The Story Of Us

By jassinski2505

213K 4.3K 1.3K

A requested Story of Zac and Zendaya during and after 'The Greatest Showman', this will go though their relat... More

First day on set:
First days P 2:
Hotel Suite:
Dinner and Rooms:
Family and Cars:
Hugs and Fun:
Never Enough:
Hanging out:
Clothes and fan's:
Rewrite the stars:
Shots :
Shots and walks:
1 Month Later:
Dreams of bad:
Trailers and songs:
Fun and Talks:
Fun and Talks P 2:
Games and Sleep:
Old friends:
Song's and Race's:
The Greatest Show:
Daddies little Princess:
Great Surprises:
Annoyance and Kids:
KC Undercover Set:
KC Undercover P2:
Punches and Doubt:
Sleep and stories:
Lazy Day:
Sick and Embarrassment:
Road trip with Fam:
House Pictures:
Plans and Notes:
A Day before:
Wedding Day:
Celebration P 2:
Back home and Confessions:
Back to normal:
10 Weeks:
18 Weeks:
32 Weeks:
Welcome into the world:
1 Month old:
6 Months Old:
Catch up:
1 year and 3 months:
18 Weeks... once again.
Hospitals P2:
Circus of a family:
2 months:
Not a chapter:
Family Trip:
The bad out of the good:

Hotel suite and Dinner:

4K 92 52
By jassinski2505

Zendaya's Pov:

I quickly entered my room and rummaged thought my suitcase, finding an outfit, quickly put it on and did my make up as quick as i could, looking at the clock as i packed it away, " Oh shit..." i said quietly to myself seeing as it was 5:50 before putting my shoes on and rushed out of the room, checking my phone because it buzzed.

" Zac!" i exclaimed, " we really need to go!" i continued, walking quickly to the lounge room, still typing on the phone.

Zac's Pov:

Zendaya had just left to go change, as i watched her departing back before she disappeared behind a door, i turned to Darnell, " Hey Darnell." i greeted smiling at him.

" Hey Zac." he grinned back, "why don't you come sit?" he asked gesturing to the seat next to him.

Cautious about the grin on his face i walked and sat next to him, seeing a laptop with FaceTime on. " Oh hello." i smiled at them, " I'm Zac, i'm in the same move as Zendaya."

" Its nice to meet you Zac. I'm claire, Zendaya's mom."  A older woman with blond hair said making my eyes go wide. ' shit its Zendaya's family... need to make a good impression...' i thought to myself, earlier today i had come or realise that i liked Zendaya, though i wanted to get to know her better.

" It's nice to meet you madam." i politely said,remember what my mom had taught me when i was younger.

" Ohh Zac you can call me Claire." Claire told me smiling, " Ohh and the other with me are Zendaya's older sibling, Julien, Austin, Annabella, Kaylee and Katianna, next to me is her Dad" he introduced them all to me.

" well its very nice to meet you all." i smiled at them all.

" who do you play in the movie Zac?" Zendaya's dad asked me, not going to lie, he was intimidating.

" I play a man called Philip Carlyle sir." i answered as politely as i could.

" Ahh... Philip Carlyle..." he said nodding, " i read my daughters audition script, you play a rich upperclass man who joins the circus right?" he asked me.

" I do sir." i replied nodding.

"hm..." he hummed, " and where is this dinner happening?" he asked me

" just down stairs sir, the cast are all staying in this hotel." i replied to him.

 He sat looking thoughtful, but didn't say anything as he looked at me almost inspecting every detail of me.

" Zac!" Zendaya's voice came ringing out the suite making me jump a little and get up, " we really have to go!" she called out as i heard her quick foot steps come back to the lounge room as i walked over to where i stood before fixing my tie that had come lose.

As i walked and tied my tie again, i didn't Zendaya was doing the same with her phone, making us run into each other, realising what had happened, i quickly reacted and caught Zendaya gain before she fell backwards.

" Again?" i heard her groan, before looking up at me smiling shyly, " hello again..." she waved a bit, connecting our eye's, her big brown ones staring down a hers and my own eye's staring down at her, her hair was up in a cute bun, a baby pink silky dress on , with the same material throw and pink shoes.

It was quiet for a bit, just the two of us staring into each other eye's, before i cleared my throat, " we have to stop running into each other like this." i chuckled, as i stood her up straight, making her stand directly in front of me, our faces 2 inches away from each others, our warm breaths connecting in the middle, my hand still on her warm waist.

Zendaya looked at me with wide eye's as she continued to stare into my eye's, "um..." she let out, blinking a bit, " we really need to go..." she said softly, before stepping back, " the cast will be waiting on us.."

" Right." i nodded, trying to get over what had just happened, " right..." i said again breathing out, then smiled at her, " you looked beautiful by the way." i told her making her turn a little red.

" Thank you." she smiled back at me, eye's brightening.

 " Shall we?" i asked her holding my arm to her.

Zendaya looked at me and smiled, " We shall." she nodded before grabbing a hold of my arms, making arms tingles shoot up it as i held back a gasp, before walking to the door, opening it for her.

"Bye guys!' she turned to Darnell and her family on the screen, waving a bit, " ill talk to you all later." she said before blowing a kiss, " thank you.' she smiled at me as she walked past as i held the door.

I turned to the others and smiled, " have a lovely night." i told them before waving a quick by and lead Zendaya down the all, her hand attached to my arm once again.

Darnell's Pov: 

" Well...that was something..." I spoke up, after we all watched the two leave the hotel suite.

" Definitely." Julien and Austin replied as a looked down at the laptop.

" Daya is so oblivious..." Kaylee said amused at her little sister thinking Zac didn't like her, " Zac is falling hard for her and she doesn't even see it." she sighed.

i chuckled, " you know Daya believe what she wants to believe." i said to them.

" well she is definitely slowly falling..." Claire spoke up before sighing, " lets just hope she doesn't fall to fast and gets her heart broken..."

" I honestly don't think that will happen." i told them all, " Zac seems to be holding back so he can get to know her and Zendaya seems to be doing he same, i don't think they'll rush into anything, until they both think their ready."

Claire nodded agreeing with me, " and if they even tell each other they like one another." she added.

" Thats for sure..." Annabella rolled her eye's, " they like each other now and their so oblivious to it."

" where did Zac say the dinner was?" i asked, a mischief look on my face.

" downstairs." Kaz joined the conversation, " said the cast was all staying in the hotel."

" anyone up for some dinner?" Darnell asked grinning.

" we can't!" Claire gasped, knowing what he was thinking, " Daya will kill us!"

" she will kill me." i pointed out, " I'm the only one physically here." he reminded them, " besides  want to see them interact with each other when we aren't around."

" I'm in." Kaz said immediately.

" Kaz!" Claire smacked him on the arms, " Daya will be so mad if she finds out!"

" were in!" Julien said for himself and Austin who nodded beside him.

" Boys!" Claire scolded.

" where in." Kaylee, Annabella and Katianna said sighing, " just because our snoopy arses want to see what happens." Kaylee added.

" Claire?" i asked, " your the only one..."

Claire groaned, " you know what... fine..." she agreed hesitantly.

" yes!" i cheered, " I'm switching ya'll to my phone, i ain't lugging around a laptop." i told them before handing up and rung them back on my phone.

" ready guys?" i asked grinning as i left the room and to the elevator.

" as ill ever be..." Claire sighed, " though i do not agree on doing this... i want to see the two and if they acted any differently to when their around us."

" Great because where here." i told them as i stepped out of the elevator and up to the restaurants doors.

" How many?" a man asked me, In a posh suit.

" Just one." i told him, making him nod and lead me to a table, luckily enough practically next to the cast table, i sat down in a seat that at the less light on it and sat down, hiding behind a menu, placing the phone in front of me leaning against a glass bottle of water, so they could all see. " Okay maybe i should have put on something else or something..." i said softly to the others, who all chuckled at my mistake, " lets hope Daya doesn't noticed me..."

" Would you like a drink?" A waiter said asked as he came to the cast table where Zendaya and the others where sitting.

i watched as everyone ordered different alcoholic drinks, the only one that hadn't was Zendaya.

" and what about you cutie?" The waiter asked Zendaya, obliviously hitting on her, i saw even one at the table stop talking and laughing to look at him and Zendaya, who was sat in-between Zac and Hugh.

" no thank you." Zendaya said as she looked away from him and to her nails, " i don't drink, or let men like you take my order." she told him calm as ever.

The table looked like they were going to burst out laughing at any minute as the waiter stood their shocked.

" ha Z told him! "  Kaz laughed at his laughter, " thats my daughter!" i laughed quietly with him, so did the others , who where cracking up, including Claire who disagreed to all of this.

The waiter recover and smiled at her flirtatiously, " come one sweet cheeks, I'm sure a nice girl like you would rather a drink and a quitter place to go..." he winked at her.

Zendaya scoffed at him, " why so you can get me drunk and have sex with me?" she asked so innocently, as everyone including  myself and her family stared at her in shock, " sorry pal but I'm not interested." she said to him putting on a fake apologetic look. " but your not going to give up are you?" she asked him.

