The Last Touch #3

By TheScarletAngel_

87.3K 4K 157

Being told he has a terminal illness has made Elijah Hunt rearrange his priorities. Trading his workaholic-ne... More

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By TheScarletAngel_


Two words. Two dreaded words got me into this damned uncomfortable position.

When Zoe came down the stairs this morning she was in a very good mood and the first words to leave her mouth was.

'Eli. We need to go grocery shopping.'

My brilliant response?. 'We?.'

Let me tell you this no guy wants to hear his girlfriend tell him to follow her to shop for groceries at 9 am on a Saturday.

Now shopping for lingerie? The damned best thing you could ask.

So here I am pushing an overflowing cart after her while watching her delicious derrière move in those ridiculously short shorts.

A finger snapped in front of my eyes "Eli?."

I blinked at her to see her scowling at me "focus would you?"

"Sorry" I mumbled "what did you say?."

"I asked if you prefer green tea to black."

Who the Fuck cares anyway?. I shrugged in response and she tossed the two in the cart.

"Do you want to get anything?"

"No. Are you" finally "done?."

She nodded and pointed to an overflowing cart beside the one I was pushing. When the bloody hell did she get that?.

I raised my brows at her "planning to feed an army?."

She rolled her eyes at me and muttering something under her breath she pushed her cart to check out.

And with a deep sigh I followed her.

The sales guy at check out glanced at our overflowing cart and his brow disappeared into his hair but he kept mute. Wise guy.

After a few minutes he calculated our total and I sighed in relief as I brought out my wallet to give him my card. We finally get to leave here.

Zoe raised her brow when I handed the guy my card and I shrugged.

"Take half the money there and the rest here" she said bringing out her card.

What the hell?. Insulted I snatched the card from her and kept it in my wallet.

"Eli!" She admonished.

"Take everything from my card" I told the guy who nodded and did as asked.

When he was done he had someone help with the cart Zoe was holding.

Thank God I decided to drive the SUV today. If I was driving my Venron there was no way in hell the groceries would fit.


After loading the car Eli tipped the sales guy who helped us and we left.

I fumed silently as we drove back to Eli's place. I get that he's rich and all but that doesn't mean he has to pay for everything. I mean I'm loaded too but you don't see me flaunting my money everywhere.

"You're seriously mad I paid for groceries that's gonna be at my place?. Groceries that I'm gonna use?."

I scowled at him. Here he goes trying to make me feel unreasonable.

"Unbelievable" he muttered under his breath.

When he parked the car I got out slamming the door. Let him deal with his groceries.

"Zoe!" He called his voice surprisingly close. I whirled around to see him directly behind me.

"Come on you can't be mad about that."

I narrowed my eyes at him bitting my tongue to curb the words trying to burst out. The silent treatment works better than yelling.

"Okay fine!!. I'm sorry!. I'll say I won't do it again but it'd be a lie and I don't want to lie to you."

I sighed "fine."

"And she speaks ladies and gentlemen!"

I rolled my eyes at him "whatever."

After we brought the groceries in and we had lunch Eli was in his study making calls when an idea popped into my head.

It was impulsive. It was risky. It was insane. But I loved it.

I tapped my finger on my temple as I worked out the kinks. I'd have to convince Eli but that was a problem I'd battle later.

The more I thought about it the more excited I got. It'd be very fun and we'd get to know each other more.

"Uh oh" Eli said as he walked into the living room.

I glanced up at him "what?."

"You got that look on your face." He said sitting beside me.

I turned to face him "what look?."

"The 'I've been thinking about something I shouldn't be but I'm determined to go through with it' look. The look that scares the hell out of me."

"I don't know what to say." I told him honestly blown by how much he knew me.

"Say 'you're wrong Eli'." He said closing his eye as he relaxed against the chair.

I didn't say anything. After a while he opened his eyes "I'm right aren't I?."

I shrugged and he winced.

"Oh man."

"Elijah." I said so he knows I'm serious.

He immediately sat up "yes ma'am."

I laughed "come on,it's not that bad just hear me out okay?."

"Okay" he said dryly.

"How flexible is your work schedule?" I ask.

