Sonic Boom x Reader (DISCONTI...

By MaskedDragon533

168K 2.9K 8.1K

DISCONTINUED. Female reader! Title TBD. One day, trying to escape your typical human life, you travel to a sm... More

Can an Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch for a Few Days?
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My Fair Sticksy
Double Doomsday
Guilt Tripping
Circus of Plunders
Unlucky Knuckles
The Meteor
To Slow a Hedgehog Down
Aim Low
Don't Judge Me


9.8K 178 306
By MaskedDragon533

2/3/18 - 2/13/18

(Oh my lord, this one is super long!!!! 😅 omfg, just about 3,700 words....)

"It all comes down to this final toss for the young echidna from Angel Island." Tails spoke into a pinecone, which he used as a substitute for a microphone, as Knuckles finished stretching in the background. "He'll need a score greater than four to take the championship."

You watched as Knuckles picked up Sonic and begin swinging hm in circles to gain momentum. "Can he do it?" Tails continued. "Can he score a four? The crowd is on their feet!"

"Can you get one with it already?" Amy asked monotonously as she tapped her foot in impatience.

"Not to agree, but I'm getting bored." You added from where you sat on the ground.

Knuckles released Sonic and sent him flying into the tree, which knocked down only three coconuts. "Denied!" Tails cried out. "Three coconuts is not quite four."

"Look!" Sticks yelled, pouting to the top of the small tree. Everyone, aside from Amy, held their breath as their eyes came to rest upon a single coconut that gently jiggled back and forth. Amy let out a yawn, which was interrupted by a small shriek as the coconut fell and hit her in the head.

Sonic and Knuckles laughed in relief, chest-bumping each other. "They've done it!" Tails cheered. "They've done the impossible! The team of Knuckles & Sonic has bested the team of Sonic & Knuckles!"

"Wait a minute!" Amy cried out in disbelief. "You were playing against yourselves!?"

"No!" Knuckles replied. "Weren't you listening? We beat Sonic & Knuckles." He pointed at his nose, yelling, "In your face, Knuckles!"

"Well that has to be the biggest plot twist I've ever seen." You stated, which was followed by a snarky, "And probably the most anti-climatic one too."

Suddenly, a huge shadow looked over the beach. Looking up, everyone saw a huge mass of dark grey clouds formed above, and a small, bright light shone out from the middle. Eggman flew out of the mass in his Eggmobile, yelling, "Behold, rodents! And the human...." You rolled your eyes with a growl. "Prepare to meet the most fearsome destructive force ever to grace this, or any other world!" He motioned to the mass of clouds.

Everyone stared in confusion at the clouds, only receiving a small whirring sound from the whole ordeal. "It'll be just a minute. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves." Eggman said before resuming his previous position of motioning towards the clouds. He waited a few more seconds before continuing, "It'll be just a few more seconds, I assure you!"

Sitting in silence once more, Sonic hummed to himself awkwardly before a loud noise was heard. "Ah! Here it is now!" Eggman exclaimed. "This. Is. Cowbot!" From the clouds flew a huge robot that had both the shape and color scheme of a real cow.

"It's a cow." Amy stated the obvious.

"It's a cowbot!" Eggman snapped. The gang, including yourself, began to laugh hysterically. "What? What's so funny?" Eggman demanded.

"Cowbot?" Sonic asked in disbelief. "That has to be the lamest thing you've ever come up with!"

"Not true!" Eggman whined. "There was Spoonbot and Mathbot, and who can forget Lamebot! Wait, what am I saying?" Eggman caught himself in the middle of a stupid conversation.

"Yeah." Sonic sighed.

"Forgot about that one." Amy stated.

"My breakfast is plotting to kill me." Sticks said out of nowhere, which caused everyone to look at her strangely.

"Oh!" Eggman exclaimed, hearing a loud beeping coming from his wrist remote thingy. "Time to move my laundry to the dryer. I'll leave you in Cowbot's capable hooves." He smiled before flying off in his Eggmobile.

"Okay guys," Sonic began monotonously, "let's destroy this thing so we can get back to Coconut Hurl."