The waiter smirked at her, "no I'm not." he told her, " why you taken? because i won't tell you boyfriend if you don't, i can make you forget him."

As she made a disgusted face at the waiter, i saw Zendaya lightly tap Zac with her foot, almost as if signalling something.

" as a matter of a fact i do." Zendaya told the waiter grinning, as his face dropped slightly, " and i wouldn't mess with him..." she warned him, " he doesn't like to share." 

The waiter still didn't back down, " I'm sure i can take him." he told her winking, " then we can be together." 

Zendaya just smirked at him challenging him, " Okay... lets see." she said before moving her chair closer to Zac and placed her legs over his, crossing them over each other, as she still sat in her chair with a casual face, " babe?" she asked Zac, who looked at her grinning, " do you think this man could take you?" she asked him.

Zac looked at the man standing near him, who looked really frightened at the site of Zac, who just smirked at him, " not a chance." he told her still looking at the man, " unless you want to try me?" he asked.

" This guy is not backing down..." Claire shook her hair at the waiter who had told Zac that he would but he was at work, and that Zendaya whole be better with him.

" HA!' Zendaya let out, taking her legs from Zac's and sat up, " i think i have a say in that." she told him, narrowing her eye's, " and its definitely not you." she continued " i mean why would i leave my loyal boyfriend for someone who has been trying to get me drunk and along in a room?" she asked him

" whatever." the waiter rolled his eye's, " his probably not even your boyfriend." he told her, challenging her back, everyone, including myself all turned to Zendaya to she what she would do, their where no managers around and this guy wasn't leaving.

Zendaya stood up and casually walked over to the other side of Zac, where the waiter stood smirking like her won but it quickly dropped.

" Back up boy." she held her hand out to him, not even giving him a glance and slid into Zac's seat, onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. " i got my man right here." she said smiling at Zac and placed a kiss on his cheek, before snuggling into him.

" we taking about this later..." Darnell mumbled to the others who nodded agreeing , with wide eye's.

" Kiss him then" the waiter said daring her.

Zendaya wrinkled her nose up, " Uh... no." she told him, " how do i know you don't get off on that? because that would not be needed in a restaurant." she said just as a manager came up to them.

" is there a problem here?" The manager asked.

Zendaya put on a upset face, " this guy keeps hitting on me, while my boyfriend is right here." she told the manager pulling a sad face, " he keeps talking to me as if I'm so far below him and keeps asking of i want drinks and to go to a quite room with him." she continued, crying a little.

The manager looked mad at that and turned to her employee, " office now." she told him sternly making him nod, glare at Zendaya and walk off. " i am so sorry about that Ms Coleman." the woman said with a apologetic and scared face, " ill deal with him right away."

Zendaya let out a laugh, " thanks Hayley." she told the woman before standing up off of Zac's lap and hugged her.

" Ohh please Daya!" the woman now know was Hayley exclaimed, " there is no need for thanks! you visited my daughter when she was in hospital and your my best costumer every tie you stay here for fashion shows and what not."

" still hails thank you." Zendaya grinned at her, " by the way loving the new work outfit" she stepped back to see the woman work suit.

" Thanks to you! i don't feel so heavy anymore!" Hayley laughed.

Zendaya nodded, " the power of a good pair of pants and a couple of lose fitting shirts." she said before laughing along with the woman.

" well i got to get that man sorted but don't for get to come past my office for some coffee." hayley told Zendaya hugging her, before pulling away and walked off, " ohh good acting by the way! that was better then the guy at the bar!" she laughed ad continued to walk out of the restaurant.

Zendaya sat back down in her own seat and sipped at her water, as if nothing had happened, as myself and everyone else stared at her in shock, though i hoping she didn't recognise me...

i watched as Hugh stared to laugh, " you really are badass!" he said joyful, " thats acting was really good! and those tears came on demand!"

" Thank you." Zendaya smiled at him, " loads of practice." she told him.

" so your friends with the manager of this hotel?" A woman asked still with a shocked face.

Zendaya nodded smiling, " i always stay here for when fashion shows and stuff are on, so she was always known me since the first time i stayed here, though last year her daughter was in hospital and was close to passing away, and her last wish was to meet me, so of course i went to the hospital to see her, we all sung, danced and played together." she told them smiling at the memory, " her daughter is much better now, apparently a week after i saw her she slowly started to get better."

" Thats so amazing!" Michael exclaimed. as the others nodded.

" Thanks." Zendaya blushed. " so whats everyone having?" she asked them, changing the conversation to something other then her.

"That's out Daya..." Claire smiled at her daughter, though the phone.

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