By lynnnxnn

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You take one of ours, we will come for you. If you take what's mine, I'm going to destroy you. More

1. September
2. Hunting
3. Witch
4. Cursed
5. Caelfall
6. Uncursed
7. 2. A.M.
8. BioPhysics
9. It's A Trip
10. Breakfast
11. Hunter's Moon
12. Viola & Rigel
13. Giant
14. Lawrence
15. San Francisco
16. Waterfall
17. Training
18. Sub Astra
19. Magic
20. Embermane
21. Grimfront
22. Swish & Flick
23. Blackout
24. Hybrids
25. Control
27. Reunion
28. General
29. Alphas
30. Labyrinth
31. Thunder
32. Locket
33. Prince & Wolf
34. Memories
35. Wolf & Prince
36. War
37. Red Light
38. Astrid
39. Not Today
40. December
41. The End

26. New Jersey

198 19 7
By lynnnxnn



Idris and I watched as Miles was forced to fall to his knees, screaming. Humans were told to kneel and Miles refused. And the consequence of the defiance is torture. Torture until they command, or torture until death. We had been too late to stop the witches. I don't know how they did it, but they've won. We couldn't stop them and now they have control of the humans in the country.

The leader of this land is dead. The White House from Damariz' memories. The Witches. The invisible wall that prevented the 13 from firing spells at the White House. And Drew.

Everything hit me all at once.

The witches tried to get in the White House to kill the president. If the leader of the country is gone, they get to take over. However, they couldn't get in the house because there must be some sort of protection around it. There is a protection spell that prevented them from entering The White House. And I recalled the book that I read from the wolf cave. It said that there are certain types of spells, curses, and hexes that can only be removed or undone by the same witch who cast them, due to blood magic. The protection spell must have been done with blood magic and the 13 cannot break in because of it. The only one who can remove that protection spell is the witch who cast it, or whoever carries her bloodline. And that's where Drew comes in. It's the only way that the witches finally got in to kill the president. She must have shared the bloodline with the witch who cast the protection spell at The White House. She is a descendant of that witch, and so the 13 wanted her to remove the protection spell, just so they can get rid of the country's leader. It would make sense. Drew is taken and suddenly, the witches were able to take control of the country? It has to be because of her bloodline. That's why the witches wanted her in the first place. That's why they couldn't kill her. Why they waited long to get her is another question, but it doesn't matter.

The witches won. We were too late.

Miles, despite having magic in his blood, is only a descendant and not a pure blood witch. He's still human.

Every single human being in the country is in the same condition as Miles. Collared. Controlled by witches. Every human. That includes Eva, the hunters, Doctor Maxine, Enoch, Nina, and most of all, my mother and my siblings.

"Oh, god."

Tears blocked my vision, feeling the world spinning. My chest tightened at the thought of my family in the hands of these monsters. I have to go to them. I need to see them. Now. "I need to go."

The vampire beside me held my hand tightly. "I'm going with you."


Every single human we passed had that stupid purple collar. Idris and I carried Miles as we run all the way to New Jersey, arriving at dawn. Almost everyone is outside, apart from police officers and firefighters ready to serve, and people who couldn't careless about the situation. When I finally stepped a foot passed the white fences that encloses the pale yellow house, I forgot how to breathe. Every step I took towards the brown door, the stronger the fear inside me got. When I reached the door, I froze completely. It was Idris who knocked and I almost felt bad at how tight I was holding his hand.

The door opened just wide enough for a small face to pop out. A tiny human with brown curly hair and bright green eyes innocent of the evilness in the world he lives in. The sight of the purple ring of light circled around his neck was a stab at my heart. I let this happen. I was too late.

"Rami!" He opened the door wider, letting himself out and run straight to hug my waist. "Mom! Mom! Look!" I was then dragged inside the house by my little brother. Idris and Miles followed, closing the door behind them. Before I could even enter the kitchen, I caught one of my favorite scents in the world.

The one thing that didn't get taken away by the technology and power outrage is the stove and I couldn't be more thankful. At least the witches, or whoever's idea it is to remove all technology and power, had the heart to leave them with something for cooking.

On the table is a tray full of chocolate chip cookies. On the head table is my other brother with chocolate smeared all over his cheeks and mouth. By the granite countertop is none other than my mother, putting hot water for a tea.

"Mother, it's the end of the world and you are eating cookies and drinking tea."

A line that I never thought I would ever say.

As soon as her light blue eyes found me, I saw confusion in them. Confusion and relief. No fear or disgust, which is what I was bracing myself for. She had ditched her tea, putting it down the table before walking over to me. Her eyes scanned me up and down before pulling me into the tightest embrace I've ever had.

The purple collar of the witches shined on her olive skin. That was all it took for me to let out a sob. Tears fell from my face to her shirt as I couldn't help but break down in her arms. "Ma. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Sorry for not checking up on them sooner. Sorry for not being there for them at these days. Sorry for not being good enough to stop the witches. Sorry for bringing them into this insane mess.

