dark possession ❥ YOONNIE (sl...

By kpopinesss

53.8K 2.7K 901

"bittersweet honey." BOOK 2 of the DARK SERIES (DEMON AU) More

2 ; "I never told you that you couldn't touch what's yours."
3 ; "I have limits. I'm not pushing them just to lose you."
4 ; "it's hard for his kind to feel like us."
5 ; "what makes you think you won't be happy with me?"
6 ; "what i want..."
7 ; " .. is you"
8 ; "but will you learn to love him even if he doesn't love you?"
9 ; "your situation may not be so bad after all.."
10 ; "so fight for her the way she fought herself for you."
11 ; "will you marry me?"
12 ; "..when does the fun part happen?"
13 ; "until he got what was his."
14 ; "say I love you without fucking it up."
15 ; "the little things."
16 ; "you spoil me ."
17 ; "how can you love me?"
18 ; "when do you mean anything you say?"
19 ; "so this is what it feels like,"
20 ; "you can take it."
21 ; "i dont like to share either."
22 ; "will you teach me?"
23 ; "unfortunately yes."
24 ; "fallen, bide well please."
25 ; "i cant just burn a whole town down."
26 ; "i love you"
27 ; "the message."
28 ; "say hi to momma."
29 ; "he resents you."

1 ; "guilty pleasure, am't I?"

4.1K 160 105
By kpopinesss



"Can you believe that's the fifth death this week?" Chaeyoung was chewing on some popcorn while breaking news literally broke the movie we were in the middle in.

I shrugged though a roaming thought of the man in my bar bothered me with her question. "It's a small town. There was bound to be some drama some time."

"It just sucks." Chaeyoung booed at the tv throwing popcorn at it. I laughed at her and shoved her slightly. "What? Boohoo, there's a killer. That's why we need some serious prosecutors. Stupid and dull people."

"You and your morals."

She huffed in agreement. "You got that right."

I sighed. "Do you know a man named Min Yoongi?"

"Hm?" She glanced up at me, running her hand through her black silk hair. "Ah, yeah. The silent bad boy who's apparently an avid psychopath killer?"

My face paled at that. "Yeah. Him."

"Never met him. He seems cool though." I whipped my head at her and she shrugged. "He seems harmless. They're just meaningless rumors anyway."

I sighed and looked down at my lap, sudden images of the pale and mysterious man flashing in my mind. I pursed my lips together and Chaeyoung seemed to notice my contemplation of thoughts.

"You know him?"

"No." I denied immediately not showing any hint of doubt. "Rumors spread in the kitchen today about him."

That and our head chef was killed. His name seemed to be the only one roaming around.

"I saw your head chef in the news this morning." She shifted in her seat beside me to face me. I looked at her inconspicuously. "Something about that right?"

I was curious. How my life seemed to revolve around this new man and the deaths in the town. There were always deaths here. Whether or not it was an accident, they were somehow related to me.

It started unsuspiciously as a frequent customer of mine who started to strike interest in me, I guess. I didn't expect to find out he died and it didn't matter to me much. I felt saddened though, he was a nice man with good intentions. A group of boys around my age were caught a couple weeks after in an alleyway torn apart. There entire bodies seemed to be mauled and such but no evidence showed that it was an animal of any sort to have done something so malicious. They were boys who pestered me a lot on the streets when I would go into work. Not the bar, my full time job. As a sous chef. Others followed and it seemed as though I knew them to be those who found me attractive in some way. Which isn't abnormal, I get that a lot. But it's beginning to worry me.

It's as if someone wanted me in their possession but can't approach me. And because of it, since they can't have me? No one can.

It was fucking terrifying.

"Anyway, I've got school tomorrow so I'll call you." Chaeyoung stood up and grabbed her bags before blowing me a cute kiss. I rolled my eyes and shoved a pillow her way. "Love you! And no more going out tonight. It's late."

I nodded to her with a firm smile before sighing back into the couch with a heavy weight on my shoulders. When I heard the door of my apartment click, I stood up to get ready for my night job despite her warning of course.

Honestly, I was getting a bit scared. I don't like driving my car to this job because of where it's at. I'd rather commute and since my coworker lives by me, she can drop me off on the way home.

Whilst getting ready, in the shower I can hear soft whispers. It was as if it were being echoed in my mind. I looked around and froze under the running water wondering where it might be coming from. They didn't get louder nor did they get anymore obnoxious. In fact, it was a bit soothing. I shook it off and carried on with my routine though the constant and uncomprehending whispers in my ear continued. It was probably just muffled voices from the people downstairs.

The whispers stopped abruptly when my phone rang and my eyebrows furrowed when it was an unknown number. My chest tightened and my heart patterned from the odd tension that grew in my body from the awkwardly perfect timing.

I picked up my phone, shakily pressing it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Don't come to work today. You've been warned."

