll and I sealed up the five villagers that had been knocked unconscious. I didn't want them to be caught within all the fighting.

Walking back to the group, I noticed the mist picked up considerably from the beginning.

"Here. You hold onto it." I told Tazuna, who nodded nervously. We all had our backs facing each other as we surveyed every side. I, however, kept my eyes exactly where Zabuza and Haku moved. There would be no mistakes today, at least not any that would jeopardize my plan.

"Sorry it took awhile Kakashi...I see that your brats are still with you; but that one's still trembling." Zabuza spoke up and water clones appeared in front of each one of us. I would have stayed in front of the one that had appeared before me, but Tazuna was my priority. I placed him in between Sasuke and me, so the clones would not be able to get him.

"I'm trembling...with excitement." Sasuke proclaimed. If it was anywhere else, I would have laughed at his show of emotions, however I had my eyes on the real two.

"Go on Sasuke." Kakashi encouraged from his position.

I saw it, exactly when he took out all the clones and had a smile of satisfaction appear on his usually grumpy face. I allowed one small smile of my own at his progress.

" you could tell they were water clones huh? Brat's improving, and it looks like you have another rival Haku." Zabuza stated as he glanced from Sasuke over to me. Narrowing my eyes unwaveringly, I signaled that I knew what he meant.

"So it seems." Haku stated, and I gave him a quick glance. I couldn't really tell where he was looking because of the mask, but I could feel it. That feeling one gets when their being watched and scrutinized.

"Well well, so I was right. You two are working together." Kakashi stated. I couldn't help to give him a glare. The only reason he knew what to look out for was because I had told him in advance. Sighing, I stood closer to Tazuna since the other two just decided to break formation and get all relaxed.

They began to sprout complete nonsense, which baffled me at how calm they were. Sure Kakashi was just acting, however Tazuna and Sasuke seemed to be not as scared as before. As soon as Kakashi commented about his mask, I couldn't help retort about his own. To spite him, I had whole heartedly agreed with Sasuke when he stated something similar. I was very amused by his crestfallen appearance and I probably knew what he was thinking, even without reading his mind.

Getting back to the real issue at hand, I noticed them conversing before Haku moved. His speed quickened and the winds began to pull us towards him. I was glad I had braided my hair again or else it would be flowing around everywhere like my haori.

Sasuke stood his ground and stopped Haku's movements. His kunai pushed up against Haku's senbon.

"We want the bridge builder, not you. If you stop, we wont have to kill you." Haku spoke in a calm manner, almost making it sound like he was uninterested and bored. Sasuke's reply was a grunt, indicating his negative answer.

"You're all making a mistake. You wont be able to keep up with my speed." Haku stated much more forcefully this time. They both parried off their advances with each strike. They began to talk between each other about their advantages and disadvantages. I had taken this time to sense anything else around us. Gato and his gang had yet to arrive so this would take awhile.

As I focused back on the fight, Haku was already creating hand signs with only one hand. He lifted his foot and slammed it against the water below him. It flowed upwards and around them untill it encased them both.

Normal POV

'He doesn't want to kill the kid...I wonder if it has anything to do with her words the other day...' Zabuza wondered as he glanced over to Sakura who was looking over the fight. He noticed how she looked as if she was waiting for something, or perhaps waiting to see if things worked out the way she wanted them to. She was hiding something and he knew it wasn't only to them, but to her team. She seemed to know things that a normal genin shouldn't, like how to sense so proficiently.

He and Haku had both noticed the immediate lock-on her eyes had on them. She had known of their exact presence and could keep up with their movements. She would be trouble if things weren't taken care of quickly.

"Augh!" Haku's grunt of surprise had snapped him out and he noticed him laying in front of him. From what he could tell, Sasuke had escaped his jutsu and had managed to get a good hit on him.

'How did this happen? And by that brat no less!' Zabuza thought angrily.

"You made a big mistake in insulting these ninja when you called them brats. Sasuke's the best young fighter in the village and Naruto who isn't here...well, let just say he's the most unpredictable." Kakashi stated as he watched Haku stand up.

"And the last brat?" Zabuza asked making sure they knew he didn't care about calling them brats. His smirk could be distinguished to them even as it was covered by the bandages.

"Sakura? Well, she is a brat." Kakashi stated as he smiled tauntingly at Sakura.

"What?! How rude." Sakura stated as she strengthened up. Her glare had no real anger as she sent it his way. Usually, anyone could tell when she was really glaring by the complete seriousness in her eyes. They stared you down and forced you to doubt yourself.

"Hmm, there's one thing we could possibly agree on Kakashi." Zabuza agreed with a chuckle. Sakura clicked her tongue in annoyance as she settled to glare at the ground.

"Tsk, whatever." Sakura said crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Those jerks! They'll soon regret teasing us!" Inner shouted as she stomped around irritatedly.

"Enough about me...You two have not decided yet, and you still have time to do so." Sakura stated as she stared at Zabuza.

"Haku and I have decided. Do it." Zabuza ordered.

"I am sorry it has come down to this." Haku stated. Sakura's mouth thinned out in complete concentration as she backed away towards Tazuna.

"You haven't understood anything." She stated before glaring at them intently. She was annoyed they hadn't yet realized what they truly wanted.

Ignoring her words for the moment, Haku poured out more chakra to create his next jutsu. He lifted his hands and made a single hand sign. The air around them lowered to an extreme temperature. Sakura wasn't worried about Kakashi or Sasuke, however Tazuna wouldn't be used to this temperature change. She took off her haori and wrapped it around him. His clothes were not fit for this, and ninja clothing was usually made to be durable, and comfortable in different climates. Turning back around, she could already see the ice mirrors forming around Sasuke.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Called out Haku as the mirrors finished forming. He walked over to them and slowly entered the mirror. His body moved inside without restraint and when engulfed completely his appearance was reflected in all of them.

"What is that, Sakura?" Kakashi asked, knowing she would know. Zabuza and Haku both glanced over to Sakura who was now even more distinguishable to them due to the red shirt.

"It's a Kekkei Genkai that combines water and wind to create ice, it's called the Ice release." Sakura explained, shocking Zabuza and Haku with that knowledge. She looked at each one and smiled, tapping her head as a remembrance of what she had said before.

'Although I say it like it's nothing, it most certainly is. His speed will be too fast for me to follow and only Kakashi and Sasuke will be able to see him.' Sakura thought as she observed the mirrors.

'Even though I know those are merely reflections at the moment, he could possibly move just as fast to another without me realizing it was real or not. Inner, I wonder if we combine our concentration would we be able to keep track of his speed?' Sakura asked while closing her eyes to the outside and focusing intently on Haku.

"We wont know until we try!" Inner encouraged as she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes in deep concentration. Their immense concentration was secured on Haku's chakra. Finding his chakra was easy until they completely lost it, only to find it three seconds later on the opposite mirror. Frowning, they kept it locked again and where determined to keep up with it.

"No way!" Sakura stated out loud. Not caring if they heard or not, she was far too concentrated on re-finding his chakra.

'That's insanely fast!' Sakura thought. They kept losing it the moment they found it, and at certain time's he would be moving too fast to even pin-point the location. Gasping for air and snapping open her eyes, she hadn't realized the extremity of her concentration until Kakashi shouted.

She looked upon the scene only to notice Kakashi engaging Zabuza in battle and Sasuke down on the ground. Senbon's were sticking out of him in every direction.

"Protect Tazuna, Sakura!" Kakashi commanded as he forced Zabuza back. Gripping her dizzy head, she nodded faintly and stepped back closer to Tazuna. Giving him a once over, she took note of his pale complexion as well as his blue tinted lips. The air he breathed out came out warm, and as it mixed with the cold air, it created a white puff.

'Forget it Inner. Let's just get ready for Naruto's arrival as well as our part in this fight.' Sakura stated as she felt Inner nod in agreement. Sweat dripping from her forehead from the strain she had just went through.

Sakura looked back to Sasuke. He was practically down for the count, only able to stand for a few more times from what she could remember. There was needles everywhere and Sasuke had no weapon of his own.

"I told you before to stand down. Now you will die." Haku stated emotionlessly. He didn't want to kill any of them, but they stood in Zabuza's way, they had to be eliminated.

Clenching her teeth, Sakura worried that perhaps they had decided the wrong path.

"Sakura...go." Tazuna whispered from behind. His teeth clattering against one another every few seconds. Startled, Sakura turned back and looked at Tazuna questionably.

"Go and help Sasuke." Tazuna repeated. Sakura's eyes widened and as she was about to refuse, Sasuke's loud agonizing scream was heard as he hit the ground. Closing her eyes tightly, Sakura felt like throwing up. She didn't like not doing anything, however some things needed to happen. All the males in Team Seven needed to experience this event, so they could formalize the solid bond that will eventually save them.

"But I can't leave you unprotected." Sakura stated. Naruto would soon arrive, and things would get better.

"Sakura...I am in charge of this mission as much as Kakashi. I asked for the protection and I can cancel it if I want to. I am ordering you to help Sasuke, because without even one of you, Team Seven can't protect me." Tazuna stated, and for the first time Sakura could really see his true feelings for this group. Smiling with fulfillment spreading throughout her body, she nodded and turned. Fist clenched and eyes narrowed.

'There will be no more waiting for Naruto. I'll do what I can in the mean time until he arrives.' Sakura thought as she ran towards Sasuke.

"Sakura! Get back!" Kakashi's order fell on deaf ears as she continued to run forward. Face scrunting up in worry, Kakashi's line of vision was blocked by Zabuza.

"If you go after her, I'll kill the old man." Zabuza threatened. Glaring, Kakashi could do nothing but stand still. Protecting Tazuna was important but keeping the others safe was also important to him. The only thing that was relatively calming was the fact that Zabuza wouldn't move unless he did.

"I wont have to wait any longer. She wont succeed in breaking the ice, and she will fall. That, is when I'll have my opportunity to strike." Zabuza nonchalantly informed, however, he was actually curious to see how things would go done between the two.

Sakura's POV

Observing the ice mirrors as I ran, I could tell it would be hard to break them. I had a plan which would work in my favor, hopefully he couldn't detect Genjutsu's that well.

'Inner, you know what to do.' I said as I saw him turn towards me, I stared right where the eye slits were. His upper body was out of a mirror and turned in my direction, I could feel his chakra shift inside him.

"I've got him! Do it now!" Inner stated as she kept her concentration on the Genjutsu. Noticing his hesitance for only a second, he quickly moved in side of a mirror and seemed to stay there without moving. Right now, he should be seeing himself as the victor in capturing both Sasuke and me. He always seemed to observe before attacking, and that worked for my advantage.

Running around the mirrors, I stood behind the one he was really in. Oblivious to what was about to happen because of the Genjutsu he was in, he wouldn't realize until it happened.

Pulling my fist back, I charged it up with the chakra the wrist weight contained. This would be more than enough to pull him out. All the chakra contained in each weight was more than its ever been before.

As soon as I felt the rush of chakra flood inside my fist's tenketsu, I punched the mirror. releasing the chakra on contact and feeling an enormous satisfaction when the ice cracked beneath my fist. The burst of chakra flew out like a wave filled with energy, cracking other mirrors as it flowed past them.

The ice shattered and created a sound like glass breaking in millions of pieces. Haku had broken through the Genjutsu as soon as my fist connected with his ice. He had managed to pull himself out before he shattered like the glass itself.

Knowing he would react that way, I instantaneously grabbed ahold of his shirt and harshly pulled him to the ground behind me.

"Impressive. I've never met someone who could break my ice mirrors." Haku complimented as he took no time standing back up. I said nothing and only got into the Lightning stance. I would need to have speed on my side if I ever wanted to fight him off.

Hearing the distinct sound of metal clashing with metal, I spared a single glance over to the source. Kakashi was once again fighting Zabuza, as he guarded Tazuna.

"You shouldn't look away during battle." He said, and only out of pure instinct did I miss a kick that swung past my head. Having crouched down before being hit, I was able to charge up my hand once more.

Swiftly, I thrusted my hand up and missed hitting his pressure point near his shoulder blade. He had leaned back just in time for my hand to slide up his shoulder and slash the side of his neck. It wasn't deep, so only a small amount of blood was spilt.

Wasting no time, we both jumped back to get some distance. We stood still, observing each other for the tiniest movement.

"And one of the first to spill my blood." He continued from his first sentence.

"Damn it! He's fast!" Inner shouted from inside. That dodge was merely a small movement for him. I could tell that although close, it wasn't as fast as he could go.

'We'll just have to be faster.' I thought as I crouched down and touched both my ankles. Taking a small amount from them out, I stored the chakra in the wrist's weight I had been using. I could instantly feel the difference. Smiling in confidence, I looked up and stared him down. I knew his weakness, and it just so happened that I specialized in that category. He was fast, that much was certain; but when that was taken away, his Taijutsu was average. If Sasuke could get a good hit in, then certainly I could too.

Tensing up, I was preparing to charge forwards when an explosion went off to the side of the bridge. Cursing my lack of focus, or perhaps my intense focus, I used my increased speed to move aside. Barely having made the move and already a shuriken whizzed past me and hit Haku on the mask.

Noticing the smoke and the chakra signature, I calmed down immediately. I knew it was Naruto and his overly dramatic entrance, so I made sure to calm my panicked heart down. The adrenaline still pumping through my body from the close call.

"The most unpredictable huh?" Haku mumbled as the smoke cleared.

"Naruto Uzamaki is here! Dattebayo!" He exclaimed from his ridiculous pose.

"Oh Naruto..." I said as I watched him observe his surroundings.

"Sorry I'm late, but I was taking care of some important business. It's okay though, since the hero always comes last!" Naruto said in confidence. Sighing, I took the time while they all focused on him to look at Sasuke. He was too injured to move, I needed to heal whatever I could.

Moving my head back swiftly, I missed a senbon to the head. Turning my head towards Haku, I took note of his posture.

'He threw it quickly for him to still be in such a position.' I thought. His body didn't indicate he had thrown anything at all.

"You get too unfocused." Haku commented. I turned fully towards his direction.

"And your too focused." I replied, earning a muffled chuckle from him.

"So you will talk to me." He said and I lowered my body, preparing to sprint forward.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked and made sure nothing else surprised me.

"You didn't before." He stated. Tilting my head in thought, I suppose he had been right. I've never really talked to him before.

"I didn't have anything to say." I said with all honesty, and I out of curiosity, I glanced over to the others. It had been quiet and that was usually a bad thing with this group. My small glance turned into a double take when I saw Naruto inside the ice mirrors.

"Naru-!" Stopping my own sentence, I backed away when a needle came towards me. Groaning in annoyance, it was about time I finished this. Sensing my irritation must have been easy, since he positioned himself to attack, except he also made a single hand sign.

Out of the water beside him, a blob arose until it took shape. A double of himself stood beside him and moved towards the others.

"Water clone huh?" I stated out loud more to myself. Before the clone could get to the mirrors, I body flickered in front of it.

"You're quite fast." He complemented once again.

Sensing a movement to my right, I saw in frustration the other Haku going through the mirror.

'We were tricked! The clone was just a decoy!' I thought as I thrusted my hand through his abdomen before he could move away. As expected, he burst into water on contact. I was angry for falling for such an obvious plan. Turning around, I couldn't pinpoint his location due to the speed in which he was moving. Naruto and Sasuke had already begun to strategize on a way to win.

Sensing a movement behind me, I turned expecting a Haku water clone, but was met with Zabuza. He slashed he sword down diagonally and I had to use all the speed I had to dodge.

"Sakura! Move!" Kakashi commanded as I did as told. He came down from above and landed where I had stood, Sharingan blazing. Zabuza laughed and a thick mist soon surrounded us. Backing up, I touched my back against Kakashi's.

"What about Tazuna?" I asked in concern as I listened to our surroundings.

"A shadow clone is with him...What about the others?" Kakashi asked as he looked around the mist.

"Well...they're not dead..." I said as I felt a spike of chakra and a decrease in the other.

"Sakura, you said nothing would happen." Kakashi stated in anger.

"I didn't say that...All I said was that things would work out. You need to understand that something's need to happen!" I stated in frustration. I felt him tense and then I frowned.

"I wont let any of you die. I promise." I said in resolve as I swung my leg and kicked his legs beneath him. Ignoring his shout of surprise, I rammed my left palm forward and released the chakra as it hit Zabuza's chest.

The Earth's defense stance grounded me to the ground from his sword coming down on top of me. Using my chakra, I enhanced my arm to stop his sword from slicing through me by blocking it on the long handle.

I was amazed how he hadn't let go of the sword, even when he went crashing to the other side. Blinding hot pain seared through me, and a stinging sensation soon followed. Looking at my shoulder, I noticed a gash. Thankfully it wasn't too bad, it would however, be hard to move.

I grunted out when my hand had made contact with the wound. Applying pressure was much harder than I thought.

"Sakura?! Are you okay?!" Kakashi asked as he stood near me. I quickly changed my chakra to that of the minty visible green so I could heal whatever I could.

"I'm fine. It's just a small cut." I said and focused on stopping the bleeding. That was the most important thing at the moment.

"As I thought. You're stronger than you look." Zabuza commented as he gripped his chest. I was sure I didn't cause any fatal damage, but I'm sure it hurt by the force that I had applied.

"Sakura, go to Tazuna." Kakashi instructed. Nodding, I looked at Kakashi with a serious expression.

"I know, don't worry." He said and I turned and ran towards Tazuna's worried chakra signal. I stopped mid way when I felt a tremendous amount of chakra. It was so strong that the wave of energy dissipated the mist. Turning to the suffocating chakra, I saw red tendrils of energy swirling around.

"Oh no! It's Naruto!" Inner shouted. I bit my lip and hoped that things would end the same.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I turned towards Kakashi and Zabuza, just in time to see him summon the ninja dogs. They latched onto Zabuza with their sharp teeth. I winced as I saw them dig deep into his skin. Kakashi talked about the coup d'état, as well as considering to stop his endless running.

When he finished talking, we all took notice that the red chakra had vanished. Them in a more subdued realization.

"Because of your ambition, you will always continue to run and forever lose what is most precious to you." Kakashi said in anger.

"...There has never been anything important that I needed to protect..." Zabuza informed as he stood still. The nin-dogs teeth never loosening.

'It's almost time.' I stated as I pulled out some wire.

"We have to time this perfectly..." Inner said in worry. Nodding I began to tie the wire onto Shisui's bracelet.

"Then we will finish this now. This time I'll show you my own jutsu!" Kakashi finalized, creating the hand signs for his signature move. I moved closer and observed him.

He was building up chakra in his hand which soon became visible because of the immense power. Sparks formed and shot out from his hand to the ground all around him. It was amazing getting to see such a thing in person.

"Chidori!" He shouted as he continued to charge up the attack. The pulsing chakra was really strong around him, it was unbelievable.

"I wont let you kill Tazuna. He's a brave man with a noble dream. This bridge will be the hope of the land and of all it's people. You have done nothing but hinder their dreams. That is not the way of the shinobi!" Kakashi chastised angrily.

"That's right, because their dreams don't matter to me! I have a dream of my own!" Zabuza shouted and Kakashi's glare seemed to intensify just as his Chidori did.

"But to have dream, you need to have a future! You, do not have one!" Kakashi said as he ran forward. Moving accordingly, I moved just as quick until I was just in front of Zabuza before he did. Haku had appeared and the look of shock upon Zabuza's face reassured my plan had been worth it. Before Kakashi could make contact, I threw the expanded bracelet over Zabuza and Haku. It fell on them and encircled them when I pulled the chakra away from it via the wire. I pulled them out of the way before Kakashi's Chidori made contact to Haku's chest.

Everything went silent, besides Kakashi's Chidori which was dyeing down. Their equally shocked faces had me feel relief in my choice. I wanted them to feel close to death in order for them to realize at that moment what was truly important.

"Great timing Sakura. I am positive you found the answer to your question." He said referring to whether they wished to live or die. Being out of breath, I simply nodded and allowed my heart to stop beating so fast. I sat on the ground, too tiered and out of breath to stand up.

"You could have...went slower..." I said in between breaths. He walked closer and scratched the back of his head.

" said you could handle it." He said and I glared up at him.

"I didn't think you would get so into the moment." I responded, in a much calmer manner.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Zabuza asked from above me. He had his back up against Haku's and glaring down at me. Sighing, I waved him off and stayed silent, concentrating on any others.

"Well...Sakura wanted both of you alive. I was just following her plan." Kakashi informed.

"Why would you want us alive?" Haku asked. Not meaning to be harsh, I had shushed him for a second when Inner spoke up.

"They're coming." Inner instructed. I nodded and stood up from the ground. I looked at Zabuza and Haku with a smile.

"I'll explain later, I'm expecting people to arrive right now. It'll only take a moment." I informed as I turned my back to them. Kakashi walked over and stood beside me.

"How many did you say?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Hmm, around fifty? I don't know!" I said in annoyance. I didn't have answers to everything.

"Fifty what?" Zabuza asked. Ignoring him, I turned to Kakashi. He needed to learn that not everything would go his way all the time.

"You think you can disperse the mist? Or are you too tired?" I asked mockingly. He glared down at me and made one hand sign. In a matter of seconds, the mist around us cleared and we could all see clearly.

"Hey! Sakura-chan!" Naruto screamed in panic as he ran over to me.

"What is the meaning of this?! I thought they were dead!" Tazuna exclaimed from behind me.

"Whoa! You guys are alive!" Naruto exclaimed but not in an angry way. It was more like he knew that they deserved a second chance.

"And that's why I asked if it was a good idea to change things; but no one listens to me." Kakashi commented and acted all depressed. Rolling my eyes at his dramatic expression, I looked at Tazuna.

"I will answer questions later. Naruto, go take care of Sasuke. Make sure to gently pull out the senbon." I instructed. Naruto nodded but then raised an eyebrow.

"But what are you going to do? You're the healer!" Naruto said in confusion.

"Gato and a few of his men are coming. We'll have to take care of them." I explained. Naruto nodded and then fist pumped.

"Alright! Then I'll help!" Naruto shouted. I looked at him blankly. Did he not hear what I asked him to do?

"Tazuna would you mind tending to Sasuke?" Kakashi asked. Tazuna shook his head but kept an eye out for Zabuza and Haku. He was still didn't trust them like Naruto and me.

"How do you know his men are coming? I don't sense anything." Haku stated. I looked at Naruto nervously before looking back to Haku.

"Sensei told me." I lied and smiled up to Kakashi.

"Wow Kakashi-sensei! You must be great at sensing them!" Naruto exclaimed in awe. Chuckling nervously, he shrugged his shoulders and glared at me when Naruto turned around. I simply shrugged my shoulders and glared back.

We waited for a few minutes until they had finally arrived. The other's could now sense their close approach.

"Before they arrive, I want you to take in consideration what I have told you. More answers will be given once they are gone, for the mean time, I want you to think about your life." I stated to the two behind me. Naruto had shifted in confusion but the others seemed to understand what I was talking about.

"Sakura...Make sure you don't over do it." Kakashi warned. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him in confusion.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I stated nonchalantly as I looked back to the front.

'Only one more minute.' I thought as I tried to lessen the pain in my shoulder. This had been the first deep wound that I've received. The pain was hurtful but slightly bearable from the healing I had done.

"So, it was just like he said. You're nothing but talk Zabuza." A man said from the middle of the crowd. I looked up and immediately noticed the absence of Gato.

"Tsk, where's Gato?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"You're one of the pesky brats Zabuza couldn't defeat? What a joke! Look at the stupid hair!" He stated with a laugh that was soon followed by the others. I was too tired to get mad, besides they were just taunting, trying to get the upper hand.

"WHAT DID HE SAY?!" Inner apparently wasn't tired at all screamed in disbelief at his stupidity.

"HEY! Nothing about Sakura-chan is stupid! And you better answer her question!" Naruto exclaimed as he moved to the front. Shaking my head, I couldn't help smile at the thought he was getting angrier than I should be.

"It's okay Naruto, I know exactly where he is. I'll just go right after we take care of this." I stated calmly. The laughter was soon replaced by stares of anger.

"As if we would let a brat like you find out where he is." Another guy said. I shrugged and looked at him with a blank face.

"Well if I didn't know his hideout was ten miles Northeast of Zabuza's hideout, then I have other means of acquiring the information. I was just giving you a chance to be useful." I said with narrowed eyes, challenging them to continue.

" can be scary..." Naruto stated backing away a little bit.

"It's not my fault they're so easy to track...opps!" I said the last part quietly as I glanced over to Kakashi.

"What was that Sakura? I'm certain you said track, but what would you be doing tracking anyone down?" Kakashi stated in a overly nice voice. I gulped inaudibly and took a step away from him.

"...I'm sure it was just your bad hearing sensei..." I said as I looked over to the gang members.

"Hmm, I'm sure it isn't. We'll have to have a discussion about this later Sakura." He said in finality. Sighing, I dreaded the slip I had just let out. He wasn't supposed to find out...oh well, I'd have to face the reality eventually.

"Enough with the talking! Zabuza, we're here to get rid of you and finish the job!" The first guy stated. Looking over to Zabuza, I could see his eyes narrow in thought.

"Did Gato order this?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course, though I guess it's been obvious huh? He never intended to pay you and even wanted to kill you as soon as you finished the job." The guy informed arrogantly. The atmosphere changed as the silence intensified.

"Well Kakashi, you don't have to worry about the bridge builder anymore. We no longer have a quarrel." Zabuza stated. Kakashi nodded tiredly as he crouched down in relief. Naruto grinned and looked at Haku in excitement. Had they gotten along that well already?

"It's too bad not even the young one died. Gato wanted his body to see his ending, what with the way he broke his arm." Another guy in the front spoke out.

Naruto, who was all smiles a second ago, looked angry at the thought of Haku dead. The wind that had stopped flowing had began to pick up fiercely. Slowly rustling through everyone's clothes and hair.

"Hey kid...let me go." Zabuza stated with no emotion. Without stating a name, I knew it was me who he was talking to. After all, no one else could set him loose from the bracelet but me. I was actually surprised that it was also like a chakra binding tool. If it wasn't then I'm sure they could have gotten out a long time. Without turning away from the crowd of gang members, I answered his question calmly.

