Worthless// A Final Fantasy X...

By MaskedWithWords

11.3K 298 67

The blonde haired boy Prompto had always felt worthless. He had a deep dark secret that nobody knew. After th... More

The Roadtrip
True Feelings
More Questions Than Answers
"I Am Strong"
Home For Now
A Friendly Brawl
Strength Restored
The Journey Continues
Setting Sail
A Rough Area
The Cat and The Mouse
The King, Oracle, Jester and Knights.
Departure, at last.
The Operation
The Horde
Coernix Bypass
Ardyn's Plan
Prompto's calling.
Dungeon Dilemma
The Calm Before The Storm
The Last Stand

The Leviathan

292 7 4
By MaskedWithWords

One day passed and Prompto was yet to awaken, as suspected by the brothers. Aranaea had already left to gather intel on the empire's next move, most of the divisions were unaware of her leaving. Everyone was waiting for the events to fall into place as if they were unlocking the door.

The silence in the room was quickly broken as Noct's phone began to vibrate violently, he leaped onto it in hopes that it was Aranaea, but Cindy's name lit up the screen.

"Howdy Noct." Her rough accent wasn't missed.

"Hey." He said in a low, rather disappointed voice.

"Everything alright?" She knew and grew concerned.

"No. Not really." Noct couldn't help but he honest.

"What's happened?"

"Prompto has fallen once more, the empire practically has us surrounded and the Leviathan is going to be summoned later today. Flooding and killing the entire city if we don't help."

"Everything always falls onto your hands...
Let me help!" She sounded determined.


"I've got a little something for your Regalia. I'm sure that after Leviathan has been around, the ports and harbours will be destroyed, not to mention the tsunamis she will cause. You guys will need to get out there quick, so how about by the Sky?"

"I mean sure but.."

The phone clicked, she had already left to work on the car.

Noct exhaled, throwing his phone onto the nightstand and he flopped backwards onto the bed, resting his head near Prompto's leg.
"Wake up soon buddy." He whispered.

Gladio was pacing back and forth in the room, anxiously waiting and Iggy sat with his legs crossed, scribbling nonsense into his notebook. Finally, Noct's phone rang once more, startling everyone and causing them to jump in surprise.

"Hey Noct. I've got news." Aranaea sounded out of breath.

"Enlighten me."

"As we speak I have eyes on Ravus and Loqui... I can easily take them out now, there's Nobody around..."

Noct cut her off.

"No! Not yet and not Ravus!"

"Why not?"

"The City is under complete surveillance and Ravus... well Luna will not be happy with me if I kill her own brother."


"Anything else?"

"Luna is calling the Leviathan in 2 hours. I suggest you evacuate the city, King."

"Understood... one more thing."


"If Ardyn is here. Keep. Him. Away." Noct was very clear with his words.

"You got it. Stay alive."

"You too."

The phone clicked and Noct stared at the Others who waited for intel. He told them everything and they all nodded in agreement. First they had to evacuate the city.

"What about Prompto?" Iggy stared at his body.

"We leave him here... I will come back for him." Noct was no longer afraid, he spoke like a true king."

"Good thinking." Gladio was actually impressed, he patted Noct on the back.

Noctis ran out of the room and down the many stairs of the hotel, he was about to leave before bumping into a familiar face.

"Gentiana?" His eyes widened.

"The beast will be called soon, but a darker presence is near. You must protect LunaFreya, the ring and your friends." She grabbed Noct's hands before disappearing, leaving Umbra behind.

Umbra barked in excitement at the sight of their old friend. Noct scratched behind Umbra's ear and they smiled in exchange.

"I've got to run." Noct began to run back out the door, but Umbra followed.

"Stay here! It's not safe out here." He tried to get Umbra to stay, but the stubborn dog refused.

Noct rolled his eyes and continued to sprint throughout the city to find the radio station in where he can broadcast a mass evacuation. Sentinels patrolled the streets, causing Noct to weave in and out of the streets, adding time to his journey. Finally he found the building.

For now the whole city was oblivious to the fact that it was going to be under water soon, it ran like normal, except for the extra soldiers patrolling the area. Noct sprinted passed the front desk, ignoring the man and up into the booths.

"Hey where do you think your going?" The man snapped before stepping back in disbelief. He recognised Noct's clothing and could see something no other man could. The elemental powers burning constantly at Noct's grasp, invisible to the normal naked eye.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to .. your highness." He bowed his head.

Noct stood confused. "How do you know?"

"Your hands. They burn with a strong power only a king can wield."

"But how can you see this?"

"I'm a dying breed. Born half Lucian, half Gralean.

"So we are related?"

"Possibly. It's been far to long to tell how old
I am anymore." The young looking man baffled Noctis.

Noct walked further into the booth, pressing the button that was underneath a locked flap that read "Evacuation". The piercing sound of sirens played through the speakers across the city, it was bone chilling and residual.

"You better run." Noct lifted his head and spoke to the man.

"No.. I can't just..." He began to speak.

"Go!" Noct demanded, knowing that the man would listen.

He lowered his head once more and began speaking into the microphone.

"This is not a drill. Please evacuate onto the boats. I repeat please evacuate onto the boats, this is not a drill." His voice looped over and over again, clashing and interrupting with Lady LunaFreya's speech.

Noct sprinted out the building, running toward the main central building in search of Luna. He was pushing his way through the crowd of people running against him. In his sights was a scared looking Luna, crouching up against the podium.

"Luna!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

She heard the familiar voice and cocked her head around the corner. Noct's legs guided him towards her. Theirs hands met and they embraced each other warmly.

"Thank you for saving the people." Her calm voice whispered into Noct's ear.

"It is my duty." He replied.

