{ Guardian Of Light } •S...

By Uh__hello

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⚠️No longer being updated.⚠️ The White Lion. Guardian of light. She doesn't just pick anyone to be her paladi... More

The White Lion Stats
Chapter One - { The Garrison }
Chapter Two - { You Can't }
Chapter Three - { Problems }
Chapter Four - { No.... }
Chapter Five - { Finally Shelter... }
Chapter Seven - { Reunion }
(A/N) - { Question Thingy }
Chapter Eight - { The Blue Lion }
Chapter Nine - { Green and Yellow }
Chapter Ten - { The Battle }
{A/N} - 2K!!!!
Chapter Eleven - { I'm a What..? }
Chapter Twelve - { First Time Together }
Chapter Thirteen - { Ignis }
Chapter Fourteen - { Why...? }
Chapter Fifteen - { White Lion }
Chapter Sixteen - { Myzax }
{ A/N } - Q&A
{ Notice }
{ Not a chapter! }
{ Questions & Assumptions }
{ Announcment }

Chapter Six - { One Year Later }

3.2K 108 64
By Uh__hello

Your POV

"KEITH?! Are you almost done with the bike!?" You yelled out the door at the boy working away on the hover bike he found. He was able to find some more parts for it so he began fixing it up. It was about 3pm and he's been working on it all morning so you thought it was about time to call it quits.

"Yeah!! Come here and see!!" He yelled back. There was a loud bang and an ouch when you walked out to see how it was coming. You chuckled and leaned on the bike crossing your arms in the process.

"You okay there big boy?" You said leaning down to see Keith working away underneath the bike fixing the motor.

"Yeah I'm good just banged my head is all" He breathed back "Hand me that screw driver over there would you?" His hand pointed out from under the bike and over to the small work bench he'd set up with all his tools on it. While you guys have been living here you both decided to walk further out into the sandy plains and find some sort of place to get food and other necessities. You stumbled upon a market and got everything you needed from there.

"Sure" You walked over and picked up the screw driver. "What do you even need it for anyway?" You said handing it to his outstretched hand.

"The reason I banged my head was because something came loose so I gotta fix that. If we're driving this thing we don't want shit coming undone." He mumbled focusing on the work at hand.

"Hey language!" You barked at the violet eyed boy. He just huffed a sigh and continued working.

Once he was done he rolled out from underneath it and gave you a huge smile. His face was covered in black as well as his hands but he looked so proud. You laughed gently and patted his back.

"Good job little brother!" You cheered happily. Keith laughed with a big goofy smile on his face.

"Thank you, wanna try it out?" He said eyes widening with excitement. He looked at you hopefully, pleading to ride it in his mind.

"Hmmm......." You put a hand under your chin a scratched. Keith shoved you and you both and burst out laughing. "OF COURSE, god you don't have to ask, you fixed it up to ride didn't you? Not stare at it" you laughed out. Without hesitation Keith jumped onto the hover bike and and inserted the keys that he pulled out of his pocket. You climbed onto the back and held on tight.

"Where are we going?" Keith asked looking back at you over his shoulder.

"Lets go to the market we could use some food for you since you've been working so hard" you teased sticking your tongue out at him. He replied with a nod and lightly laughed.

"Market it is then" He said turning the keys. The bike came to life with a roar with the wings turning to face downward as the air flowed through them lifting you off the ground.

"HA HA! Holy shit!" Keith yelled excited, he revved the engine and glanced back at you with a huge smile. You smiled laughing happily before nodding telling him you were good to go. He turned around and sped off across the sand. He laughed happily as the wind whipped his hair around. You smiled gently watching him. Your short hair flew around in the air sometimes coming back to hit you in the face. You just smiled and threw your arms up into the air.

"This is so AWESOME!!!" You squealed over the wind. Keith glanced back at you with a smirk. Your arms were stretched out enjoying the feeling of wind running through your hair and fingers. Keith chuckled to himself as he watched you, as he turned his head back to the front he was faced with the market coming into view. 'Holy shit this bike is fast' he thought.

"Hey (Y/N)! Look there's the market! Already!" You heard Keith yell over the wind.

"Damn this bike is fast!" You yelled back earning a chuckle from the young violet eyed boy. Keith drove the bike over and parked it up close to some other bikes and hopped off.

"Why'd you wanna come here anyway?" He asked extending his hand to help you off the bike.

"Because I want to get some things! And why not? We've got the whole day to do nothing. We may as well go somewhere. Plus didn't you want to get something for your little map on our wall?" You said hopping off the bike with his help.

"Oh! Yeah your right! It was just some more paper and pins. I got more stuff to put up. Y'know that thing I keep mentioning and feeling deep in my gut, is meant to happen today so lets just wait it out." He said walking off into the market. You followed after him glancing around at all the small items the venders had. You thought about getting some more food for the shack while you were here so you told Keith you were going off to the food side of the market. With a nod from him you set off. The market wasn't small but wasn't huge either. It had all the right amount of things and necessities you could ask for, so it really helped you get through this past year. The search for your beloved friend Shiro seemed to never end. Every time you thought you found something that got you closer to finding him, it led to a dead end. It made you frustrated and sad at the same time. You couldn't imagine what he was going through. Honestly it scared you to think about it so you just indulged yourself in the market.

*Small Time Skip*

It was now starting to get dark at the market and you and Keith had found what you needed and so you both decided to head back to the small beat up shack.

You and Keith were now back on the bike getting ready to leave when you saw a huge explosion in the sky followed by something falling out of it, your eyes light up and followed the ship like thing all the way to its crash sight.