"Oh, and did I mention?" Eggman called out from a ways away. "Cowbot is made of Mootonium, a pun-based radioactive compound. If you destroy him, he'll vaporize everything in a 20-mile radius. Toodles!"

Cowbot mooed as he opened his mouth, shooting out huge, green things. Landing just in front of Sticks, she yelled out, "It's firing cud missiles!" The gang began to run away from Cowbot and its missiles, running straight into the forest and diving into the cover of some thick and lush bushes. In the process, Cowbot also managed to knock down five to six coconuts with a missile.

"My record!" Knuckles cried out in agony.

"If we can't smash that thing," Amy began as she ignored Knuckles, "What can we do?"

"Looks like there's an access panel on top!" Tails pointed out. "If I can get to it, maybe I can reprogram Cowbot!"

"Time to tip this cow!" Knuckles snarled.

"I'll distract him! Sonic smirked. "(Y/N), you stay here!"

"Better go fast, Sonic!" You smirked back.

He dashed off, staying in Cowbot's line of sight as the group began to tip the cow on three. They successfully tipped the robot, and just before it hit Sonic. Tails flew up to the panel and messed around, and in a few short seconds, he finished. "That should do it!"

However, Cowbot's eyes turned red as it began to rise again. "Or not." Tails cried out, jumping off. The bot mooed before flying off toward the ocean.

"Uh, Tails?" Sonic asked as he approached. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure." Tails replied. "It's original programming was to destroy Sonic, so since I reversed it...."

"It's going after Eggman!" Sonic laughed out. "Classic!"

"No, it's not classic." Amy growled in annoyance. "It's awful! That thing is a killing machine, and if it explodes, no more Eggman!"

"And on laundry day?" Knuckles chimed in. "Not cool, Sonic."

"Ugh, fine." Sonic groaned. "I'll go warn him." He turned to you, saying, "Tails, (Y/N), you come with me. And bring your science stuff." The latter referred to Tails, to which he responded, "You got it, Sonic!"

"And while you're there, ask him how he gets out grass stains." Knuckles said. "His whites are always so white!"

As Tails ran off to his workshop, you and Sonic began to head there as well, but stayed further behind. "I still think we should just let him have it." You sighed. "Dude kinda deserves it."

"I know, but we gotta do the right thing!" Sonic replied.

"You always have to be a hero, don't you?" You smirked. "Always have to do the right thing."

He chuckled as he lightly punched your arm. "Yup! After all, being a super cool and handsome hero is my job!"

"'Super cool' and 'handsome' are a bit of an exaggeration."

"Oh yeah? How so?" He smirked at you.

"Well, I'd prefer slow and lame." You smiled internally, trying to get a rise out of the blue hedgehog.

"First of all, I'm not slow or lame." He glared. "Secondly, you didn't say anything that would refute my attractiveness, so that means you think I'm handsome." Sonic said smugly.

"You got me! I meant slow, lame, and ugly!"

"That's it, missy!" He growled with a huge smirk as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you into the air, pressing your back firmly to his chest. "You're gonna pay!"

"Oh yeah? How so?" You mocked is earlier statement with a giggle.

He quickly pinned you to the ground, tickling your sides with no mercy. "Sonic, stop!" You squealed in laughter. "K-Knock it o-off!"

"Not until you tell me that I'm super cool, super fast, and super handsome!"

"Never!" You gasped out.

"You'll have to succumb eventually, (Y/N)! Why don't you just forfeit right now and make this easy?" He chuckled.

"Fine! Just s-stop so I can b-breathe!" He stopped as your began to calm your laughter and get your breath back. Although you wanted run, there was nowhere for you to go since Sonic had you trapped underneath him. His hands were placed firmly on the ground beside your head and his legs were planted on the outside of each of yours. "You're super fast and super cool!" You smiled.

"And?" He smirked expectantly.

"And you're my handsome little hedgehog."

"Trust me, I know." He smiled softly as he leaned in for a small, quick kiss. "After all, what's not to love?" He asked as he pulled away. "I've got everything!"