Keeping a hand on my shoulders, she extended her arms to give me a smile. "I'm glad you're here, Rami." The tears didn't stop. "Red is a good color." She ran a soft hand on my cheek. I didn't put on contact lenses and glasses to cover my new appearance. "You look good, honey." She then tilted her head and looked behind me. "And hello again! Idris, was it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you for taking care of my son."

Turning my head, I caught my twin brothers ignoring us completely, all their attention on finishing the cookies.

"Glad to be at his side."

"Come. Sit." Mom gestured at the wooden chairs surrounding the dining table. "Tea?"


I glanced at Idris as he sat down next to Theodore, who shot him a big smile, showing off his chocolate covered teeth. "How'd you get red eyes?"

"How can I get them?" Demitri immediately followed the question, beaming at the prince. "I like that color better."

"I think blue-green is a lovely eye color."

As I sat down next to Demitri, across Idris, mom turned her head towards me. She gave me a grin that looks an awful lot like Theo's. Even though Theodore and Demitri are twin brothers, their appearance are a little different. Theo got more of mom's looks, having slightly darker skin and lighter, wavy hair while Demitri and I got a lighter tone and darker locks, thanks to our shitty father.

Right after mom sat down and all of us are seated in the kitchen table, I told her everything. Starting from Lysander's story to my own. From Drew and I leaving school, fighting the government, saving Lysander and me getting killed. For a moment, I had to pause. She held a breath and her face reddened at the mention of my death. Then, Idris continued the rest of the story, starting with what he did, turning me into one of them, a vampire, then our trip to Europe and our encounter with witches, hybrids and hunters. About how the witches taking over West Grove and other little towns, controlling humans little by little, until they took a big step ahead and controlled the entire country. We told her everything.

I could see from her eyes that she's really worried and of course, terrified, but she didn't want to show it. Not in front of Theo and Demitri. The two boys didn't understand how serious the situation is, but I'm almost glad they don't. I'd hate to see the light in their eyes disappear because of me.

"Rami, you're my son and you will always be my son. I will always love you, no matter who you are, what you are, who you love, what you love, and what you do in your life. As long as you're okay and you're happy, that's all that matters to me." The waterworks returned. "The boys and I, we will be here. We have no choice but to follow their commands, but the least we can do is keep the light. We will be okay." I nodded, pursing my lips to prevent another sob. "And you," She glanced at Idris for a second. "you go and save your friends. I know you can do it. As much as I'd hate to have you run around in danger, I know you'll win. You go and save everyone and promise me that when you do, you'll come back here. I promise you that I will make you two trays of these cookies just for you."

"No fair!" Theo cried.

I laughed at him, blinking the tears away. "I'll share half with you, I swear it."


While Idris and Miles stayed with my siblings in the kitchen, mom and I sat by the living room because she wanted to gossip. My mother wants to gossip at a time like this. As soon as it was only us, she dropped some questions about me and Idris, such as, "Are you together yet? Who made the first move? How did everything happen?" I informed her that vampires have super hearing and she only laughed and spoke quieter, giving me a 'sorry not sorry' face.

Before leaving, I asked mom if Doctor Maxine and Nina could stay with them, for everyone's safety. I would feel a hundred times better if there are people I trust watching my family, and that Doctor Maxine and Nina are with my family, safe all together. I also decided that it's best for Miles to stay with them, too. If he travels with us, he will only be defying the witches and it will end up getting himself killed. Also, Miles can protect everyone if anything happens.

Fortunately, New Jersey is not too far from Pennsylvania. Running from one state to the next took only little of our time. After sunrise, Idris and I drank Rose, and then headed to West Grove. Neither of us said a word the entire time, though the trip wasn't too long anyway. When we arrived, Idris and I went straight to Silverstein Research Center.

Just the view of it made me want to cry all over again. I miss it so much. Just to be there, working, listening, just being around scientists and discovering things.

According to Enoch, Doctor Maxine has been working in her office, so that's exactly where we went. However, as soon as we opened the door, I was tackled on the ground and sharp teeth had almost given me a heart attack. A white wolf hovers over me while growling. Idris was just about to jump in and attack the hybrid, but a black wheelchair rolled in the room.

"Stop! Don't!"

It was the scientist herself, screaming not at the hybrid, but at Idris.

"Maxine, the hybrid is dangerous. It can kill Rami."

"No, it's okay. She's with me"

The hybrid's head dipped down to my neck and I felt it sniffing me. I cringed before pushing it away from me. The creature's tail suddenly begin to wag, and its head tilted. Just now, it appears as a friendly oversized dog, but really, it isn't.

"Doctor Maxine, you're friends with a hybrid?" I asked with disbelief.

She nodded. "Yes. And so are you."

"What?" I turned to Idris, who looked just as puzzled as me. "I'm not friends with any of those hybrids." Just then, Idris raised a hand towards the hybrid. "What are you doing?!" The hybrid walked towards Idris and licked his hand. "Okay, what the fuck."

Idris smiled at the hybrid. "You and I only came here for two people. Doctor Maxine is standing right there. Where do you suppose the other one is?"

