Forever & Always

By xCrazyButFree

21.6K 430 245

"T-They'll tear me apart! I-I need Louis there! Louis will help me.." I mumbled and ran for the stairs "Elea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 25

490 11 4
By xCrazyButFree

Chapter 25


"El, where's Louis?" Phoebe asked as she rubbed my tummy.

I took in a small breath and checked my phone.


October 5th

"He's in Florida. Miami, Florida." I responded with a small smile.

"When is he coming home?" She asked and tilted her head to see my stomach better.

"Phoebe, she doesn't know that." Fizzy said as she walked into the room. She sat next to Phoebe and looked up at me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling alright. She's been pretty still, so that's a good thing. She isn't upsetting my stomach." I replied.

She nodded and watched Phoebe move her hand around the prominent stomach.

"You can touch it, you know.." I whispered with a smile.

"I don't.. I don't want to upset her. Maybe too much touching makes her jumpy.." She mumbled and looked up at me.

I shook my head. "No.. Well, for me, it's actually relaxing."

"Really?" She asked and placed her hand over my belly.

"Yeah. Maybe I've gotten so used to it.. When your brother comes home, his hands never leave my stomach. It's as if they were glued on there." I said softly.

"Does Posey like it?" Phoebe asked.

"Oh, she loves it. She's always kicking when he does. And Louis, he's just... He really loves when she kicks.." I spoke with a laugh, earning a laugh from the girls.

I sighed happily, then it dawned on me. In twenty four days, Posey would finally be here. She would finally be in my arms and that thought scared me so badly. It also made me want to scream in happiness, don't get me wrong. It was just that in twenty four days, Posey wouldn't be inside of me anymore. She would be out here and I couldn't be able to protect her as well as I could right now.

"Is Jay for my mum?" Fizzy asked.

I nodded yes.

She smiled. "My mum went absolutely hysterical. She was just so happy to know that the middle name was dedicated to her..."

"Yeah.. Louis said she would. That's the first thing he said when I mentioned the name. He said your mum would-" I stopped abruptly when I felt a sharp pain just under my stomach. I let out a soft scream and shut my eyes tightly.

Both Phoebe and Fizzy yanked their hands off of the belly, almost as if they had been the reason for it.

"Phoebe, quickly. Go call mum!" Fizzy yelled and as soon as she spoke, Phoebe was out. "Eleanor, are you okay?"

I nodded. "I-I think so..." I whispered. The pain itself was gone, but it left that stinging feeling behind.

Jay ran into the room, eyes wide. "What's going on?"

"El just had this pain." Fizzy tried to explain.

"I just felt a really sharp pain. But it's gone now." I whispered, rubbing my stomach.

Jay sat down on the opposite couch. Her eyes never left me.

Lottie soon came in. "What's going on?" She asked and looked around.

I shook my head. "It's fine, Lottie. Nothing is wrong. I just need to relax a bit."

I took in a deep breath. It was probably Posey moving again. She wasn't due till the twenty-ninth. So I was in the clear.

We kept talking -- well, me and Fizzy did. Lottie had left upstairs with the twins and Jay didn't talk. She just watched me.

Almost twenty minutes later, that same pain hit me. I held my stomach and let out a soft cry.

Jay was, of course, by my side. "Calm down, Eleanor. Everything is fine. You'll be okay."

I only nodded. I couldn't speak. And just as quick as it had come, it was gone.

The next hour or so was the same. Every few minutes, the pain hit. Jay now had her eyes glued to the clock.

"It's every seven minutes now. We have to get you to the hospital." Jay said and stood up. "Fizzy, you go upstairs and grab that duffel bag we prepared last week. And while you're at it, call Louis and tell him to get here as fast as he can. Tell Lottie to stay here. That I'll come pick her and the twins up after Eleanor is stable."

My eyes widened. "What? No. No, I can't be going to the hospital. Why am I going to the hospital?" I asked, holding my stomach.

"Eleanor, I think you're going into labor.."


I sat in the car, crying and fanning myself. The pain was so intolerable.

"Mum, he isn't answering." Fizzy spoke frantic.

It was only me, Jay, and Fizzy. Lottie had stayed home with both sets of twins. Stan was probably there already. Jay had called him over so he could help Lottie.

My eyes closed and I let out a long yell. My breathing was like in those of movies. In through the nose, out through the mouth. I'm not sure how it helped, but I was willing to do anything to make this pain stop.

"Call him again!" Jay shouted, honking for people to move out of her way. Her frantic driving made me even more afraid than I already was.

I shook my head and sniffled. "P- Paul. Louis won't answer. He's on stage."

It was quiet for a bit before Fizzy spoke up, "Paul! Paul, can you hear me?"

"We're here." Jay said, parking right in front of the doors. "Stay here." She mumbled before darting out of the car and running inside.

"Paul! Get Louis!" Fizzy let out a staggered scream before hanging up. "This is no use! I need to talk to Louis. Paul can't hear me."

I let out a long cry once more, feeling another one of those pains.



I laughed at something Liam had said. My eyes caught Paul. He was using one hand to cover his ear, while the other pressed his phone against his other ear. He left it there for a second before putting it down. His eyes met mine and he pointed to his phone.

He tried to shout something to me, but there was no way in hell I could ever hear him. Not with all the screaming.

"My phone?" I asked into the mic. He nodded quickly.

I pulled out my phone and looked down at it. By now, the boys were all looking at me.

"Louis! Get of your phone, mate!" Liam laughed and shook his head.

My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw the notifications.

100+ Missed Calls From Fizzzz

56 Voice Mails from Fizzzz

75 Messages from Fizzzz

I dropped my mic, causing a loud screeching noise to ring out. The boys all looked at each other nervously, but none of them came over.

I quickly dialed Fizzy's number and pressed the phone to my ear. I could almost hear her faint voice, but the fans were still screaming. It was too damn loud to hear anything she was trying to say.

"Hold on!" I yelled into the phone before grabbing the mic. "Can everyone please quiet down? Just a little bit? Please, this is really important." I spoke into the mic.

Liam then walked over to me, but I couldn't talk to him. Not until I knew what was going on. The crowd eventually quieted down. A few were still screaming, but the boy's fanned their arms down in attempt to make them quiet down fully.

"Hello? Fiz, are you still there?" I spoke into the phone.

"Louis! Louis, it's about bloody time!" She screamed.

I was led off of the stage by Paul, who then took me backstage. In the background, I could hear another scream. Was that Eleanor?

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Eleanor- we're at the hospital. Eleanor is in labor."

I almost dropped my phone then and there. "What?! She said October twenty-ninth! Today's the fifth!"

"Louis, I have to go. Eleanor says she wants you here so, please hurry up." She mumbled into the phone, sounding a bit distracted.

"Fizzy, wait what's-" then she hung up. I rubbed my face and looked at Paul. "Eleanor is in labor. I have to go home."

He nodded and talked into his walkie-talkie before looking at me. "Alright, they're setting up a car. Go into the garage and they'll take you to the nearest airport. I'll see what I can do about the tickets."

I nodded. "Thank you!" I said before beginning to run off.

"Oh, and Louis?" He called after me.

"Yeah?" I asked and turned to face him, walking backwards.

"Congratulations." He said, smiling.

I only smiled widely and nodded before turning around and running to the garage.


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