"What the hell was that?!" Keith yelled panicked

"I have no idea...we should check it out" You said smiling

"Are you crazy?! We don't even know what it is?! What if it's something bad?" He replied back anxiously

"What if it's got something to do with your little thing going on huh? What if it's got something to do with Shiro?!" You barked back looking him in the eyes. They widened slightly at your small outburst but soon became dark with worry. He turned around and jammed the key into the keyhole turning it sharply and the bike blared to life. It lifted you both off the ground and Keith turned sharply to the left and sped off in the direction of the strange explosion. The wind blew through your hair as you kept an eye out for anything strange looking like for instance the ship like thing. Keith sped along the sand dodging huge mounds of rock. As you got closer you began to see that here was a base built around the crash sight.

"Keith stop. There's a base built around the sight, we won't be able to get in with guards there." You said quietly as he slowed the bike down. You placed a had on his shoulder standing up on the bike. You glanced over the area you were in and it was filled it huge mountains and bits of rock. There was a huge space of land behind the base.

"If we create a distraction we can sneak in" You said sitting back down.

"But what kind of distraction?" Keith questioned turning back to you. You began rummaging through your bag. Your hand closed around a small device you'd been saving for a time like this.

"A distraction caused with this" You said holding up some explosives.

"Holy shit (Y/N)! You just had those in your bag?! What I'd hey went off??" Keith said grabbing them out of your hands inspecting them.

"They won't just go off. They have to be detonated" You said smirking holding up the trigger button. Keith looked at you with shock all over his face.

"Since when did you build explosives?" He asked curiousness lingering in his eyes.

"I learned a while ago but recently built some. I thought we may need them and we do now so I think I made the right choice bringing them!" You exclaimed patting him on the back. He just chuckled and nodded.

"We should go set them up before we lose our chance" You said nudging him with your elbow. He nodded again and turned the bike back on making it roar to life.

Once you arrived at the open space behind the base you hopped off the bike and ran towards a nice spot to place your homemade explosives. You knelt down on one knee and placed the explosive down gently. You flipped up a small flap containing all the buttons to properly program the explosive. Quickly programming them both, you bolted back to the bike.

"We all good?" Keith asked starting up the bike again.

"Yeah! We're good! Let's get back to the entrance and wait for an opportunity to blow these suckers!!" You said bouncing with excitement.

You both got back to the entrance and saw twobguards standing outside. You turned to Keith and nodded your head holding up the trigger device. He smirked and nodded back pulling up his bandana getting ready to barge in. You giggled with happiness, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You and Keith were pressed up against a huge rock outside the base with the bike parked behind it. You glanced over at Keith and pressed the button.


The explosives lit up and erupted with flames behind the building, black smoke rose into the air in huge clouds of dust and debris. You and Keith looked at each other with big eyes and bolted towards the door as the guards left their positions. Once you were inside you ran down the small hallway and soon you were both met with three scientists watching and working over a man laying on a medical type table. Keith ran up to one and punched him square in the face knocking him over. Another came running up behind him ready to attack and Keith whirled around lifting his leg high, it collided with the mans face and he lost his balance and continued to fall to the floor. Your eyes drifted to the left, gaze hard as they connected with the guards. He put his fists up ready to fight. You scoffed. As if he'd ever beat you.

'Last one'

Your eyes narrowed and a lit up with fury as you smirked evilly and dashed around the medical table. You threw punches at the man and he dodged a far few of them. He quickly turned around to the cart behind him and grabbed a needle that rested upon a tray. Your eyes widened at the sight of the needle glimmering in the light. Before he could jab it into your neck you blocked his arm, grabbing it and twisting it behind him, making him drop the needle and yell out in pain. You let him go and you were able to fool him by faking a punch to gave him a good ol' uppercut causing him to fly into the the carts holding all the medical supplies, mainly needles. You stood above him as he was trying to get up again but before he could you slammed your foot into the side of his head making his body fall limp on the ground. You panted heavily with the lack of air getting to your lungs.

You glanced up at Keith your fists tightening ready to fight again your mind was clouded as you looked at the boy. He was staring at you with shock all over his face. When he looked into your eyes he saw them glow a golden colour but when you blinked hard it disappeared. You must have gotten really fired up when you attacked the guard because now you were extremely hot and dizzy. You stumbled as your eyes began to close slowly and your legs gave way, Keith rushed to your aid.

"Easy there tiger.." He said gently, lifting you up and resting you on the side of the table the mysterious man was laying on, sleeping soundly. You laughed lightly.

"I'm okay" You tried to stand up straight but failed to do so.

"I'll believe that when I see it" He said looking at you with worry dancing in his eyes. You sighed and sat there for a couple minutes.

"I think I'm good now" You said slowly easing yourself up using the table as support. Keith looked at you with confusion.

"What?" You questioned the violet eyed boy

"Oh n-nothing, let's see who this guy is" He said walking around the other side of the table. The man had a metal prothstetic arm starting just below his shoulder. He had a white tuffet of hair surrounded by black signalling he had gone through an unnecessary amount of stress, there was also a huge scar reaching across his nose. Keith reached over and moved the mans face towards him. You watched as his eyes widened slightly. He looked back up at you with happiness in his eyes.

"(Y/N) you may want to see who this is" He said stepping aside. You looked at him confused but walked around the table and glanced down getting a closer look at the mans face. Your heart almost stopped at the sight. Your breath caught in your throat as tears began to burn your eyes. You brought a hand up to your mouth as you stifled a cry.

The only word you managed to muster out was.



Aaaannnnddd cliffhanger! I know I'm sorry but I had to! This chapter was so fun to write but took me forever! I needed the right amount things for this chapter. A mixture of my own writing plus the story line of Voltron! I hope this chapter was enjoyable! And I hope to see you guys in the next one! Muhahaa that's the end of this one!

Bye for now my lovely's!! ❤️

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