Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


It was seven AM and I was ready to leave. I had made sure Posey was fed before leaning over the bed to where Louis was.

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek, watching his eyes open the slightest. "I'm leaving now. I'll be back in a half hour."

He only nodded and mumbled a groggy 'be safe' that could barely be made out.

I smiled and trotted downstairs. I put my earbuds in my ears and turned on one of my favorite playlists, which was Ed Sheeran's latest album, of course.

I let out a long breath when I opened the door, the cool air hitting me. I made sure I had my key before going outside and locking the door behind me.

Then I started running down the sidewalk.

Each morning, for the past week, I've gone out for a run. I had decided it was time to get back into shape, now that my stomach was fully healed. It took the whole month, but it was healed.

At first, it was extremely hard. Having to run with only a few hours of sleep. But my body had adapted. That, and Posey had given us about a half hour of extra sleep. It might not seem like a lot, but when you add that to the few hours of sleep we do get, it's significant.

Louis wasn't so happy about the fact that I was going out on runs so early, but he didn't complain. He knew I did this to feel better about myself. I'd need a lot of confidence to show my stomach again. Only Louis has seen it so far, he claims the scar isn't bad, but it is. It's a vertical line just above where my panty line should be. It wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it was still there.

As for stretch marks, I didn't have many. They had all disappeared, somewhat. You could only tell they were there if you really concentrated.

So with all those scars, it'd be a while before I could finally come out in a bikini and feel like I once did.

Everything else was going pretty good, though. Halloween was last week. That's when another picture of Posey was posted. But it wasn't a proper picture, if you will. It was her dressed in a silly bear onesie. It was huge on her, though. So in the picture, the hoodie rested over her eyes and nose. Only her lips were exposed.

Other than that, we had managed to keep her out of the limelight.


"Are you sure, Louis?" I asked as I put on some earrings.

We were both getting ready for a date. The first date since a few months. Louis had wanted to take me out and I finally said yes. Though, I was a bit skeptical of leaving the baby.

"Yes, El. Fizzy said she'd watch Posey and my mum said she'd be there to help if anything went wrong. It's completely fine. Nothing bad will happen.'" He said softly and walked to the closet, looking through his shoes.

I nodded with a sigh. He was right. I hope.

When I was finally ready, I looked at my reflection. I was clad in a plain blue dress. It seemed appropriate. Along with black flats and a few jewelry pieces. My hair was in its usual waves.

I glanced at Louis and smirked. God, he was so hot. He dressed so simply, yet it seemed to make him look even hotter. With his jean jacket and dark jeans. He knew how to dress to impress.

After a few seconds, his eyes met mine. A smirk appeared on his lips and he slowly walked over to me.

His hands took mine and he took a step closer to me, leaning in slowly. When our lips were centimeters away, he turned to kiss my cheek.

Forever & AlwaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora