Part 4

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Steve headed upstairs. Anna told him to rest before they set off. As he reached the top, he heard some music.

He walked towards the sound, and turned the door knob. It was open, and he headed in. The room was empty, but the music was loud. Steve decided to put it off since he thought no one was hearing.

As he turned the sound system off, another door opened.

"What the hell!! " she shouted. Steve turned, scared, and saw Natasha. She was peeking from behind the door, supposedly naked.

As soon as she saw him, her expressions changed.

"Sorry" he said.

"No" she smirked, "its okay".

He was turning it back on.

"No, leave it. Just close and lock the door please" she said.

"Yeah, sure" he was leaving.

"Don't leave, just.. Close the door and lock it" she said.

He did as she commanded, scared to upset her, as he was indebted.

As soon as the door was locked, Natasha stepped out of the bath, with only a small towel wrapped around her torso.

Steve 's eyes widened, but he quickly lowered his gaze. He couldn't deny, she was too beautiful.

Her red hair, all wet, her soft skin glowing. Her emerald eyes mischievously pretty.

She walked close to him, so close, their feet touched. She put a hand on his chest.

"You can look up" she said, her hand slowly trailing upwards, but he didn't obey. His breaths accelerated.

Her hand reached his jaw, and he finally looked at her. She smiled, as his eyes stuck on her, he couldn't look away anymore.

"How... I didn't expect to find you here" she said, in a naughty seductive voice.

"I... Natasha... You should" he tried to speak.

"I should what? " she raised an eyebrow. He saw that one of her hands had clutched the towel to her chest, and suddenly she let go off it.

Steve was quick, he grabbed her waist and pulled her close, sealing the towel between their chests.

"What are you doing? " he said, his eyes angry.

"Oops, sorry" she said naughtily.

He removed his jacket with one hand, switching his hold to the other arm carefully and then put it around her.

"You should be careful " he said in anger, as he zipped the jacket up, while she was still close to his chest, and he only let go, when she was completely covered.

As soon as he moved back, the towel fell on the ground.

"Dress up, we'll talk later" he said, and walked away, closing the door behind him.

She smiled and bit her thumb.

"You are such a gentleman " she said and blushed, hugging his jacket.


Natasha danced down the stairs, Anna was waiting for her, but Steve was out of sight.

Natasha hugged her mother, and kissed her cheek.

"You are the best mom on earth. Thank you so much" she said with a great smile.

"You can thank me after the wedding " she replied.

"Wedding? Whose wedding? " Natasha asked, sitting down and biting an apple.

"Yours, with Steve" Anna said.

Natasha slapped the table hard, "What?!! " she asked, "Mom, I don't... You are joking right? "

"No, dear daughter, I am not" Anna said, "You wanted him, so you have him, as your husband".

Natasha rolled her eyes, "No, no, no, mom you don't understand. I don't want a husband, I wanted him for a few days. I don't want to get married, mom are you serious? This better be a joke or else.. "

"Or else what? " Anna said, "You are not well off on your own baby, you are dependent on me. If you want me to support to sponsor you for your life. You better agree, and marry this innocent guy, whom I had to buy for you, snatching his happiness, and ruining his life".

Natasha was panting now, "Mom, you cannot do this to me, you cannot " she had tears in her eyes.

"I can, and I should have long ago" Anna said, "You two are getting married in two days and we are leaving this town in an hour, get ready, and prepare yourself fast".

Natasha fumed, "You won't win this mom, you won't " she said before leaving.

"I will dear daughter. I have struck the right cords" Anna smirked as she applied jam on her toast.


Natasha went to Steve, who was sitting on a bed, with his hands on his head.

"You gold digger!!! I cannot believe you left your girlfriend and family for money. You agreed to actually marry me? Are you that shameless? " she yell at him.

Steve got up and grabbed her arm, pinning her to the wall.

"Shut up!! " he said, "just shut up"

Natasha's eyes widened, she forgot to breathe, no one had ever yelled at her like that.

"You have no idea what me and my family are going through. Yes, I left my girlfriend. But I didn't do it for money. I did it for my father's smile, for my sister's dreams, for my mother's peace. We would have been on streets if not for your mother's money. I am grateful to God for sending your mother to us. And for my family, if I have to sacrifice my love, then I'll do it thousand times".

Natasha was speechless for a moment, his words took time to sink in. Natasha cared only about herself. She was selfish. She only lived for herself. And here he was, talking about sacrifice for his family, accepting her as wife, when he loved someone else.

He moved back, "I am sorry, but.. I cannot back off. And if you have even the slightest of affection and empathy, please don't run away. I need this marriage, to support my family " he said with lowered eyes.

She wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words, her heart didn't allow.

He walked out of the room, and she stood there dumbstruck, surprised and shocked, unable to respond.

Natasha is so naughty 😂
Poor Steve.
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