Part 22

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Natasha felt very selfish and guilty, as Steve stopped discussing about it. He left the choice on her. And though she was certain she didn't want the baby, she just couldn't finalize the decision and go for it.

Steve didn't say, but he was miserable. He talked, ate, smiled very less then usual. And that hurt Natasha. She loved him. He was the only person she loved so much. And she was the reason of his pain, when this could be the reason of extreme happiness.

She decided to weigh it, what was more important? His happiness? Or her satisfaction? But her happiness and satisfaction lied in his. Then..

Natasha had tears in her eyes, even though she hated being pregnant, the morning sickness, the mood swings, the cravings, everything was killing her, and it was just the start, but what hurt her most was his silence, and she could bear anything in the world to make her husband happy.

"Fine!! I'll keep it, I'll give birth to this baby for you. Just.. I can't take this anymore" she burst out at lunch on a Sunday.

Steve looked at her, he rushed to her side and cupped her face, "Nat? Really? Are you sure? I don't want to pressurize you. " he said.

"Be honest, Steve. Is this what you want? Above everything else? " she asked.

"Yes, I do. But... " he said, but she silenced him with a finger on his lips.

"No, buts. You want this baby, we'll have it. I cannot hurt you like this, Steve. I love you" she said.

"Really? You... Oh Nat" he pulled her into a tight hug, "I love you so much. Thank you, thank you so much" he said.

"But.. Promise me. I don't have to be his mother.. You would take the whole responsibility " she said.

"I promise, he won't ever demand anything from you" Steve said.

Natasha smiled, and lost herself to his comfort.

His happiness was all over the place. He took special care of her, asked her to leave the job to but she didn't, saying that it helps her face it.

Natasha went to her mother and told her she has decided to keep her baby.

"But I don't want a penny from your wealth, mother. Give it to Steve, everything. He needs its, I don't want it. If we ever separate, God forbid, then I will be happily living on streets. " Natasha said and left.

Anna was happy that Natasha kept the baby, she didn't say anything or argue with her.

Over time, Natasha's belly started to grow, her feet swell, for which Steve massaged her feet daily at night.

And then one day, as she was getting ready for work, she felt something, and put her hand on her belly.

"Natasha?! " Steve rushed to her side, "what happened? Are you in pain? Is everything alright? " he panicked.

"Steve, I.. I think he kicked" she said. Steve's smile at that, filled her heart with so much happiness.

He put his hands over her belly and felt it. And then it became his habit to feel his baby's kicks.

Steve regularly took her for doctor visits. Being very attentive to what the doctor said. His happiness when the doctor revealed it to be a boy, his enthusiasm to have the perfect name. Everything, made Natasha love him more and more. 

"If only I had a father like yours" she thought, rubbing her belly.

As her days got closer, during her seventh month, Steve insisted her to leave her job, and rest more at home. She was so often tired that she agreed.

Steve's family was as overjoyed as he was, and so they wanted them to come over and let her deliver there. Natasha was hesitant, so Steve refused to by saying that medical facilities were better in the city.

"I have talked with the doctor in detail. She said we can have a very painless delivery. You will be fine, just a needle in your back and its done. " he explained one night.

Natasha was happy, and sad. Happy, because he was, sad because she didn't like the fact that couldn't be as happy as he was. If only she was as excited, as welcoming to their child.

Steve bought a crib, clothes, diapers and all other basic necessities of a baby.

"This is a breast pump machine. You won't have to feed him directly. Its necessary for both your healths, otherwise I wouldn't have.. " he explained.

"Yes, Steve. I know. You don't have to explain everything. I love you" she gave him a peck on the lips. He helped her sleep, and caressed her cheek till long.


Natasha woke up to intense pain in her back with fluid running down her thighs.

"Steve!! " she screamed. Steve was up and panicking within seconds.

"What happened, Nat? " he asked, scared for life.

"My water broke, and I.. Am in pain" she said.

Within minutes Steve got everything and then carried her down to the car, and they headed to the hospital.

"Its alright, Nat. You'll be pain free soon" Steve said.

Natasha was worried, she didn't know what to do. Her screams would scare him, so she kept it low.

Steve rushed her inside, and the doctors took over from there.

Natasha was in pain for long, until they brought the injection to numb her pain.

"I don't want it " she said.

"Nat? Its for your pain" Steve said, who was holding her hand, sitting beside her.

"No, I don't. I want to feel this. I'll go through it, naturally " she said.

Steve was scared, but she looked into his eyes, "Trust me, I got this" she said.

He nodded. Steve sat behind her and supported her waist. She screamed a little, but mostly she resisted, using the energy to push properly, her face sweaty, her heartbeat raced. She was miserable, but Steve's love and the care for his happiness kept her going.

Until she felt the head move out and soon the baby was out of her, and they heard a cry.

"Its a boy, congratulations " the doctor said.

Steve's eyes lightened up, "James" he said with tears building in his eyes, "Thank you, Nat" he said, kissing her forehead, and the warmth of that kiss filled her world.

Phew!! James is born.
But his mommy doesn't care about him.
What would happen now?
Do give your reviews.

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