Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

403K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

chapter 41

4.7K 120 61
By CC__5H

here its is,         ~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

sorry for any mistakes

The next few days that went by were the hardest for camila. She stayed home Tuesday Wednesday, and Thursday telling her parents that she wasn't feeling well. Her father had asked her if her missing school had to do with what she had told him about.

She told him it didn't, and decided to come to school Friday just so he wouldn't continue to ask her questions. She looked horrible. She hadn't bothered trying to put on make up to hide the bags that had came under her eyes from the lack of sleep she had gotten as she thought about lauren crying because of her. She had also thought about what could have been. Her and lauren becoming successful in their career goals maybe getting married... Those thoughts were the saddest. And finally she had to think about getting back together with austin. She was dreading it so badly, but she knew she had to do it today otherwise Harley would reveal lauren's secret.

camila had completely neglected working with shawn to learn the chords for their song, he had called a few times, but she ignored it. camila was almost positive that he was calling to tell her how much of a bitch she was. She didn't want to hear that. Calling simon was honestly the furthest thing from her mind.


camila couldn't have prepared herself as she felt her best friend almost tackle her.

"I've been so worried! You haven't been picking up your phone all week! I tried to call your house phone, but your parents said you were to sick to talk...I wanted to come over, but they said you just needed rest.." normani spoke at nearly a hundred miles per hour.

camila smiled for what seemed like the first time in days. "I'm fine now."

normani looked at her friend with a hard expression. "Don't give me that. I know your not fine. I can see the bags under your eyes indicating a lack of sleep."

 "O.k..Maybe I'm not fine..."

"It's lauren isn't it." normani said her tone softening as she walked camila towards a bench that was in front of the school.

camila nodded. "I miss her so much mani...You should have seen her when I.."

normani stopped her from speaking, knowing that the words were killing canmila. "I know ...dinah told me that lauren won't talk to her about it at all. she spends all her time practicing."

"Basketball is her escape from the heartbreak that I caused.." camila muttered already knowing why lauren was working so hard.

normani didn't respond since she knew how true camila's words were.

"Now I have to deal with austin today...This is even harder then I imagined.." camila continued her hands going to her face as she tried to handle her emotions. One thing she had told herself over and over was that she wasn't going to let austin see her so weak. No he was going to get a side of camila that would make him want to get as far away from her as possible.

"Are you sure about this Mila?" normani questioned her concern growing even more. This couldn't be healthy.

camila nodded before standing up. "Yeah...I have to be strong...For both lauren and I."


30 minutes before the second home game of the season. lauren never would have thought that she wouldn't have camila here to cheer her on. she shook the thought out of her head. Now was not the time for distractions. No. Leave any thought that doesn't involve basketball off the court. she couldn't let down her teammates nor could she let down all of the people who wanted to see the team get another victory.

"You ready laur?" dinah questioned as she finished putting on her jersey.

lauren nodded. "Yeah..Get the rest of the team and head to the gym. I'll be there before introductions start."

"Alright. Don't be late. You know lucy is looking forward to seeing both of us introduced tonight. I managed to get her a seat right next to normani." dinah added in hoping that news that lucy would be there would raise lauren's mood.

lauren gave a small smile. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

dinah just patted lauren on the shoulder before leaving to do what he was told. lauren took another 15 before she finally got up as well. "Alright focus." she told herself as she headed out the locker room.

lauren was grateful to be walking alone. she had to get her thoughts under control before she made it to the court. camila had dominated her thoughts all week, she could pause for two hours. she turned the corner that led to the entrance of the gym, but two figures standing by the door caught her attention. austin and and a brown haired man.

lauren didn't think twice about it as she continued walking.

"Yeah! I can't believe camila actually got back together with me."

The sentence made lauren's entire world stop. Her eyes went to austin who hadn't noticed her, having been to occupied on bragging to whoever she was talking to. lauren felt rage enter her system. There was no way camila would go back to austin.

"I told you." The man said nonchalantly.

austin laughed. "Yeah she even broke up with lauren for me! Man I really was starting to think I didn't have a chance."

lauren had to stop herself from attacking austin, choosing to instead walk past him as if she hadn't heard the conversation. He couldn't get in trouble right before the game..Neither of the two took notice of him.

Her heart was pounding. That was why camila left her? To get back together with him?!