My breath hitched and I nearly choked on the last air I intaked, dropping my phone to the floor. My face paled and my blood ran cold. The voice was so eerily familiar. Like I've heard it a million times before. I felt like I was suffocating from my fear, and it was as if I had forgotten how to breathe. My lips trembled and my glare landed on my open window.

I ran so quickly once everything processed. Closing the blinds, locking my windows, turning the lights off. I did everything. I was so afraid my entire body was shaking with fear. Tears had fallen down my face because in reality, I have no one. My parents abandoned me at a young age and I learned to fend for myself. Chaeyoung, I met at a young age and because our situations were so different, I never asked her for anything but friendship and I draw a thin line there.

She's all I got.

I'm all I got.

I lived in fear my entire life and growing older isn't going to change that.

I looked to my dropped phone and tried to dial the police but for some reason, my phone was spazing out. I refrained from screaming, running to my bed and hiding under the covers praying that nothing was going to happen to me.

Just then it became cold. So cold and so dark, it felt unreal. I felt stuck. I couldn't move, I could barely even breathe. I just laid there against my bed, my limbs spread apart as if I was being pinned.

My eyes opened to be met with hazy white ones. Like that, my entire sanity was tampered with in just a glare.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't react. I just stared because for some reason, I was stuck staring into those white orbs. Bright but dark.

Eerily familiar.

The eyes blinked.


It wasn't human. But it wasn't something I've seen before.

"Mm." It growled, low and unsurprisingly possessive. "Honey. Sweet but unsatisfying until it's in your mouth. That's what you'll be."

He licked at my lips.

Fucking bitter. But strangely addicting.

For fucksake, Jennie-

"Guilty pleasure, am't I?"


I woke up drenched in sweat. My head felt hot, the dizziness was extreme and I felt like I wanted to vomit.

I couldn't exactly remember anything before but my memories and it was pissing me off.

Did I even go to work?

"Chaeyoung?" I asked her immediately upon calling her.

"Jennie? What the hell!" She sneered at me angrily and my eyebrows tied together in confusion whilst I rubbed at my throbbing shoulder. "You've been incognito for three days. You're lucky I'm on a business trip with my dad. I even had to text your management to tell them you aren't feeling well in the middle of a meeting. Why haven't you been answering any of my calls?"

"Three days? I just saw you last night." I mumbled tiredly moving my weirdly sore body off my bed. "What are you talking about?"

"Deuckie.." I stopped when I heard her curious and unsure tone. "Are you alright?"

I sighed trying hard to remember what was happening when I looked down to my body to see that I was covered in dried blood, bruises, a untended open wounds. I let out a shriek of terror when Chaeyoung started to talk to me.

"Jennie! What's going on?"

"I have to call you back."

"Don't you dare hang-"

I whipped my head around to see my sheets were torn and stained with dried blood, most likely mine. The pain in my body was almost unbearable at this point and I started to hyperventilate.

"So you're awake."

I looked up in horror to see a man. One too familiar.

"What did you do to me?" I choked out, my face paling no longer washed with fear but with anger and confusion. "Better yet, why are you doing this to me?"

"Simple." The man known to be Min Yoongi shrugged at me. "I own you."

"You tortured me!"

He rolled his eyes setting down his black tumblr. I have no idea what's in there but he fact that it looked hot made me want to pick it up and throw it at him.

"Please. You didn't feel a thing."

"Well I feel it now." I groaned. "Couldn't you have killed me instead like you did with the rest of the people you mauled to death?"


My eyes snapped up, locking with his.

He is attractive. You know, if you ignore the whole killer, torture machine thing he's got going on for himself.

"Why aren't you begging me to spare you?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"If I did, would you?"

He smirked at that leaving me a bit breathless. I turned my head away from him when his own breath fanned against my cheek. I blinked lightly, the coldness not settling too nicely. I shivered a bit not being able to react at all. As much as I wanted to move away, I felt like I was being restrained from moving. I exhaled lowly and he chuckled darkly, pulling back.

"You shouldn't play with other boys." He told me carelessly while looking back into his book.

I rubbed at my tethered arm and hissed at the stinging sensation every time I brushed over an open wound. "I was never warned."

"You might want to tell your little friend that you won't be around for a couple of weeks." He lifted his gaze up at me. "You'll be coming with me."

"Like hell."

He chuckled. So darkly, I felt consumed by it. I shuddered at his demonic yet throaty laugh and sunk in my place. "You don't even know what hell is like."

Well I know it now.

"Get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

"I have a job."

"Okay." He shrugged lifting up a stray cigarette from a table and lighting it up. In my own apartment. "Go on to it then. Be my guest."

I tried to stand up to smack that smoking death trap in between his lips away but I fell to the ground in pure pain. I yelled out desperately, crying for someone to help me because of the surging pain. He didn't even care.

"Like I said. We're leaving in an hour."

I pressed my forehead against the floor of my bedroom, tears pooling underneath me as he walked away.

I don't know what he is. What his real intentions are. But what I thought of him before changed completely.

The pain may be unbearable but why was I laying here thinking more about him than anything else?

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