"No. This don't need to fight." I said over the wind that had started to get louder.

Disliking this silence, and knowing it was about time the villagers appeared, I was the first to speak.

"Naruto, how about we show these unwelcomed guest the exist?" I said with a smile towards Naruto. Grinning like a madman, he positioned his hands in the shadow clone jutsu placement. Smiling, I copied his actions and chuckled by his confused look.

"Let's go Naruto!" I stated as I pushed out chakra. Ten puffs of smoke appeared around me. As the smoke cleared away, ten identical clones of myself were seen. Vertigo hit me quickly, but I pushed on. I only needed them for a few more seconds.

"Wow Sakura-chan! That's amazing! Now I know you can do anything!" Naruto exclaimed. Smiling at his childish exclamation, I waved him off.

"How about you take some of the others?" I suggested and watched as Ten Naruto's appeared beside him.

"ALRIGHT!" Shouted all the Naruto's in unison. Their voices creating a unique sound when together.

Shouts and comments of worried disbelief could be heard on the other side of the bridge.

"It doesn't matter if they multiplied, they're still children! After we kill all of them, we'll be heading into the village!" Shouted a brave soul from the group. I wasn't sure if all of my clones frowned in anger, but I was sure I was seething in anger.

'There's no way I would ever let them through!' I thought angrily, thinking of the smiling children. My exasperation vanished when an arrow landed right in front of the first line of men. All of our heads turned to the back where the weapon was fired.

"There's one little thing you're forgetting! Before you step foot into our village, you'll have to go through us!" One of the construction workers stated. I smiled at their shouts of courage and couldn't help but feel proud that they had stepped in.

"Inari!" All the Naruto's shouted in joy.

"We've all come to help!" He informed as he raised his cross-bow. His aim had been very good, and I had to remember to tell him that later. A bit of encouragement could go a long way.

"...They've all come..." Tazuna stated in happy relief.

"Let's show em what you're all about!" Naruto shouted in determination. His excitement being contagious.

"Hmm, I might just have enough chakra to help." Kakashi spoke up and did the hand sign we had just performed.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu: Kakashi style!" Stated all the Kakashi clones simultaneously. Naruto grinned in admiration at the large quantity of clones he had created. Rolling my eyes, all my clones chuckled at his ridiculous amount of clones.

"What a show off." We all called out together causing Naruto and some of the others to laugh. Seemingly in the mood, Kakashi brushed off the comment and stood up along with all his other clones.

"Alright, still want to fight?" All twenty clones asked at once.

Throwing their weapons down, they all rushed away shouting various no's.

"Aww! Why are you running away!" Naruto exclaimed. He had actually wanted to fight? Of course he did, it is Naruto.

Dispelling my ten clones, I moved to the edge along with all the others. We saw how they rushed towards a boat, some even falling into the water because of the haste they were in.

"Oh well...part four commences now." I mumbled as I turn only to bump into someone. About to apologize, I stopped when I noticed who it was. I leaned as far back as I could, the railing however was doing a wonderful job with that.

"And pray tell what is part four?" Kakashi asked as he crossed his arms. If I didn't answer him he would get mad, and if I did answer him, he would still get bad! And I couldn't wait any longer or else Gato will start to move. Sighing, I sagged my aching shoulders and looked at him in resignation.

"To find Gato." I answered as curtly and honestly as I could.

"And do what?" He asked further.

"It involves my other mission..." I informed. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't entirely correct.

"Mm-hmm. And what about this mission?" He asked as he stepped aside. I looked around and saw happy smiles from everyone. They gathered and conversed about the victory they had just acquired. I slapped my forehead and dragged it down my face.

'I'll never win.' I thought dejectedly. Making the necessary hand sign's, a clone appeared by my side.

"Fine, I'll stay here and my clone can go. Is that finally okay with you, sensei?" I asked rhetorically. He smiled down at me with his satisfied eye crinkle.

"Fine by me." He answered calmly as he turned and walked towards the others. I openly gaped at his unbelievable attitude.

"How could he be so annoying and hot at the same time?!" Inner shouted in frustration. I could feel my face scrunch up in a disapproving way. I strengthened up and moved a piece of hair out of my face.

'Would you stop with that? Augh, I bet we look so tired, dirty, and sweaty.' I said as I made my way over to the others. The clone already leaving to find Gato.

"Oh come on! Look at all of them! Even if their bloody and sweaty their still hot!" Inner stated, I sighed at her attitude and stopped when I was in front of the others. Sasuke was there, albeit with help from Naruto, but at least he was senbon-less and awake.

Things were quiet and I could tell they wanted me to say something. I crossed my arms and glared at Kakashi. I wasn't going to talk with the others around.

"Tazuna, why don't you help take Sasuke to the house and we'll catch up as soon as things are taken care of." Kakashi asked Tazuna who merely nodded. He was still a bit worried about Zabuza and Haku but kept that to himself.

"Alright we need answers." Zabuza stated as soon as everyone left and we were relatively alone. Sighing, I rubbed my aching temples.

"Well...What I'm about to tell you isn't meant to be spoken to anyone else." I stated as I narrowed my eyes at them.

'How could I possibly make this easier? It would be so much faster if they could see what I see...' I thought and smiled at the sudden eureka moment.

'Inner, let's try showing them.' I suggested and received a shrug. We've never really attempted something like this before, but it wouldn't hurt to try...not them at least.

"Sensei, let me see your hand." I said and pulled off my glove. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity but extended his hand nonetheless.

Taking a hold of his slightly bigger hand with both hands, I made sure my bare hand was touching his fingers. Closing my eyes, I tried to block out his questions and focus on the memories of the anime/manga. I would only show him certain things.

When I found the scene where he used Chidori, Inner tried to link it towards his mind and allow him to see it. This was purely experimental, so I had no idea if it would work. So far viewing the scene went well, but I wasn't sure if he was seeing it as well. When the scene I wanted him to see finished, I let go of his hand.

Fluttering opening my heavy eye lids, I saw Kakashi look down at me in shock while the other two were just confused.

"...Sakura...That was..." I looked up to him.

"Did it actually work?!" I asked shocked with a bit of hope. He nodded down to me but then stopped abruptly.

"Are you telling me that you just used me to test out a new ability?" Kakashi asked in disbelief. I smiled and walked over to the others.

"Yeah...that sums it up. That's pretty much all you have to see." I stated and stopped in front of the other two. Turning, I looked back to Kakashi.

"Actually, I think it would be best if you saw something else." I said and waited for him to walk over. When he arrived I made some hand signs and placed my hands on their arms. A character appeared before vanishing.