"Oh my god! lucy can we please have your autograph!" A group of girls yelled as lucy's bodyguard attempted to politely tell them that lucy had signed enough autographs since she had arrived.

"I wish I was as popular as you." normani said to the girl causing lucy to giggle.

"Trust me, I'd much rather be able to sit and enjoy my friend's basketball game without being worried about being mobbed." lucy replied as she kindly waved to the girls who were still trying to get close to her.

"If I hadn't met you last week, I'd probably be the same as them honestly, but dinah made me promise not to assault you." normani responded in a joking tone although dinah had really told her to not bother lucy to much.

lucy had to give a loud laugh at that one. "Oh I doubt you would have done that." She said before her eyes traveled to the empty seat next to normani. "By the way where is Mila?"

Normani's eyes went to the chair that had been reserved for camila for the entire year and frowned. "She decided not to come..."

lucy frowned. "Why not? Doesn't she want to support lauren?"

normani was hesitant on what to say. "I'm sure she does,'s complicated right now. If she could be here I'm sure she would."

lucy accepted the answer with a small shrug before turning her eyes to the stadium entrance. Her eyes lit up as she saw the doors open. "LAUREN!" She screamed at the top of her lungs surprising Normani.

Her antics also attracted a lot of other people and soon the chants began.




normani laughed. "Look what you started."

But lucy didn't hear her instead her eyes were trained on the raven haired basketball player who had occupied her thoughts all week despite her best effort to avoid thinking about her. she seemed...Angry. Her hands were balled into fist and she could tell she was struggling to calm herself down. What could have happened? It took a lot for lauren to get angry.

She didn't have to much time to dwell on it however as the lights in the gym turned off and soon the introductions began. She clapped her hands as each starter from miami was introduced, she even laughed a bit as dinah was introduced, she was as cocky as usual. She felt goosebumps appear on her skin however as the announcer prepared to say lauren's name.

The entire gym was still chanting. lucy felt pride bumbling inside of her to know that the same little girl she had met so many years ago had become so popular that the entire city knew her! The pride disappeared, however as lauren's name was said. she walked through the man made path stoic and she seemed to lack energy. she gave a few high fives to her teammates and to most people she probably looked normal, but she could tell something was wrong.

She watched as dinah wrapped her hand around lauren's shoulder and whisper something into her ear. She smiled leave it to dinah to notice how lauren was acting too, maybe she would be able to snap her out of it.

lauren nodded at dianh, but lucy didn't see anything that suggested that her anger had calmed. She could only wonder what could have lauren so bothered right before a game. Hopefully her performance wouldn't be effected.

Not long after the game started with miami having the first possession. lauren wasted no time in driving to the rim, scoring with ease causing everybody in the gym to once again start their lauren chants.

But the excitement was short lived. For the rest of the first quarter lauren made mistakes..Most of the times they were simple mistakes like throwing the ball out of bounds or taking a bad shot. Other times they were mistakes like taking to long to cross the half court line. It was clear as day to lucy now that something serious must have happened to lauren to make her play like this.

"And another turnover by Lauren Jauregui...I don't know what's going on folks, but whatever it is Lauren better get it together with Miami down 10 early!" The announcer shouted in his normal loud tone.

lucy watched as lauren committed a foul on another player. she argued with the ref clearly angry about the call and then..

"Oh! lauren has been given a technical foul! she better calm down, one more and she's out of this game!" The announcer shouted.

"lauren isn't playing like her normal self...Something is bothering her out there..." lucy said mostly to herself, but normani heard her.

normani was surprised that lucy seemed to sense that something was bothering lauren, but figured it was the bond they had from being childhood friends. "Yeah.." Was all normani said not wanting to say more.

The rest of the half went by in similar fashion and the once loud gym had gotten quiet as miami found themselves down 60-45.

"lauren what the fuck is going on with you!" dinah shouted as soon as the team entered the locker room.

The coach said nothing, but his eyes went to his star player and captain of the team.

"I said my bad alright! I'm having a bad game..That's all!" lauren shouted back causing the whole team except the starters to flinch at her voice.

"My bad? It's one thing to have a bad game it's a completely different story to look like you have no fucking idea what your doing out there!" dinah retaliated as she approached lauren. "I know whats in your head right now and let me tell you on the court isn't the time to be thinking about it!" she finished.

lauren grunted as she sat down on one of the benches in the locker room and placed a towel over her head.