"Not really." You smirked as he helped you to your feet.

"Yeah? Well what's missing?"

"This." You smirked, holding up the handkerchief that's always around his neck.

"What? Give it back!" He whined. "How did you even take that?"

"Rule number one! I'm super sneaky~" With that, you took off running towards Tails's workshop as Sonic followed close behind, trying to take the cloth back from you.


Tails's plane gently landed on the rocky island in which Eggman's lair rested. "Tails, (Y/N), wait here." Sonic said. "Who knows what kind of crazy defenses Eggman has." He jumped out of the plane and sneakily sped around, running to the door and giving a small knock. When the door didn't open, Sonic spoke. "Huh, nothing. When you think you know a villain...."

He was about to walk away when Eggman opened the door....dressed in a hot-pink onesie. You and Tails facepalmed in sync from your seats in the plane.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting company." Eggman said flatly.

"Yeah....I figured that out." Sonic groaned. "Don't you have some kind of defense system? ....And pants?"

"Funny story!" Eggman started. "I used the parts from my defense system to make the Cowbot I sent to destroy you! How'd that work out, by the way?"

"Tails reprogrammed it and how it's on its way here to destroy you instead." Sonic smirked through is reply. "So, good luck with that! Toodles!"

"But you can't just leave me here without my defenses!" Eggman wined. "I'd be.... What's the word?"

"Defenseless?" Sonic answered matter-of-factly.

"Do you need us to bring your defense systems back online?" Tails said, hopping out of the plane and walking over to the two.

"I'm good." Eggman waved them off. "Unless you've activated Cowbot's stage 2 directive. Then my defenses will be useless."

"That's not the whole red eyes thingy, is it?" Sonic asked, praying it wasn't.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Eggman....smiled? It's kind a hard to tell with that man. For all you know, it was one of his all-knowing smirks or something.

"Lucky guess." Sonic replied. He dashed over to the plane and lifted you out, carrying You bridal style into the lair.

Eggman led you and your friends into his room that held his main monitor. Tails immediately crashed into the chair and began typing away in the digital keyboard. "The only way to stop Cowbot is to upgrade Eggman's defenses!"

"You'd do that for me? After all the terrible, yet totally justified, things I've tried to do to you?" Eggman exclaimed, and you could've swore you felt some of his fake tears coming on.

"Yup. Tooootally justified." You replied, rolling your eyes. Sonic just chuckled whilst Eggman decided it was best to ignore you.

"Good thing I told you to bring your science stuff, huh, Tails?" Sonic asked with a smirk, awaiting some sort of praise or recognition. When nothing came, he immediately followed up with, "You start working on Eggman's defenses! I'll get parts!" He turned to Eggman, exclaiming, "And Eggman! ....Put on some pants."

When Sonic glanced at you, he saw your arms crossed in a huff as you tapped your foot. "Well? I'm waaaaaiting!" You groaned, mimicking the blue hedgehog.

"What?" He smiled at you. "You want something to do?"

"Duh!" You smiled back.

"Well, how about you stay here with Tails?" When Sonic saw your annoyed expression, he laughed. "Just kidding! Come with me."

"That's more like it, mister!" You lightly punched his arm with a giggle.

And with that, everyone got to work. Eggman started working on building the mechanisms while Tails worker on the programming. After helping Sonic gather parts, which obviously went by really quick, you would help anyone who asked. Yes, even Eggman, but of course you'd mess with him! If he asked for a tool, you'd give I'm just about anything other than that tool. And, halfway through, Sonic wore some science eyewear....only to make a Chili Dog. You simply laughed.

Once all of the machines were tested and cleared, Sonic wheeled everything outside. And, to add a final touch, Eggman activated a large force field that protected the entire lair. However, it had to be turned off as quick as it had been turned on because Sonic accidentally left his Chili Dog sitting in a rock juuuust outside the barrier.

