Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"I can't." I repeated over and over to Danielle.

We were currently driving to the airport. I was meant to meet Louis in Sunderland. I was supposed to stay with him until the European leg of the tour finished.

"It's not like you have a choice, El! You can't just expect him not to notice." Danielle retorted with a laugh.

"It's not like I'm even showing!" I called out and rested a hand on my stomach.

I was still four months along and my bump was barely over an inch. If that.

"Okay. So what are you going to do? Wait until you're giving birth? Or wait, even better, just deliver the baby and come home and say 'Hey, babe, this is our baby!' Yeah. That'll work." Danielle snorted with a loud laugh.

"That was so unattractive." I said with a laugh, shaking my head. "I'll tell him... Soon."

"Do it in a cute way! Don't ask me how, but just tell him already!"

I whined and nodded. "I know. I know."

"This is where you get off." Danielle said as she parked the car in front of the airport. "Please be safe."

I sent her a nod before leaning over to kiss her cheek. She returned the kiss and smiled.

"And goodbye to you, baby!" She gushed and placed her hand over my barely-there bump.

"Oh, stop it." I mumbled and rolled my eyes at her.

I got out of the car and heard her laugh. I tugged my suitcases out of the backseat and closed the car door. With one last wave goodbye, Danielle was off. I had two suitcases and a carry-on, which was my bag. I managed to get my suitcases checked in so I only had to worry about my bag. I looked around the airport as I made my way to the security point.

I placed my bag down on the counter so it'd go through the x-ray machine and stepped through the metal detector. Just as I did, I felt a sudden movement in my stomach. I gasped and immediately moved both hands to my stomach. Then I felt another. It felt like a popcorn popped inside my stomach. A smile grew on my face and I couldn't help but let out a happy giggle.

One of the security guards, which was a girl, looked at me. "Are you okay, ma'am?"

I nodded and laughed as I felt it again, tears began welling up in my eyes. My hands would immediately dart over to the small, fluttering feeling.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked.

I nodded.

"First time feeling the baby move?"

I nodded again.

She smiled at me, a certain fondness in her eyes.


"Please keep your seat belts on until the light comes off. Thank you again for flying with British Airways, we appreciate serving you. This is your pilot, welcoming you to Sunderland. Have a great time, folks." Then the familiar bell came off, signaling the speech was over.

I started packing everything I had taken out. My earphones. My iPad. My water bottle. I had to make sure everything was back in my purse. I double checked that my phone was in there before looking out the window. My hand rested on my stomach, it was a habit I had picked up somewhere along the past week. I had to stop, though. If Louis saw me doing this, he'd get suspicious.

It was a few minutes before they started letting us get off. It wasn't much of a hassle, since I was only taking care of my bag. Once I stepped into the airport, though, I started feeling so self conscious. I felt as if my small baby bump were a full term belly. I chewed on the small of my lip as I walked towards the security check. My mind raced. I was finally going to see Louis. As much as it made me happy, it made me scared. What if he did notice? But he couldn't possibly ask if I had gained weight, could he? No. That would be rude.

But then again, this was Louis.

My mind kept rambling. It kept telling me that everything was going to be alright but then it completely turned around and told me that my plan would crash and burn. I wasn't even paying attention as to where I was going.

"Eleanor!" I heard my favorite Manchester accent call out.

My heart stopped. I swear to god it stopped. A smile was inevitable. My stomach erupted with butterflies - either that or the baby was moving around. But either way, I was just overwhelmed with happiness. My eyes searched around frantically and when they spotted the mess of hair I grew to love so deeply, my legs began running. They ran and didn't stop until I was engulfed in his arms.

"Louis." I breathed out and buried my face into the crook of his neck, taking in his beautiful scent.

He chuckled and embraced me. We swayed momentarily before he pulled away. His lips pressed against mine. Louis and I weren't the ones for PDA, but it was occasions like this that we let it slip.

"I missed you." He whispered as he pulled away. His hand moved up to stroke my cheek, his other resting on my hip.

"I missed you too.." I mumbled with a smile.


I sat in the fitting room and watched as the boys 'prepped' for their concert. It all consisted of high pitched shouting and things being thrown around.

"No, mate! And then she was like 'Zayn, I tell you and I tell you not to and you still go and do it!' And I was just, in my head, I was just like 'aw, man.' So yeh, she was pissed." Zayn explained to Louis over the noise, using a high pitched voice when he described what Perrie had said.

"Really?" Louis asked and raised an eyebrow, looking at Niall. "Niall! Pass the ball!"

Niall passed the ball to Louis as he sang different parts of their songs.

"Yeah, man! And I's just like, 'Babe, chill.' And that just set the bomb off. She kept telling me and telling me all this shit and she even threatened me with canceling the wedding!" He exclaimed as he pulled on his shirt.

"No." Louis said in disbelief. "Did she? So what? Are you guys still arguing?"

I couldn't contain a silent laugh at how they would talk to each other. It was like a male gossip group.

"I'm telling you, man. She did. But I mean she calmed down after a while. She's still pretty pissed over the whole thing and all." He replied with a laugh.

"Eleanor wasn't too mad." He said triumphantly.

I rolled my eyes at him and spoke up. "That's because I pity you. I should've exploded on you for doing such an idiotic thing."

Louis groaned and Zayn laughed. It wasn't until Paul peeked his head in that the bunch calmed down.

"Five minutes, boys!" He shouted before exiting the door.

The boys quickly got ready. They all made sure they had their mic's set and their hair was styled correctly. Louis walked over to me and puckered his lips. I smiled and leaned in, pecking his lips.

"Love you." He mumbled and put one ear piece on.

"I love you too. Good luck." I replied, putting on his other earpiece. I smiled and watched after him as he walked out the door, following the four rowdy boys.

It was only around two minutes after he left that the crowd began roaring. Even from backstage, the noise was pretty loud. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the mirror.

I was wearing leggings and a loose sweater. I turned to my side and lifted the sweater up.

"Four months." I whispered and ran my fingers over my small belly.

If I leaned back, though, and puffed out my stomach, I looked fairly big. But the sight of that only made me giggle and hide my stomach. Then I felt the familiar popcorn feeling.

"Oi, quit kicking mummy." I mumbled with a soft laugh.

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