The coach sighed before looking at her clipboard. "rachel, your in for lauren at the start of the third quarter."

All eyes went to the coach as he said it. Even dinah seemed surprised.

"What?! I'm not starting the half?" lauren questioned as she took the towel off her head and stood up.

The coach didn't shy away. "Not with how your playing! dinah is absolutely right, whatever is in your head needs to stay in this locker room until the game is finished! If not you will not play!"

lauren gritted her teeth but opted not to say anything more. Despite how angry she was she couldn't talk against the coach.

dinah looked at her friend with a small amount of pity. she knew that camila breaking up with her had effected her, but for lauren to play like this...Something else must have happened.

The rest of halftime went by smoothly and soon the team were on their way back out to the court.

{:( :( :( :(}

camila sighed. She was sitting in the music room. She had lied to austin that she was going home, when really she had to wait for normani to finish watching the game. normani had offered to not watch as well understanding why camila wasn't going, but camila urged her saying that dinah would want her there to support her.

Getting back together with austin still made her want to throw up. he was nothing but smiles when she told him, and gave her promises on how she wouldn't regret it. None of her words meant anything to camila though. She was intent on going through with her plan to make austin break up with her. She felt a little bad since it honestly seemed like austin had no knowledge about Harley's plan, but that wasn't going to stop her.

The opening of the door snapped camila out of her thoughts. Who could be coming in this late?

A dark brown haired boy  entered the room who was equally surprised to see someone in the room as well.

"camila?" shawn said as he squinted his eyes to make sure he was right.

camila had to stop herself from groaning. Great just what she needed. Now shawn was probably going to make her feel even worse about this whole situation.

"Hey shawn.." camila muttered as she offered a hesitant wave.

shawn smiled. "Man, it's a good thing your here! I've been trying to get in contact with you for days now."

camila gave shawn a confused look. Why didn't he seem angry with her? Didn't lauren tell him what she had did to her?

"Why?" camila asked

It was shawn's turn to be confused. "I mean your the one who told me to help you with the new song" shawn started. "Plus lauren called me on Tuesday and asked me to make sure you kept up all of your hard work. I didn't understand why she was asking me to do that since she does a pretty good job of keeping you motivated, but..." shawn stopped as she saw tears start dripping down camila's face.

"Woah, woah! Mila please don't cry! I didn't mean to say anything to hurt your feelings!" shawn backtracked having been completely caught off guard by her actions.

camila rubbed her eyes and laughed a bit. "It's fine shawn...It's just that your words surprised me.."

"Surprised you how?" shawn asked as he sat down in front of a piano.

"lauren and I...We are having some problems right now...I just didn't think she'd care about what I was doing..." camila admitted, although she didn't want to say that they had broken up and she was dating someone else. Not saying it made it hurt a lot less.

"Come on mila, you should know lauren better by now. she would never not care about somebody. Especially you." shawn said in a serious tone.

camila shook her head. "Trust me...I deserve for her not to care about me."

shawn looked at her for a few seconds before sighing. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but I hope you figure out." He said.

camila smiled. She knew shawn wasn't the comforting type so she was probably making her feel extremely uncomfortable. The sound of the piano being played, however stopped her thoughts as she listened as shawn filled the room with a beautiful, calming melody.

"How about you just sing what's on your mind...It'll help you feel better." shawn said his full attention on the keys that he was playing.

camila hesitated. "I..don't have anything to sing though.."

shawn chuckled. "Just make it up. Sing what your heart wants to say."

camila looked at the back of shawn's head for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. It wouldn't hurt to try...

"Dirty tissues, trust issues

Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you
Lonely pillows in a strangers bed

Little voices in my head
Secret keeping, stop the bleeding

Lost a little weight because I wasn't eating
All the souls that I can't listen to, to tell the truth

shawn said nothing as he continued to play. It was obvious that something serious had happened between camila and lauren though.

"Loving you was young, and wild, and free

Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet
Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses

But loving you had consequences

camila had no idea where the lyrics were coming from. They just flowed out..Normally it would take her hours maybe even days to write a song, but this one was honestly writing itself. Her heart was speaking the thoughts that her mouth had failed to voice.

