The Rider

By Leeyanda15

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Taylor Mckenzie is one twisted mysterious woman. Grew up with no love or parents but a ruthless man who turne... More

Fresh Start
The visitor
The Fountain
The Heat
Black and Blue
Red House
Pitch Black
Phone call
The Baiter
Night Time
First Kill
The Estate
Black Aces
Miss Preźton
Mr Stavato
South Carolina
Dead Angels
On the Move
On The Lookout
An Element
È la donna che
The Only
One Last Time
Author's note
Last one


23 2 0
By Leeyanda15

"Since you been gone I've been having withdrawals."- André 3000

I'm back in my old bedroom with shackles around my ankles. He tied me to the bed and closed every window to prevent any sunlight from coming in. I didn't mind to be honest, it just felt quiet and empty. My back is bleeding. Rob had cut me.

I was crying and each time I did he'd cut deeper. Right now I just felt numb like the world was on the tip of its toes waiting for me to do something but I didn't.... so I just stayed like that.

Rob was furious.

I saw it coming but I guess I just thought that maybe he wouldn't hurt me. Maybe just maybe he didn't know anything about what I had done but he did. He played his favourite jazz song in the background, humming to it while running the knife down my back. I know it's nothing compared to what he really has planned but for now I'll just stare at the ceiling and wonder how I'm going to die.

I wonder how prom is and what it feels like to be a normal teenager. How being happy feels like and not constantly being alert all the time. How does it feel like to be loved and how does someone love. When a mother has a baby for the first time what makes her cry. Is it cause she's scared or cause she's experiencing this emotion called love. Did my mother cry? I doubt she did.

My mind moves to Nikolas who seems happy. Yeah he might be dealing with some stuff here and there but all in all he was happy or maybe at peace. He's normal cause he's able to love. He loves his brother, loves his sister and that girl that left him.

I wonder where they are and how did Rob find me. Was Luca lying to me did he tell him cause how else could Robert find me. He wouldn't. I still have those numbers which he needs but what if it was a game all along. The thought of Luca's betrayal makes me feel bitter and angry. I haven't eaten in two days and I feel like vomiting. I quickly move my head to the side of the bed and start emptying out my stomach.

Luca told me he was falling for me, that's all I can ever keep with me for now.

I don't have the energy to pull myself back up so I sit like that for a while. As I stared at the ground I realised two things. One, I was slowly dying and two I was hoping that Luca hadn't betrayed me.

Yes he was fucked up and tried to kill me multiple times but I trusted him.

I hear footsteps coming from outside the door and someone's shadow. A knock is heard but I don't even bother answering. I hear the person walk in and look up to see Aunt Laura in a red dress with red heels on. Her hair is perfect tied up in a bun and her makeup is done to perfection.

She looks crazy. Her eyes look traumatised and unhinged. She looks like she's out of her element.

"Rise and shine! We need to get you dressed for tonight darling." She says walking towards and empty wardrobe, pretending to look through it.

"I think this will be perfect what do you think?" She says holding out an invisible dress and looking at an invisible mirror, trying to see it on her.

Her left eye twitches and her blue pupils dilute. She's too fidgety than normal and can't put together a proper sentence.

Rob has her on something.

She carries on talking to herself and laughing at her small jokes as I zone out and stare at floor again.

I'll take comfort in my ending.


I wake up and I'm still tied to the bed but this time Robert is with me.

I'm immediately on alert but I'm still weak and badly bruised. My lips are dry and the restraints on my feet feel heavy.

"You know if it wasn't for that boy I wouldn't of found you." He says in a smooth tone staring at wall.

Who is he talking about. Luca?

"Had some nerve barging into my office like that but I guess it all worked out perfectly."

"What did you do to her?"

He doesn't answer me but I know he heard me.

"I've injected her with something. It helps her with the stress she's been having." His voice sounds very constricted and his body is stiff.