He furrowed his brow in confusion "I don't have to be there at all if that's what you're asking,my employees have everything under control but I like to check in on things so I try to make it to the headquarters at least three times a week. Why?."

Relieved at his answer I ignored his question "you can check in through video calls right?."

"It's not going to be like being there but I guess I can. Am I going somewhere?."

I took in a deep breath "we have some problems at work and some people got fired. Don't worry" I said raising my hand in anticipation of his question "I'm so awesome my boss couldn't handle firing me."

He raised his brow at me "your confidence is awe inspiring."

"Whatever." I said with a grin "However my salary did get cut but I'm okay with that as long as I still have my job."

"Of course." He said not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

I glanced at him to see he looked serious and I released a breath i didn't know I was holding "you believe me?."

His gaze met mine "you're a lot of things Zoe but loyal is definitely one of them."

I smiled sweetly at him "thank you."

He shrugged.

"Anyways I told Rick this and guess what he said."

"He didn't believe you?."

"Oh he did. We even had an emotional bonding over it and when I thought all was well...he banned me from work!" I exclaimed dramatically.

"Explain 'banned'."

"He said and I quote 'take a week off from work Zoe. That's an order' and then he wouldn't listen to reason so now I'm free till the 2nd of November."

There was a pause "so?."

"So?!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know what to say. I mean who gets upset at getting a week off from work?" He said unwittingly quoting Rick.

I sighed. "Well I was at first but after a few hours of thinking about it I got excited."

"See?. Good for you."

"It could be good for us. I've been thinking."

"Uh oh."

I rolled my eyes not bothering to deem a reply to his response "what do you think about spending the week together?. You can still keep in touch with work and stuff but we stay together."

He raised a brow "wouldn't that be boring? Staying home for a week?."

"Who said anything about staying home?."

"But you said..." he trailed off when I sat on his lap.

I gave him my best puppy dog look "what do you think about a road trip?."

He looked confused but shrugged "That's totally random but it's okay I guess."

I crossed my fingers "okay in what way?."

"They could be fun" he said.

My face lit up and I jumped to my feet "I know right! And since we're in the fall season we get to see a lot of cool things!" I clapped my hands in excitement barely resisting the urge to jump up and down pumping my fist in the air.

"It's settled then. We leave tomorrow afternoon."

"Urm... I don't follow" Eli's confused vice came from behind me.

"Try to catch up honey" I told him absently thinking about the things we would need.

"Catch up on what?" He asked in exasperation.

I turned to face him "you know Eli for such a bright business man you can be quite dense some times."

He glared at me "Excuse me?:"

"Don't be a baby. I called you bright didn't I?." I told him "We're going to need some food. Oh oh and transportation."

I ran to Eli's room to grab a notepad to write down the things we'd need. Thank God we got some groceries earlier.

I'd have to call Ava and Neil of course. Tell them so they wouldn't worry.

I walked into the living room to see Eli pacing but I didn't pay him any attention.


My head snapped up in surprise "what?."

"Are you trying to tell me we're going on a road trip?" He asked.

I was taken aback "I thought we already agreed."

"Yes. But..."

"But nothing. We're going and that's final." I spun around dramatically and walked out.

There was a loud curse and I grinned rubbing my hands together oh yeah baby.

Vacation here we come.

The next day at work I cleared up my schedule and delegated those that couldn't be cleared to be my assistant.

I closed up early to visit with my family and tell them Eli and I were going RVing. They were surprised but encouraging.

Then I went home to pack my stuff. By the time I got to Eli's place it was past 6 in the evening.

"I have something to show you" Eli says as soon as I walk in.

"What?" I ask but he simply walks out and I have no choice but to follow him.

He took me to his garage and switched on the lights.

My jaw drops at the array of cars. He had over a dozen cars not including trucks.

"How can you possibly drive all these?"

He shrugs sheepishly "I can't resist buying new cars. I always make sure to drive one each month to warm them up"

He walks further into the room and my jaw drops when he points at a brand new, shiny RV.

"Eli..." I said touched.

He smirks at my surprise, taking out a key from his pocket to open the doors.

It was stunning. My jaw was practically on the floor as I take in the sleek, modern interior.

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