Love to Hate You (A Harry Sty...

By harmonica

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Autumn Pierce. That awkward girl from Holmes Chapel. Harry Styles. That equally awkward/famous guy from Holm... More

Chapter 1 - The California Nightmare
Chapter 2 - Stereotypes All Around
Chapter 3 - They All Do
Chapter 4 - Peanut Butter
Chapter 5 - Admiring Your Masterpiece
Chapter 7 - Virtually
Chapter 8 - It Really Is on You
Chapter 9 - The Sass Master
Chapter 10 - Francesca or Nymphadora
Chapter 11 - It's a Date
Chapter 12 - Such A Girl
Chapter 13 - Book Covers
Chapter 14 - TVs and Penguins and Ziam, Oh My!
Chapter 15 - That Time I Thought I Was Gonna Die

Chapter 6 - Good Luck With That

16.1K 213 31
By harmonica

A/N: Hey, guys! Just ignore the fact that I've never done different POV's in one chapter before and just started randomly. JUST GO WITH IT, OKAY? Thanks for reading and voting ^.^

- Harry's Point of View -

I pulled at my now brown hair.

“She’s absolutely crazy,” I muttered, examining my curls to make sure there were no pink reminders of her little prank. “Completely bonkers.”

Liam stretched out on the couch beside me, his legs now resting on the coffee table. Zayn had gotten bored and was now attempting to juggle all of our phones.

“Drop that and I murder you,” I nodded towards him.

Zayn ignored my threat and continued throwing them up into the air, making Louis gasp as he walked in from the restroom and snatch his phone from the pile. He began cooing and stroking his phone, whispering ‘bad Zayn’ and ‘daddy will never leave you alone again.’

Zayn continued, like nothing had happened, “You do know that Louis came up with the prank, right?”

Louis grinned, still cradling his phone, like it wasn’t a bad thing that he had deceived his best, and I mean, best friend to help his best friend’s enemy play a prank on him.

“Yes, Tomlinson,” I glared at him. “Why would you encourage her?!”

He shrugged, “You guys were boring this week. I needed something fun to do.”

“Couldn’t you just go bowling or something?” Niall said, chuckling and received a nod of agreement from me.

Louis waved that off, “Too easy.”

I poked Liam, who had now closed his eyes with his hands behind his head, since he knew our schedule by heart, “He doesn’t have to do something ‘fun’ this week does he? We have something interesting to do, right?”

I did quotation marks with my fingers in the air as I said the word fun, considering my hair didn’t exactly find it fun being drowned by pink dye.

Liam looked at ceiling, like he was thinking, then nodded, “He doesn’t have to buy hair dye this week. We’re going to a birthday party.”

“Whose?” Zayn said, now sitting on the love seat. He had obviously given up his phone juggling career. Good riddance. 

“Ariana Grande, I think,” Niall said, his mouth full of potato chips.

My ears perked up. Ariana Grande? She was quite fit, now that I think about it. I could use a fun night. Even if I didn’t get with Ariana, I was sure she had some suitable friends.

“Zayn? Lou?” Liam said from next to me, and the heads of two of my bandmates turned toward him, “I invited the girls over for the week to go to the party with us. They’re here right now, but they've banned us from seeing them until they’re dressed.”

By ‘the girls’, he meant their girlfriends, Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie, since Niall and I were the single ones.

I piped up, “So you’re just going to leave Niall and me?”

“No,” Liam answered, shaking his head, “You two have a lot of friends in LA. I thought you could just call them up.”

Niall was already holding up his phone, looking through his contacts, “I’ve been wanting to call Demi for a while now.”

“Awww,” Zayn and Louis sing-songed in unison and got pillows thrown at them by Niall.

Liam clasped his hands together, already smiling, “Niall’s set. Who are you taking Harry?”

All four heads turned to me. I shrugged, thinking about the choices I had and came up with nothing. All of the single girls who I was friends with were out of town. I had no options, unless I wanted to be a home wrecker, of course.

I shrugged. I really had no idea, but was sure I didn’t want to go alone. Going alone would make me look weird, considering even Niall had a date. I didn’t want to look like a loner.

“I’m not going alone, that’s for sure,” I stated, now looking through my phone.

“Mission of the next hour, lads,” Louis said, taking out his phone, too, “Find Harold over here a date.”

The rest of them began looking through their phones, occasionally calling people, but shaking their heads as they pressed the ‘end call’ button, obviously getting dumped in my place.

Louis, after about forty-five minutes, put his phone back on the coffee table, “If Eleanor wasn’t coming, I would’ve gladly been your date, Hazz.”

I smiled at his attempt to make me laugh and replied sarcastically, “Thanks, Lou. Makes me feel tons better.”

Louis bowed jokingly, “You are very welcome.”

“Well,” Niall said, who had a huge smile on his face after talking to Demi, “I didn’t find anyone for Harry, but I have my date.”

 “I’m so happy for you,” I stated glumly and looked back down at my phone.

He punched me in the arm lightly, “Be a little cheerful for me, won’t you?”

I put on my best fake smile and said loudly, “I’m so happy for you!”

Niall shook his head but still grinned. I watched as Zayn and Liam both looked through their phones, occasionally looking at each other’s to ask if they’d found anyone and shaking their heads. While Zayn was still searching his contacts list feverishly, Liam face palmed.

“I’m so stupid,” he muttered, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

He pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear.

“Hi, Mr. Pierce,” he said, sounding cheerful.

Autumn’s dad? What did he need him for?

There was a moment of silence as Mr. Pierce probably greeted Liam.

“You see, we’re going to go to a birthday party and were wondering if Autumn would be Harry’s date tonight?”

“NO!” I screamed, lunging at him, before being pulled back by Zayn.