"She doesn't love you. Let her go." I whisper in a broken tune as I think about Aunt Laura's eyes.

A frown replaces his face and he turns around to face me. He smiles. A body chilling and crazed smile.

"Now I'm going to ask you one last time. Where's the file and where's the contract?"

I keep quiet and just stare at him.

"Tonight I have some clients coming in and I want you to get dressed. I want them to make you scream at the top your lungs until all the life from you is taken away."

"I'm not going to kill you Taylor. I'm going to torture you and make sure you're alive for each and every second of it."

I quickly move my head to the side of the bed and start to vomit and this time tears come out from my eyes.


It's raining great.

"Eve have you seen my black heels?" Claire shouts from across the room.

"Which ones? The ones with the long strap or the one with the silver thingy on top?"

"The ones with the silver!"

"Check in the laundry room behind that brown box that's on the carpet."

"Found them!" She shouts followed by the sound of something or someone falling.


"Are you okay down there?" I ask finishing up the last of my coffee.

"This shitty dress is ruined now I have to change." She says walking to the wardrobe and going through a few items.

"I'm leaving now, I'm already a few minutes late. I say grabbing my bag and a big raincoat which Claire had gotten from work.

She replies with a small grunt of frustration and I quickly make a leave for it before she starts having a breakdown. Again.

I decided to walk today and take a cab at night for safety reasons. I had been freaked out yesterday when I saw two men following me who turned out to be law enforcement officers but the thought of someone following me scared the shit out of me.

The rain was falling hard and I still had a long way to go. It was in the evening but no one was outside. My shift starts at 4pm and ends at 11pm. Every weekends I was off. I still have a long way to go and the rain wasn't helping. A car passes by me and suddenly slows down which makes me slow down as well. A chill goes down my spine when the driver reverses. It's a small grey car which looks old but still in good shape. The car stops beside me and I stop walking. The door opens to reveal the guy from yesterday. Cole is his name.

"Why are you out here in this weather?" He shouts but the wind makes it difficult for me to hear him.

He gets out the car and quickly helps me with my bag and opens the door the for me which I'm not use to but I get in. As soon as he closes the door the warmth of the car surrounds me like a giant blanket.

He quickly gets in but he's completely wet. His white top is wet and is stuck to his chest and his brown fluffy hair is wet.

"Warm enough for you?" He ask adjusting the heater.

"Yeah its perfect." I say awkwardly feeling weird sitting in his car.

He smiles and I awkwardly smile back as he drives away. Silence engulfs us and I'm desperate for us to arrive at bar.

"I'm sorry about your shirt." I say feeling bad for him.

"Nah it's chilled I always carry an extra set of clothes with me in the back." He replies nonchalantly.

"I have an extra shirt if you want." He says looking at my soaked shirt. My chest is wet and I know I'll be sick if I don't keep warm.

"Yeah that'd be nice."

"Why we're you even walking out alone?" He asks curiously as if threading on a thin line.

"I uhh.. The bus left me so I had to walk." I say making up the first excuse that came to mind.

"Is that why you walked alone yesterday?" He asks looking at now.

"Were you following me?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"I saw you leave."

He's being too invasive and I promise myself to never talk to him again. I wasn't here to make small chat or friends. I came here to make money and he was being too much.

I stare outside the window not wanting to interact with him anymore.

"You know making conversation is very easy. You say something I comment and so on." He says breaking the silence.

The stop lights are red but we're almost there. Sighing I internally roll my eyes and answer him.

"I don't like conversing with people." I say in a flat tone.

"So you're mean and antisocial?"

"Uhhha.. Would you mind going a bit faster I don't want to be late."

After that it's quiet and he intentionally slows down but I bite my tongue and remain quiet.

We finally arrive and he parks his car at the back of the building. He gets out to fetch two shirts from the back and hands me one. I watch him take his off and put on the other one.

"What?" He says staring at me with the shirt in my hand.