"There, now I can take this off and not worry that you'll escape." I informed as I touched the bracelet and waited for it to recognize my chakra.

"And why is that?" Haku asked curiously. I smiled at him and pulled the bracelet up above them.

"When I touched your arm's, I placed a seal that would help me track you...wherever you are." I informed but lied on the last part. It was a weak seal that would vanish soon...but they didn't know that. I looked at them as I placed the bracelet back on my wrist. They placed some distance from each other, away from the close proximity they had just a while ago. Being back to back wasn't really the most comfortable position.

"You'll all have to touch my hands." I instructed as I removed my other glove. Kakashi knowing what to expect, placed his hand on my right. Zabuza and Haku looked uncertain whether they should do so or not.

"If you want some answers, do it." I stated and waited for them to join in. Haku after some seconds of thinking, placed his in my left hand. I smiled at his trust and looked over to Zabuza encouragingly. He grumbled something and placed his on the back of my hand.

"Now, just wait a minute." I instructed as I closed my eyes and focused on their death scene. It wasn't easy doing something like this that seemed to be easy. I could only imagine this feeling weird to them. I faintly wondered whether they felt like I did when I took in memories. Kakashi's calm face begged to differ.

Normal POV

"Sensei, tell me if you can see it. I don't know whether you can or not." Sakura struggled to say as she almost lost concentration over the memory.

"We can see it." Zabuza answered in place of Kakashi. They were all being transferred some sort of memory. They could see from the way everything looked to genuine to be a lie. From the way they acted to the way they spoke, every detail correct.

Sakura showed them their death scenes and all in between. She wanted to show them what could have happened if she hadn't intervene. The most powerful scene was Naruto's heart wrenching moment.

The memory disappeared, leaving their mind blank again. They silently looked over to Sakura who had yet to move from her position.

"I want to show you one more...This one is during the Fourth Shinobi World War." She informed only to be interrupted.

"What are you talking about?! What war?!" Zabuza asked in confusion. She frowned as the image blurred and lost focus within their minds. Sweat beads began to form on her forehead as she furrowed her brows in deep concentration.

They noticed that every time the memory blurred she would give a twitch; whether her hands, brows or body itself. Whatever she was doing to be able to show them some scenes was taking a toll on her body.

"Zabuza, let her finish." Haku spoke out, worried that Zabuza's disagreement would only cause her to lose focus. He wanted to see what she showed them. It allowed him to see a side of Zabuza that he never realized he had. He always thought he was the only one to treasure the one-sided friendship.

Sakura was faintly surprised that he had spoken up against Zabuza. Maybe he was finally understanding what she was trying to show them? If so, then that was an astounding feat of its own.

"Fine." Zabuza grumbled and she went back to showing them what would become of them if they were not careful.

All three men saw their reunion. Instead of being happy, it was on the battle field. Sakura was being careful with what they saw, because the Sakura there was different from her. She couldn't even let them be suspicious of her or else troublesome questions would arise.

Once the scene darkened and blurred, they knew she was reaching the limit of this new ability. Taking a deep breath, she held the painful headache back and continued on. They had yet to finish seeing the whole thing.

Surprised at her endurance, they said nothing and continued to see the scene unfold.

"So is this some sort of Kekkei Genkai?" Zabuza and the other two noticed her lack of response. They thought she was concentrating on the memory they were seeing, however their opinion changed when her hands slipped from their grasp and she was falling backwards. Unresponsive and oblivious to the worried looks on both Kakashi and Haku. Zabuza couldn't say he was worried more like he was surprised. He didn't think such a technique could be that draining.

Before she could hit the ground Kakashi had already gotten to her.

"She's unconscious." He stated in worried as he checked her erratic pulse on her wrist.

He should have known that using a new ability would be tiring for her. He, himself had heard about her falls during practice, and this seemed to be the most reasonable explanation as to why she did.

He picked her up and looked over to Zabuza and Haku.

"It's up to you whether you fallow or not, but I can assure you she's not done talking." Kakashi stated. Haku looked up at Zabuza with worry evident in his countenance.

"I'm not done asking questions." Zabuza stated as he looked from Kakashi down to Sakura.

"Then let's go." Kakashi suggested and they all quickly left the bridge they were just fighting on.


Lightning flashed ominously across the dark cloudy sky. It settled for a few seconds before the process repeated itself. The storm outside could be compared to the storm ranging inside Sakura's head.

Groaning awake, Sakura's eyes fluttered open as she winced from the searing pain. She struggled to sit up but succeeded after the second attempt. She clutched her shoulder as the movement caused her shoulder to sting. She couldn't decided which pain hurt more, her headache or her shoulder.

The covers that had been on her, fell down to her lap. Looking at herself, she noticed the absence of her clothing from the waist up. Bandages being the only thing around her chest and shoulder. Even her ever present necklace had been removed.

'Tsunami must have wrapped it for me...or so I hope she did.' She thought as she moved her arm to see if it could handle the movement. She set her hands down when she had deemed it alright. On contact with the covers, she saw a memory of Tsunami carefully cleaning the wounds and covering her up when finished.

Before any more memories could flood in, she lifted her hands.

'I'm glad it was Tsunami, but did she have to take off my gloves?' She thought as she looked around. Being without them would only make her more exhausted then she already was. Her present weights not helping in that department.

"Kazumi?...Thank god you're awake!" Inner exclaimed with relief. Raising an eyebrow, Sakura seized her attempts at finding the gloves.

'Inner? What's wrong, you sound panicked?...Why can't I feel you?' As strange as the question was, she couldn't feel her within her mind and yet she could hear her.

" you remember that shadow clone you created?" Inner asked.

'Yeah, the one after Gato.' Sakura replied as she waited for an answer.

"Okay, so while you were showing the others some memories, you fainted, but the shadow clone didn't disappear like it was supposed to. Right now, I'm in control of the clone." Inner explained. Sakura smiled widely in happy surprise.

'That's amazing Inner! Do you know how advantageous that could be if developed?!' Sakura asked with excitement.

"Yeah, but it's also a lot of strain on me. Anyways, right now I'm following Gato. Ever since he found out about what happened, he's been moving around. I didn't know what else to do but follow." Inner stated. Nodding, Sakura stood from the futon and walked around the room. Due to no one's presence within, she concluded that she was given the room all to herself.

Sakura quickly found her gloves and put them on. She didn't know exactly where her clothes where, so she borrowed a shirt from Tsunami. To not hurt her shoulder any further, she chose a loose black tee-shirt. It was too big, falling off her injured shoulder, and ending at her thighs.

'It doesn't matter, I just need to be quick, then I can return her shirt.' She thought as she pulled her loose hair into a low ponytail.

