colby brock imagines

By maybankswims

79.8K 1K 436

because who doesn't love this cute lil explorer :) dora ain't got nothin on him ;) *SLOW UPDATES* i'm a busy... More

0.1| "Naturally"
0.2| Hurt
0.3| Suicide Brige
0.4 || Blood
0.5|| Feel Loved (Arely)
0.6|| Caught
0.7 || Yours
0.9|| broken
1.1 || always you
1.2|| Coaster
1.8|| Spoil My Night
1.9|| Artist
2.0|| The Origin

1.0| cheesy

3.2K 56 4
By maybankswims

y/n's pov

the bell rung, indicating it was free period. i shot my head up from its place in between my arms.

i rubbed my eyes sleepily and stood up, noticing literally no one was in the room.

damn. over slept again.

i sighed and walked out of the door. the halls were empty. not a single person in sight.

what the hell?

i walk down the hall slowly when one of my bestfriends, Sam, pops out of nowhere.

"sam? what the hell?" he smiled, not saying anything. he held out a beautiful white rose.

i took ahold of it and he held out his arm for me.

"this way m'lady." he spoke in a terrible accent. i laughed and wrapped my hand around his arm.

"so what's going on?" i laugh confusedly.

"nothing you need to worry about." he smiled sweetly, leaving me confused as he pushed me into hall C.

brennen was standing there, another beautiful white rose in his hand. i grabbed it from him, a sweet smile on my face.

"thank you brennen." he smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"here is where you guys met for the first time. 9th grade. fresh into high school. you were the only person who wanted to be his friend." my eyebrows furrowed as i tried to think as to what he meant.

he walked me into the cafeteria and there stood corey and devyn, dumb smiles on their faces. both held the same beautiful roses in their hands.

"here is where you two first talked. he spilt a plate of food down all over you and wouldn't shut up about it." it clicked. colby.

the handsome blue eyed dork i fell in love with.

"then you two walked to the bathroom to get you cleaned up and he wouldn't stop staring. after that, he wouldn't shut up about you." corey smiled.

both them lead me to hallway H and aaron appeared.

"hi y/n." he smiled, handing me another rose. "this is where you two kissed for the first time. the end of ninth grade. he wouldn't shut up so you kissed him. right on the lips." both of you laughed.

i slowly started walking towards the outside lunch area. there i saw lines of kids i knew holding roses.

i smiled widely as i walked, grabbing the roses as i went. finally, i reached the end.

there stood the handsome boy i had been waiting to see.

"hi babe." he smiled adorablely. i smiled back, holding dozens of roses in my hands.

"i wanted to ask you something very very very important." he continues.

i nod for him to continue on.

he pulled out a huge sign with words sprawled in slightly nice writing.

"i know this may be a little big and extra but it would mean something big to me, if you went to prom w/ me?"

i smiled widely, nodding my head. he smiled and ran to hug me. i wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"i love you." he whispered quietly to me.

"i love you too dork."

uh, i googled cute promposels and that quote came up and it was the best i could find to fit so. this was kinda set up like a marriage proposal but oh whale. i did see a proposal for prom like this once so. hope you enjoyed!

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