Things That Are Lost

By ian466

23.9K 380 379

When Carver learns about the plan to escape, he demands that the other walkie-talkie is returned to him, and... More

Chapter 1: Demands And Choices Made
Chapter 2: Consequences Arise
Chapter 3: Getting Even
Chapter 4: Freedom
Chapter 5: Insanity Starts To Show
Chapter 7: Hell Breaks Out
Chapter 8: You Don't Owe Anyone.
Chapter 9: Going To Dark Places
Chapter 10: New Enemies, and Old Friends
Chapter 11: The Last Choice Is Made.
An Actual Sequel

Chapter 6: Never Trust Strangers

1.4K 24 14
By ian466

On the way back, the three of them walked in silence for a while, until Luke spoke up. "Did the others make it?" "Yeah, they did. Except for Sarita....." "What happened?" "She was bitten in the horde, apparently she turned on the way there." "Damn....How did Kenny take it?" Clem grew angry at the memory of Kenny's outburst. "Not very fucking well." "I guess it went bad." "No shit."

"You need to control yourself Clem." Luke said with concern. "I know, I know. You're right." "Luke's right Clem, especially with if you....laugh...again." Jane said. Luke grew confused. "Laugh? What do you mean by laugh?" "Before we found you, Clem started to-" Clem quickly cut her off. "Don't. You. Dare. Bring that up." She growled. Jane's eyes went wide and she quickly looked away from Clem. "Sorry." Luke glanced back and forth between them. "I'm sorry, did I miss something important?" "No." "Alright, geez."

After walking in silence the rest of the way, they finally make it back to the group and Mike spots them. "Son of a bitch." He says as they get to him. "You found him!" "Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem and Jane, well.... I don't know what would've happened." Luke said as he walked past Mike.

Rebecca, while being supported by Bonnie, walks over to them, looking around. "Wait, where's Nick?" Luke looked down in sadness and looked back at Rebecca. "Uh, Rebecca.... how about we go for a walk for a minute?" He walks over and pulls Rebecca to the side as Bonnie walks up to Clem. "Let's just give 'me some space. I have something I need to talk to you about, too." She walks away and Clem can hear Rebecca softly crying "" with her face in her hands.

Clem, choosing not to interrupt them, walks over to Bonnie. "I ain't gonna sugarcoat this. That baby's coming even faster than Rebecca's letting on." She faces Clem. "I was hoping you might know... Does Luke know anything about babies? Has he, I dunno, mentioned Carlos teaching him anything? Just in case?" Clem stood there thinking of anything related to Bonnie's question. 'I doubt Carlos told Luke anything since he thought he'd live this long.' Clem thought to herself. 'But...' Her thoughts quickly shifted to Kenny. 'Kenny.' The rage came back to her. 'That no good piece of shit....! Had a family before....' She calmed down a little with the memories of Duck and Katjaa. "Kenny had a family." She suggested to Bonnie. "He could...well I'd say 'help' but he's pretty shit when it comes to doing that." "Oh come on, give the guy a chance." "The guy got plenty of chances, but he fucked them all up." She looked around. "Where is he anyways?"

Bonnie looked behind her to a tent set up a few feet away. "He went in there after you left, said he needed a minute to himself. I'm surprised you didn't see it." "Oh ha ha. I'm laughing." Bonnie looked back at her with a smile. "You gotta admit it was funny." Clem did crack a smile. "Okay you got me with that one." Bonnie's smile faded. "He hasn't come out since. I'm afraid of what'll happen if he does though." "I'll go in there." Clem said with a heavy sigh. "Thank you Clem. I really do think that might be best. Plus you two could make up from earlier."

Clem walked away from Bonnie and approached the tent, opening it slightly so she could walk in. Once inside she walks over to Kenny, who's sitting on the ground facing a corner. Since Kenny didn't look away from the corner Clem spoke first. "I wanted to check on you. Make sure you're okay." "I'm sure you do." Kenny said with sarcasm. "Okay, not really." "Considering your episode from earlier I guess you were forced to talk to me since the others are apparently too afraid of me." "That's not entirely true, I volunteered." Kenny glanced at her. "Really?" "Yeah, really."

