The Skater and The Artist

By JinxTheOneAndOnly

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The Skater and The Artist
The Fight
Nightmares and daydreams
Morning talks
Is she real?
The visitor...
Crashing down
Meeting up again
What do you do with a depressed teenager?
Starting the foundation
The best night of our lives
Final day: Easter

The sleepover

172 4 1
By JinxTheOneAndOnly

(Roxy pov)

"This is going to be so cool!" Emily said jumping up and down wincing in pain as she did.

"Calm down you'll hurt yourself." I said laughing. She eventually did and sat down. I smiled... were her cheeks red... I wonder if she was slapped by those guys.

"Hey Roxy?" Jo whispered knocking on the door.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"C-can I come in..." She stuttering... she never stuttered. 

"Yes... What happened." I looked at her. She was crying!

"My boyfriend dumped me and called me a *whisper* dyke." I was mad and relieved  at the same time. The guy she was dating was a total dick but he shouldn't have called MY sister a dyke.

"Come here." I said hugging her.

"He t-threatened to r-rape me! I h-hate him!" She said bawling on my shoulder.

"Hey... Its okay." I hear Emily whisper. I looked up at her. Oh my god she was adorable..

"Guys are jerks as your sister said. Looks like we're all having a bad day huh." She sail smiling. Jo gave a small laugh and we invited her to stay with us for the sleep over. She did but for some reason she promised to try to be quiet because Emily and I didn't mind. We decided to watch once upon a time and we ended up yelling at the T.V. for Mulan to admit her love to Aurora. 

"Oh c'mon! Just tell hey you love her!" Jo yelled.

"Ugh Aurora are you kidding me!" I yelled.

"Wow I'm suprised you two are related." Emily said teasing us. I blushed and looked away. 

"We should play truth or dare!" Jo said smiling. Oh hell no!

"Sure it will be fun!" Emily said. I slapped myself on the inside but on the outside I just smiled.

"Jo sense you sugested it you go first." I said keeping my cool.

"First we have to make the pledge that we can't get out of any truth or dare no matter what." She said smiling. What was she planning.

"I pledge to do every dare and always speak the truth no matter what." We all said out loud.

"Okay... Emily truth or dare?" She said laughing.


"Okay I dare you to do a hand stand." She said laughing. Emily stood up and... attempted it... but ended up falling over.

"Alright my turn. Roxy truth or dare?" She said panting and laughing at the same time.

"Dare!" I said a little bit to quickly because she gave me a devilish smile. That can't be good.

"I dare you to tell me who's your crush." Crap she hit the jack pot. 

"A guy named Nathan," I lied, "Okay Jo truth or dare?"

"Truth I'm playing it safe."

"What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at school?" I asked. She blushed.

"I was talking to my crush when I ran face first into a pole..." She mumbled. Emily and I burst out laughing. We played a little longer until our stomachs growled. I decided to ask dad if we could order pizza and of course he said yes so we waited for about twenty minutes when the pizza guy showed up who happened to be blake. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey shut up everyone has to get money somehow." He said quickly.

"I'm guessing the pizza is cold now?" I said flicking his hair.

"Yes and I spit into it to." He said smiling. We continued to mess around until he had to go. I payed the money and boom we had pizza.

"Hey Roxy how are you going to skate board now that its broken?" Emily asked. I shrugged.

"I have a spare." I answered showing her the new skate board. It had a rainbow under cover so that was cool.

"Hey I have one last dare that I didn't get to do." Jo protested.

"We stopped like thirty minutes ago." I said smiling.

"Aw please!!!" She begged. I sighed and looked at Emily.

"Whats one more dare?" She said giggling. I shrugged.

"Okay Jo last one now shoot." I said. She gave me a devilish grin even worse than Emily's.

"Hey Emily truth  or dare?" She said smiling.

"I don't know dare why you said you wanted to do a final dare right?" She said confused. Jo quickly threw us to mints and laughed.

"I dare you to kiss Roxy!" My heart stopped. thats why she gave us the mints and I had already eaten mine. Jeez my sister was one hell of a jinx. Emily blushed. 

"Oh come on you can't make us..." She said but Jo shook her head.

"You took the pledge. Now kiss!" She said laughing. I felt a nervous sweat start. My cheeks were on fire!

"Okay fine." She said and I watched in shock as she started to move closer to me until our lips were inches apart...

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