You Are My Beautiful Soul (A...

By AureliaCrystal

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Jesse McCartney has it all - looks, fame, money and all the girls in the world clamouring for his attention... More

You Are My Beautiful Soul (A Jesse McCartney fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27(last)

Chapter 25

1.8K 37 1
By AureliaCrystal

            “I feel nervous,” Jesse voiced out to Kayla after thirty minutes of silent journey on the bus. She looked at him and raised her eyebrow.

            “Why?” she asked him.

            “What if your parents don’t like me?” he said, self-consciously as Kayla smiled at him affectionately.     

            “I don’t think they’re going to hate you,” Kayla said, as he looked at her unsurely.

            “I’ve never met any girl’s parents before,” he said, “except Mandy’s, but that’s because I know her parents since I was a kid.”

            “Well, let this be your first experience then,” Kayla said.

            “Have you brought Nicky to see your parents before?” Jesse asked as Kayla frowned at him. What does he mean? She wondered.

            “No, of course I haven’t,” she told him, as he nodded his head and looked outside the window. I wonder if she had kissed Nicky before, he couldn’t stop that thought from crossing his mind. He turned to look at Kayla who was staring into space. His eyes traveled to her lips, and he could almost feel it against his; it made his heart flutter. Kayla turned to look at Jesse staring at her, and her heart beat faster, why is he looking at me that way? Is he thinking about the kiss?

            “Oh no, he might think I like him and that is why I kissed him,” She thought to herself, “He might think that I’m doing this because I like him and I can’t let him know that’s the truth; that I’m doing all this because I DO like him.”

            “Err, Jesse,” Kayla said. Benny told her not to call him Mr. McCartney as people might recognize him, “About the incident in the staircase; well, please don’t take it the wrong way. I’m sorry if it looked like I was taking advantage of you, because I wasn’t. It was just something that I thought could help us in that situation.”

            Jesse stared at her. Is that what she thinks that happened? She didn’t even feel a thing? And here I am bursting my brains out thinking about it.

            “What incident?” he asked nonchalantly, hiding his disappointment behind a smile, “Oh you mean the ‘fake’ kiss that we did. Oh, I’ve actually even forgotten about it.”

            “Oh, that’s good,” Kayla said, smiling bitterly, he’s forgotten about it, so why did I have to bring it up? He’s going to think of how inexperienced I was. I bet he’s been kissed a million times.

            “Yeah, it was nothing,” Jesse said, brushing it away, thinking, it was the best thing to happen to me. Even if I have to leave one day, I will remember that kiss forever.

            “It was nothing to me too,” Kayla said, nodding her head, “It’s not my first time anyway.”

            Oh, no why did I say that? She thought to herself not daring to look at Jesse who was turning to look at her, he’s going to think I’m a slut.

            “It’s not mine either,” he said bitterly, she must have kissed Nicky, “I’d rather not talk about it.”

            “Okay,” Kayla said, wishing the ground would just swallow her up, “So, nice weather we’re having.”

            Jesse looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

            “Yeah,” he said slowly, “Looks like it’s going to rain at night.”

            Kayla nodded her head and pursed her mouth shut. Just shut up until you reach home, Kayla, she told herself; stop putting your foot in your mouth!

            She leant her head back on the seat and closed her eyes, pretending to go to sleep. Jesse looked at her, she looks so innocent when she’s asleep, he thought, as he smiled. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep too, and as the bus lurched forward he leant to his left and nestled his head on Kayla’s shoulder.

            Kayla’s eyes fluttered open as she felt Jesse’s head on her shoulder. She turned to look at him, but he seemed to be fast asleep. She has no heart to push his head away. Smiling to herself, she leant her head on his and fell asleep too.

            As they alighted the bus at Kayla’s hometown, Jesse looked around the station strangely. He was surprised to see no skyscrapers and tall buildings around. He has been living in the city since he was a kid, and this is his first time stepping in a small town.

            “Is everything okay?” Kayla asked Jesse who was looking around in surprise.

            “Yeah,” he said, smiling at Kayla, “I’ve never been to a small town before.”

            “Well then, welcome to my hometown,” Kayla said, smiling as she led the way to the car park, “My parents will be waiting for us.”

            “Okay,” he said, following her.

            “Oh yeah, Mr. McCartney,” Kayla said, “I think I need to change your name, in case my parents recognize the name Jesse.”

            “Oh, why don’t you call me Jay then,” Jesse said, “No one’s going to know?”

            “Okay, Jay it is,” Kayla said, as she noticed her father’s car. She walked towards it as her parents came out and hugged her.

            “Kayla!” her mother said, beaming, “It’s been a long time.”

            “I miss you mom,” Kayla said, hugging her mother and then her father. Her parents then turned to look at Jesse.

            “Is this your friend?” her mother asked apprehensively.