"So, If you volunteered, what is it? I obviously ain't helping anyone in here." "The baby's almost here, and Rebecca needs your help." Kenny sighed. "Yeah, I guess she does. How's the eye?" Clem put a hand to her bandaged eye. "If you wanna look be my guest." "Heh, I'll pass." "Well then I got no clue." "We can check later, and about before..." "Don't even try to finish, I just want to move on and forget about it." "We shouldn't do something like that." "Well it's the apocalypse, I don't give a shit at this point." "You should. Family is all we got left."

Their conversation is interrupted by Luke speaking in a panicked tone from outside the tent. "Oh shit! Does that mean what I think it does? What are we supposed to do?" Clem looks toward the tent opening as Kenny stands up. "We should see what's going on."

They leave the tent and Clem runs over to everyone, minus Jane, with Rebecca holding her stomach. "Are you okay? How does it feel?" Mike asked. "It feels wet, that's how it feels!" "What's going on?" "Rebecca's water broke." "What do we do?" Bonnie looks over to Kenny, who's facing away from the group with his arms crossed. "Kenny. Thank God. I think the baby's coming. What do we do?" After a second, Kenny turns to them. "All right all right...Gimme a sec." "No way Rebecca can travel like this." Luke states. "He right." Jane says. "She's gonna make a lotta noise. They'll be able to smell her too." "Alright Kenny, what's first?" Clem asked.

"Clean water to start with, and blankets and we need to get out of this cold." Mike speaks up. "That map shows a couple of buildings nearby. Maybe one of them could do the trick?" Bonnie walks over to one of the paths. "The museum seems like it could it be a good start. I'll go." "Good idea. Mike, think you could go with her?" Luke asks. "Sure thing." "I'll check the building by the river." Jane states before walking toward the building. "Okay then. Kenny, you uh... you stick with Rebecca, and I will check the perimeter for walkers." Luke says holding his assault rifle.

"Clem..." Bonnie calls and Clem walks over to her. "I know it must've been hard, but thank you for talking to Kenny. I'd love for you to give me and Mike a hand at the museum, but I was thinking... How do we know Jane ain't just gonna take off? Maybe you should go with her. Make sure she comes back." Luke walks up to them, having overheard her. "What do you mean by that?" "Y'know she doesn't like being around people much. And she volunteered awful fast." "She's helped us so far." Clem states. "I don't see why she would bail when she stuck around this long." "Yeah, you're right. Maybe it's nothing."

Luke turns to the other members. "Alright, we need clean water, blankets, and shelter." "Good job repeating goals." Kenny says. Clem looks to Luke. "Maybe I should go with Jane." Luke turns to her. "Better hurry and catch up then. Alright everyone. You know what to do. Let's be fast and let's be careful." And with that, Bonnie and Mike head towards the museum, Luke walks over to Rebecca, and Clem starts heading to where Jane went when she hears Sarah from behind her.

"Hey Clem." This causes Clem to stop and turn to Sarah. "Hey Sarah." She says with a smile. "What's up?" "Oh, I've just been thinking while watching everything happen." "Thinking about what?" "A lot of things, you, the others, my dad, how freaking scary Kenny is." "Kenny isn't that scary, unless you get him in a bad mood, which in that case, run like hell." "Heh, yeah." Clem saw that Sarah's face had something off about it. "Is something wrong?" "Can I help?" Clem looked at her, a bit confused. "Help with what?" "Anything really. The more I sat around, the more I restless I got. I can't just sit around anymore. I want to help." Clem was silent for a minute. 'She can help. Now that she's waking up to reality and Carlos isn't here to shelter her.' "I don't see why not. Come with me." Sarah smiled. "Really?" "Just don't get yourself killed." "Right."

The two of them head to where Jane went. When they got to the building, Jane was sitting at a nearby picnic table. "Oh hey." Jane says as Clem approaches her. "Hey. What're you doing?" "Getting lost in thought, not the safest habit to have these days. Well, it's sometimes good to have a few people watching your back." She gets up. "So, come on partners. Let's go check out that deck. I like the height." Jane walks past Clem and Sarah towards the deck, with them following shortly behind. "Did you find anything out there?" "Huh?" Jane glances at Clem, snapping out of her train of thought again. "Oh, Uh, not yet. I hadn't really started looking , until you showed up." They walked up the stairs. "I hope this place is what we're looking for. God knows we could use a break."