With everything now set, everyone finally stopped to take a look at the oncoming Cowbot. And by oncoming....I mean you all realized it was going to take a few nice, long hours before it got close enough. "Okay, when Cowbot comes in range, I'll lower the force field." Sonic began going over the game plan. "Eggman will zap Cowbot with the Freeze Ray, and Tails will fly over and disarm it. And (Y/N)....well-"

"I'm not staying out of the way!" You smiled as you found a loophole.

"Um, yes you are! You know how this goes." Sonic retorted.

"Well, technically you said I had to stay away when you were fighting Eggman. We're all fighting Cowbot." You smirked as you crossed your arms in triumph, having successfully woven your way through the loophole.

"But I technically hadn't specified." Sonic smirked back. "I just remember saying that you had to stay away when we fought."

"Ah, Yes, but who is we?" You smirked back, the two of you inching closer to each other's faces to try and intimidate the other in your now fairly-heated argument. "Is it the gang? Is it the gang and Eggman? Maybe it's you and Eggman specifically! But at the time, Cowbot didn't exist, so it surely doesn't pertain to it!"

Sonic opened his mouth, ready to fire back, but nothing full came. Instead, all he "said" was, "I.... You.... But...." Eventually, he sighed. "Fine!"

You fake-gasped. "Does...that mean?"

"You win." Sonic muttered, but so low that you couldn't hear him.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" You mocked, holding your hand to your ear with a smirk as you leaned in.

"You. Win." Sonic said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yay!" You beamed, jumping into the air. "Oh, and by the way, you owe me~"

"Of course I do." Sonic groaned.

"Shut up." You rolled your eyes with a smile. "I know you're happy about that!"

"Anyways, back to business." Sonic said, turning back to Eggman and Tails. He put his hand out, and you, Tails, and Eggman placed your hands on top of Sonic's in a stack. "Alright, let's rock!" Sonic shouted with a laugh as he, Tails, and Eggman got into a battle position.

When nothing happened, Tails broke the small and awkward silence. "Let's butcher this bovine!"

Again, nothing happened. So you, being the smart, sarcastic brat you are, decided to speak up. "Let's not do anything because that thing is moving as slow as molasses and is far away enough as it is!"

"Yeah, I think we have some time." Sonic said, now both bored and impatient.

"Wanna go inside? I got cocoa!" Eggman offered. So now, the four of you were inside the lair with mugs held in hand and a plate of cookies on the table.

Tails took a sip of the cocoa and grimaced, exclaiming, "That is some interesting cocoa."

"Guess my secret ingredient!" Eggman said, obviously excited.

"If he says 'love,' I'm outta here." Sonic groaned, looking at Tails.

"Hmm.... Is it nutmeg?" Tails asked after a brief moment of thought.

"Close! It's actually a tablespoon of garlic powder!" Eggman smiled.

"That explains the texture...."

Sonic smiled at Tails before leaning in to rest his mug in the table. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Coaster!" Eggman scolded, quickly sliding a coaster under Sonic's cup. "What, were you raised in a barn?" Sonic rolled his eyes, grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. Eggman immediately pulled out a hand-held vacuum, sucking up the crumbs as soon as they fell from the cookie after the bite.

"Ugh!" Sonic grimaced,

"Guess the secret ingredient!"


"Nope. Love! Just kidding, it's garlic!"

"And I thought he was annoying when he was just trying to destroy us." Sonic muttered sarcastically.


For the remainder of the day, the group, simply put, wasted their time. Cowbot had to have been the slowest thing on the entire planet! You all watched TV, played Coconut Hurl, and many other useless activites to help spend-no, waste-some time. And now, it was nighttime.

"We've been up forever. When's Cowbot gonna get here?" Sonic groaned out.

"You're so impatient, Sonic." Eggman sighed. "Sometimes you gotta slow down and enjoy life! Here, have a roasted marshmallow!"

"Well it's not like we chose for this to happen. I mean, if you weren't so annoying, then nobody would be in this mess." You added flatly. Sonic chuckled, to which you added, "And by you, I mean Eggman and Sonic."


"You heard me, hedgehog." You glared back, clearly tired. "I mean, you just have to be a hero, don't you?"

"Oh, shut up!" Sonic snapped through his smile, taking the marshmallow from Eggman and eating it to drop the subject. "Mmm! Sticky, but good!"

