I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

100K 2.8K 1.7K

Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


924 28 21
By dolltearz

Brennen's POV

Colby and i did end up falling asleep at Elton's, we slept on the couch. which wasn't an issue we didn't mind. or well i didn't i guess i don't know about Colby but i'm assuming.

Colby was still asleep on my chest, his whole body was pretty much on top of me, not that i minded though, he was keeping me warm.
i grabbed my phone off the floor, it was close to dead but it had at least another hour on it.
it was around nine in the morning, so nobody was really awake, i didn't even know why i was awake.

I couldn't help myself, Colby looked to cute the world needed to see this precious human.
i took a picture of him and posted it on twitter with the caption being; my baby is so adorable

the tweet instantly blew up, with retweets and comments.
Colby grabbed my shirt trying to Barry his head more into my chest, i couldn't help but to laugh, which made his eyes flicker open.
the light from the window shined perfectly on his eyes. his eyes were always one my my favorite things about him.
"hi baby" I spoke quietly, he groaned and let his head fall back onto my chest.
"i don't wanna get up" Colby whined, he pulled the blanket over his head. why the hell is he so adorable all the time?
"i know but i kind of want to go home, Kobe and Cookie probably think we died" i chuckled.

Colby's POV

i felt like i was in that weird mind set like i was that one night, like i just wanted to cuddle with him, and be close to him. it's annoying that i don't understand it.
"fine we can go home, but you're carrying me to the car and you're driving" i whined, he laughed.
i finally sat up getting off him, the blanket fell off me and i was immediately freezing.
Brennen picked me up, i wrapped my legs around his waist
"blanket, i want the blanket" i said reaching out for it. i'll give it back to them eventually.
Brennen grabbed it for me wrapping it around me.

he opened the car door sitting be in the seat, i was still very tired.
i brought my knees to my chest and put the blanket over me.
"i need your keys, baby" Brennen looked over at me, our eyes met for a second until i looked away to get my keys out of my pocket.
i put them in his hand.

I let my head rest on my knees, i couldn't sleep but i really was sleepy, i wasn't even up that late i don't know why i was so tired.
but that weird feeling was still there, i couldn't shake it off.
"i like it when you baby me sometimes" i mumbled, i mean if i cant get rid of the feeling i might as well just give in.
"do you? you get annoyed at me sometimes when i do it" i felt him look over at me, i turned my head so we are looking at each other, or well only until the light turns green but-
"yeah.. well sometimes i like it.." i said giving him a soft smile, "is now one of those times,, or?" he asked, he seemed okay with it although he doesn't know completely how i feel, he probably just thinks i'm being needy or trying to be cute.
"yeah it is.." i trailed off, he smiled but looked back at the road as the light had turned.
"well lucky for you, you are my Baby. so i'll baby you whenever you want" he said resting his hand on my knee, i felt my cheeks heat up a little bit.
i grabbed his hand Holding it in mine. "i love you, Bren" I whispered, but i didn't want to call him Bren...
"i love you too, baby boy"
i smiled to myself. being in this weird mind set makes me feel so calm, all the adult Bullshit doesn't even come to mind when i'm like this. but why is it so sudden, why is it just now happening.

all things i don't know the answer too.

"are we almost home" i whined, he looked over at me and laughed.
"yes, baby. we are almost home"

         ~time skip, i'm lazy~

Brennen and i stayed on the couch. we weren't really cuddling even though i wanted that, but right now i don't because i'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me. i wanna ask one of my friends because i feel like they might know at least one of them?
but who?
fuck no
Corey is also one of the most accepting out of all my friends so maybe he could tell me, or just give me an idea?

so that's who i texted.

Colbs😩: hey dude, um i have a weird question but i feel like you might know the answer..

CorCor🤤: whats up

Colbs😩: how do i even start. so like i said it's really weird.
but okay so lately ive been getting this weird feeling? idk it's like a different mind set, where like i don't care about adult things and like i just want to be cuddled and shit, does that make sense?

CorCor🤤: oH, you're a little Devyn goes into Little space sometimes.

Colbs😩: wHaT dOeS tHaT mEaN

CorCor🤤: it basically means, you kind of go into a child mind set, and I'm assuming Brennen would be your caregiver or Daddy either way

Colbs😩: o h, well thank you then, love you bro

CorCor🤤: anytime dude.

Now how in the actual fuck do i explain this to Brennen.
he probably has no clue what that means i didn't even know what it meant until just now. do i even tell? or do i just let it happen.

actually fuck me and my damn life.

i'm so tired holy shit-balls

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