"Hesitation, awkward conversation

Running on low expectation
Every siren that I was ignoring
I'm payin' for it

camila couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she continued. She knew that shawn could hear her crying, but he said nothing choosing to continue to play and allow her heart to continue speaking.

Loving you was young, and wild, and free
Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet

a steady place to let down my defenses

but loving you had consequences

As shawn stopped playing the only thing that could be heard was the quiet sobs that camila was releasing as she finished singing. shawn once again opted not to speak until she finished.

"I think that really helped shawn..." camila said as she dried her face.

shawn finally turned around and looked at her before standing up and walking towards her. Without a word he pulled her into a hug. camila was shocked. After a few seconds he finally released her a red blush on his face.

"You and lauren will be fine camila. Whatever you guys are going through. With feelings as strong as the ones you just conveyed to me in that song...I have no doubt about that." shawn said in a firm tone although the blush never left his face.

camila once again was speechless. It took her a few seconds before a smile came to her face. shawn had left his comfort zone to make her feel better.

"I hope so..Thank you so much shawn." camila said as she gave shawn another hug.

Once she released the hug she laughed at the expression on his face.

"Your good at being comforting you should try it more often." camila joked only for shawn to blush.

"Don't count on it." He muttered.

{:) :) :) :)}

lucy's eyes stayed glued on lauren as she sat on the bench, a towel hiding her face from the crowd. It was obvious that she didn't want to be sitting there. The third quarter had finished without her leaving the bench and although she didn't want to admit it the team was doing a lot better with her there.

She didn't care about the game anymore though. Clearly something was bothering lauren, she wanted to just go talk to her, but she knew she couldn't...At least not until the game ended.

Finally she saw the coach point to lauren and tell her to check into the game. she looked like she had calmed down, but she still didn't seem to be ready to play. She was right too. lauren once again began making mistakes, her team had managed to close the gap to 4 in her absence, but the lead quickly grew to 15 once she got back on the floor. Her head just wasn't in it.


lucy's head snapped backwards as she heard one of the kids boo as lauren touched the ball.

"Shut the hell up!" Lucy shouted surprising the senior who had voiced his opinion. He hadn't expected for the supermodel lucy to care about what he said.

Of course he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass by either.

"I'm just saying! she sucks right now! she might as well go to the bench! She'll help the team out a lot more from there!" He said giving his full analysis on the situation.

Normani watched as lucy gritted her teeth. "I would like to see you go out there and do what she is doing!" She countered not caring that she was arguing with a high school kid. Her manager would be livid with her right now.

"I could probably play 10x better then she is right now!" The senior replied as he shrugged a smirk coming to his face. Maybe he would be able to get lucy's number. He thought not noticing just how angry he was making her.

"Please lauren could beat you without even putting in the effort! God! I hate people like you! You cheer when she does good, but don't show support when she has a bad game!" lucy shouted before turning back around ignoring whatever the guy said back to her. She  didn't care anymore!                                        

She watched as lauren made a basket, a bright smile came to her face. "Go lauren!" She shouted not caring about who was watching her.  

But lauren's bad day continued for the very next possession she had another turnover her 11th of the game. Now there were a lot more boos coming from the crowd and it was causing lucy's blood to boil. She couldn't do anything about it though. She snapped towards normani as she felt the girl put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. I'm sure lauren will bounce back from this game and everybody will cheer for her again." She tried to comfort seeing how angry all the boos were making Lucy.

lucy nodded. "I know and that makes me even madder! These people are so selfish, they don't care about how lauren is feeling at all! Clearly something is bothering her!" She shouted back towards normani causing her to jump a bit.

"I know, at least she has you and dinah. I know you two will help her get over this." normani replied, although she wasn't sure herself if she meant get over the game or help her get over her break up with camila. Hopefully both, because clearly lauren was suffering.

Finally the game ended with miami losing 102 to 87. A blow out.

dinah finished with 31 points and 3 steals while lauren finished with 6 points, 2 assists and 11 turnovers...Anybody who looked at the box score would be able to tell why miami had loss. lucy instantly stood up and headed straight for the locker room. She would be there for lauren the moment he came out.

