I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

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Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


777 24 10
By dolltearz

[two months later]

Colby's POV

I was at Sam, Corey and everyone else's house, Brennen said he'd meet me there when he was done filming with his Brother and Bradlee and honestly I don't wanna know what they're filming.

Jake sat next to me, he was playing some video game I was on my phone but we were still talking, we talked about all random stuff, mostly about how crazy this house is and can be.

I still consider this place a second home... who knows maybe I'll move back in one day if something happened between Brennen and i but I'm pretty sure nothing will happen. Or that's  what I like to think.

I was on my phone when I heard Brennen open the door, I mean I think it's Brennen who else would it be.

I was right

"Hey you ass" Brennen said kissing me on the forehead
I furrowed my eyebrows
"Why did you call me that?" I chuckled
"Well it's only the truth"
He shrugged
"He has a point" Jake added, I smiled rolling my eyes,
"Y'know, you and Colby sound really similar" Brennen chuckled, Jake and I looked at each other weirdly, like yeah we both have deep voices but I didn't think we sounded similar
"You sure about that, dude??" Jake laughed, I looked at Brennen saying the same thing but with a facial expression.
"Mhm, y'all sound like really alike it's weird, like if I could only hear your voices I'd get confused"
Jake and I raised our eyebrows and shrugged.
I never thought we sounded alike, oh well though.

"I'm bored" Brennen announced, I laughed "sounds like a you problem" Jake and I both laughed.
"And I thought you loved me" Brennen did crossing his arms over his chest.
I sighed "what, do you want me to fuck you right here in front of Jake I think not" Both of them looked at me with wide eyes....I probably could have said something else..
"Okay two things; one, who even mentioned that and two, I mean it didn't have to be in front of Jake, threesomes are a thing-"
I shrugged
"I mean yeah I gues—" I was gonna finish until Jake cut me off
"Um do I not get any input in this and who even said I'm okay with this?"
"I don't know about Brennen but I'm only joking, maybe another time though" we all laughed a little bit.

"but really I am bored" Brennen Announced once more, I looked at him and laughed
"But really it Sounds like a you problem" I laughed looking back at my phone, I was texting Sam about Filming, he's not home right now.
"Mm, well still we should do something" He sighed, I actually didn't wanna do anything today and it didn't look like Jake did either, I mean I think he only woke up a few hours ago....and it's four PM.
"Can we do something another day? I don't wanna today" I said not looking up from not phone.
He sighed "whatever I guess" I put my phone down looking at him
"Why do you sound pissed off?"
He raised his eyebrow with another annoyed sigh
"No reason, just the fact that lately you haven't wanted to do literally anything, no offense but you always say tomorrow and then tomorrow never comes" I looked at Jake who was pausing his game to leave because he was probably uncomfortable with how Brennen was getting angry.
"I barley ever do that, so maybe you got me mixed up with someone" I chuckled sarcastically
"No Colby, I don't think I did apparently you don't realize you do it but you do"
I sighed
"What even made you get so upset so fast anyway"
He rolled his eyes "I'm just done with that shit, Thats all"
He said standing up.

And like that he left.

I was honestly in shock kind of, we never really argue it's weird when we do, i don't put shit off that much, do I?

Corey walked down stairs, taking me from my thoughts
"Who slammed the door?" He asked pointing towards it
He came over to me and sat down
I sighed for the hundredth time
"We got into a fight, he left and now i kind of don't wanna go home" I shrugged, he looked at me like even he was sad
"I'm sure he'll forget about it by Morning, but it's totally fine if you wanna stay here for the night"

so that's what I did, I stayed over for the night, it's kind of my fault for all this, I mean if I would've just agreed none of this would've happened, i haven't slept alone in a long time, it feels so weird, I hate it. I'm cold.
And no one is here to keep me warm.


Hi this story is ending pretty soon

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