“Good idea, mate,” Niall pitched in, giving Liam a thumbs up.

Why are you congratulating him?” I hissed at the Irish boy, “That’ll only make him stronger.”

“Great,” Liam said, now smiling full on, ignoring us, “Thanks, Mr. Pierce. See you soon.”

He put his phone down and grinned at me, his smile evaporating once he noticed the murderous look I was giving him.

“What?” he said, “You wanted a date, didn’t you?”

Just. Not. Her.” I growled at him.

“It’ll be fun, Hazz,” Zayn chimed in, “She’s pretty hot, too. I don’t know why you don’t like her.”

I turned to glare at him. Sure, she was okay in looks. She had gotten much more beautiful and slender than when I last saw her. Maybe for them she was gorgeous or whatever, but I knew her and every weird thing she’d ever done. To me, she was just Autumn, that girl who had the same feelings towards me that I have towards her, that feeling being annoyance.

They had no idea how much we used to annoy the crap out of each other when we were younger, how much I use to make fun of her. It was better that they didn’t.

I rolled my eyes, not believing what I was about to say, “Fine, only because I don’t want to look like a loner.”

Louis and Liam high-fived, looking like little kids who had just won a game of tag.

“Awesome,” Liam said, “Now all we have to do is go over and convince her.”

“Ha,” I snorted, “Good luck with that.”

Liam gave me a confused look, along with Zayn, “She’s as stubborn as a rock. She won’t listen to me.”

“She might not listen to you, mate, “Lou said, coming over and plopping down on my lap like no big deal, “But she’ll listen to us.”

“Now come on,” Louis pulled me out of my seat and toward the front door of Liam and Niall’s shared room.

All five of us, still in our sweatpants and with messy, unkept hair, walked out of the hotel room without any security or body guards, barely getting past the front door before being seen by about twenty fans and making a run for it toward our rented car.

May the odds be ever in our favor.

- Autumn’s Point of View -

“Yeah! It’ll be fun!”

Lies, Niall. Lies. Lies. Lies.

“No way in hell am I going to go prancing around some celebrity’s birthday in a dress because Mr. LoverBoy over here,” I pointed to Harry, who seemed to be enjoying himself, the bastard, “can’t get a date!”

He shrugged, still smirking, “I already told you my situation, Autumn. Stop being so difficult.”

“What situation?” I practically yelled.

The situation where Liam, Zayn, and Louis had all convinced their girlfriends to come visit for the birthday, Niall had agreed to go with Demi Lovato, and Harry felt like a third wheel? There are people starving in Africa, Harold,  I wanted to scream at him. There are worse things in the world than being a third wheel. 

The worst part of this all was that my dad agreed with him, nodding understandingly when Harry told him that bullshit. 

Wasn’t he supposed to be on my side? There should be a rule book for this, claiming that fathers should always be on their daughters’s sides when it comes to annoying pricks. For example; Harry Styles.

I knew I wasn’t going to win this argument any time soon, but it did make me feel better knowing that I had put up a fight.

I eventually gave in, occasionally giving Harry dirty looks.

After hours of Rita forcing me into dresses, telling me to spin around, forcing me into heels who’s cost would probably feed a family of four for two weeks, yanking my hair with blow dryers and straighteners galore, and painting my face, I was about to have a tantrum, until I saw my reflection in the mirror. Cheesy, I know, but I had to admit that I’d never looked this pretty in my entire life, not even for prom. Rita had done a messy looking bun in the back of my head, something that I know she spent hours on, but looked effortless, which is why I loved it. She had finally come to a conclusion that cream suited my skin tone very nicely and that it would, and I quote, “totally bring out your date’s eyes.” Oh, god. I’m going to regret saying this, but she was right. The slippery material flowed down my body to my lower thighs so elegantly, yet looked effortless. It was sleeveless and made me want to run around the room, twirling and doing pirouettes, but I didn’t exactly want to fall face-flat on the floor because of the white heels, so I held myself in place.

“Oh my goodness,” was all that came out of my mouth.

Rita smiled at me, leaning against the counter in the restroom and admiring her work, “Nice, huh?”

I nodded, my eyes still widened. I didn’t want to touch anything or move, afraid that I would ruin this perfect image.

“Go on then,” she ushered me toward the door, having to push me because I was still mesmerized by the face in the mirror that was supposedly mine.

By now, the boys had all gone off, changed, and went to find their dates. I could hear Harry and my dad conversing in the kitchen. What could they possibly be talking about?  Probably something they had in common. They both knew me... Hopefully, they had other things in common.

Rita held on to my arm as I walked down the stairs, making sure I wouldn’t wobble on the shoes for a moment then roll down the stairs.

“Prepare for landing in 3. 2. 1,” she said jokingly as we finally made it down.

I was beginning to really warm up to Rita. She wasn’t as bad as I expected her to be. She was actually fantastic. I felt bad for my mum, trying to find all the horrible things in her husband’s new wife, her twisted opinion on Rita that was far from correct. I felt guilty for treating her like she was a bimbo for the past few days. I would apologize to her later. Now, I had to worry about not falling.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, holding onto Rita’s hand tightly.

Harry was wearing tux that fit him so nicely, you could almost see his muscles through them. He had his signature bowtie and was smiling, his eyes becoming smaller as he grinned bigger, his dimples deepening.

Rita made a coughing noise to get attention from the two men, not wanting to interrupt their conversation too rudely.

They both turned around, their eyes widening as they saw me.

He opened his mouth and squeaked out, “Wow.”

I tilted my head at him in confusion, smiling, “Good 'wow' or bad 'wow'?”

He stood up and gave me a wide, cheeky grin, “Amazing 'wow'.”

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