"Yo laur.. Are you alright?" dinah asked as the rest of the team finished getting dressed and left the locker room. Nobody seemed to want to talk about the game.

lauren knew however that everybody was blaming her and they had every right to. "No.. I..Just need to be by myself right now..." lauren admitted as she threw her gym bag over her shoulder.

dinah looked at her best friend. "I understand, but I still have to take you home."

lauren shook her head. "Nah...I already told my mom that I'm jogging home tonight...I could use the fresh air.."

dinah frowned. "lauren.. aeston is miles from here it'll take you hours to make that jog...Not to mention how dangerous it is.."

lauren just shrugged. "I'll be fine. It's not like I haven't done it before. Don't worry about me. I'll see you later." Her voice was emotionless and dinah wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Are you sure?" dinah asked just to be positive.

lauren just waved as she walked out of the locker room not giving dinah any verbal response. dinah sighed as she watched her friend leave. She felt a little bad that she had been inconsiderate during halftime, but she had only said the truth..After 10 minutes dinah finally got up and left the locker room as well.

"Dinah!" A voice called the moment she stepped out.

The girl wasn't in the least bit surprised to see lucy. "hey." she said.

"Where is lauren?" lucy asked skipping straight to the point. dinah almost wanted to laugh and joke about how she's surprised that she wasn't making fun of them for losing. But she knew lucy had seen how lauren was acting too. She must be worried.

dinah sighed. "she said she was going to walk home."

Suddenly she felt a punch to her chest. she grunted as she stepped back a bit. "Ugh! What was that for?!" she shouted getting a bit annoyed at lucy's random actions.

"How could you let her do that!" lucy shouted before she sighed in annoyance. "Jesus dinah."

dinah's irritation faded quickly as she saw how worried lucy was. "she probably hasn't gotten that far...she can't be past the park by now."

lucy nodded as she turned to leave. lauren laughed a bit as she saw her bodyguard arrive. she seemed to be out of breath obviously she was having a hard time keeping up with the girl. Not that it surprised dinah in the least.

lauren unzipped her bag and pulled out her basketball as she arrived at the park. The moon was full so even though there were no lamps she could still see the hoop clearly. she dribbled for a few seconds before shooting and cringing as the ball bounced off the rim.

she tried again..Same result.


and Again.

"God damn it!" lauren shouted as she retrieved her third missed shot and slammed the ball hard into the court. she didn't care about how loud he was. Nobody would be here this late anyways to complain.

lauren was trying not to think about what she had heard before the game. camila got back together with austin. She left her to get back together with him. No matter what she tried to do that thought kept going through her head.

lauren shot the ball once again. she was getting used to hearing the clang sound of the rim indicating a miss.

"Your form looked horrible tonight."

lauren's head snapped towards the voice. she was so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn't even noticed somebody else come. Her eyes saw the black Mercedes parked in the parking lot with a muscular man standing outside of it. she instantly knew who was here.

"If your here to make fun of me lucy, I don't want to hear it." lauren said bluntly as she picked up her ball not bothering to ask how she knew she was here, dinah must have told her.

lucy frowned. "I wouldn't do that lauren. Not when I know somethings wrong."

lauren didn't respond as she shot the ball once more. Same result.

"You know you can talk to me right..." lucy said feeling a bit hurt that she had ignored her.

Once again lauren said nothing as she picked back up the ball and shot. Missing once again.

lucy didn't allow lauren to go pick up the ball, however as she ran towards it picking it up before she could attempt. she looked at her, her expression wasn't mad. It was one of hurt. "Please talk to me laur." She pleaded not liking seeing lauren like this.

Finally, lauren sighed as she sat down on the court. lucy did the same holding the ball in her lap. The breeze blew through her hair. Luckily it was a warm night.

It was silent, lucy was determined not to say anything until lauren did.

"I'm stupid."

lucy looked at lauren with a confused expression. She hadn't expected her to say that. "Your not stupid..Why would you think that."

lauren shrugged. "It's just the truth."

"Explain." lucy urged.

lauren leaned back. "camila broke up with me." she said simply. lucy couldn't hide her shock.

Her eyes widened. She didn't expect that. She also couldn't help the feeling of guilt that built up in her body. She had just wished for this to happen...Was this her fault? No of course not.