He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Chill I'm not going to look." He says turning around, his back facing me but I still don't move a muscle.

He grunts and sighs in defeat.

"Fine I'll wait outside." Cole leaves the car and stands outside that his back is facing me.


I take off my top and replace it with his black one. It's a bit bigger but it's perfect. It's way warmer than my original top and it smells like cigarettes and old perfume.

I get off the car and close the door behind me. Before walking off I turn around and look at him.

"Thanks for the ride and for the shirt."

He nods his head and I turn around and walk away in his big black shirt that smells exactly like him.


The evening goes by quickly without me even checking the time. That guy from yesterday came again but this time I manged to put him in his place, thanks to Cole I guess.

I didn't get any tips tonight and I knew why. I wasn't showing off any skin and was covered up which probably disinterested my customers but at least I was warm. This meant I was walking again but this time I'd make sure that no one see's me.

"We're all going out tonight you should join us." Kate says taking off her apron and changing into a different outfit.

Thinking about the free ride I was going to get I didn't hesitate to say yes.

"Sure sounds like fun." I say trying to seem excited.

I'll probably say I'm not feeling well within the first few minutes and hopefully I'll be dropped off.

She smiles and it looks sincere and beautiful. Unlike mine.

Everyone walks into the lockers all changed and dressed up.

"I'm locking up." Steph says as she places her clothes in her locker.

"Eve's coming with." Kate says but no one seems to care really.

There are four guys and five girls including myself. They walk out and I walk beside Kate feeling a bit unwelcome.

"Jake where's Cole he's slowing us down." She asks as we leave the building.

"Probably with Steph." He says while texting in his phone.

We move towards the parking lot and standing there is Cole with Steph. She's laughing and he's smirking. His hands are wrapped around hers and it looks too intimate that I look away.

As soon as he see's us he seems surprised to see me but quickly hides it.

"What is she doing here?" He questions Kate.

"She's joining us tonight. You have a problem with that?" She says walking past him and I watch as her skin tight dress rises up as she walks.

Cole keeps quiet and mutters something incoherent under his breathe. He's annoyed but I don't know why.

"Let's go people and remember I'm sitting in front tonight." Kate says walking towards Jake's car.

"Come you're riding with me." I feel relieved and happy. I don't think I would've been comfortable in that other car.

Steph rides with us and takes the front seat but I don't mind. Sitting beside me is Lenny a rude boy covered in tattoos. I like him. He doesn't speak a lot.

Steph and Cole have their own conversation and jokes and I'm happy that for once they were ignoring me. Steph's laughter booms the car and Lenny's annoyance grows with time.
I was too focused on how I was going to come up with a lie to go home.

Everyone was wearing revealing dresses and clothes with heavy makeup while I was looking like plain old Eve in a giant shirt with some tomato stain on it. Great.

"Finally were here." Lenny says the irritation clear in his voice and he leaves as soon as the car stops.

Steph steps out and Cole tells her he'll catch up with her.

"Why are you really here?" He suddenly says in a serious tone.

I'm surprised at his sudden mood change but I don't show it. Well this is probably a bad time to ask for a ride home.

"Kate invited me." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Kate knows what type of parties these are but still invited you."

I'm confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask slightly curious and feeling a bit unnerved.

"Come on just stick with me. I'll take you straight home after."

Well he is going to take me home but I certainly was not planning on coming to this part. I'm reluctant to get off but I do making sure to stick with him. How ironic, this afternoon I actually wanted to get away from him and now I'm stuck with him.

It's a house party and it's packed with people. The music is loud and the place is a mess. People playing ping pong in the living, some making out and some passed out on the floor.


Now I really wanted to go home. Cole holds my hand as he drags me through the crowds of drunk people. I don't like being touched but I let him cause I'm scared.

We arrive where everyone is sitting and I quickly draw my hand away from him not wanting any weird attention.