"Really good!" Tails added.

"I never get to do stuff like this with Orbot and Cubot." Eggman smiled contently. It was strange seeing this side of him. "Marshmallows always gunk up their circuitry."

"Yeah, that's the problem with having no real friends." Sonic replied.

"Yeah.... Hey, you know who I hate?" Eggman began, starting a new topic. "That Dave the intern. Am I right? Huh?"

"I never gave him that much thought." Sonic answered.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"That dude who tried starting the other Doomsday device." Tails answered as he finished his marshmallow.

"Oh.... Forgot about that!"

"Are there any more marshmallows?" You tossed Tails a fresh, unopened package, to which he thanked you.

"Hey, Sonic." You heard Eggman 'whisper.' "Bro to bro, what's up with you and Amy?"

"Nothing." Sonic answered.

"You sure?"


"Oh! What about that human girl?"

Sonic lightly blushed and immediately glanced at you. Your eyes widened as you sent him a deadly glare, shaking your head. 'Don't you dare say anything.'

"They're dating." Tails smirked as he finished roasting yet another marshmallow.

You and Sonic glared at him, but he simply laughed. Eggman didn't say anything further for the rest of the night. Only a few minutes later, everyone settled down to go to sleep. Laying on the ground out in the open, you quickly got chilly as the fire was about to go out. You scrambled over to Sonic, who welcomed you into his warm embrace without question.

"Wake up! Wake up!" A loud, irritating voice yelled, breaking you from your slumber.

You went to push yourself to your feet when something groaned. Fully opening your eyes, you realized you had been pressing all of your weight onto Sonic's chest. "S-Sorry!" You stumbled in embarrassment, but Sonic just brushed it off.

Hearing rumbling and loud explosions, you all turned to see Cowbot right in front of the forcefield, shooting cud missiles at it. "Engage all defense systems!" Tails yelled.

"Turning off the forcefield!" Eggman declared as he grabbed the remote. "My, I'm having some trouble here!" He called out when loud buzzing and zapping was heard from the remote.

Sonic was going through the same sticky situation. He tried activating a machine, but it got clogged by all of the marshmallow residue that coated his fingers. "This thing's all gunked up! My hands are sticky from the marshmallows!"

"It's game over, man! Game over!"

Tails ignored Eggman and looked at his sticky hands. "Marshmallows!" He exclaimed with a bright smile. "If they gunk up our machinery, then they'll gunk up Cowbot's too!"

"But how are we gonna reach the access panel?" Sonic asked him.

You whistled to him, grabbing his attention as you motioned to the catapult that he and Eggman had used the day before in Coconut Hurl. But this time, it was different. You were the one in the catapult. "Ready, aim, fire!" You laughed. You soared through the air and gracefully landed on Cowbot. Opening a small, circular panel on the side, you poured in some of the liquid marshmallow.

Cowbot short-circuited and crashed to the ground. "It worked!" Eggman cheered.

"That's the beauty of teamwork!" Tails added.

"Not teamwork! My master plan!" Eggman retaliated. "I tricked you into helping me upgrade my security system. Now, I can use your own tech against you."

You facepalmed. Why was he so stupid? He just gave everything away! But you smirked nonetheless when Sonic quickly sped around, breaking everything they made with some left over marshmallow. "Our work here is done. Come on, guys!"


When you got back to the mainland, Tails went to his workshop while you and Sonic went to the shack. Only seconds after you walked through the doorframe, Sonic gently grabbed you and pulled you close to him. He gave you a small twirl before dipping you. His gorgeous, emerald eyes stared into yours for a few seconds as a small smile graced his face before gently, yet passionately kissing you. You sighed into it with a small giggle.

When he pulled back, he slightly smirked. "There. Now I don't owe you anything!"

"Why is it that I only get kisses from you because you owe me?" You asked with a fake frown, which was boosted by your puppy dog eyes and your fluttering eyelashes.

"All you have to do is ask, sweetheart." He emitted a low growl, along with an even larger smirk, and pulled you in for more kisses.

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