It took me a moment to understand what he's saying. I stared at the white furred wolf in shock.

Weird shit just keeps happening.

"Don't tell me that is Nina."

The hybrid winked.

It freaking winked one of its orange colored eyes and suddenly, I want to smash my head against the wall.

"No, no, no no no. How?!"

Doctor Maxine glanced down at the hybrid. Nina. She ran inside a room and after a few minutes, she came back out wearing a lab coat to cover her naked body. A wolf just turned into a female. Eva's fiance is a hybrid.

"I'm going to puke."

"Take it outside, then." Nina raised a brow, crossing her arms.

"No." I stomped a foot on the ground. "Explain now."

The woman brushed a hand over her long brown hair. "I was bitten. It was a few days ago, the night before Eva and the rest of your clan left to Nevada. It was dark and it was late. I heard something outside, so I checked to see what it was, thinking it was one of those stubborn weird people wandering around. I checked outside, no one was there. Then, someone had bitten me. I thought it was one of your friends who lost control or something, but then I shifted. I was terrified. And then there was this voice." Nina stood beside Doctor Maxine, looking down at the ground. "It told me to kill. Kill everyone. And I couldn't control my body. I just... I was going to do it!" Her voice cracked. "But then Doctor Maxine found me."

The old woman nodded her head. "I didn't know it was Nina then. I thought it was an actual hybrid, so I injected her with a tranquilizer. She fainted, and then I saw her body go from a wolf to a female body. I woke her up and told her to go with me in here, in the lab, and I ran some tests. That's when I learned that she is a hybrid."

"That's why we didn't go with the others." Nina continued, taking deep breaths. "I couldn't put myself with the others, knowing that I'd snap at any time, shift and lose control and hurt them. I'd hurt Eva and I will never forgive myself if I did. Doctor Maxine here was kind enough to stay with me. I've been keeping us protected, just in case anyone attacks us. That's why I attacked you. I thought you two were intruders. I still need to get use to this whole...weird thing. I guess I'm one of you now."

I began pacing back and forth the white room.

"Uriel is the one in charge of hybrids. He did this. He wanted you to become a hybrid so could kill Eva and the other vampires. They knew we got Samara and that we're all working together to stop the hybrids and the witches. He must have used you to get to them." That asshole is going to die. If not from Lysander, if not from Drew, then from me. And I fail to take care of him, I'm sure Nina will do it. And then Idris, and Eva. He's got a line of people who want him out. "Eva does't know."

"She does't." Nina bit her lip. "And she won't. Not for a while. Not right now. Not with everything that's going on."

"About that. The reason why Rami and I came here is to bring you two in a safer place, with his family."

Nina laughed. "Yeah right. No way I'm going to risk hurting children." I actually agree completely. Never mind my plan to bring them together. Nina is a nice person, but as soon as she turns into her hybrid form, she isn't Nina. "Doctor Maxine can go."

"Nina, I won't - "

"I'll be fine. In that way, you're not risking your life too. It's safer for you."

"Wait." Idris turned to me. "She can go with us while Doctor Maxine stay with your mother. Nina will be a lot of help to us. Doctor Maxine will be in perfect condition to accompany with your mother and your brothers."

I took notice of the purple collar around the scientist's neck and the guilt swallowed me hole.

"Where are you two going?" Nina narrowed her eyes at us. "Is Eva and everyone with you?"

"No. Only me and Idris. It's kind of urgent." I replied. "Drew and Lysander were taken by hybrids and we got a location. We're going to save them and if possible, also kill those evil witches."

"Drew and Lysander were taken?!" The woman screamed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Holy fuck. Okay. I'm going with you. I need to kick the ass of whoever bit me anyway."

We then all turned to Doctor Maxine, waiting for an answer. Even though we're all leaning towards the idea that she stay with my mom in New Jersey, we won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to. If she wants to stay here, she will.

"There's nothing here for me anyway." She sighs. "I failed to come up with any treatments for these curses. I thought I could, but it's not possible. Just, you kids be careful." For a brief moment, she put a hand on her neck. A sign that the magical collar is hurting her, sensing an act rebelling against the witches. Still, she ignored it and gave us a soft smile.

"You are talking to two vampires and a hybrid." I grinned. "You have nothing to worry about."

In the middle of the day, after Doctor Maxine packed her belongings, we returned to New Jersey. Idris carried the woman while I took her belongings. Nina shifted in her white wolf form and all together, we ran across the states, not even caring about the humans who witnessed us. I'm sure they're losing their minds right now. The people who aren't aware of their surroundings are questioning their sanity and their beliefs. I would too, if I didn't know anything about the world I'm living in.

"Here we are." We brought Doctor Maxine in my mother's house. Immediately, she is welcomed by my brothers, bringing her to the kitchen table.

Before we left, my mom reminded us to be careful and to come back alive, in one piece. We all gave her a nod and a smile, but Idris, Nina, and I never actually said a word out lout to seal the promise. Because at this point, there's no way in telling if we will come back at all.

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