Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed)

By AdoringlyFlorence

352K 11.1K 1.5K

"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how stron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Fucking shook
Chapter 24 (final chapter)

Chapter 12

11.7K 476 63
By AdoringlyFlorence

By time Dinah walks back into the kitchen with an unused pacifier in her hand, Lauren had adjusted the girl so she was now sat across her lap, both legs falling across her thigh. Fortunately, Camila didn't wake at all during this process and was now led against Lauren's chest with her hand clutching the top of her shirt.

"Wipe that smirk off your face Dinah Jane" Lauren says with a playful eye roll as she reaches up to wipe away the drool on her skin, the other arm tightly wrapped round the girls waist on her lap so she wouldn't slip off.

Turning the faucet off, Dinah begins to dry of the pacifier, "I have no idea what you're on about" she says with a grin, walking over to the duo.

Lauren simply rolls her eyes at her words, knowing that wasn't true at all.

"Just give the girl her pacifier" she says, trying to hold back her own smile as she playfully pinches the girls waist.

Flinching slightly at the action with a smirk on her face, Dinah crouches down next to them both and brings one of her hands up to rest on the back of the chair to keep her balance. With a bit of hesitance, she brings the nipple of the pacifier up to rest against the asleep girls lips.

Now, she didn't know if what happened next was because she was asleep and was unaware of her surroundings, but Camila accepted the pacifier easily, suckling on it just like she would her bottle as she continues to sleep peacefully on the green eyed girls lap.

"Well, that uhhh, went well" she says, shock lingering in her voice as she stands back up and sits down on the chair next to them both.

It was Lauren's turn to smirk this time.

"Dinah, babe, she's asleep. I suspect whatever part of her that took the pacifier thinks it's a bottle. The battle will probably happen when she's awake" Lauren explains, patting her girlfriends knee before she stands and carries Camila bridal style to the couch.

She grins when she hears Dinah mutter a 'thanks for the warning' underneath her breath, and she shakes her head playfully as she covers the girl up with one of the blankets that were always kept on the back of the couch.


Turns out Lauren was wrong.

There was no battle at all with Camila and her pacifier, much to the couples relief. The small brunette has been sat on Dinah's lap on the couch, her head buried in her chest  for about half an hour now as she suckles contently on the obviously loved item.

Lauren was definitely a little off put by that at first, but then she realised that there wasn't really much difference between the bottle and the pacifier anyway, so there wasn't really much for Camila to really get used to apart from the fact that there was no milk involved with her soother like there was for the bottle.

With Camila's pyjamas in hand, Lauren walks from the small brunettes room to the living room, sitting herself down onto the seat next to where her girlfriends was holding Camila.

She gently cups the girls cheek, "ready for bed, my love?" she asks, setting the pyjamas down onto the coffee table in front of them.

Blinking tiredly, Camila manages a small smile behind her pacifier as she sits up in Dinah's arms and reaches for Lauren.

"You wanna go get her bottle ready?" She asks Dinah as she lifts Camila into her arms, letting the girl lean contently against her as she soothingly rubs her back.

Dinah nods with a smile, "sure" she says before standing up and walking out of the room.

Before the small girl could fall asleep against, her Lauren gently eases her forward and places a kiss onto her forehead, "not yet baby, you can sleep soon" she reassures as she gently eases the girl down onto the couch, her legs sprawled over Lauren's as she brings her hands up to tiredly rub at her eyes.

Camila lets out a quiet whine at her words, kicking her legs slightly.

"Oh I know it's hard my love" Lauren says with a knowing smile as she lifts up the girls hoodie so it was sat on her tummy, tugging the still dry pull-up down her legs and off her feet. She keeps up with the soothing as she diapers the girl, running her fingers through the leg holes to make sure it was on securely, and once she was sure it was, she aids the girl in sitting up, causing a further whine to escape the girls lips.

"Shhh now, there's no need for that" Lauren gently scolds as she lifts the girls hoodie up and off her body, exchanging it for the pair of pyjamas she had picked out for her. After adding a pacifier clip she had dug out for the girl, she deemed herself done.

"There we go, all done" she coos as she pulls the girl back onto her lap cradle style, the girls head resting against the crook of her arm.

Dinah walks into the room seconds later with a bottle of milk in her hands, and she hands it over to Lauren before sitting down herself, lifting Camila's legs that were on the couch onto her lap.

At the sight of her bottle, Camila eagerly spits out her pacifier and reaches for it with a whine, cooing to herself contently as the nipple of the bottle gets placed into her mouth.

She suckles eagerly, placing her hand over the top of Lauren's as her eyes close.

"Is that yummy" Dinah coos gently not really expecting a a verbal reply. Instead though, much to her surprise, the small girl reaches her free hand out to her and lets out a quiet whine.

Seeing this, Lauren lifts the arm that wasn't holding Camila up and allows Dinah to cuddle into her side, her girlfriends hand tightly gripping Camila's much smaller one.

Yeah, this was kinda perfect.


"Right, she's asleep. Time to sort out this whole Taylor problem" Dinah says as she walks back into the room, dropping down onto the couch next to Lauren who had Camila's phone in hand.