"Eve come sit next to me!" Kate shouts through the loud music and points to an open space next to her on the ground. I join her. Cole sits on the couch next to some girls I've never seen before and just like that forgets about me as he flirts with them.

"Let's play spin the bottle." A girl sitting beside Jake says with a sinister smile. Kate rolls her eyes at her but nevertheless grabs an empty bottle and starts spinning. I'm not sure if I'm also part of this game but I just sit there as the bottle moves around and stops at Eliza.

"I dare you to take off your top." Lenny says with a smirk on his face and everyone else smiles at this.

Eliza looks at him and doesn't even hesitate to take it off. She throws it at his face but he takes it and smells it with a huge grin on his face. Everyone laughs while I stare at her breasts.

"Stop storing Eve." She says in a flat tone I quickly look away feeling embarrassed.

She then spins the bottle and I almost have a heart attack when it slows down in front of me but luckily stops at Kate. A huge amount of weight is lifted from my shoulders. That was close.

Eliza looks at Kate for a long while but finally comes up with something.

"I dare you to kiss Steph while grabbing her ass."

Jake whistles and Steph gives him the middle finger.

"Fuck off Jake."

Shots are going around and everyone is drinking except for me. I'm completely out of my comfort zone but a small part of me is enjoying watching these dares as long as it isn't me who's doing them.

Everyone ohhhhs as they start making out and Kate's hand grabs Steph's ass while at it. The kiss was sexy and very sexual and they laugh it off.

"Here take this. Helps to let loose." Kate says handing me a red cup with brown liquor in it.

I smell it when she's not looking and quickly gulp it down wanting to loosen up a bit. She pours me another glass and smiles when I drink it without any hesitation.

Kate spins the bottle and it feels like a lifetime when it points at me. I swallow hard. I take the shot in front of me and drink it trying to calm my fucking nerves. It burns my throat but it warms my insides a bit.

"I dare you too.... take off you top. Why not?"

I take another shot and this time it feels like there's a fire down my chest but I definitely feel a bit lighter.

Steph giggles at my reluctance making feel embarrassed. Everyone is looking at me wondering if I'll actually do it.

"Come on Kate go easy on her." Steph say and I notice Jake smirk as well.

I put my hands on the hem of the shirt and take it off leaving me only in my bra. I want to throw the shirt on her face but I don't cause it's Cole's and she'll probably flip.

I feel eyes on my chest and I force myself not to cover up. Kate smiles and I can feel Cole's annoyance from here but I ignore him.

I spin the bottle and it points to Lenny who is sitting on a chair. I feel light and very warm and fuzzy.

"I dare you to show us your dick." Everyone is shocked at this and laughter is heard.

Lenny looks taken aback a bit by how forward I am but to be honest I think I'm a little tipsy.

"Only if you'll suck." He says challenging me.

"Pfff.. I'm not sucking you off." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Then show me your boobs and I'll show you my dick." He says smirking as if he knows I wouldn't dare to.

"Okay. Deal." I say shrugging my shoulders.

Everyone is shocked and excited for this. A dick and boobs at once I'd also be excited.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I hear Cole's voice but I ignore him.

"Shut up Cole and let them be." Jake says and looks back at us.

"We'll who's going first?" Kate asks.

"I will." I say standing up and facing Lenny who still has a smile on his face.

I put my hands at the back of my bra to undo it. I finally unclasp it and as soon as I'm about to take it off. Cole quickly rises from the couch and covers me with his chest. My bra falls to the ground and I feel naked.

"What the fuck Cole?" I hear some say and and few more grunts of annoyance.

"Shut the fuck up Jake she's drunk can't you see."

He takes off his shirt and puts it on me, covering me up.

Maybe I am drunk I guess.

He picks up his black shirt I had on earlier, takes my hand and pulls me away from the group. I'm soon hit by the cold night air. We're at the backyard. There are a few people in the swimming pool shouting and laughing. I don't even know who lives here.

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