They get to the deck and find several things, a canon in the middle, another path on the other end and finally, a locked gate leading to inside the building. "Check this out." Jane says stopping in front of the lock. "This gates still locked, which means that hopefully no one's gotten to whatever was locked in there in the first place." "This could be a place for Rebecca to have the baby." Clem suggested. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Jane pulled out a nail file. "Hm, maybe I can pick the lock. Versatility is not overrated." She kneels down and starts picking the lock. "You know, Uh, it wouldn't hurt to try a heavier hand with this thing." "A what?" "I mean see if you can find something bigger to bust the lock." "Oh, okay." Clem walked around the deck looking for anything that could bust the lock. Sarah starts looking around as well, but spots an unknown man limping towards the deck stairs.

"Shoot! Guys!" She whispers. "There's someone coming toward us!" Jane stops picking the lock and sneaks over and sees the man. "Shit, shit, shit! He's coming this way." "Why's he coming up here?" "No idea. We should find out what he's up to though. I don't like the idea of having some stranger sneaking around." "I can try talking to him." Clem suggests from behind them. "Good idea. Sarah and I will hide while you talk to him."

Jane and Sarah sneak to the other end of the deck into the other pathway. Clem hides behind the canon and waits for the stranger to come up onto the deck. When the stranger walks onto the deck, he walks past the canon, in which Clem moves around so she isn't spotted. The man starts emptying stuff into a trash can. Clem stands up from behind the canon. "Hey."

Immediately the stranger turns around and pulls out a gun, shakily aiming at her. "Don't hurt me. I'm just a harmless kid." When the stranger doesn't respond Clem asks him. "Do you understand me?" "Yes." The stranger quickly responds. "I am Arvo. I am going to go. I don't want to shoot." Jane comes out of her hiding spot and starts sneaking up behind Arvo. "You don't have to shoot anyone. Just put the gun down." Before he could do anything, Jane grabbed the gun out of his hand and aimed at him. "Back up. Put the bag down"

Arvo drops the bag. "Clem, make sure he doesn't have any other weapons in there." Clem kneels down and opens the bag. "No. I have no more guns. I swear to you." "We need to make sure you're not a threat." Clem reaches into the bag and pulls out a bottle of painkillers. Jane looks into the bag and sees a ton more medicine in it. "That's a serious stash of meds."

"No, no, no, no, no." Arvo says panicking. "Take Whatever you want, But don't take that medicine. It's for my sister." "If that medicine is for your sister, why are you hiding it in the garbage?" Clem asked. "I need to keep it...I need to keep it safe." "Sister or not." Jane started. "We could really use that stuff." "No! You are not nice people. You have already left me defenseless and now you take my sister's medicine?" "Hey! We've got people who are suffering. Who need this medicine. Luke's still a wreck after Carver's. Clem's missing an eye. Rebecca's in pain... Look at that. Clementine, we need that stuff." "My people are suffering just as much as yours. You are not special! "Clementine" yes? You must believe me." "We don't believe a fucking word about your "sick sister." "Please don't make my sister suffer. She has been through enough." "Oh yeah? Well I think your just some junkie. You know what that word means, huh?" "Oh, Oh no! I'm telling the truth. I swear upon my own life." "I don't believe any of this. Medicine, Clementine." Clem really wanted to take the medicine, but she knew better than that. 'I'm no monster, we'll be fine on our own.' She put the painkillers back in the bag and closed it. "You're not taking them?" "I'm not robbing anybody. Just let him go." "Thank you, Clementine. Thank you."

Jane thinks about it for a minute. She then grabs Arvo and shoves him onto the railing, pointing the gun at his head. "Jane! What're you doing?" Jane ignores her. "Don't you ever come back here again. I don't care if you do have some sick sister. The next time I see you-" She is cut off suddenly when Clem kicks her in the leg and hits her in the side with her crowbar, knocking her down. Clem took a deep breath and looked at Arvo. "Take your stuff and go." Arvo grabs the bag and heads down the stairs out of sight. Jane manages to get to her feet. "What the hell was that for?" "You didn't need to take it that far." "I was making sure he didn't come back." "I think you did a pretty good job already." Jane sighed, leaning on the rail. "You can come out now Sarah." Sarah walks out of her hiding spot. "Is he gone?" "Yeah, he's gone."

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