'I need my weapons just in case.' Sakura thought as she tied her holsters to her thighs. When that was completed, she jumped through the window.

'As much as I would like to have my necklace, there's no time.' Sakura thought as she ran around the house's dock and into the empty streets.

'Inner, I'm on my way.' Sakura stated as she ran faster.

"Don't push yourself. You weren't even supposed to be up yet." Inner informed. Frowning, Sakura raised her glowing green hand up to her shoulder.

'I'll be fine. How long was I asleep for?' Sakura thought as she continued to run and heal. When no reply was given, Sakura asked again.

"Uhm...well, you've been asleep for...three days..."Inner responded slowly. Sakura faulted on her step, almost tripping and falling face first.

"What?!" Sakura asked in disbelief. Realizing that she had said that out loud, she looked around quickly. She sighed in relief when no one was around.

'I've never been asleep that long before.' She thought as she held her throbbing head.

"Yeah, and I bet the others were worried. It's weird having no one to talk to. I was so bored!" Inner said which caused Sakura to laugh.

'I can imagine...How is it? Having a body that is.' Sakura asked in curiosity.

"Weird, but very convenient." Inner stated. Sakura smiled and winced as the wound continued to hinder her with each move.

"What is it?" Inner asked worriedly. Taking a deep breath, Sakura healed the wound for a few more seconds before responding.

'Nothing, the wound on my shoulder just stung a little bit.' Sakura explained as she lowered her hand. Sakura tilted her head down to her hand in confusion. Oddly enough she could only feel half of her normal chakra, but was confused as to why. She had been sleeping for three days, so the chakra should have already returned.

"Alright...if you say so." Inner said, still a bit unsure.


'Alright, I'm here.' Sakura said as she arrived in the area where she felt the distinct pull from the nearby clone. Landing on the same branch as the clone, they smiled at each other before the clone proofed away.

Besides the rush of memories going through Sakura's mind, she also felt her chakra double. Blinking in confusion, she decided to let that go since Inner hadn't questioned it. Perhaps she was merely exhausted.

"Sorry I could only follow. I didn't know what you were planning on doing." Inner apologized while scratching her head.

'You did more than enough. With this at least I know where he is even when he moved several times.' Sakura said as she pushed her back up against the tree. Closing her eyes, she performed a quick chakra sense and found only ten people inside. Gato, who's chakra was already familiar to her from the first encounter was by himself.

'Hmph, how foolish.' Sakura thought as she jumped down and ran closer to the building.

"Finish this quickly so you can rest." Inner instructed from inside as she controlled her chakra. Nodding, Sakura entered once she felt no one in that part of the building. She ran silently within the corridors and stayed in the shadows. The moon's bright rays pouring in through the windows would only help the enemy spot her.

Going past three flights of stairs, Sakura finally made it to the room at the top. He still sat inside by himself, Sakura crouched down and took out chakra from her ankles. Just in case she needed to run away quickly.

Making a quick Genjutsu trap so others wouldn't suspect, she casually entered the room.

"Did you finish the job?" Gato asked from his position on a chair. His back faced her and if she was anyone else, he would have made this too easy of a kill.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, however, I've come to retrieve you." Sakura stated. Gato swirled around in his chair, shock written all over his face.

"W-who are you?!" He shouted from his frozen spot.

"Me? My name isn't important." Sakura shrugged, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. She grabbed a red and black scroll from her holster and unrolled it in one fluid motion.

"Gato, as an order from Lord Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi and the fire Daimyo himself, you are to be taken prisoner. Due to your involvement with drugs and contraband, as well as your illegal business contracts." Sakura stated with every bit of seriousness that she could portray.

Gato made a movement to run, but Sakura didn't make any move to follow. Instead she did a one handed sign and the ink on the scroll glowed. Gato vanished before he could reach the door, and Sakura merely sighed while rolling up the scroll.

"They never comply nicely." Sakura muttered.

"Well, they are going to prison so I can understand how they would want to escape." Inner stated as she bobbed her head pensively. Smiling, Sakura secured the scroll in her holster before walking over to Gato's desk.

"Hmm, this is good information." Sakura muttered as she skimmed through the documents. It was a list of companies he illicitly took over; and the route for his drugs to be transported in.

"I'm sure he wont mind me taking these." Sakura said and pocketed all the papers.

After a thorough walk around his office, she left the building. His guards had caught on quickly of their bosses disappearance. Sakura had to go different routes just to bypass them and not get caught. Going out the window from the second story, she jumped over to a branch and stood in the shadows.

Three people ran by just as soon as she jumped out. She sighed in relief and smiled at a job well done.

"Is the security's skill lacking or is my skill that good?" Sakura mumbled in curiosity as another two men ran by.

"I'm sure it's the security." A stern voice spoke from behind her.

Tensing up immediately, Sakura cursed herself for the millionth time.

'I completely forgot about them!' Sakura cried out in frustration. Two landings were heard behind her and she wondered why they were here. Turning around slowly, Sakura laughed nervously and allowed the loud wind to fill in the silence. The lightning behind them was only adding to their intimidation factor.

"Um...well you see..." Sakura started not knowing exactly what to say to get out of this mess. While Haku's smile and Zabuza's smirking face helped her with nothing, at least she knew they had stayed, even if just to get some answers.

"...I...finished the mission!" Sakura smiled cheerfully and showed them the scroll she had Gato in. She was praying to all the gods Kakashi would just take it easy on her.

"Sakura, who gave you permission to continue?" Kakashi questioned harshly with his arms crossed. Sakura's smile faltered and she lowered her hand. She avoided eye contact with any of them.

"...Shishou?" Sakura answered with hesitation as she looked back up to him.

"Even if he did, I'm the team's leader. You have to ask me first." Kakashi informed. Sakura rolled her eyes and placed the scroll back into its spot.

"And would you have let me go?" Sakura asked rhetorically but Kakashi answered anyways.

"Of course not. Sakura, you were asleep for three days! Haku thought you would be in a coma and we had no idea what triggered it, besides your technique." He informed and things turned into a tense silence.

"Oh, about fainting, that's normal. However...this time it lasted longer." Sakura responded as she tilted her head in wonder.

"Sakura this is serious. If you knew that would happen why did you do it?" He asked. Sakura scratched her head for an explanation.

" was the most effictive way to explain things. And besides, you shouldn't worry too much. As long as I don't pass the limit I have set for this new ability during practice, I shouldn't faint anymore." Sakura reassured them with her explanation.

'Is that how she's been dealing with this ability all this time?' Kakashi thought with worry. If she was, then that must put a lot of stress on her mind.

"Anyways, why are you two here?" Sakura asked breaking the uncomfortable silence and changing subjects.

