My Spoiled wife

By H_Gold307

164K 5K 1.2K

Steve Rogers is a simple farm boy, in love with a simple girl. But his life changes when Natasha Romanoff, a... More

My Spoiled Wife
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 21

5.4K 174 45
By H_Gold307

Steve grabbed her shoulders.

"No, Nat? What.. No.. Ways.. What are  you talking about? How can you even.. No, Nat, No!! " he said, "You are pregnant, we are having a baby. How can you.. No! "

"Steve, please" she turned away, "I cannot do this. I don't want this child. I don't want children "

"Why not? Nat, we love each other, this is a product of our love" he said.

"I don't care, Steve. Its final, I am going to abort this child" she said.

"No, I won't let you. " He said, 'You cannot do this to me. I thought you changed, but.. Natasha, No"

"Well, surprise. I haven't. I can never change, Steve" she said bitterly.

"Natasha!! Why are you doing this? If you had said before.. But now its alive, its inside you, I won't let you kill my child" he said.

"Its not living yet, just some... Steve!! I cannot have this. I don't know how to explain but I just can't. I cannot go through all that, I am sorry" she was rude.

"Nat? Why? I'll take care of it. I won't ask you to do anything at all. Please, don't do this" he pleaded.

"Very funny. And who would carry it till its born? Who would have to ho through that much pain, Steve? Me!!! Its too much, I cannot go through all that. I don't want it " she said.

"Natasha!! I beg you, don't hurt my child" he sat on his knees, hands folded, his eyes full of tears.

Natasha held his hands and wiped his tears, "I love you, Steve. I don't want to hurt you, but please understand, by doing this, you are hurting me"

"Nat!! No matter what you say, I cannot allow you to hurt my baby. Please, why can't you understand, its our child!! We cannot.. Its murder" he said

"Its called planning Steve. We don't want it, so we don't bring the baby in a world that doesn't want it. It isn't murder, for God's sake" she yell.

"You don't want it. Talk about yourself " he shouted back.

"Well, I am the one who is carrying it. It should me my choice what happens to my body, not yours who just had a hand in implanting it inside me" she yell.

"Fine!! " he said with heated eyes, "If you hurt my child.. Its over, Nat. You and I... I will pay your mother every money she spend on us, and you can head back to her. It was a mistake falling in love with a brat like you, who cares only about herself " he slammed the door as he left the room and stormed out of the house and Natasha sat down on the bed, crying.


Steve didn't return the whole night. Natasha kept waiting for him, trying to call him but he never picked up.

She got up and started to get ready to leave for work. She didn't feel like eating anything, nausea taking over.

She forced down some bread and was getting her keys when her door knocked.

She rushed to open it, expecting Steve to return, but was disappointed to find her mother.

"What a horrible surprise, mother" she said annoyed.

"What the hell did I just hear, Natasha Romanoff? " Anna said in anger, grabbing Natasha's arms, "How could you? "

"So, he told you" Natasha faked a laugh, "so quick" he eyes were filled with tears.

"He said he wanted a divorce" Anna said, "Natasha!! What the hell is wrong with you? "

"Did he say why? " Natasha asked.

"No, but he was very furious and broken.. Natasha.. Tell me.. What did you do? " Anna was furious.

"I am pregnant, mother" Natasha said sternly, "with his child of course, and I want to abort it".

Anna was shocked, "Natasha? Why? "

"I don't want to be a pathetic mother like you. I don't want to have a child when I don't want it and then suffer all my life because of him. I don't want the poor child to suffer because of me, or my ways or.. Who knows till when our love lasts, mother. What if Steve and I divorce after he is born? O don't want to be limited or my child to suffer like I did. Because I am sure. I would make a worse mother then you did. Way worse" Natasha explained with tears in her eyes, "And if that makes him leave me, then its okay, I cannot love a man whose love is conditioned".

Anna took her to the couch and hugged her, trying to calm her down, "I love him, mother. I don't want to loose him.. But.. "

"You love him? But you want to kill his child? A part of him lives inside you, Nat. " Anna said.

"A part that would make me so weak, mother" she said.

"No, Natasha. It would give you a meaning to your life. And.. I am sorry but.. You cannot abort this child" Anna said.

"What? " Natasha was confused.

"If you abort this child, not only would Steve divorce you, but I would disown you too. You can go ahead, all my money would go to Steven and his family, and you can live on the streets. You know well, you are only capable of this job and it gives you nothing. Think about it, a weakness, or a life long struggle " Anna said harshly.

Natasha shed a lone tear, "Can you ever do something that doesn't  involve blackmail? "

Anna didn't reply, and started to walk away .

"One thing is for sure mother. Even worse then you, I won't ever blackmail my child like you always do" Natasha said before Anna left the house.


Natasha sat crying on the sofa, not knowing what to do, until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find Steve.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have" he said.

"Go away, Steve. Your mother-in-law has blackmailed me too. You would divorce me, she would disown me, suddenly all my relations depend on someone who isn't even born yet" she said.

"Nat!! Don't.. Don't hate it.. Its our baby. How would you feel if I break something that we both made together, with equal effort? Just because I have to take care of it and go through some pain to nurture it? You are better then this, Nat. If your truly love me, you won't hurt our child" he said, "rest.. Is up to you. Because.. I realized I can't be selfish enough to leave you like that. I love  you, and that's why I love my baby inside of you"

Steve kissed her forehead and she hugged his chest.

Poor Nat
She is just scared for the right reasons.
Steve over reacted but he is back.
Anna, can you find some better ways.
What would be Nat's decision?
Do give your reviews.

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