            “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins, I’m Jay,” Jesse said, holding out his hand. Mrs. Hutchins shook his hand cautiously.

            “Let’s get going then,” Mr. Hutchins said as they got in the car.

            “I have a feeling your parents don’t like me,” Jesse whispered to Kayla’s ears before they got in.

            “I’ve never brought a guy back home,” Kayla whispered back at him, “Of course they’ll be wary of you.”

            “So what does Jay do?” Mrs. Hutchins asked as they drove back home. Kayla stole a glance at Jesse and answered,

            “He’s working at the agency as I am,” she answered, “The boss told us to take a holiday for a month because the people we’re working with are on a break.”

            “You’ll be at home for a month?” Mr. Hutchins exclaimed.

            “Yes, dad,” Kayla answered, “Don’t you want me to be home longer?”

            “Of course I do,” Mr. Hutchins said, “But are they paying you for your time off?”

            “Yes they are,” Kayla said, as she stole a glance at Jesse and smiled. As they reached home, he got out of the car and looked at Kayla’s house. It looked normal and somehow comfortable, something like his parents house.

            “Welcome to my humble home,” Kayla said to Jesse under her breath, as he looked at her and smiled.

            “It looks beautiful,” he told her as they walked in.

            “Do you want to go and take a shower?” Kayla asked him, as they headed for the living room.

            “I don’t mind that,” Jesse said, as Kayla gave him the directions to the bathroom. She followed her parents to the kitchen.

            “Ok, Kayla, spill,” Mrs. Hutchins said, “Who is that guy actually? Is that your boyfriend?”
            “What? NO!” Kayla exclaimed as she sat on the chair, “he’s my friend.”

            “Why didn’t he go back to his parents’ house?” Mr. Hutchins asked Kayla as he sat on the chair beside her while Mrs. Hutchins took some meat out of the fridge.

            “Err,” Kayla said, as she fumbled for an answer, “He doesn’t have parents actually.”
            “What?” Mrs. Hutchins said as Kayla thought frantically for an explanation without realizing Jesse was standing beyond the kitchen door listening in to their conversation. He came to ask for a towel but he froze when he heard Kayla’s story. What is she saying now?

            “His parents are not from here,” she explained, “They’re staying in Switzerland now, and Jay was living on his own. He never lived in a small town before, so he wanted to learn what it was like by coming back here.”

            “Oh,” Mrs. Hutchins said, “So he’s not your boyfriend then?”

            “No mom!” Kayla said exasperatedly, “Come on, if I do have a boyfriend I will tell you, wont I?”

            “Okay, fine,” Mrs. Hutchins said, “Let me make a special dinner for the city boy.”

            Jesse walked away from the kitchen and walked harder on the wood floor to announce his arrival as he appeared at the kitchen door.

            “Err, Kayla, you forgot to give me a towel,” he said, as she got up quickly.

            “Oh I totally forgot,” she said as she hurried out of the kitchen. Jesse followed her as she found a white towel and gave it to him.

            “Jesse, I lied to my parents about your parents,” Kayla whispered before he closed the bathroom door.

            “I know, I heard it,” he replied, as he winked at Kayla. She turned away from the door and walked back to the kitchen. It’s hard to believe, but because of circumstances, I can’t believe Jesse McCartney is in my own house.

            Dinner was a happy affair as the whole family including Jesse sat at the table. Kayla’s sister Kylie couldn’t stop staring at him, making him feel uncomfortable. He looked at Kayla who was busy laughing and talking to her parents. He’s never seen her happy before. Is there any way for me to make her that happy when she talks to me?

            “So, Jay, what do you think about dinner today?” Mrs. Hutchins asked him, as he looked at her and smiled.

            “Let me just say Mrs. Hutchins,” he said, “I have never tasted anything as splendid as this. If you were to open a restaurant, I’m pretty sure that every other restaurant in the vicinity will have to close business.”

            “Oh, you sweet talker,” Mrs. Hutchins said, obviously blushing. Kayla looked at him and smiled, shaking her head. Where did he get this sweet character from? Did he hide it from me all this while?

            “You look familiar,” Kylie said, studying Jesse, “What did you say your name was again?”

            “His name is Jay,” Kayla said shooting a murderous look at her sister.

            “I know its Jay,” Kylie said rolling her eyes, “I meant what is your full name?”

            “Oh, my full name?” Jesse said, smiling and looking at Kayla before answering, “It’s Jay Chandler.”

            “Oh,” Kylie said, looking disappointed.

            “What were you expecting?” Kayla asked, as she smiled at him secretively.

            “Nothing,” Kylie said, eating her salad and looking at Jesse in frustration. He winked and smiled at her, making her blush.

            After dinner, Kayla made the bed in the guest room for Jesse to sleep in. She fluffed the pillows and straightened the bed-sheet while he stood by watching her. She felt tense as she could feel his eyes burning through her back, but she ignored the feeling.