Yes, the green eyed girl felt bad about invading the girls privacy, but what else could she do? And anyway, it wasn't like she was snooping really, more like...trying to keep the girl safe.

It was either this or interrogating Camila, and right now, this sounded a whole lot better.

"Okay, so, first things first, are they a boy or a girl?" Dinah asks, bringing her attention to Lauren by turning round in her seat and bringing her legs up onto the couch.

"I think...and I don't want to assume here, but I think...it's a girl" Lauren replies as she skims through a few texts, not wanting to actually dive in deep and go into full detail with what Camila and this Taylor person text each other.

She does notice though that Taylor obviously wears the pants in this friendship, telling Camila what to do, the small girl only ever replying with one word answers obviously too scared to stand up for herself.

"A girl?" Dina questions.

Lauren nods, "Yeah. Bossy, likes telling people what to do. I can't help but notice that this, 'you don't want me to tell them your secret' pops up a lot" she says quietly, continuing to look through the texts.

"How often?" Dinah wonders, scooting forwards slightly.

"Every five or so texts" was Lauren simple reply, "Y'know, she says this but how can she actually tell us when she doesn't even know us" she muses, locking Camila's phone and placing it down onto the coffee table

"Probably to scare Camila" Dinah murmurs, "I still don't understand why she's so scared of telling us her secret that she's willing to sneak out and defy us"

"That's what fear does to a person sometimes babe, and she'll tell us when she's ready, if we push her then I doubt she's ever tell us"

Dinah sighs and nods, she was right.


"No please, I'm sorry!" Camila begs as she steps forward in place, silently begging the couple in front of her to hold her.

But they don't.

"I'm sorry Camila, but I can't, we can't be around you anymore, that's just...I'm sorry" was Laurens response as she steps away from the trembling brunette.

But Camila can't accept that answer, and she silently, but hopefully, steps forward in place again, tears pouring from her eyes at a pace too quick to count.

She knew this would happen, she had guaranteed it from the moment the secret had spilled from her mouth.

She once again attempts to get closer to the couple, but was pushed back at a force it made her stumble backwards onto her butt.


Looking up from the movie currently playing on the tv, Lauren glances down the hall to Camila's room.

"What was that?"

Before Dinah could answer, the sound of heartbreaking sobs crept up from down the hall, filling both their ears. Both were up on their feet and down the hall in seconds, the sight in front of them breaking their hearts.


Camila couldn't believe it.

Dinah had pushed her, she had actually pushed her.

No longer holding back the sobs bubbling up in her throat, Camila covers her face as she cries heavily, her body trembling. Nobody comes to comfort her though, nobody comes to hold her and tell her everything's okay.

She was alone, just like before.


So freaking stupid.


"Camila sweetheart, calm down. You're going to make yourself sick again" Lauren coos gently to a sobbing Camila who was sat against the headboard of her bed, refusing to let either one of them near her to comfort her.

She'd been awake for ten minutes now and the situation hadn't changed at all. Camila was still hysterical, Dinah was still cleaning up vomit and Lauren was this close to pulling her hair out.

Frustrated was just an understatement to how she was feeling right now. She was frustrated Camila wouldn't let herself be comforted, she was frustrated Camila was no closer to calming down, but she knew despite that, she couldn't take it out on the small brunette, because in her mind, her dream was real and she was struggling to separate that from reality.

"Camila, baby, please, please just let me hold you" Lauren begs quietly as she glances towards her girlfriend who was still cleaning the carpet.

The last time her girlfriend had tried to get near her, Camila had screamed, loud, no doubt waking the neighbours, the tall girl knew that for now, backing off was a good idea.

Deciding to go for something she had no plans using for a while, Lauren scoots herself forward slightly, holding her arms out, "Please baby, let mama hold you" she coos, silently begging that her words would have some sort of affect.

Camila looks at her with wide, tearful eyes, sobs still escaping her trembly lips.

Lauren notices Camila move in place slightly, so she tries using encouragement to get the girl properly in her arms.

"C'mon my love, mama wants to hold her baby and make her feel better. Don't you want mama to make you feel better too?" She asks once again in a soft coo, her arms still open wide for the girl to crawl into whenever she was ready.

Thankfully, Camila seems to take comfort in her words and scoots a little closer on her butt, her eyes still wide.

"That's a good girl, c'mon, its okay" she coos again, gratefully, but gently, pulling the girl onto her lap once she was close enough and wrapping one arm around her waist whilst the other rests on the back of her head, running her hand soothing through her hair.

"That's mama's good girl" she praises, closing her eyes in relief.

Camila squirms a little in her arms, obviously trying to get closer to her even though physically, she couldn't.

"Mama" She whimpers.

Lauren, if possible pulls her closer to her body, "that's right baby, mama's got you" she reassures.

From the corner of her eye, she notices Dinah staring at them with a small smile. She mouthes the words 'We love you' to her, wanting her to know that despite the fact Camila wouldn't let her hear her at the moment that she was part of this too.

Thankfully, Dinah mouths it back, making her feel a little better about this whole situation.


150 votes for the next chapter my lovelies!

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