"It was bad enough that she did that, but I accepted it although I didn't want too...But she got back together with her ex who cheated on her..." lauren continued as she starred up at the moon.

lucy said nothing. She could hear how heartbroken lauren was. She never would have thought she could see the girl who always seemed to have a smile on her face be like this now. She also couldn't believe camila...How could she?

"But I guess it's my fault...If I was a better-"

"lauren don't! This is not your fault so don't you dare take the blame!" lucy interrupted she couldn't believe that lauren could really blame herself for a girl making a decision like that.

lauren turned her head towards lucy. "But.."

"No buts! If she wants somebody who cheated on her that is her problem! But don't you dare make excuses for her!" lucy almost yelled.

lauren said nothing as she looked back towards the moon.

lucy looked at lauren. Her anger towards camila was growing at a steady pace for every minute that passed. She wanted to tell lauren to forget about her, tell her how she isn't worth her time if she would do that, but lucy knew lauren wouldn't appreciate that.

"So are you going to just let camila's ex boyfriend...I've never known you to be a quitter." lucy muttered. She really didn't want to say it, but she would be a horrible friend if she didn't encourage lauren. she obviously cared so much about her...

lauren looked at lucy, this time with a surprised expression. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean are you just going to give up? Fight for her if you care about her so much!" lucy shouted although she was mentally cursing herself. She was being such a hypocrite.

lauren looked at lucy for a few seconds before smiling. "You know...You have a point. I'm a 10x better then austin. I just have to prove that to her again."

lucy smiled as the smile that she had fallen in love with graced lauren's lips. "That's the spirit." She said although her tone had lost all of it's excitement.

"Thanks luce."

lucy gave lauren a fake smile. "That's what friends are for right." Her words literally hurt coming out of her mouth.

lauren nodded. "Friends also help friends get home. I was mad and not thinking clearly when I said I wanted to jog home." lauren laughed.

lucy couldn't help, but roll her eyes. "Oh come on you idiot."

lauren chuckled some more. she then grabbed the ball that was still on the ground from where lucy had been seated. Without a word she shot it.

A perfect swish.

"Oh so now you can hit a shot." lucy said causing both to share a laugh before she dragged lauren to her car.

The ride to aeston was silent. Mostly because the two didn't want to talk since lucy's bodyguard would be listening to every word. lucy had told her that they were dropping lauren off at a friend's house and she accepted that excuse with little difficulty.

lucy was grateful for the silence, however it was giving her a chance to think about her own words. She had told lauren to fight for camila even though camila had left her for another guy..If lauren had the right to fight for camila didn't she have the right to fight for lauren?

Technically yes...But what was the point? Clearly she loves camila..She could tell just by the way camila's actions had effected her. What hope could she have..Her thoughts went to what lauren had said about being 10x better then camila's ex...Yeah..If she could prove she was better than camila...Maybe she would have a chance too..

lucy was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even notice when they arrived at lauren's house.

"Thanks for the lift lucy!" lauren said as she opened the door to the car. "Oh and come to the next game too. I promise I won't suck." lauren joked.

"Wait!" lucy said ignoring lauren's comments before she closed the door.

she looked at her curious as to what she needed. lucy blushed under the gaze of her stare. "Let me walk you to your door." She muttered.

lauren smiled. "Sure."

lucy's heart was pounding as they walked to the door. She had told her bodyguard to wait in the car so they were all alone. This would be her best chance. If she didn't try...She would forever regret it. While it could ruin their friendship...It could also help it grow into something more.

They arrived at lauren's door all to soon in lucy's eyes. lauren looked at her once again smiling. "Thanks for the advice again lucy. I really appreciate it." lauren said.

lucy nodded as she looked down. Her breathing was starting to speed up, this was going to be her first time ever confessing to somebody and while she was a model she was finding it a lot harder then she expected.

It's because it's lauren. Her mind told her.

Finally lucy snapped her head up, her eyes meeting lauren's green ones. "You think my advice is something that you should follow right?" She questioned.

lauren gave a confused expression. Hadn't she just said that? "Umm.. Yeah?"

lucy took a deep breath. "Alright well...I'm going to follow it as well.."

Before lauren could could question what she meant she felt her lips on hers. It was chaste and quick, but it still left lauren stunned As lucy backed away from her. The moonlight was illuminating her figure showing the small smile she wore on her face.

"lauren...I love you."

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