            “Don’t take out your disguise even if you sleep,” Kayla said to Jesse, “My sister seemed to be suspicious about you. Lock your door when you get to sleep.”

            “Okay boss,” Jesse said, saluting as Kayla glared at him but smiled.

            “Good night,” she said, as he stared at her.

            “But it’s so early,” Jesse said, “Can’t I watch TV first?”

            “Sure why not,” Kayla said, “Go ahead, but I want to go to bed now. I’m exhausted.”

            “Me too,” he said. He was actually hoping she would accompany him watching TV, “I think I’ll go to bed now too.”

            The next morning, Jesse got up and looked around the strange surrounding. Everything started to come back to him – Victoria, the reporters, the kiss, the disguise and now living in Kayla’s house. After a shower he joined the family in the dining room for breakfast, and the environment was as lively as the night before. He realized that he’s been living alone for so long that he misses family life.

            After breakfast, Kayla’s father went to work, while her sister went to school and her mother did some house cleaning. He followed Kayla out as she started to do some gardening. He looked around the blooming garden in awe.

            “Did you plant all those flowers?” Jesse asked pointing at the roses and begonias.

            “Yeah,” Kayla replied, as she pulled the weeds from her hibiscus plants.

            “It’s beautiful,” he said, as he crouched down in front of her.

            “But I haven’t got time to take care of them since working in the city,” Kayla told him sadly, “I miss gardening. My mom helps me to weed and water them when I’m not around. If I get back for the weekends, I’d do it myself.”

            “I’ve never gardened in my life,” Jesse confessed as Kayla looked at him.

            “Well then you can learn by helping me plant some seeds,” she said, smiling mischievously, “Go over to the empty pots and fill it up with soil.”   

            He followed Kayla’s instructions, and by the time the sun was up on the sky, he felt like he could just die of exhaustion. He collapsed to the ground, lying on it and panting.

            “Jay, get up!” Kayla said, giggling and tugging at his hand, “It’s so dirty and you’re lying on the ground.”

            He ignored her and let her pull his hand. Opening his eyes, Jesse saw Kayla standing and watching him. He reached his hand to her, as she rolled her eyes and took it. Before she could even pull him, he pulled her hand as she lost her balance and fell on him. He caught her, not before seeing the shock on her face. Kayla struggled to get up, but Jesse seemed to be holding on to her.

            “Jesse, let me go,” she said through clenched teeth, “If my mom sees me this way she’d chase you out of our house.”

            Reluctantly he let go of his hold on her as she stood up angrily and glared at him. She turned and walked away huffily as Jesse got off the ground and followed her inside. Is she angry? He wondered as he took a shower. I shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t stop myself.

            He found Kayla freshly showered sitting on the sofa watching TV with her arms crossed across her chest. She glared at him as he entered the room and all he could do was to grin at her.

            “Where’s your mom?” he asked.

            “Taking a nap,” Kayla answered nonchalantly, her eyes glued to the TV. Why did he do that? Does he know how my heart works up when he touches me? If he realizes it, he will think I’m such a loser.

            “What are we watching?” Jesse asked looking at the cartoon of a yellow sponge with a face talking to an overweight pink starfish.

            “Spongebob,” Kayla answered.

            “I see that,” Jesse said, nodding his head, and stealing glances at Kayla, “Are you okay?”

            Kayla turned to look at him, narrowing her eyes.

            “I am,” she answered cautiously, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

            “I was just wondering,” he said, turning to look at the TV, “I thought you were not accustomed to being hugged by a guy.”

            “What is that supposed to mean?” Kayla demanded. What is he trying to mean?

            “But I guess that you had been hugged by your boyfriend before,” Jesse guessed, hoping she would deny it, “Surely it was nothing when I hugged right?”

            Why does he think I have a boyfriend? Maybe he’d thinking that I might be having a crush on him.

            “So what if I do?” Kayla answered, “Does it concern you?”

            “It doesn’t,” Jesse said, shaking his head fervently, “I don’t care if you’ve got a boyfriend or not.”

            Why did I have to say that? Jesse thought regretfully, why can’t I be honest about how I feel? I DO care about her having a boyfriend, but I’m afraid that if I show it, she’ll turn cold towards me.

            “Well, then I do have a boyfriend,” Kayla said as stubborn as Jesse to admit her feelings. At least he won’t think I’m pitifully crushing on him while he doesn’t even care about me.

             Jesse looked at Kayla as she averted her eyes to the TV. She has a boyfriend – is it Nicky?

            “So you don’t have to act so shy when I hugged you,” he said, “It’s not like it’s your first time anyway.”

            Kayla decided to keep her mouth shut, why does he always do that? Why does he keep putting me down – doesn’t he try to understand how he’s hurting me?   

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