"I was the first to find you gone." Haku explained as he looked at her wounded shoulder. Sakura had the strangest feeling to pull up the sleeve so they wouldn't see and worry, but settled for shifting her shoulder out of view.

Haku's presence was understandable, but Zabuza's was harder to figure out. She supposed it had to be because Haku was here. As much as he denied it, they had a strong bond.

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"We arrived when you left Gato's room." Zabuza answered from his leaned position on the tree. Nodding, Sakura inwardly berated herself for not making a clone or something to stay in her place back in the house.

"We should go back before the others notice our absence." Haku suggested. Sakura immediately agreed with Haku. She was ready to leave this stuffy atmosphere aswell as beat the rain.

Sighing, Kakashi nodded and turned. Sakura sighed in relief but then quickly straightened up when she felt him turn.

"We will continue this discussion along with the Hokage." Kakashi informed. Sakura's eyes widened and she took off after Kakashi.

"But sensei! He'll never let me do things on my own if you explain!" Sakura stated in a borderline whine.

"He's such a tattle tell!" Inner shouted as she blindly punched the empty space in frustration.

"That's exactly why I'm doing it." Kakashi replied nonchalantly. Sakura sagged her shoulders in deep depression.

The whole way towards the house, Sakura continued to try and change his mind.


Sakura awoke to the pleasant smell of fresh air mixed with breakfast. Lazily, she got up and walked downstairs.

"Good morning Tsunami-san." Sakura greeted politely. A gasp was headed and soon footsteps could be heard running towards her.

"Sakura-chan?! I'm so glad you're awake!" Tsunami exclaimed in relief as she enveloped her in a warm embrace. Sakura smiled before returning the hug gently.

"Are you hurting anywhere? Are you hungry? Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you finally woke up!" Tsunami said as she pulled back. Her eyes travelled over to her exposed shoulder.

"I'm fine, I actually feel much better after the long rest." Sakura responded as she was lead by the hand over to a seat.

"Did I wake up early?" Sakura asked noticing no one around.

"Actually, everyone's at the bridge. I was just about to wake Inari and check on you." Tsunami explained.

"Hmm, do you think I could go to the bridge after breakfast?" Sakura asked as she was handed a plate.

"Sure, Inari and I will go with you incase your injuries begin to hurt." Tsunami said. Nodding in agreement, Sakura quickly started to eat. She wanted to see the villagers as well as the bridge's processes.


After breakfast with Inari and Tsunami, Sakura showered and changed. Tsunami had given her a new change of clothing, informing her that she would wash her dirty clothes. Sakura wore some of her smaller clothing, consisting of white three-quarter pants and a light pink tee shirt. Although comfortable, it fitted loosely on her. Not enough to fall off but enough to be baggy on her small body.

The walk towards the bridge seemed to energize her spirit. The villagers were lively, something she hadn't seen before her mini coma. She spotted the children she had helped playing together, and that had made her morning spectacular.

First thing she noticed when they had arrived was the amount of workers. There was a lot more then she had seen before. Today just seemed to be a really good day.

Spotting Kakashi, she made sure not to approach him. He leaned on the edge of the bridge's railings with Zabuza and Haku. They looked almost relaxed, and Sakura was amazed that the villagers weren't shooting them angry glares or vice versa. She would have to be filled in about what happened in those three days she was asleep for.

Naruto and Sasuke were easy to find, what with his bright orange suit. They were bickering as they held onto each side of a steel beam. It would seem that Naruto was mad at Sasuke for not putting enough effort into carrying his side. They struggled with each step, almost losing balance a couple of times.

Smiling at their usual antics, she twirled around and asked Tsunami politely if she could help. Tsunami wanted to protest on behalf of her injured shoulder but was useless against her face. Sakura was glad her imitation of Ino's ultimate weapon worked, even if not as powerful as her's.

Tsunami agreed, but on the condition that Inari help her. Agreeing, Sakura took a hold of Inari's much smaller hands.

"Let's go!" Sakura said as she pulled a stumbling red faced Inari towards the beams.

She pulled him to the side where the steel beams was laying. She positioned herself in the middle of the beam, hands on either side. Looking over to Inari, she noticed him holding onto the end of the beam, grinning and ready to help. Sakura smiled and counted to three out loud. She took this time to charge up her hands with chakra.

As soon as Inari and her counted to three, they both pulled it above their heads.

"WHOA!" Inari exclaimed in surprise at the lightness of the beam. Sakura laughed at his childish face, the boy was so surprised he gaped at her openly.

"Sakura-chan?!" Naruto and Tsunami called out, both with different reasons of doing so. Sakura smiled and waved at Naruto while her other hand lifted the beam.

"Good morning!" Sakura greeted them all. The villagers who had heard Naruto's and Inari's loud exclamation, had stopped working. They were just as equally surprised to see Sakura. They had heard from her teammates what her condition was and were worried. They had all gotten really close with the girl when she had helped them before. It was a relief for those who knew her, while the one's who didn't were just shocked by her strength.

"What monstrous strength." Zabuza commented from the side. The comment earned him a smile and wave from Sakura her self. She gave a quick greeting to Haku and avoided Kakashi's stare with all her will power. She knew he wouldn't get mad at here, oh no, he would wait until the villagers left.

"Sakura-chan! You shouldn't over work yourself." One of the workers stated.

"I'm fine, really. I'm ready to help out with what I can." She said as she started walking over to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Come on guys. Stop slacking." She teased as she walked passed them holding the beam as if holding a stick. Inari who's height was different from Sakura's had to stretch really tall to help out.

"Tsk, I liked you better when you were asleep." Sasuke mumbled. Having over heard the comment, Sakura merely smiled sweetly at him. She extended a hand over to him and lightly pushed his shoulder. The movement caused him to get unbalanced.

"TEME!" Naruto shouted as he started to wobble. The weight of the beam over powering their own weight started to lean to the left. Sakura was going to help when the beam was pushed over by Haku.

"I'll help." He stated as he pushed the beam up and helped them get a hold of it.

"Thank's Haku! You're a better help then teme over there!" Naruto exclaimed which earned him a glare from Sasuke. Chuckling at their amusing behaviors, he shook his head and started walking.

Sakura smiled at the scene and then looked back to Inari.

"Let's show them we're a much better team!" Sakura suggested as he grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

With energy and happiness in their bodies, they carried the beam over to its designated position and repeated the process. All throughout the day shouts of cheating and taunting challenges were heard. Extra helping hands came and went as the day continued and the bridge's completion advanced

I felt bad so i updated twice!

💖💖Love and kisses😘😘

This CHAPTER is way longer then all THE other's!!!!

Okumaya devam et

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