Part 6

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It was the day of the wedding. And Natasha was more annoyed then ever.
She hated dressing up like normal girls, she hated such long dresses, and up did hair, and she couldn't even stand the idea of veils. Her make-up type was always dark, she didn't like soft beauty. And all of that was being done to her then.

"I hate every part of this" she claimed, "Mother, at the very least you could have gotten another color for the wedding dress, I hate white".

"Natasha!! This is your wedding not Halloween, you have to dress as per occasion, remember what you did at the farm? " Anna said.

"Well, its scarier then Halloween for sure" Natasha rolled her eyes, "I hate looking like a cotton ball".

"Shut up! " Maria said, "you look so beautiful, I am sure he is going to fall head over heels for you".

"Whatever!! " Natasha said.

Anna and the beauticians had Natasha ready for the occasion and set the veil on her head. She looked very beautiful, like a fairy princess from heavens.

Her red hair were up did and beaded. Her lips painted red, her eyes done with light massacre and a thin liner with a little red shadow, the lightness brought out the green of her eyes. Her cheeks were already blushing, her skin as usual pretty and shining.

They helped her put on the crystal sandals.

"Seriously? Now I am Cinderella? " she said.

"Yes, come on, Prince Charming awaits" Maria teased.

She gave her the flower bouquet  which made her even more pissed, but she was helpless.

After everything was done, they got into the car and headed towards the chapel.

It was a small yet beautiful and decorated one. Anna had made sure her daughter's wedding was memorable. There were very few to no guests. With only Maria, Fury and Clint, Natasha's distant cousin, and Sam as Steve's best man.

Fury stepped forward as the car came to a halt and helped Natasha out, then taking her arm to walk her down the aisle.

"You look very beautiful " he said with a smile.

Natasha didn't respond, and just walked in. Anna smiling all the way.

Steve and Sam were standing at altar. Steve was dressed in full black suit, looking as handsome as ever, his beard trimmed and settled but still there. Sam supported him with a smile.

"I wish I could have my parents here too" Steve said with a sigh.

"Its okay bud, you can visit them later" Sam said and Steve nodded.

Steve's eyes caught Natasha as she entered and he forgot to breathe. She looked so different, so soft, so pure, so beautiful, he couldn't believe this was the same girl he met earlier.

Natasha looked up too, her eye caught his, and the sudden eye lock made her uncomfortable, his gaze pierced her soul, making her a little nervous. She quickly looked away.

Steve bowed in front of her as they came close and held his hand out for her. She slid her hand in his slowly, and looked up again, his eyes were still fixed on her.

"Father, please start the rituals" Anna said excited.

Natasha had a lump in her throat, as she said the vows and accepted him as her husband. It all seemed so fake and forced to her, yet a divine force made her say everything with the depths of her heart, she couldn't protest, even if she wanted to.

Steve slid a ring on her finger and so did she, without looking into each other's eyes. 

"You may now, kiss the bride" the priest said.

Steve was reluctant, he was stunned in the same position. Natasha looked up and noticed his nervousness. She stepped closer and held his neck, pulling his head closer, she kissed him on full lips.

The touch of her soft lips on his firm ones made his heart jump. It was a feeling he never felt before. This was nothing like kissing Sharon.

He quickly held her waist, and pulled her deeper into his body, grabbing her lower lip between his. Her muscles tensed on his change of action. And he noticed it. Both moved apart, embarrassed.

"Congratulations " Maria hugged Natasha, and Sam hugged Steve.

Anna wiped tears of joy, as Fury gave her a pat on the back.

Natasha blushed more, her cheeks were too red that she felt embarrassed. No man has ever had such an effect on her. What did mere kissing do?

"Come on, its cake time" Clint said excited.

Steve and Natasha walked towards the table and took the knife, cutting the cake slowly as everyone clapped and cheered.

Natasha took a small piece and fed Steve, and he took another to feed her. They were both, for a moment, lost in each other's eyes. This thing, the sealed bond between them, it had something brewing, something divine, something so strong, Natasha couldn't deny feeling it.

She looked away and turned to feed Anna, who was smiling heavily. She hugged Natasha.

"I am so happy for you my love" she said, "here" she placed a box in her hand.

"What is this mother? " Natasha asked.

"Your wedding gift, princess. Its a small house, very beautiful and away from city buzz. I hope you like it. And son, here's yours" she placed a file in Steve's hand, " I have done as promised, you just need to sign".

Steve hugged her, with tears in his eyes, "Thanks mother"

"Its my pleasure, sweet boy" she replied.

"Go on now, your beautiful new life awaits" she patted both of their cheeks with love.

"But mom? Why can't we live with you? " Natasha asked.

"You both need some alone time dear. You can always visit me. Get to know each other, understand, have some quality time. We can get back when I become grandma" Anna teased.

"Mother!!! " Natasha was angry now.

Anna looked at Steve and he blinked in assurance. He stood beside Natasha and put his hand on her waist.

"Come honey" Natasha looked at him in disbelief, "we need to move".

Natasha was pissed but she knew her mother, and she knew it was no use arguing. She started walking with Steve.

"Throw the bouquet " he said to her in a whisper.

"What?!!! " she looked at him confused.

"Throw the bouquet, its tradition" he said.

She sighed in anger, then threw the bouquet, Maria rushed in to catch it.

"Have fun guys" she shouted and waved, as they both got inside the car, and Steve drove away.

OmG, they are finally married.
All the very best Steve😂.
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