They pulled away from their embrace and stood up together. Now for the Leviathan, they walked together side by side, heading for the harbour. Umbra walked out by the corner, running towards Luna.

"Umbra!" She screeched in excitement, crouching down to stroke the dog. When suddenly Pryna came out. The two dogs sniffed each other and nuzzled their noses, they were protection for both the King and Oracle as they walked down the sparse streets.


Prompto's body still laid lifeless as an MT division flooded the building. These MT's were dumber than the Empire's latest, but it looks like the whole garrison has been deployed. They killed everyone apart from those with their own branding.

The MT's kicked down each and every door in the hotel, usually followed by a scream of Terror and then the sound of gunshots. The people that thought they could hide instead of evacuating were proven very wrong. The MT's were in search of Noctis and his friends, they knew that he issued the evacuation so it was up to them to eliminate them. Prompto's door was sat at the end, he remained lifeless in bed.

The horrifying noise of mechanical screeches grew closer as the metal heads approached the door. Prompto's body began to twitch as if the presence of his own kind energised him. The Lead MT kicked the door down and scanned the room, there was a tense pause as he inched closer to Prompto. The MT's eyes burned red as he inspected the cut up embodiment on Prompto's wrist, he stepped back and dismissed the "MT" and walked out the room. Prompto's body continued to furiously twitch before it stopped and his limbs looked sprawled and stiff, until suddenly his eyes shot open and glowed a bright red. His fingers were gripping onto the bedcovers in pain and his whole torso raised upwards, before violently slamming back down. He blinked a few times and his eyes returned to being a warm ocean blue colour.

He looked around the room, lonely an afraid in hopes of seeing his friends. His vision was still blurry and he remained in a sleepy, trance state. He sat up on the edge of the bed and opened the curtains, blinding him with a bright white light. His heart pounded as he heard Noct's voice in the distance, but couldn't work out what he was saying. He decided it was best for him to take a moment so he laid back down on the bed.

In a rush of panic, Prompto shot up from the position he left himself, scanning the room for the source of Noctis' voice, until finally he realized what he was saying was repeated in the same tone. He exhaled deeply and his heart rate began to decrease.

"It's just a recording, Prompto..." He spoke out to reassure himself.

There was a moment as he calmed himself down, his face scrunched up and his eyebrows raised.

"Wait, a recording?! What's happening?" He rushed to the window and stared off into the distance. He noticed the swarms of civilians rushing through the thin and packed streets, heading towards the sea which could only just be seen passed the large structures. This is where he focused as hard as his frail body could and noticed what Noctis was saying.

"This is not a drill. Please evacuate onto the boats. I repeat please evacuate onto the boats, this is not a drill." The future King's voice echoed through the streets and into Prompto's head.

In disbelief Prompto stepped backwards, falling onto the bed on purpose and stared at the ceiling.

"The city will be destroyed... and he just left me here to be destroyed with it. And I thought that he was finally understanding me..." Prompto brought his hands to his face in both sadness in anger and he noticed the stained bandages on his wrist. His eyes sparkled as he was deep in thought confused and oblivious to everything that had happened. He sat up at the edge of his bed and placed his wrist into his opposite hand, stroking the bandages.

"Am I...injured?" He began unraveling the bloodstained cloth, still unaware that the whole hotel complex was empty and destroyed.

He gasped as he saw the deep wounds on his wrist, he knew that he tried to claw off the embroidery deep down. He raised the hand that was supporting the injured wrist and inspected his nails. Dried blood and flesh still sat underneath his nails. His body's natural response of shock caused his to raise his hands to cover his gasping mouth and once more tears were pooling behind his sky blue eyes.

"What have I done..."

He looked around the room in hopes of seeing anything that the others left behind, but there was nothing. In his view, he finally acknowledged the lack of human presence and the damaged doors.

"I really am the only one left behind... what happened here?" He kicked the door that laid on the floor in pieces. The glass that was once the window on the door caught the sun and shone brightly, capturing Prompto's attention. He lent over to inspect it, seeing his reflection. It was himself, cut up as before, but his eyes glowed a deep red, he didn't flinch or flee, this was his true reflection. It was as if a light bulb was above his head, a moment of eureka. He knew what happened here.

"MTs...My Kind..." He chocked.

Prompto thought that he had turned on Noctis, Gladio and Iggy. He thought that the reason the place was damaged was because it was him that tried to attack everyone as the MT inside him was unleashed. He also thought that the reason his wrist was cut up was an attempt by Noct to stop and kill the MT inside him. This alone was destroying his heart, but as he stepped deeper into the hallway, he was broken even more.

His feet crunched on the shards of broken glass and chippings of splintered wood from the kicked down doors, shivering in his boots already, he turned to look into one of the rooms. In his horror he saw a young woman, with dark skin and curly black hair stuck in time, shielding and protecting the infant she had in her arms as she sat in a crouching position. Her body was decorated with bullet holes and the walls were painted with her red blood. Prompto was shattered and felt worthless beyond imaginable, but so much has happened to make him feel this way it is as if he has gone cold-hearted, doesn't turn a cheek to it anymore and fights back his tears with a poker face.

"Did...I do this?" His voice was wavy and it trembled.

He waddled down the stairs, not knowing how to feel as he reached the lobby.

"I need to leave. Nobody wants me anymore..." He stumbled out of the lobby that no longer had large glass doors, the shards of shattered glass created rainbows in the street. Distant screams and cries were heard amongst the powerful cry of The Leviathan that Luna had already called upon. The sea water slowly began to treacle like a stream at Prompto's feet.

"Where to go...where to go...where to go..." He repeated in slurred speech as if in a state of hysteria,stumbling in the streets.

An MT laid dead on the floor, its rifle sitting next to it. Prompto gripped it tightly, loading a magazine and continued to walk towards the ocean.

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