Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

-Worth It.-

I sat in my rocking chair, rocking myself. My hand was rubbing my belly and my eyes were shut.

It was September 19th and I couldn't feel any worse. Earlier, I threw up. Now, I was eight months along. You'd think that by the eight month, I'd be over throwing up. I had called my doctor and he told me that it was just because the baby was beginning to move upside down, meaning it was almost time.

My belly was now the size of a melon. Once again, nothing fit. I was left to wear leggings and Louis' sweaters. I had some shirts that fit, but those were tight and they felt uncomfortable.

I was actually pretty grouchy. I would get mad at everything. Just earlier, I cried over my toe nail color. I couldn't really Skype with Louis now. Only because when it was time to hang up, I'd turn into a crying mess. So I was restricted to phone calls.

Louis was aggravating me too. He was so just so worried. He was more worried about Posey than me. I'd call him out on loving her more and he'd just sigh and change the subject.

Didn't he know how much that pissed me off?

Obviously not.

I whimpered and held my stomach. "Posey, seriously, stop." I mumbled. It felt like I wanted to throw up, all while someone was holding a gag inside of my mouth. It felt horrible.

I slowly moved to get up, only letting out a small yelp. I guess Posey wanted to stay.

A groan left my lips as my phone went off. I pulled it out and of course, it was Louis. I slid my finger across the screen and pressed it to my ear.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, I broke down into tears.

"El?" Louis called, obviously worried. "El, baby, why are you crying?"

"I-I don't feel good, Louis." I sobbed into the phone.

"Eleanor- listen to me, okay? Listen to my voice." He mumbled, he sounded pained. Then I heard his voice a bit distant. "Liam! Liam, call my mum. Tell her to go pick Eleanor up from our flat. Tell her that Eleanor isn't feeling good." Then, he returned to me. "Baby, what are you feeling?"

"I-I just feel like I want to throw up a-and I can't..." I stuttered. "I-I miss you so much, Louis. I don't want to be without you.."

"So it isn't something serious?"

"This is serious!" I yelled and sobbed out. He wasn't taking me seriously.

He sighed, "El, that isn't what I meant. I just meant that you aren't going to give birth?"

"I-I don't think so.." I spoke through sobs.

"Okay, baby. My mum is going to pick you up. Can you calm down for me, please? Tell me what'll cheer you up. Do you want me to send you those chocolate flowers again? Remember those? You told me you loved them so much."

I nodded, my breathing hitched. "Y-Yeah. I-I really liked those..."

"I know you did, baby. I can send them to you again do you want that?"


"Okay. My mum is almost there. You're going to go stay with her until I come home, okay? I want you to stay with her." He spoke softly, his voice almost like a lullaby.

"Why?" I asked with a soft whine.

"Because, Darling. Posey is almost here. I want my mum to be able to take you to the hospital as soon as you start feeling bad. I just need you to stay with her, can you do that, Princess?"

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